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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil


Seven noticed the child's attention towards him and suddenly dropped down, making sure no one else were to notice his presence. "You fucked up, Seven, Jesus Christ." He spoke. To himself, rubbing the back of his hood in annoyance towards himself. "Alright, man. Don't worry, it's just a kid, just a kid." Seven closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply, trying to calm himself - this was worse than when he first killed a dude. Hell, Seven didn't even know that he had a soft spot for kids


Seven furrowed his brows, the kid was just.. Interfering with everything. And he never knew kids could do that. "God dammit," he sighed, standing up while avoiding being in the way of the window. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the weight on his shoulders that he was carrying from his thoughts.
Ioan knew that Toma had a good gut feeling. Therefore, he decided to cast a medium protection spell on the house.

"This should keep him off for a while" Ioan said.
*Nyla walked back into the room where Toma was and she saw that he was awake.* Toma!!!! *she exclaimed excitedly and she walked over to him.*
Luci didn't know how to respond or what to do. She wasn't the sympathetic or empathetic type, but she could see that death was a touchy subject for most. In the past, she spoke of it so casually, endured it through a casual perspective...

Sighing, Luci leaned against the counter some more, crossing one foot over the other. A change of scenery was much needed. Retrieving her sword upstairs, Luci climbed out of her window- like she usually did, and sat atop the roof for a while.

@Fallout Bandit


Seven was taken aback by the protection spell that had suddenly crossed his path. Afraid of whoever was responsible with the magic. Magic was something that he never got an up close glimpse of it, and now that he has, he got a newer outlook on it. But, really. The guy wasn't going to harm anyone, especially if there was a kid around. "God dammit, really?!" He sighed, stepping a bit away from the cabin place; bandana and hood still up.


Animkii looked out the window, trying to find who was scaring Toma, and when he finally did, he grinned sheepishly. Seven. A friend of his he had met not too long ago - Seven being the one who helped him escape the Freak Show before.



https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16110-wolfiequeen715/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16110-wolfiequeen715/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16110-wolfiequeen715/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16110-wolfiequeen715/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16110-wolfiequeen715/ . Seven is not inside.




*Nyla looks out the window. Then back at Toma. She walks over to him. And sits in a chair next to his bed and takes his hand* Hey bub. How ya doing?
The wind blew past, causing Luci's hair to blow forward. Standing up, she pushed back her bangs, creeping toward the front where she heard commotion of some sort. Crouching down, she crawled closer, peeking her head out until she saw a dark and suspicious figure. From her height advantage, she could easily assassinate the trespasser without making a sound. Slowly, Luci began reaching for her sword.

@Fallout Bandit


Seven ran both of his hands through his hair, thinking about whether or not he should actually approach the door or not.

After a few deep breaths filled with whatever emotion he had going on, Seven decided that, hey. Maybe it's not worth being murdered or possibly ratted out to the authorities. He was, seriously, a wanted man. And even if they didn't know what his face looked like, it didn't mean that Seven was completely out of the crime spectrum.
What is he doing...just standing there? Luci wondered, squinting to get better vision. It was like he wanted to be assassinated. Maybe he was a friendly milk man in disguise? Negative. Milk men were extinct. It wouldn't hurt to check his identity.

Standing near the roofs edge, Luci front flipped into the air gracefully, landing just behind him. She stood sideways, pulling out her sword and pointing it to the back of his neck. He hadn't caught her in the best of moods. "Is there a reason why you're sneaking around like this?" She asked, prodding the skin of his neck.

@Fallout Bandit
Seven slouched forward, hearing the voice, "listen, sweet cheeks. I don't got beef, just y'know, lookin' for a place 'ta stay." The man sighed, pulling a knife from his boot and whirling behind her, holding it against her neck. "Like that? Taught myself. Now how's 'bout you let go o' that pretty Lil' sword o' yours," his deep voice basically stroked the other's ear.
There was something familiar in the way the man talked. Luci couldn't quite put her finger on it-but the voice alone made her blood boil for some reason.

