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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ocean said:
"That's fine, just please do something! My I can't feel my arm but I know it's broke" 'who is this guy? It doesn't matter as long as he can help, right?'

mewbot5408 said:
Izabell set down her mug and walked over to ocean,humming for a moment touching his arm with a little glowing in her hand."there..doesn't hurt??" She asked then looked to zadock."you can call me izabell, I'm the man made siren..Also I've known Ori since we were kids.."she told him with a smile
"Look at that a man made Siren a man made Vampire and now a man made... battery." Zadock tilted his head and was amazed slightly as Izabell healed that wound. "I was going to help that but im glad you did."
"thank you, My I can feel my arm and it isn't broke anymore! Thank you Izabell and, uhh, I don't know your name yet? Who are you?"
Izabell giggled at his comment about a battery, she turned and grabbed some cakes she had leftover from last night placing them on a plate and held it out."here. I heard your brothers say you liked these so help yourself. I made too many.." she said
"Really, Thank you I love cake! Wait, my brother told you, that's unusual." 'Why did my brother talk about me, he normally doesn't. Was it because he knew I'd like cake, or did he tell her a lot of stuff about me? Guess I'll never know.'
Ocean said:
"thank you, My I can feel my arm and it isn't broke anymore! Thank you Izabell and, uhh, I don't know your name yet? Who are you?"
"My name is Sparky and I'm glad you are feeling better now, by the way what happened to your arm?" Zadock tilted his head as he stood on the wall.
When Calvin woke up in the morning, the pain in his shoulder had spread to the back of his neck. He reached back, touching the pained area gently only to hiss in pain. Naomi wandered into the room, gazing down at Calvin with worried eyes as he rose into a sitting position.

"How is everyone else feeling?"

"Vlad is still unable to move, Matt is asleep, and that new kid who came in is a fricking jerk to Cicero and Ocean. I think he's their brother but he's really mean."

"If I tried to get near Vladimor with a needle in order to sort of jumpstart his body, both him and Matthew would kill me. We'll see if the boy is awake first." Calvin, unfortunately, had to ask Naomi for help to get up; putting pressure on either shoulder irritated the sore places.

He could only hope that it didn't spread that fast.

(Sorry, can't highlight stuff or whatever on here.)

By 8 o'clock Matthew's eyes finally fluttered open, but he didn't really seem awake. Sleeping for seven hours had really improved the boy's health however, but that didn't change the reality- that Matt hadn't had this much sleep in months. He stood up, stretched, and looked at the boy's next to him. Derrick was sleeping on the floor, just like Matthew had been doing, and Vladimor was still motionless on the couch. "Morning Vladdy..." Matt made him name more cute and endearing as a joke, but in his dry, monotone voice it was hard to tell. He passed by the kitchen before doing anything else: Inside he heard the voices of Cicero, Ocean, the new guy, and the new... chick chatting and yelling at each other. Matt didn't know why, but this "Izabell" character seemed extremely suspicious to him, but maybe that was just his gay mind drawing comparisons between the girl and the boys who had constantly hounded him during the six months before he came here. Casting the thought aside, Matt finally went over to the elevators and searched for Calvin. It took a while, but eventually he found the scientist and Naomi talking. "You don't look so good." were his initial words he thought to say, but instead he decided to save the scientist's pride and start off the conversation with "Do you need anything? I noticed you looked a little rough back there."

"You look a little rough now." Matt felt inclined to say those words, but he didn't. He kept his mouth shut.

Tabitha woke up twenty minutes after her best friend, not that she knew that. Getting up and putting the nearest pair of jeans on, Tabby quickly headed downstairs. Her hair was a little messy in the morning, but she was sure she looked better than most here. After all, her hair was naturally wavy.​
Calvin looked up as Matt began talking and tried to shrug, only to hiss in pain. "Damn.. No, I'm fine. Nothing I can't fix," he lied. He could numb the area, and maybe stop it from spreading, but that was about it.

"Is Vladimor awake? If not, I can see what I have that might help him."

Naomi decided to make sure Matt knew exactly what Calvin was planning. "It involves needles, which is why he's asking first."

Cryx, looking like she had been up for a while and had time to get dressed and brush her hair and such, wandered into the room.

