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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic

"People never liked me anyways...." Harrison said in a cold tone, standing up. "And probably never will." He continued, now in a sarcastic tone before turning around and walking off, leaving the classroom.

@chewy91 etc.
A piece of paper was clutched within delicate digits as a young girl ran through the gates, obviously late. "Damn it." She said to herself before crinkling the paper in her hand. The sound of boots hitting the pavement sounded as she ran through the empty entrance, heading inside the school. "I always end up lost" She grit her teeth in irritation at herself, continuing to run. A sign above a door read office, and she slowed, wrapping her hand around the handle before pulling it open. A blush touched her cheeks as her violet gaze lifted to the front desk, pushing caramel locks out of her face before lowering her hands to tug at the bottom of her black tank top, pulling it over the waistband of her cut off jean shorts. "Sorry I am late, I don't know where I am supposed to go now." She said as her blush brightened. "I am Mina."
Looks as Harrison starts to leave, turns around and grabs his arm. "We never said for you to leave, you just need to calm down.. Mind your own business It's only the first day I don't think anyone should be getting into anyone else person business just yet." Looks up at him, exhaling and letting his arm go, Walks away in search of pet again.
Harrison stood still while she hold his arm, but when she finally let go, he continued out of the class, just going to a random direction, not even bothering to look where he was going.

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Glances over seeing him leave, shrugs a bit looking for Rowan. "Stupid rat where are you?" Shifts into the form of a tan tabby, sniffs air for the rodent starts to smell his scent. Growls and Bolts out of the classroom, paws racing against the ground as follows the scent of Rowan.
Aki felt really bad. I mean who wouldn't.....but Aki was different. She felt really....REALLY....bad. "I'm such an idiot! Why can't you keep your comments to yourself....." she started mumbling and scolding herself. "It all started because of my stupid face...." It looked like she was about to cry.....and for a stupid reason too. It was a bit funny watching her beat herself up for it though.

(People in room)
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Runs past Harrison not waiting to look, nose still pointed skyward in order to find the Rat, Growls as turns a corner. Looking around for the gray body of the Rodent. "Where is he?" Meows to self looking around
Rin sat up and just looked at Aki, "Don't beat yourself up too much..." he said it in sort of an uncomfortable tone, but he wasn't used to this kind of stuff. He was actually feeling this weird emotion, like the one he buried deep down when he was 10... Guilt? Sadness? But why... it's not like he had done anything. Maybe it was just the scene of someone in pain.

Aki shook her head and sighed, "Jeez.......I made someone hate me already...." Her glum expression still remained as she stopped going overboard. She sat back in her chair and laid back half way stretching out her arms and legs. Her arms slowly retracted back to her lap as her head fell back slightly. She was asleep........ Aki was like a child.....she threw a hissy fit and falls asleep.

@Grimmlock etc.
Rin sighed a bit and chuckled, "Asleep?" He asked himself before standing up. After he stretched, he went and sat at a desk behind Aki and rested his head down on his arms and calmed down, trying to stay awake. It may have seemed weird that he was staying in an empty classroom with a sleeping girl... but he sort of felt like he should do this.
(Ay guys, i got my nook backkkkk :D uhm... am i allowed to join?)

Athena woke up in an empty classroom, even the teacher seemed to have vanished. She could hear some voices from far off and stood, dropping her books and pencil on the floor, along with the paper she must`ve been doodling on before she fell asleep. It contained a half sketched-out man with pheonix wings,, the flames stretching out into a sun with blazing rays. "Hello?..." she called, gulping. She didn`t like people much, but being alone in a new school was worse.
((Grimmlord xD i like it))

Rin looked up at Harrison as he grabbed his wheelchair, "Hey, um, do you think that you could stay and wait... Aki seemed really upset that she pissed you off... so could you wait around for a bit?"
TokumeiNoJorogumo said:
(Ay guys, i got my nook backkkkk :D uhm... am i allowed to join?)
Athena woke up in an empty classroom, even the teacher seemed to have vanished. She could hear some voices from far off and stood, dropping her books and pencil on the floor, along with the paper she must`ve been doodling on before she fell asleep. It contained a half sketched-out man with pheonix wings,, the flames stretching out into a sun with blazing rays. "Hello?..." she called, gulping. She didn`t like people much, but being alone in a new school was worse.
((Are you in the classroom with Harrison, Aki, and I?))
"Fine, I will stay." Harrison put the wheelchair down and look around. "Hope she wakes up soon.....I get bored easily..." He joked, leaning agaisnt the wall, waiting for Aki to stand up.

@Everyone in the room
The Feline looked around her ears pulled up as looks around for Rowan, finally seems him huddled in another room. "What happened, where were you, are you ok?" Asks the rat but doesn't wait for any answers picks the rat up by the extra skin in his neck. Starts to pad back to class, padding into the room with the rat hanging from jaws.
(You should ^.^ @TokumeiNoJorogumo )

Rin smiled a little bit, "It might be a while, she just fell asleep," he explained as he pulled out his black notebook which he had previously been doodling in and continued his skull drawing.
Aki woke up a bit later with a terrified expression on her face. She looked away from the group hoping they didn't see that.....Then she'd be questioned all over again. She softly slapped her cheeks to shake the expression off and looked over at the other two. She saw Harrison and thought that he hated her. She avoided eye contact. "Um.."

@LoneWalker @Grimmlock
Athena woke up in an empty classroom, even the teacher seemed to have vanished. She could hear some voices from far off and stood, dropping her books and pencil on the floor, along with the paper she must`ve been doodling on before she fell asleep. It contained a half sketched-out man with pheonix wings, the flames stretching out into a sun with blazing rays. "hello?..." she called, taking her eyes off her drawing, she gulped. She didn`t like people much, but being alone in a new school was worse.
"W-wha- Why are you apologizing? I'm the one that insulted you....." she said. "Well, kind off...." she whispered to herself.

Rin wasn't really paying attention to all of the forgivness stuff going on around him. He was only there because he felt like he had a responsibility to see this out. As Rin continued to doodle, he heard a girls voice from down the hall. His brow furrowed and he stood up looking in the direction of the call, "Hey, I'll be right back... don't make out too much," he said, trying to impliment some humor before he left the room and walked in the direction of the call.

@LoneWalker @TokumeiNoJorogumo @ForgottenSky9272
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