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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

Before Seven could protest against the Plague Doctor's ability to speak further, he felt another blow to the stomach. He yelped a bit, however kept a bit of composer - or what he thought was composer. Seven stopped himself from cursing, dropping to the ground as they finished. "Sir.. I imagined that.. he'd be much older," one of the henchmen whinnied, kicking Seven aside as he laid there, listening. Really? With this Goat shit again? Seven furrowed his brows as he wiggled to get up, the pain from the various hits delivered to him stinging his whole body. And now, maybe, his idiot of a companion would quite possibly die.
"Which side will you take now, knowing your life is on the line? I wonder."

Luci thought. Suddenly, she began bursting in random laughter, slowly fading to a sigh. The image of the goats side was comical for some reason. It's butt, in particular. The doctor stared at her, expecting a serious answer in her daze. He was in luck. "I...I want to live..." She was saying in a low voice, pain tugging her words. "I don't care what I have to do..." Flying goats covered her vision. This was the end. The final stages of the poison...it felt like her entire body was aflame. After a moment, a strange liquid touched her lips, and she swallowed the antidote. The masked doctor still looked like the ass of a goat, but he was slowly beginning to look normal. If that's how normal looked like anyway...

"I'm in your debt," Luci managed to mumble after a few seconds, sighing deeply. The men were still on high alert, pointing their weapons at her in case she decided to double cross them.

"This one is not to be trusted-" One of them uttered, being interrupted by the doctor. "Then, Lucitiel, I'd like to test something out." He was saying, standing up as he untied her binds.

Luci stood up, still wary. Every movement of hers was closely being monitored. Without even hearing the doctors request, she already had an idea. Walking over to the immobile assassin, Luci picked him up by the throat, punching him in the face. "It's not like I ever liked you anyways."
*Ny looks at Dracula shocked* "Wait... could you hear my thoughts?" *she looks out the window one more time, "And why do you need so many of them and for what exactly?" *She turns back around and looks at Dracula*
"Yes... involuntarily" Dracula sighed. "Sometimes, mind-reading is useful, but believe me: It gets you to hear things that you've never wanted to know of. Especially private things, if you know what I mean. But don't worry: I don't tell anyone of those things. - We need so many of them for protection. They can't work day and night, so we have to make up three shifts. I thought of 250 soldiers for each shift, and the rest are reserve, in case that some soldiers fall ill, are killed, injured,... or whatever might happen to them." Dracula looked out of the window, seeing that entire three suns had risen. "Now, this is interesting for Ioan. - And I thought of putting up some dead and dying ghouls around the house to scare some potential attackers away."
Ny sighs and says jokingly "Oh great now I have to watch what I think as well as what I say...I trust you Dracula..." *her voice fades off and she looks down because she never trusts anyone or says anything like that to anyone, not since Qwen...* (You hear her thoughts and you know she means it when she says she trusts you."
*Ny smiled a little and looked at the father and son asleep next to each other. It made her sad reminding her of Qwen again. Her only version of a parental relationship she's ever had. She was always thinking about him but it's been along time since she really actually remembered him. So she lied back down on her current bed and she remembered him. She slowly fell asleep the pain medicine she took earlier finally settling in. She falls asleep with a smile on her face, she looks soft and innocent and beautiful when she relaxes while she sleeps which is almost never.

