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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

*Nyla feels like she might throw up because of all that's going on right now. She gets up and then she walks to the door* "I'll be back....I need some air." *she walks through the house and then finds the door, she walks towards the forest and scales a tree using her cat nails. She sits in the tree and starts crying.* "What have you gotten yourself into tho time Nyla...." She says to herself.*
"I was here when the White Man came to kill my tribe for land. My family. Everything, and later in the years, I've lost more. You don't give up because you have family, I gave up because I no longer have anyone for support," the Wendigo snorted as he pointed out their differences. Dracula had a child, Animkii no longer had anything, and that is was stuck with him. Animkii was still scarred with the experiences, and Dracula having been seen worse May have, arguably, been true.

@kokochii @CountDracula
Dracula: "I didn't have a family for centuries as well. I thought that my father and Mihnea were dead until I found them by chance about 100 years ago, and I've met my wife 200 years ago. But still, between my forced escape from home and the meeting of my wife laid 250 years. If I hadn't have had Ioan, I would have killed myself for sure. I still understand that you're suffering. Just don't give up." The father turned down the ventilator a bit to see whether Toma was breathing.
"I already did," he replied, taking a look at Toma who looked like he was suffering. It seemed the two have had their fair share of bad experiences, which wasn't a surprise. Many people had bad pasts, in fact, most tried to erase their past from their memories.

"He's breathing" the father said, watching the ECG monitor. "We can slowly turn off the ventilator."

Dracula: "You're alive, Animkii. You didn't give up."
"I'm alive because no one is willing to risk their life to kill me," he replied, sticking his attention towards Toma. "We are complex creatures, you can't simply kill us in one swipe of a blade," Animkii sighed, taking a seat on a chair nearby.

Dracula: "So are vampires. But still, we have the opportunity to commit suicide if we really want to die." The father turned down the ventilator a bit more repetitively until he fully switched it off.

Then, the father freed Toma from the machine. "He's not on a ventilator any more" he told Ny.
"Wendigo don't have that opportunity," he replied, "I hope your child is well." Animkii no longer had anything else to say, he rarely ever did have anything to say unless it were a snarky remark. @CountDracula
Dracula: "I hope so as well... and you could still ask someone to kill you when you're in your human form, tied up or whatever..." Ioan: "Speaking of 'tied up'... I think I've found a solution that we could use in case you lose control."
"What? You're going to tie me up. With what?" Animkii shifted his attention to Ioan. "You may not even be able to get to me if I lose control."

Animkii rose a brow as he was restrained, he hated the feeling since it brought him back to the memories of the Freak Show. "Are you sure this will work? It reminds me of mistreatment, which could further the anger of the beast."

"I know" Ioan said, removing the ties. "But these ropes are really strong. They're made out of steel. No one has ever managed to tear one of those apart..."
"I hope I won't be able to get out, then," he replied, pulling at the restraints. Animkii felt relieved as he was let go and rubbed at the parts that had become much more sore from being held. @CountDracula
( OH SHOOT SORRY. I forgot about that. Edited. )


"Hey, hey, hey. Alright, listen Sweetcheeks. How much we talkin' here?" Seven spoke over the churning waters that came from the river bank, face covered by a bandana. "10k? 20k? How much we talk in' here, eh?"

"100k," Lapis spoke, dropping the bag of money in front of his feet. It was enough for him to buy new weaponry. And that there nearly made Seven choke.

"100k. Alright, so give me specifics. How you want it done, where you want it done-" he was cut off by her sultry voice. "Do whatever you want, just don't get caught and don't let it get traced back to me. Got it?" Seven nodded, smiling as he stared at the bag of money. "Got'cha. So you want me to take the general down in the most not so obvious way possible. I can do that, but there's a down payment for somethin' so major and complex. 20k, and you get it done right away. I mean, I gotta get past guards and some other shit," he held his hand out, waiting for the woman to hand him her money.

"And you guarantee that you'll get the job done, right?" Seven nodded again, being handed the money. "Don't worry, Toots. I got you. But, why do you want your boyfriend's father gone?"

"It doesn't matter just do it."

They exchange of words went on for a while until it came to an end as Seven has suddenly left, taking both bags of money with him. He began to embark on his harrowing journey through several districts which took hours to even days. And now, he found himself in front of a small household. Bags of money in his leather bag. "Nice," he whispered to himself, pulling up his bandana and hood. His cold eyes looking through the windows.
"Daddy?" Toma said.


"I've seen mommy."

"Really? What did she say?" Dracula asked. Toma smiled. "She said that she loves me." Dracula smiled back at his son. "I'm sure she does."
Animkii looked over at Toma, delighted to see the small one alive and seemingly well. However, the first thing he said was like a punch to the stomach. It was sweet in some way, and it took a while to take in the loving relationship of the family that was right there in front of him.


Seven kept his gaze through the window. He could only hear faint, muffled voices, but that was it. And it sounded like a kid's. That meant that he wouldn't have the heart to fuck everyone over in the household or whatever it was. "What the," he let his words drag on a bit as he tried to listen. Nothing. Sadly, that's how humans were; senses rarely ever heightened, and when they are, it's usually one that caused no benefit.

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