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Fantasy Realm of the Dark Veil

"Goat village? Why don't we just get the big guy? Saw him through the window earlier. Maybe he can like, I dunno, sniff it out or something," Seven shrugged, looking over towards the window.
Luci tilted her head, looking toward said window. "I don't think he'd wanna partake in- wait, do you know Animkii?" Luci began to grow a little suspicious, walking over to Seven and glowering down at him.
"Yeah, yeah. Beastie boy. Seems like you know everyone, eh?" Seven stretched his arms, looking back over at the window where Animkii had been sitting on the window sill - watching Toma as he was awake. "Met him a year ago? Blurry. Haven't spoken since though."
"We've only just recently recruited him. Though I don't know much about him..." Luci said, still looking toward the window. The guy must have been asleep for all she knew. Asleep on the window sill. That or he was still invested in saving the little boy- assuming he wasn't already dead.

"Hey!" Luci leaned over and threw a rock at his window, which didn't hit at all because of the barrier.
"Cool guy. Kinda.. Slow, but hey. Brawn, y'know," Seven spoke, watching Luci throw a rock, only to find it not hitting the window at all, but at least it got his attention. Animkii turned around, tilting his head.
Luci sighed, cupping her hands around her mouth to make some noise, "I'm going goat hunting! Take care of things while I'm gone, okay!?" Luci screamed at him through the window, hopefully he'd heard her or could read lips. When her mind was set on an adventure, she had to go through with it.
Animkii tilted his head as he heard her scream, he really didn't care if she was leaving or not as long as she was going to be okay. For some reason. He gave her a thumbs up, a gesture that he saw humans do all the time for reassurance or something along those lines. The Wendigo sighed as leaned against the window frame once again. -- Now, Seven was actually ready for an adventure that wasn't focused on killing anyone. Which was cool in some way.
*Nyla thought she heard a girls voice shout through the window, " I'm going goat hunting! Take care of things while I'm gone ok!?" Nyla thought that was kind of an odd thing to say... and she also wondered who exactly had said it. She didn't pay too much attention to it though. Her side was starting to hurt again, "ugh! why won't you just heal already!?" She asked herself. She was starting to get annoyed. Her wounds don't normally last this long. Her chemical infested blood stream usually fixes it for her. She still feels the pain of it but the wound physically heals. The ghoul must've really got her bad. She couldn't even remember how her side got ripped open, she just remembers red and pain and the sound of flesh being torn. She looks like she is spacing out and she is staring at the wall from where she sits on her bed.*
Luci squinted, furrowing her eyebrows. Did he just...give me a thumbs up? Shaking her head, Luci glanced at Seven, motioning him over. "Come on, adventure calls." She had no idea where to even find a goat. Maybe a random goat would appear if she was lucky. If so, she would be more than ecstatic.

It had been a while since she felt so...carefree. There wasn't any monsters or stupid ghouls trying to chase her around. It was, in a sense, a breath of fresh air.
"Alright. Adventure, then!" Seven exclaimed in excitement, this was a first try at Goat Hunting, and it would be quite the journey. Finding a goat would be difficult, far too difficult with dangers running around, but hey, it was worth a try. Plus, he needed a short break, he just needed to make sure he did his job on time to get more of his money and not let his client down. He began to follow, now embarking on a pointless journey.

Luci wasn't aware of how much time had passed, but it must have been a lot because they kept walking past strange signs on the dirt roads. The wind was picking up, causing the trees to rustle in the wind violently, as if dancing. Crouching down, Luci pointed at a broken down sign in the middle of the path, looking at Seven. "Hmm...what do you think this means?"

No Trespassing.

Clearly it wasn't in Luci's vocabulary. It was pointing north. There wasn't a path to walk on, so what was due north? Shrugging, Luci stood up, scanning the area. The smallest drop of rain hit her nose, and she glanced toward the dark sky. "Rain..." It had been a while since it last rained.
"What do I think it means? It means that we shouldn't be here with out their permission, kid," Seven rhapsodized, letting the rain drop onto his head in small increments. "Yeah, it's rainin'. Now, let's go find somewhere else to rest up. This place is givin' me the creeps," the assassin watched as his breath materialized in front of his eyes, the cold giving him a nice, big embrace, which wasn't pleasant on his part. No trespassing meant that they were basically fucked if they entered the premises.
Luci continued to stare at the untrodden path, ignoring all the obvious warnings in front of her. Maybe a cult of anti-goat factions were there? Or most likely, just monsters trying to wreck havoc. "Oh, what's the worst that could happen?" Luci wondered aloud. Granted, she had never been this far from the headquarters, so she had no idea what kind of monsters might be lurking around. As a special task force member, she had a duty to find out. Seven would probably not understand. "Aww, what's the matter, you scared?" Luci taunted, somehow still keeping the mood light even when there was obvious danger ahead.