Nyla starts to dream which she knows is never a good thing. She is standing in her old home. The den under the huge willow tree. She was playing with Qwens tail. He was in how wolf form and her in her cat form. She was pouncing on his tail as it wagged back in forth. She was so small... Nyla knew what was going to happen next though she felt it inside but her dreams just took her through the motions. "She giggled as Qwen quickly turned around changing back into his human form and pinned her down "Got ya little one." *Nyla grinned and burst into a fit of giggles as most four year olds do. She was so happy. Qwen kissed her forehead and then unpinned her. Nyla curled into a little furry ball. Nyla was always kind of small for her age and in cat form she looked even smaller. She gave Qwen a cute goofy smile then she shifted back into her slightly more human body. She forgot to change one thing though and Qwen didn't fail to point it out." Hey put your tail away little one." He laughed. Qwen had such a nice laugh. Nyla rolled her eyes with a four year old sass and then focused on making her bum go back to normal.* " that's better little one. My silly girl...my Ny." He tussled the top of her head and she jumped into his arms. She kissed his nose. Then she asked him. " Are you my Daddy?" And Qwen looked at her and then put her down. "Well not biologically but I am your say, adoptive father." Nyla looked thoughtful for a minute and then she looked up at him. "Good, cause my Daddy did this...* she hissed at him jokingly and extended her claws. "I know silly...he left a note attached to you explaining what happened when you were left here for me to find." *he got up and got the note from a drawer in a section of the den. And handed it to her.* "That's it. You can read it for yourself my little twenty year old four, year old. Your a smarty pants you know?* he smiled as she read the words out loud to him. (Nyla's sub conscious knew what was going to happen next...She desperately tried to wake up but he couldn't she was locked in this land of remembering when all she wanted was to shove it back in the corner she reserved for it.) *Four year old Nyla then put the note in her pocket and smiled up at Qwen.* "Thankyou for not letting me die like my parents said was necessary..." *She hugged his legs and he picked her up to hug her back.* love you Qwen. *His smile grew so big and wide at his little kitty girl.* "love you too Nyla. My little one.* he threw her into the air and caught her making her squeal in laughter. Then suddenly he heard a noise out side. Nyla heard it too. "CLICK" the sound of a guns safety being turned on. *Qwen set Nyla down. "Baby girl, I gotta check something out ok? You stay in your room and If I don't come back in the house wait for an hour. You can tell time right? *Ny nods* Of course you can your a genius little twenty year old in my four year old girls body. *he shakes her proudly* Your gunna be safe. Your going to be ok. I'm so proud of you my little tiger. *he kisses her head.* I love you. *Nyla feels like something's wrong she always has a good gut feeling.* Qwen your the best Daddy ever and I'm very happy I got to have you out of all of the daddies I could've ended up with. Be safe Q... I love you too." She went to her little room that Qwen dug out for her. It's a literal hole in the wall that leads to a bigger hole where her room is. They have electricity in the den but no doors and dirt walls. She sat on her bed that had black sheets and black pillows and a stuffed animal that looked like a wolf that Qwen had hand made for her. She picked it up and looked into it's mix matched button eyes. "Hey little Q" she smiled at it because she named it after Qwen. Then she heard something out side. Gun shots. With this sound she wanted to tell her four year old self to stay inside to listen to what Qwen told her just wait an hour. But no that's not what happened.... Ny walks forward towards the front entrance of the den. "Qwen!?" She called out. She crawled out the entrance and looked around she couldn't see anyone around. "Qwen!?" She walks around to the other side of the tree where she finds Qwen's foot she follows his foot up to his leg up to his body up to his face. Blood is pouring out of his shirt and his mouth but he is still alive. She can hear his weak heart beat. She panics and her cat ears and tail pop out. "DADDY!" She screams and goes to his side. "NYLA NO!" Qwen yells at her. "Go back inside baby! Please. GO BACK INSIDE!" Then there was another gunshot but Nyla didn't feel it go through her. The bullet hit her collar bone. "It's ok Qwen. I'll be ok Daddy. I promise." She puts her small hand on the side of his face and he looks up at her his powerful green and yellow swirled wolf eyes looking into her yellow and green cat eyes. Both have tears in there eyes. They have an understanding. They say so much in two seconds in one look then they ever will say in there life time.* "I love ya little one." Qwen says as he puts his bloody hand on the side of her face. I'm so proud of you tiger." And his hand slowly fell from her face his beautiful wolf eyes slowly glazing over. Nyla can't hear his big strong heart anymore she can't hear anything.* QWEN!!! *she shakes him.* "Qwen..." She cries. Then she looks up her emotions shutting off. *15 year old Nyla wakes up in the room with Dracula and Toma and she sits up with a screaming and she realizes where she is and she starts crying.* "No...no...no..no..." *is all she can say*
Dracula jumped up as he heard her scream, hitting his head on a reading lamp that was above the bed. "OUCH! Goddammit!" he exclaimed. Mihnea came in, looking concerned. "What are you doing here?" he wanted to know. Dracula touched his forehead and then looked at his hand. "Bleeding!"

Mihnea was scared. He knew that his father had not drunk enough during the time that they were trapped in this world, and he knew that every loss of blood - even the smallest - could mean death to Dracula. "Shall I... get grandpa?" he asked concerned. But Dracula shook his head. "No" he replied. "It's already healing..."

@Fallout Bandit
Animkii sat there, falling asleep against the window pane -- the searing pain from his wounds began to fade a bit as he drifted to relentless sleep. Of course, it was bothered by the continuous yellings of the inhabitants of the HQ. He sighed, looking out the window, looking for Luci as if entirely concerned.


