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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic

Archangel michael gave him a morose look, as if it caused him excruciating pain to see his daughter with a high demon, and he would sigh, his wings folding back onto him and seemingly disappearing, just a distortion of space like liquid glass as he began to reply.

"Tell her it's from a friend and that with her new-found form, her powers will increase and that she needs to practice..... But there is a catch. She IS half human, and therefore not pure. She can become a fallen seraph. This is whereyou come in, rin kazumi. This is fate, for you two to have met, it has been foretold for centuries, but we knew not who, why or how. Even your parents knew."

At this point he sighed, a melancholy visage was his own as he stared at the two, Tokumei sleeping soundly on him, cuddled into the crook of his neck. "Consider it not only your duty, rin kazumi, but a personal favor on my behalf, to help keep her in check. If you fail.... " He fell silentand looked down, " She could die. Consider it just gone from existence. She will become a spirit, floating in the endless void. So please," He said looking back up to him, eyes seemingly pleading. "Do this. If not for me, then her."
This was a hell of a lot to take in. Not only was Rin part of some sort of ancient prophecy that his dad knew of, he was the deciding factor to see if Tokumei would live the rest of eternity as a winding spirit. "Alright, Michael. I'll take care of your daughter, and make sure that she develops her powers and becomes strong, but remember, im not doing this for you." He said while examining the blade on the ground beside him.

There was a long pause between Rin's last sentence and and what he was about to say due to all of his thoughts. He had the general of heaven standing right in front of him, telling him that he had a destiny to protect his daughter, so he could answer some questions right? "Before you go, angel... Can you tell me anything about my father?" Rin's face was red with embarrassment, something that hadn't happened in a long time. But it was one of a weird feeling that didn't seem to be his own. Maybe it was demon inside of him, feeling defiled for having to ask their enemy a question. Nevertheless, Rin wanted an answer.

(Btw I updated my CS)
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Michael looked pained as vivid memories flashed through his mind and it was visible upon his face and iin his eyes. He could remember a time before time itself, in the making of their creation fate had said this to be destiny but it still hurt... He sighed. "We were friends..." His eyes had a far away look, as if not looking at rin but his father himself. "Best of friends, actually..... Do you know of our origins, rin? I don't have much time left as my energy upon this plane is waning, but i have a bit left to spare." He said, trying to sort out in his mind how he would explain the very complicated story of their creation and the evolution of their fates.

Athena shivered slightly as the air conditioning kicked on, and, still snoring, cuddled closer to rin.

(@Grimmlock Tis fine, i quite understand :3)
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Lucifer and Michael were once best buds? This would be an interesting story, "No. I don't know anything about your origins." Rin answered bluntly. As he waited for an answer from the archangel, he started to hear a deep, masculine voice, echoing inside of his head. "Am I really trusting an angel? These things would do anything they could to take down the son of Satan's strongest General." Rin looked around frantically to find where the voice was coming from, but when he saw that Michael wasn't fazed a bit, Rin came a creepy conclusion. "Who are you?" Rin thought. Immediatly, the deep subconscious voice responded. "Well, I guess I'm you." Every time it spoke, you could some kind evil in his voice, like his murder plan was falling right into place. "If your me, then why haven't I heard you before?" Another immediate response "Well, you've had your wings summoned for an awfully long time. Haven't you?" Rin looked down and examined his torn and bloodied leg. "What does that have to do with anything?" This time instead of an immediate response, Rin heard a quiet, raspy, and evil laugh practically shaking the base of his skull. "I'll let you figure that out," the voice said in an amused sort of tone. As soon as Rin felt the presence leave, he felt way more physically strained. His breathing became quicker and beads of sweat started dribbling down his face. Even though this seemed random and possibly serious, Rin just blew it off as a side affect from talking with his demon self

(Just thought I could open up some things to progress down the road :P btw HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL)
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Archangel michael's face looked as pale as athena's had when all her blood began to leave her body, the ichor taking it's place. It was clear he needed to return to the astral plane soon. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and his breathing was just slightly labored, but true to his word, he stayed.

"Long before this plane of existence was created, we were but thoughts in the entity's mind. The entity is that which everything is created from, the colorless void. This is unfathomable to almost all beings, but it is on this plane of existence nothing can survive but thoughts. Our plane," He said quietly,holding up a palm and from it a vision of his father would screen into existence translucent, but there, "Is the astral plane of energy. It is here we are to stay for all eternity, until the void begins to leak, and from there in, everything will go awry. Now, we are able to pull small strings, yes, from both sides, but anything major as of now? no. But i suppose thhat your father is what brought this up. The void thought us into existence, yes, but fate is always there, invisible hands to shape the clay of time. They could not foresee a world of peace and therefore, your father's father, satanus.... His creation was imminent... After the great split," He said as sweat dripped from his forehead, "I am sorry, child but i must go."He said as he began to shimmer out of this plane.

Athena stirred restlessly as if she were not dreaming, but trapped in a nightmare, and only moments later rin's wound began healing up, as if something was stealing her dreams and shifting it to a healing energy.
Rin stared in awe as the angel vanished from "this plane of existence." As the last of Michael's shimming particles disappeared, he whispered something no demon as probably ever said in all of history, "Thank you, Michael." Another moment passed by before another breathtaking occurrence happened. Rin stared at Athena as his shredded leg started healing. He knew it was her as he felt some sort of magical output coming seeping from her into Rin. As the gash closed, Rin remembered that he still had his wings extended, so with a little force from his almost depleted magic supply, he was almost back to normal.

As soon as his leg was healed, and he could sit down on his own without passing out from pain, he tried to move his legs into a crossed position without having Tokumei wake up, "Don't worry Athena, everything will be okay," Rin whispered as his gazed transferred over the the holy sword covered in midnight black cloth. "He could've slain me on the spot and gave the blade to Athena himself..." He muttered.
Athena woke from her nap about thirty minutes later, hair slightly mussed from her incessant tossing and turning, but in spite of it all she slept... pretty well. She yawned and ssat up, eyes closed and her face slightly blushing as her body began to wake. She suddenly looked around at the damage that had been caused and looked fearfully to the boy rin.

"I-it.... wasn't a dream?" She half asked half thought aloud. then she feltsomething brush her cheek. It was soft, like something out of a dream, it was comfort, love, happiness in a form.. But it still freaked her the heck out. She started screaming, her back arching.. "Rin-Senpai!!! Help! Help me! what is that?!" Her eyes were fearful, and they began to tear up from it.

Rin winced at Athena's reaction, "H-Hey, don't worry!" He said in a half sympathetic, half worried tone. "Everything's going to be fine, Tokumei, we just need to talk some things over, so please, calm down." Rin stood up and gently wiped away some of tears that fell from her eyes. "Hey," He said in a quiet and soothing voice, "You have to trust me. We are going to work everything out." As Rin tried to sooth her with his half-hearted messages of hope, he remembers about the holy sword that he was supposed to give to her. "Maybe later..." he thought as moved it behind his legs as stealthily as possible. "So Tokumei... would you like to go to you dorm and get some rest, or do you need water or anything like that?" He asked her, trying his best to hide the fact he was trying to avoid something for the time-being.

@TokumeiNoJorogumo (Sorry for the short post >.<)
Matsu walks around the halls trying his best to avoid anyone in the halls. "What should I do?" Matsu wonders. He continues to walk avoiding eye contact with everyone.
Aki had soon fallen asleep right outside of the boys dorm when waiting for the someone to come out. Her blonde hair slightly fell in front of her eyes, and her head fallen onto her shoulder. She was in an awkward position, but was sleeping like a baby.

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