Taking a few steps toward the mysterious path, Luci faltered for a moment when a random arrow went flying past her face. It merely grazed her skin, but it was enough to slightly annoy her. "Ow!" She screamed, turning around angrily to try and pinpoint the source.
"You're an idiot, sweetcheeks," Seven spoke in frustration, this was why he teased her so much back when they were in the organization. She really didn't know when to stop, and although at times that could come in handy, other times it would get them in danger or be annoying. And once the arrow flew past her, he grimaced, "told 'ya, toots!" Pulling his crossbow from his back holster. "Jesus Christ, kid.. Y'know. If they weren't using weapons, maybe we'd have a chance!" Seven growled, looking around, listening to the rustling in the vegetation around them. He could tell there were many, outnumbering the two. Approximately 10, and it seemed they were highly skilled, which made things a bit more difficult.

Seven spit on the ground next to him, pulling down his hood so he could grab a better feel for his surroundings, able to soak everything in. And hopefully, that would be enough for the two of them to survive.
Luci shot Seven a glare, making an audibly angry groan. Things might have been in her favor if there weren't archers around. The young warrior wasn't exactly the ranged combat type. A single sword and a few throwing knives was proof of that.

They were like sitting ducks, essentially. Just waiting for more arrows to fly their way. "I have an idea." Luci said, watching Seven pull out a crossbow. She was surprised he was so well equipped. "We're clearly outnumbered and we might just die." Says the girl who was all gun-ho about trespassing. "Let's pretend to surrender and then deal with them. They're probably just mad because we're trying to trespass..." The idea sounded better in her head. If she was like the past Luci in the organization, killing would've been the highest priority. No matter the odds. Arrows against swords, it didn't matter.

Right now, survival was all that mattered.
Seven flashed her a facial expression of "what-the-fuck" towards her, whipping around towards every sound he heard. "You know.. I kind of hate you. But, I mean, I guess," he sighed, throwing his precious crossbow down despite the fact that he was the worst at aiming. He really only had it to look threatening, and really, an assassin needed it if they wished to kill from afar. Which was not his preferred method. Taking the weapon off of his back put less weight on him, thankfully. Now, he wasn't as sore, but had to deal with the fact that they may just die. All for a goat. A goat.

He rolled his eyes, putting his hands up - bandanna still sitting on his face, not even giving them a glimpse of his face.

There was a grunt that left the trees, deep and terrifying, carrying on into the air with a hint of fear that wafted off of Seven. This was a first. "Ay, ay. Guys, guys. Why can't we be frie--" he was interrupted by the sudden group that had surrounded the both of them. "And oh god," Seven spoke again, weapons pointed at them.
Some people had famous dying words. For Luci, not so much.

"Uh..." Was all she had to say when she realized that she would probably die with a guy she didn't even like. Hated, even. Copying Seven, she put her hands up in the air, a blank expression on her face as the giant like men revealed themselves.

"This guy over here is an idiot-" Luci pointed at Seven, "I don't know him-" Quickly, she was told to shut up by one of the men, their voice like a whip. Luci couldn't tell if they were monster or human. Nevertheless, they still looked scary.

"Walk," one of them commanded, gesturing ahead of them with his weapon. In a way, Luci did want to see what was ahead of that untrodden path. But not like this.
Just then, an army of about 1,000 men appeared through a wormhole in front of the headquarter. The army consisted of well-trained vampire soldiers, all of them experienced fighters of the supernatural. "I thought they could be helpful. - I would have gotten them here earlier, but I fainted again..." Dracula explained to everyone via telepathy. He watched the soldiers hide around the headquarter and then went on, "I've told them to use guerilla tactics. You know what that is?" Not waiting for an answer, the Count explained, "That's a strategy where pitched battles are avoided. Instead, you use the effect of surprise by hiding your soldiers - in the woods, for example - or disguising them to make the enemies think they're a part of their army. This strategy has shown to be very effective, especially if it's combined with scorched earth and some other sorts of psychological warfare, such as terrifying your enemy."
"I-I'm the idiot, you're the one who-" A snort put him to a halt, one of the men now pointing his bow at Seven's writhing pair of legs. The others held their weapons towards the two. Large figures kept pace as Seven's pulse quickened. Maybe they were there for him - he was the most wanted guy around. But, how did they know how he looked? One of the men leaned over the two, hovering his sword just shy from Seven's cheekbone, the others keeping their vision on the oh-so hostile, oh-so idiotic Luci. Seven wanted to move, but a sharp pain strained him. His hands were pulled behind his back, being bound by rope. Seven's fingers curling into a fist as he tried not to go awol on the guy.

