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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Shuzo sat down,wrapped his arms around his knees, and looked at his feet. "I-I'm n-not s-sure, t-to b-be h-honest. I-I j-just... d-don't w-want t-them t-to f-find m-me." He said, "them" referring to the scientists that experimented on him. @Valkyre
"The scientists? Why?" Ella asked, not understanding in the slightest what it was that they were all running from. What they were trying to escape from. "Why are you so scared of them?" Ella asked, tilting her head to one side. She sniffled and wiped her eyes again, trying to calm her breathing. @Ldybug123
Shuzo shifted uncomfortably before staring straight forward. He was having a flashback. Strong arms pushing him into the tank of water, holding him down. Bubbles coming from his mouth. He was struggling to escape the scientist's grasp. A sharp pain in his side from a needle. Tears slipped down Shuzo's face, but he didn't know since he was still having the flashback. @Valkyre
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"You're getting to me already, you filthy casual." He says standing up, dusting his jeans up. "Honestly, if we were both in Europe, I'd have you executed on the spot for mockery of someone with such a high position." Derrick crosses his arms with a disapproving look.
"Oh..." Ella didn't really know what was happening or what she'd said or done but she knew she'd lost him and upset him. "I'm sorry, Shuzo... I didn't mean to. Was it something I said? I don't want to upset you, I just want to understand why we're running" Ella said with a sigh. It seemed SHuzo wouldn't be giving her any real answers any time soon. @Ldybug123
Cicero stopped laughing trying to put on a serious face only to fail and fall on the floor laughing "Yea IF we were in Europe but look around you buddy do you see servants wiping oh great lord's asses any where around you cause I don't so to me your so called great lord is just like the rest of use filthy casuals and same with you." Cicero stated after his laughter finally died down "Do you want me too prove Ogre boy is like the rest of us or do you want to keep that perfect lord only you see safe forever?" the boy asked with a mischievous smile

Nick finally got annoyed with having to hear Cicero's ranting and so he doesn't do anything Nick decide to go over to the people and talk to them "Hey my names Nick." The boy stated dully while throwing his cigarette down the ally way
"You don't need to prove anything. You're not going to. When Vladimor finishes up here, he and I are heading back to our country and will never see such a pathetic country like this one again. I'll be glad for Vladimor to be around people who love and respect him. He'll live life to the fullest, and I watch you hobble along with your ramshackle group." He bites out. He looks at, bowing hesitantly. "Pleased to meet you, Nick. I am Derrick, servant of the King household." He says, probably the 20th time since he's been in America. So well mannered, so well behaved.

"Yea yea I could care less." Nick said he glared at the guy "ramshackle group.....worst insult I have ever heard you most likely should go back to your country there your insults might and I say might actually effect someone but here that was just stupid of you to say." He stated with his emotionless face "I wanna fight you....but sadly if I do you'll die and I won't hear the end of it from your little friend....unless of course I kill him too." He said while popping his neck and knuckles

Cicero stood there confused for once Nick wasn't being an asshole to him 'Is he sick or something?' He asked himself confused but never the less Cicero tempted to walk off waving backwards eating a cookie "Ok see ya guys....and Darrel if I were you....on second thought I don't wanna be a stupid human that has his own will taken by his masters why he serves as a useless dog." The boy said walking trying to find someone else to bug but eventually went to his room and fell asleep
"You are not laying a finger on Vladimor." He says lowly, narrowing his eyes. "I'm no useless dog, and currently I could leave Vladimor as I choose. My will is bound only to me, and it is by choice that I stay by his side and defend him. Derrick reaches for something in his satchel, a firm grip on the unidentified object that he knew so well. "If you'll fight me, so be it." He growls out with narrowed eyes. Derrick looks at his half-dead leader once more with a hard look. "I'll do anything for you. I'll kill for you, I'd die for you, I'll serve you always. " The servant boy thinks. "If you come at me, I'll show no mercy."

