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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic

Aki stopped when he entered the boys dorm, her fun had ended...... Even she wasn't dumb enough to go up there..... I could just wait.. she thought. She sat outside of the building's dorm patiently waiting. Her eyes closed as the wind rustled by feeling nice against her skin. She just sat there waiting for either Harrison to come out, or something exciting to happen in a school full of magical students......


(I'm logging off, I'll be on in 18 hours. Cya.)
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You guys forgot about meh xc))

Opens eyes a little slowly, looking around seeing that everyone was gone from the room. Stands up shaking pelt out, and giving shoulder fur a few licks looks around the empty room, sighs quietly sitting and curling tail around paws as looks about. Giving a quiet yawn as shakes sleep from head.
"Uh... it's fine... I was just coming to check up on you I guess. I heard your call down from down the hallway... Are you okay?" He asked as he stood up, brushed himself off, and held out his hand, offering to help the girl up. He jerked his head to side to get some of his long black hair out of his face and then just looked at the girl, wondering what her next move was. That may be a little strange, but that's sort of how he was raised.
(Thanks for being patient wif me.)

Tokumei managed to stutter out a "H-Hai" to his question and reached for his hand, jerking back suddenly when throb of pain hit her shoulders. Her face was actually paler than usual, a hint to how much her upper back and shoulders wer eaching. It felt like the muscles were tearing, aching, shifting under an invisible weight. She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up.

"Thank you, s-senpai." She muttered, her face flushing slightly despite her pain. His features were gorgeous and it made her feel plain, not to mention how embarrassed she was.
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(Yeah anytime! ^.^)

"Yeah, no problem... but are you okay, do you need to see a doctor or something though? You look a little pale," Rin said in one of his more concerned tones. He could tell that something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what... Was something on his hand? He checked and was a little confused when he saw nothing was the matter, "Maybe her arm?" Rin thought.
Athena stared at his shoes, one eye clenched shut as she rubbed her left shoulder. There seemed to be a golf ball sized bump just below her shoulder blade to the left of her spine. She may need to tell her father, as just feeling around it left it sore and throbbing.

"Ah.... I..... I'ts just my shoulders.... They've begun aching since just b-before i arrived here. Uhm.... senpai?" Near the ending her tone changed into curiosity.
Rin furrowed his brow and looked down at the girl, "Should I take you the nurse?" He asked in a more formal tone. He didn't find anything weird with what he did so he just decided to ignore her curiosity. After his question he then brushed his unkempt hair to the side, and threw his hood back over his head.
She winced as she took a deep breath. She wasnt to great talking to people and it was making her nervous, but she didn't want to seem cowardly. "n-no... i'm fine..." she said slowly.

Seeing as he ignored her the first time she repeated again quite patiently, "a-ah... senpai?" her eyes still gazing at the direction of his shoes.
Rin shrugged his shoulders after his request got denied, but he still felt a sense of duty in taking care of this girl... When she spoke up again he knelt down on the floor so she might look him in the eye, "Huh?" He asked.
She shivered upon seeing the handsomeness of his visage once again., the messy black hair, the almost chiseled jawline.....

She looked to the side as her heart raced, no longer from fear but from... What was the word?.... Attraction? She gulped as she blinked, lashes fluttering shut then opening as she glanced his way and back again.

"Wh....What is your name, senpai?"
Her question seemed so random at the time it almost made Rin laugh, "Oh, my name's Rin Kazumi... What's yours?" He asked. Rin wanted to do his best to be polite. It was a little strange though because he usually didn't care about others, but he genuinely felt concerned. Was it something about the girl? Or maybe he was changing..? Possibly both?
In spite of herself and the situation, Tokumei's lips pulled up into a shy smile, her eyes glancing up at him, the green of them seeming to shift with her mood from a dark viridian to an airy emerald right before his very eyes.

She didnt know why she felt comfortable, more comfortable than with other people,or why so quickly, but she did... she trusted him.

"M-My name?..... E-eh.... It's tokumei, s-senpai. Tokumei no Serafimu.B-but call me athena!" She sputtered her worrds in the beginning but she she neared the end she just sounded like an idiot, blurting it out. [ohhh... Athena you dum-dum....] she thought and subconciously scolded herself.
Rin smiled at Tokumei's attempt at a sentence, "Well, nice to meet you." He said I a calm soothing tone. It was strange that he would talk to someone like this, especially after a battle, but like his previous thoughts... Something was different about her. Rin's smile disappeared as he continued to think though. The whole reason they were talking was because Athena was in pain. She had already denied his request to walk her to the nurses office, but for some reason, he really didn't want anything to happen to this girl, so he came up with a genius plan. Rin took a deep breath and looked at the girl for a little longer before standing up. As he stood up, he decided it was time to take action, so he stretched out his arms, and picked Athena up bridal style, "We need to get your arm's checked out," he said in a more serious tone then before.
A moment after rin had her in his arms athena screamed in pain, loud enough and sharp enough you wouldve thought that the windows wouldve broken.