Seven groaned in pain as a blow to the face was delivered and a brain melting shout vociferated from the crowd in utter excitement. He'd felt worse, but it was still painful. This must be what it's like to be in a victim's shoes. Blood spewed from his nostrils, sight becoming fuzzy. "Boss. What do we do now?" The Plague Doctor finally spoke, "we send him in after requesting more money than he's worth. I'm sure they'll want him." He could feel the stare from under the mask, cold dead eyes looking at Seven's injured bodice. "Take 'em up to the cages." Ah, shit. Cages again? At least it's not Beastie Boy. Seven felt his hair being pulled -- and soon after, felt the ground under him drag against his body. It wasn't pleasant, nor did he wish to ever experience such a thing again.


Dracula noticed how Seven was trapped. "I've told you to FUCKING TELL ME WHEN YOU NEED HELP!" he yelled at him telepathically. "Or are you one of those stupid idiots who are too proud to ask for help?!"
I got this, man. I got this, I'm all good. Don't worry. Seven fell onto the cold flooring of the cage and spread his arms and legs in comfort. "Just like prison." He sighed, the pain in his back, chest and other areas aching from the prior, continuous hits given to him.
"You know where all the other liars that I encountered are?"

Trust me, man. I've gotten into sticky situations like this. Seven rolled around a bit in the cage, trying to get used to everything. The pain was overwhelming, but it wasn't like he was going to die. Unless there was internal bleeding. He'd experienced it before, but ignored it until it got serious. In fact, he wasn't even aware of his conditions.
Dracula had a part of his army come to his bed. ""Nu contează în ce stare e. Adu-l aici. Și asigurați-vă că este în viață." (= ""It doesn't matter in which condition he is. Just bring him here. And make sure that he's alive.")

A group of soldiers began their march to Seven and found him in a cage. "Alteța Sa Regală ne-a spus să vă aducă la el" one of them explained, and another repeated, "His Royal Highness told us to bring you to him."

@Fallout Bandit
Luci watched Seven be taken away to the cages, wondering exactly what her plan was. Or if it even existed.

Plan 1- Run away

Plan 2- Run away with no goat and come home dishonored

Plan 3- .............

Suddenly, a group of soldiers came to Sevens rescue. Luci felt as if a brawl was about to go down between the hunters and the soldiers. She kind of wanted to watch, but also wanted to just find a goat already and be done with it. Looking at the plague doctor - whom in no way resembles a goat, Luci wanted to take his mask off. Or at least take him out herself, then reveal his face.

...Try and have your soldiers take out the hunters circling the camp. It will make our escape easier. Also...leave the plague doctor to me. Or Seven. If he decides to stop being a baby. Luci said to Dracula, wondering how long she could keep the charade going. The plague doctor probably knew more about them than he was letting on.
"I will" Dracula said to Luci. "And we've still got enough soldiers left here. I've sent a group of 100 to you. The 900 spare soldiers are still here." He then turned to Nyla and said, "It's okay... I keep getting nightmares as well..."

Toma looked out of the window, watching Ioan working with his telescope. "Daddy, when can I get up?" Dracula smiled a bit. "You want to join Ioan, right?" - "Yes, please!" - "Okay, I'll let you. But tell us when you feel bad..." "I will" Toma promised, and Dracula carefully got up and helped him with getting in his wheelchair.
*Nyla shook her head and then said* I haven't fallen asleep in two weeks because of that and because I've been constantly running. *she smiles at Toma as he gets into his wheel chair.*
Dracula: "Still, it's okay. I don't blame you." Toma joined Ioan. "It's interesting out here" Ioan said via telepathy. "I've got no idea where in the universe we are..."
"Thankyou, I haven't had that dream for a few months now it's terrifying." Her face falls for a second and her eyes widen a little. Then she wipes that look off her face realizing that she shouldn't let her guard down entirely. "Do you happen to know where I can find a coffee pot?"
"No, we don't..." Dracula answered, lying down again. He was feeling dizzy. "Three suns" Ioan said. "We are near the center of a galaxy, I suppose."
"Ok, good to know." *Nyla walks out the door not bothering to ask where the kitchen is because she wants to be alone. She walks down the corridors and uses her enhanced sense of smell to find the kitchen. She walks in and looks around.* Wow. Nice kitchen. *she finds the coffee pot and starts making her coffee. She makes it just how she likes it she says it out loud as she dumps three teaspoons of sugar into the black liquid.* "Black with sugar...like my soul." *she chuckles to herself at this comment.*

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