"Move. Now," a voice demanded, deep - raspy. Quite possibly one of the most ominous things he has heard, which was bad since he'd already come in contact with the head of his former organization.

Guerilla tactics? It was a familiar thing to him - used by many of the people in his prior organization, however it never really became much of a piquing interest.
"Some of them will guard the headquarters while others can be sent out whenever you are in trouble" Dracula continued his explanations. "So, if you get in trouble - just say where you are."
*Nyla hears something outside and wonders what it is. She looks at Toma.* I'll be right back * she tells him and then she goes to a window to see what going on outside. She see all of the vampires and her eyes widen. She hears Dracula in her head again. She thinks "this is kind of annoying. Him being in my head." She sighs and returns to Toma. Wondering why Dracula decided to bring in an army of Vampires right now.*
Luci watched the changing scenery with interest. Besides kicking rocks and branches in her way, she also happened to kick a bone by accident. Whether it belonged to an animal or human was something she didn't have time to investigate. The baboons made sure of that- forcing her to walk faster because apparently she was so slow. It wasn't her fault, that for some reason, her vision had begun to blur. Not only that- but she had begun to feel strangely numb. As Seven was bound by rope, Luci was next in line. She didn't particularly care, even if she was partially bound, it wouldn't last for long.

One of the hunters threw the two next to a pile of logs. They seemed to have reached a sort of camp. "Interesting," one of the hunters mumbled, stomping his way to Luci and Seven. "I wonder if these two are worth more dead or alive." He proceeded to take away Luci's broad sword, unbeknownst to her. She was feeling some strange symptoms.

Dracula's voice came to her suddenly, and she smirked. Oh, it looks like Drac doesn't have any faith in us at all. How disappointing.
"I would have brought them here earlier, but I fainted" Dracula, involuntarily having read Ny's thoughts, said. Toma, who was lying next to him, had cuddled close to him.

"And I do have faith in you, Luci, but I've also got 580 years of experience. And this experience has shown me that having an army is a damn good idea in a war."

A man stepped from the depths of the circle, a mask staring over at Luci and Seven. Dead eyes, long beak, the pinnacle of the middle ages. A plague doctor's mask. Why the Hell would anyone be wearing that, especially nowadays, even if they wanted to conceal their identity, why? A few snorts and growls left the circle, a hand raising to the mask before them. "Check them," the grizzly voice left the Plague Doctor. And so, the men did, patting the two down - keeping check. Eventually, they found Seven's gold, his weapons, his paint. Hell.

Seven felt a sharp pain ignite in his side. Steel toed boots were all the rage when you wanted to hurt someone. He grimaced, curling up in pain as he was continually battered.

"We found the son of a bitch!" The crowd roared, pulling Seven up from the ground by the hair, pulling back his hood and pulling off his bandanna. Another sharp pain occupied him, blood dripping from his nose as he cringed at the metallic taste that settled. I'm dead. Seven dropped to his knees, unable to really do anything; for a highly trained assassin, he wasn't very good at defending himself.
The man in the mask. He looked familiar...he looked like..a goat. Luci was staring at him, no particular expression. "Ummm, excuse me, sir." She whispered to him, half aware of Seven's desperate state. She wasn't surprised he'd have a bounty on him, knowing Seven's past. "But do you think you could release me from these binds? I'm but a simple girl-"

"We know who you are," One of the men growled, taking a break from beating on Seven. The break didn't last long.

"Lucitiel," The plague doctor added, hands behind his back. "once a merciless killer, now a dog of justice. You would have been a formidable ally, if it weren't for your sudden change of heart."

Luci blinked at him, tilting her head. With her hands still bound, she couldn't do much but wriggle them. "Sir, are you aware that you look like a goat..." The plague doctors words were all jumbled up in her head. She wanted to take the goat back home and show Animkii. Then eat ramen together. Death wasn't an option.

Some of the men began to laugh, seemingly entertained by Luci's hallucinations. The doctor walked over to Luci, tilting her head to get a better view of the scar on her cheek. "You'll die pretty soon without the cure." He looked her in the eye; they were completely cold and emotionless. "Which side will you take now, knowing your life is on the line? I wonder."

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