"To be honest i'm not scared because I can send you flying into the wall with one punch.....guess Cicero was right it sucks being a pathetic human." Nick said crossing his arm he was really looking forward to an actual challenge but instead he was stuck with a wanna be hero 'Man that sucks.' Nick thought before turning around and leaving "Ok see ya later lap dog." Nick said before walking up the stairs to his room to see Cicero asleep on the couch again so he took a bed and fell asleep

Ooc: I don't think I will post anymore today but who knows i'll leave the Tab open anyways see ya guys for now
Derrick drops his stance when Nick left, frowning. He kneels in front on the couch to tend to Vladimor once more. "I'm weak, I know...But if you're like this, someone has to protect you right?" He says softly. "I know that I'm not strong like you. With or without powers." He begins running his fingers through Vladimor's soft, hair. "You need to comb it more often, it'll begin to knot if you don't. When you're awake shower, I'll get a meal for you...Have you eaten anything at all? You must be starving." He looks sadly at the unresponsive boy. He could tell he hasn't he body is too thin. "Why don't you take care of yourself..." He lets himself go on giving his verbal worry about him, even with the chance that he couldn't hear anything. Eventually he gets tired, reaching in his bag for a fruit snack to eat before laying back down on the floor to go back to sleep.

Matthew was in the room when the three were arguing, but he only heard one thing: Vladimor was leaving?! He didn't know why that bothered him so much, but when he heard he was ready to yell at Vlad. Something about that was just so, so wrong. He didn't confront Vladimor about it until after Derrick went to sleep however. He wondered if Vlad could even hear him, but right now he needed to rant. "So, you're leaving to go back to Europe?" Matthew asked him icily. If anything made Matt's jealousy clear, it was his voice. "I figured you'd stay, but I guess I was wrong about you... All you care about is yourself huh?!" His voice rose, but he quickly quieted it after remembering a sleeping Derrick was in the room. Still, he wasn't done talking. "I... probably won't confront you about this when you're awake. I know I'm a coward, but so are you I guess. I... gave up my chance of having a normal life to take care of Tabitha. Do you think I want to give everything up?" He paused for a long duration of time, after recognizing how close he sounded to giving Vladimor some sort of confess. That wasn't what he was planning to say hear, at any rate. "You can think whatever you want of me... but please don't leave our group. I can't take care of everyone myself." His last sentence almost sounded like a way to brush off what emotion he conveyed before, if it weren't for the fact Matt put one of his hands on the still but warm hands Vladimor had and got down on one knee with his head bowed. Why was he bowing? He wasn't quite sure, but it felt right: He was begging after all.

Cicero woke up and went to Tab's room when he finally remembered Tab wanted to talk to him about well he didn't know that part but he made his way to her room in his half asleep conscious and knocked on Tab's door quietly hoping she could hear it "Hey Tab you awake?" He asked from the other side of the door before finally giving up and was to lazy to go back to his room he curled up in a ball on the floor outside her door and yawned about to fall asleep again
Click the tabs to see everyone's 3rd person POV.

  • Ambrylite grunted in annoyance. Well
    that was helpful. The very pissed off, 16 year old girl felt her eyes blazing. For the most part, Am was a reasonably tempered girl. However, with all the events in her life stacking up, lately, she had not been in the best mood. All she could think of was the anger that burned and swelled inside of her.

    After wallowing in her anger for a few minutes, Ambrylite stormily stomped around the hotel, trying to find a vacant room.

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SnowyKcnomre said:

  • Ambrylite grunted in annoyance. Well
    that was helpful. The very pissed off, 16 year old girl felt her eyes blazing. For the most part, Am was a reasonably tempered girl. However, with all the events in her life stacking up, lately, she had not been in the best mood. All she could think of was the anger that burned and swelled inside of her.

    After wallowing in her anger for a few minutes, Ambrylite stormily stomped around the hotel, trying to find a vacant room.