"Okay, okay, relax~" Luci whispered, looking out in front of her. Within moments she elbowed the stranger in the chin, taking the opportunity to slither away from his general area. "This isn't a hotel," Luci walked over to the entrance, blocking it. "We don't let just anyone in."

@Fallout Bandit
Seven stumbled back a bit, rubbing his chin as he pulled off his bandanna, "Jesus Christ. Ow. Nice one!" He rubbed his chin a bit more as she spoke, looking up over at where she'd gone to. "Son of a bitch. No way, it's you kid. Uh.." He snapped his fingers in order to try and remember her name, "Luci or some shit, right?"
Luci grimaced. There was no denying it- it was Seven. A rush of memories came back, from her old days at the organization. Both good and bad memories, but mostly bad. She was both impressed and puzzled that he was still alive. "Can't say it's a delight to see you again," Luci frowned, standing her ground. "Otherwise I'd be lying." She wasn't sure if she should kill him in front of their headquarters or wait until later. Regardless, there wasn't exactly fond memories between them.

@Fallout Bandit
"Snarky as always. I like that," he snickered, winking afterwards. "Look, I just wanna stay for like, the night. And then, afterwards, in the mornin', I'll be gone. Maybe," Seven shrugged, walking a bit closer.

He rose a brow, half smile showing - happy to be reacquainted with someone he actually knew.
Luci shrugged, returning his smug smile. "Sleep outside, then." She gestured to the bushes out back and the soft grass. "The grass is quite comfortable to sleep on." She stated, placing a hand to her hip. If she remembered anything from the past, it was that an assassin always had a hidden motive.
"C'mon. Don't be like that, sweet cheeks. I just gotta rest up and then, I'll be on my way," Seven winked at her, "remember, we got a past together - but, I don't know what made 'ya hate me." He crossed his arms. Letting the words waiver around.
"Fine," Luci huffed, deciding to play along with his friendly act. There were many inside the headquarters who already knew he was near by now, and if he did anything suspicious, he would be killed. Stepping closer to the entrance, Luci was about to push the door open when she was suddenly pushed back by an invisible force. Magic. Sorrounding the lair. But...I live here! Luci cried internally, wondering how she could get around the spell.
Seven laughed at how she was pushed back and held his hands behind his head. "Guess you'll be joining me in the grass, then, eh?" He began to walk backward into the soft grass, eventually tumbling over and simply laying in the spot he fell in. "Yo, Luci. Why don't we do some catchin' up, eh?"
The spell would wear off soon, wouldn't it? Someone had to notice she was gone...right? Her thoughts wandered to Animkii. Just what the hell was he doing? Luci grew a little irritated, so much for that ramen session. "No, thanks," Luci declined the invitation, sitting by idly sounded less appealing the more she thought about it.

For some reason, she felt like goat hunting. "Hey," she called Seven over, temporarily setting aside her hostility toward him. "Ever been goat hunting?"
Seven sat up, brow raised, "goat hunting? Yeah, no. Why the Hell would you ask me that?" The assassin was both intrigued, and somewhat put off by the sudden question. It was.. Weird, to say the least.
"Boredom." Luci answered simply, shrugging. "Kind of feel like leaving here and going hunting." She clasped her hands behind her back, kicking a rock as she walked away from the building. She needed to do something to pass the time- even it were a tad bit random.
"Yup, you're Luci, alright. Well, then, c'mon," he jumped up onto his feet and pulled up his bandanna. "Alright kid. So, goats. Where you think they usually are, him?" Seven figured this would be a good refresher since it'd been a few months since he'd really actually done something other than kill for profit.
Luci didn't necessarily mind Seven partaking in the goat festivities. At least it would lure him away from her home. "Uh...." she gave his question some serious thought. "I don't know. Farm. Mountains? Goat village?" Luci thought aloud, rubbing her scalp.

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