A flash of green was seen as it knocked her loose from rins grasp. It was... a vine? the floor rippled and thumpedd as a larger vine bursts through the floor and picked her up as she moaned and screamed yet again, this time though the sound of gnashing bone and tearing tendons was heard as a spike of bone protruded from the underside of each of her shoulder blades. Athenas eyes rolled back into her head as she began to faint, but the wall of vines that protruded from the ground to seperate her and rin gained jaws and teeth, and waved back and forth threateningly.
The moment Rin rebounded from the first attack he was on the offensive. He summoned his wings right away, so he could out maneuver the spined vines. He also cover the blades of his swords in demonic flames so the monster would burn to ash; he wasn't going to let nothing else happen to Athena.

There was a lot of hacking, slashing, and burning going on around Rin. He was able to knock the beast down until only a few small vines were left, "Agh!" He shouted as he swooped down and cut two more down, but then something bad happened, one of faster small vines got ahold of his leg. He couldn't feel the teeth right away, probably due to the adrenaline, but it still was too going to impart his walking. With a few swift maneuvers he got away and finished off the beast.

As soon as all the vines were cut off from the main source, he flew down to get Athena. He got to the floor, but immediately regretted that decision. Pain filled his whole body and he immediately fell down on one knee, "Shit!" He muttered under his breath before checking on Athena. Rin gently raised Athena up and admired the bones sticking out of her back before he start to think, "Probably don't want to pick her up again... It sort of looks likes I caused of this when I picked her up though." So Rin sighed and ended up just sitting down and gently resting her on his shoulder.
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Athena's body temperature was dropping as blood left her body in copious amounts. The protrusion of wings from her back, three on each side totaling six, a set of two on each level, began pushing their way through her skin, bones grinding to adjust to the knew formation they would need to have to accomodate the wings.

The wings that sprouted were almost hollow white bone that were like a wide boomerang with holes at specific intervals. Through these holes blood began to drip but was soon replaced by a thin opaline ichor that began forming skinand small down-tipped feathers. A moment laters the feathers would begin to harden, almost like holy steel.

soon athena's body was cold from blood loss, but in it's place the newly gained ichor was sealing up the skin around the wings which were now finished. Athena, passed out completely lay upon rin's shoulder, her eyes moving behind her eyelids.

But it wasnt over.

The sound of a male voice from behind rin could be heard.... an angel who many know as michael had appeared in a human like form and was watching them, flaming sword in hand. Soon he spoke." I take it you know what she is now."
Rin looked back, startled to see an angel behind him. Because of the relationship between demons and angels Rin was more on guard that usual. He turned his head back, leaving Tokumei on his shoulder and replied, "Yeah... I know what she is," he said it in a normal tone, but inside he was experiencing mixed emotions, but I mean who wouldn't if they found out someone you felt comfortable with was your natural born enemy. But with a little more thinking, he started to pat Athena on the head a few times, "But I don't care..." He mumbled, thinking about what he was saying
Michael would listen to his words intently, his white and blue-tinted wings ruffling in an invisibly, unfeelable breeze. His eyes left the boy and went to athena as she began to stir, though it was only to subconciously cuddle into the crook of the boys neck and grab ahold of his sweater. She was sleeping, a slight snoring could be heard in the form of a soft "Chuuuu..........." as she breathed out. His gaze would return to the young man and soften slightly, though no smile would grace his lips.

"Take care of my daughter, and do not tell her about this meeting. What you can do is give her this. I will tell her myself, as this is not the last time we will be seeing each other." He said and began to wrap the whole of the sword in a midnight black cloth so he could touch it.. He held out the sword by the blade, so he could know it was no trick.
Rin grabbed the handle of the blade and took it from the angel "A demon holding a holy sword," Rin said with a soft chuckle. He examined the cloth before setting it on the side of his body, opposite from Athena. "What do I say to her when I give her the blade?" He asked after making sure Tokumei was comfortable and would not fall off of his shoulder. He thought it would be a little strange if when she woke up and he handed her a holy sword and 'said here you go.' So Rin needed some excuse if he wasn't supposed to tell her who it was. "Oh, and by the way, I'm not doing this for you angel, I'm doing it for your daughter," He felt like he had to make it clear, not to the archangel, but to himself.
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Winter looked around that the massive building, shiver as a wind blows against arms. How late am I this time? thinks to self. Snorting as shakes head, brushing hair back while starts to walk into the building. Stops in the middle of the main room, looking at the three different halls that lead to three different areas. Exhales quietly as looks down each hall, looking back over shoulder then at the halls once again.

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