Ooc: When they're on the first floor, that basically means the lobby, so they'd run into the people immediately- you know that right? X_X Also, just informing that they're not the only experiments out there: They're just one single gang of them trying to survive.
iiimee said:
Ooc: When they're on the first floor, that basically means the lobby, so they'd run into the people immediately- you know that right? X_X Also, just informing that they're not the only experiments out there: They're just one single gang of them trying to survive.
Oh! I forgot to change that! At first I was thinking that they would start actually racing each other but then I decided that would be a little out of character for them, since they're so bent on finding the others. Soo, me being the scattered brain I am, forgot to change that.
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Tabitha had fallen asleep a long time ago, taking off her shirt and replacing her jeans with sweat pants. Usually she was a heavy sleeper, but when Cicero knocked she awoke pretty quickly. Her face was a pale pink: To anyone with a brain she very plainly looked sick. "I'm coming..." she mumbled, staggering out of bed and wrapping a paper-thin blanket around her before shuffling her way over to the door and opened it to reveal a nearly passed out Cicero. "You should come inside." she ordered. She was tired, but her motherly I'll-take-care-of-you instincts took over, and she quickly strode over to take her backpack and stuff off the bed so he could rest. "If you're really that tired, you should just come in." Tabby informed him, which was ironic, considering how she was too delusional from her fever to notice the sheet she had placed around her shoulders slipping off.

Ooc: For the record, she has a bra you pervs! ...It's hot pink! ^_^ #iiimeeisaperv​
"Hmm what....oh yea I forgot where I was for a second thanks." He said getting up and walking into her room "You said you wanted to talk to me?" He said more like a question though while sitting down yawing a little before taking a cookie out and eating it 'Wait I know what she wanted to talk about she most likely wants Nick to apologize......I guess ok yea I actually have no clue.' He thought putting his head down as if he lost some sort of weird guessing game in his head
Tabitha had forgotten she mentioned talking to him earlier. "Oh? Yeah, right..." When she finally did remember, she wrapped the sheet around her more firmly and knelt down to pick up her backpack, setting it up straight before putting it down again and rummaging through it. Eventually she found what she was looking for: At the bottom, underneath all the clothes, textbooks, and assorted items, were several flasks containing different bright-coloured liquids and powders. She handed them to Cicero. "First off, I just wanted to talk to you." She then pointed a porcelain-white finger at the different flasks. "Secondly, I need you to hand those to Calvin when you get the chance. Just ask him what they contain, and please don't tell him I sent you, and definitely make sure you don't break those- I guess that means keep them out of your brother's sight." Tabitha had a look on her face that said this was serious, whatever it was.

"Yep I won't say a word about anything that includes those bottles." He said looking over at the bottles "Ok anyway want to you wanna talk about or do you wanna go back to bed?" He asked looking back at her while a tired smile but his mind was instantly working on a way to hide the bottles from his brothers and trying to find a good lie to feed Calvin if he asked how he got them but other then that he wasn't worried at all except for the fact that his girlfriend is sick
"I'll be fine, as long as your brother doesn't bother us again." Tabitha murmured, leaning in to kiss Cicero. She wasn't sick because of a virus, so she could do so without fear of being contagious. She tried to act like it wasn't, but her left wrist had been seriously hurting her: Everything she did since the fight, she had been doing with her right hand. Still, she acted like she barely noticed.

"Yea hes asleep thankfully." He stated before he kissed Tab and making no one was at the door but eventually he stopped caring about anything around them and his mind went blank as usual when they kiss but he never cared that his mind was blank because most of the time it always filled with cookies and stuff he can steal

Ooc: Tab x Cicero make-out scene? What do you think Cicero?


Bic: Eventually, Matthew got tired of waiting for a response from Vladimor and tried to wake Derrick awake. "Hey, get up." he ordered, not so much as kicking as nudging the boy gently with his foot. He knew he wouldn't like what he heard, but Matt needed answers. He was a sort of leader figure among the group- at least more than anyone else- so it only made sense he'd be looking for an explanation to what Derrick said earlier. He didn't need to inform the boy on his personal life to get the answers he wanted. He preferred to keep his emotional attachment to Vlad a secret, at least for now.

@King Anthony

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