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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic

Aki gave a small chuckle to admire his joke. Aki didn't want to ask about his 'past' she just left it at that. He won with the apologizes.....she left that alone also.. "We cool?" she said slightly looking back at him.

The tan tabby, looked around at the student, exhales softly tail sways a little. Walks over the table where was as a mouse, jumping up and laying down while placing chin one paws. Looks at Rowan who is curled up beside, pulls tail around the Rat. Curling protectively around him as closes eyes. Feeling isn't really needed, decides to take a small nap.
Rin wasn't really paying attention to all of the forgivness stuff going on around him. He was only there because he felt like he had a responsibility to see this out. As Rin continued to doodle, he heard a girls voice from down the hall. His brow furrowed and he stood up looking in the direction of the call, "Hey, I'll be right back... don't make out too much," he said, trying to impliment some humor before he left the room and walked in the direction of the call.

(I think I'm walking toward the room you're in :P )
Tokumei shivered, although the room was quite warm, and rubbed her shoulders, they began to ache mysteriously whenever her blood pressure was raised and honestly right now it was. "Eh?..." she jerked as the light flickered and she hugged her torso, shivering, arms twitching uncontrollably. Her emerald eyes teared up and she rushed to pick her stuff up, books in one arm and pencil in hand, drawing in the other hand, she raced towards the door.

(@Grimmlock )
Rin heard racing footsteps in the classroom next to him, "Is this where that noise came from?" He asked himself. Rin brushed some hair out of his face before going to open the door. It seemed a little weird, but he only sensed one person in the room. Rin exhaled a bit and put his hand on the freezing cold knob, "Huh," He asked himself. He then went to turn the knob. As the door creaked open, he felt a blast of cold air and heard the someone racing toward him. "Hello?" he asked, as he finished opening the door up all the way.

Tokumei's lashes fluttered as an image screened across her face a second before she hit the doorframe and although it was toolate to stop, she did try. In doing so, though her fear escalaated into horror as she crashed headlong into a boy's torso. Her being only five three she was at stomacvh height but with as much as she had been rushing, she bowled them both over easily.
"Well, um....do you know the deal about the teacher? Someone told me that they weren't even coming......So..What now?.." she said quickly changing the subject.


(Sorry for late reply)
Rin fell on the floor flat on his back, "Agh..." He groaned as his previously dizzy vision returned to normal. As he looked around, he noticed the that the girl that knocked him over was on top on him, "Uh... Hi," He said with a bit of a strained voice. His backpack was on the other side of the hall, and the impact knocked the hood off of his head, but he was completely focused on why this girl was alone in a classroom and why she was in a hurry.

"Oh um yeah sure, the period ends in a bit.....I'll stay here 'till then." she smiled slightly and waved. Aki kind of stared at his wheelchair as she waved. She wondered why he lied about being paraplegic.. Could it be because of powers he has? No.....He can control sand...Can't be that... She shook the question off.

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A quiet "uhf" escaped her lips as she felt the impact of hitting the floor. And now her shoulders really hurt. [God i'm a fraidy cat..] was the only words in her head as she rolled over onto the cold tiled floor. Her eyes fluttered shut, she just wanted to sleep more because this day was not turning out good at all. Then his image flashed across her mindand her eyes shot open, pupils dilating and irises growing for a moments time as her eyes adjusted to the schools harsh light.

"E...e...eh i'm so sorry senpai!" She squeeked timidly. she wished she could sink into a hole and just... not... be here. Today stank.
"Okay then..." Harrison go to where his wheelchair was, quickly glancing at Aki before flipping the chair over and grabbing something under it. 'Got it....' He thought as he walk away with the 'thing' ,leaving the wheelchair there.

"Uh... it's fine... I was just coming to check up on you I guess. I heard your call down from down the hallway... Are you okay?" He asked as he stood up, brushed himself off, and held out his hand, offering to help the girl up. He jerked his head to side to get some of his long black hair out of his face and then just looked at the girl, wondering what her next move was. That may be a little strange, but that's sort of how he was raised.

Aki noticed him reaching for something, but didn't really think much of it. She looked around and she was alone in the class. She gave out a sigh as she sat in one of the desks in the back. She put her hand out and produced a ball of fire on the tip of her finger. Aki put her hand down as the fire disappeared. She put her head down on the desk. She closed her eyes and was half asleep. A horrified image appeared; it was pitch-black and a bunch of little kids with hollowed out eyes had tears on their faces. There were just about less than a dozen there. They all clung onto her saying things such as, "Why did you leave us behind? Why don't you like us anymore? .......Why did you kill us?" Her eyes flung open as she stared at the window that was straight in her line of view. Aki got up and dusted her skirt off as if she were wiping things off of it. She walked towards the door and went to go look for a bathroom. Halfway down the hallway, she saw two on the floor getting up. Aki gave a quick stare as she passed by them.

@Grimmlock @TokumeiNoJorogumo
"It's.....okay." she said slowly as she stared at the thing in his hand. "What's that for?" she accidentally said, but not that loudly.

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Aki thought she shouldn't butt in.....but her curiosity got the best of her. Plus, she had nothing else to do, since the teachers weren't showing up... She turned and pretended to look for the restroom once again. Once she turned the corner she stopped and peeked back out. Aki could be stealthy if she tried....but she wasn't taking this seriously. She waited for him to make his next move.

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Harrison decided to go to the dorms to hide his....'portable generator', he walked around the halls for some time before finally locating them, so he quickly open the door of an empty one, quickly closing it as he entered, he slipped the generator under the bed, as he sat down on the same bed, closing his eyes and resting his head agaisnt the wall.


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