"About time people started getting up. Calvin, I'm half tempted to go smack that asshole of a brother Ocean and Cicero rediscovered last night. Kid is a real pain, and he won't stop yelling. I can only wonder how poor Tabitha must feel."
Matthew took a step forward, as if he wanted to help Calvin, (who was obviously in pain) but he refrained from doing so. Matt knew the dangers of being a proud man, but he couldn't fault Calvin. If the scientist wanted his wound to be unnoticed, Matt would pretend he never saw it. "I don't know why needles or Vladimor involve me. I was just doing what Derrick advised. If you want to inject the boy with something, you should ask Derrick." Matthew kept his voice cold, not even glancing at Naomi. For some reason, everything felt like a game around this scientist. If one of them flinched or showed any sign of emotion, the other would notice and react... but why did they hide their emotions? Perhaps it was some unspoken rule of the game, but Matthew couldn't help but feel like they were both losing. "I'm actually going to check on Tabitha." he excused himself. He gave a smirk, acting amused at the fact Cryx actually cared about somebody, but he didn't really care. What he cared about was his... "friend's" health. He walked out of the room and pushed the elevator, but all the while he was thinking about what he had to do to win the game. "Do I have to lose to win?" he wondered. "If I show signs of emotion, what happens then?" Matt didn't really know, but with each passing day he was getting more desperate to find out.

Calvin shrugged. "Derrick tends to hold irrational fears, I've noticed. We will see." Calvin wasn't always the best at reading emotion, but Naomi, being a child, was pretty perceptive of that sort of thing. She followed Matt.

"Calvin's not the best with relationships. If you're looking to start something, then you'd better act. Otherwise, he won't. He can be a bit of a scaredy cat that way." She continued past him, to the kitchen, in search of food.

Calvin waited until Matt was gone. Cryx handed him a hand-held mirror with a knowing and sympathetic look on her face. He waved her away with the unharmed arm, holding in any pain, and rose the mirror up to see what was up with his shoulder.

The skin was grey there, and despite the blood-like substance from earlier having obviously spilled up from that area, there didn't seem to be any punctures in the skin that would hint at anything.

Calvin sighed, moving to rummage through the pack. At least he had been smart enough to draw blood and do some tests in order to find out how to best treat this. He lifted a syringe holding orange-ish liquid to a spot just outside of the affected area, pushing the needle in and the substance into his bloodstream. He growled in pain and dropped the needle, shakily lifting the mirror up to see the grayness receeding. The pain was no longer there, either.

"That was unexpected.." It was also bad. When it actually came back again, it would probably be worse.

"Feeling better?" Cryx had never left, it seemed, much to the scientist's annoyance.

"I feel better physically," he emphasized, walking to the elevator and pushing the button to the main floor, where Vlad was, a small kit in tow.

Cryx, to her credit, actually looked a bit hurt. She didn't say anything about it, though, knowing how Calvin was.

"You're great at anticipating certain things," she stated, motioning to the kit.

"Care to expand upon that statement?"

"You suck at predicting a lot of things, Calvin. It's simple."

Calvin understood what she was getting at, and knew the perfect (and somewhat dramatic) way to combat any emotion she might have seen; he adjusted his glasses just right so the glare of lights hid his eyes.

"You're such an idiot."

He didn't reply, only stepped out of the elevator and towards Vlad.

"Derrick. Either he can wake on his own time, which may prove dangerous; or I can force him awake. I suggest you hold him down if I wake him, because he might have a bad reaction to a needle breaking his skin in any way, shape, or form. I asked Matthew, but he suggested that I ask you instead."

"I don't know what you think I'm trying to start. If anything, Calvin's become a brother to me." Matthew answered, shrugging off the girl's words on the outside, but something in his eyes showed that he heard what she was saying, loud and clear. Matthew took the elevator to the first floor, where he already saw Calvin talking to Derrick, mentioning something about Vlad being held down. As if by instinct, Matt's eyes flickered over to Vlad's motionless body. "Get better soon... bastard." Matt said within the realms of his mind, but he kept his mouth shut. It was his fault, but the fact he was so open to the boy made him uneasy regardless. "He better not think I'm his admirer, or anything like that!" Matthew tried to think of how he would make the Vladimor regret it if he started hitting on him, but nothing came to mind. Matt was so wrapped up in these thoughts of indignation however, that he didn't notice Tabitha until she had walked up behind him!

"What are you doing?" she asked.

Matthew nearly jumped from fright, but soon he regained his posture and turned to face her. "Nothing, just thinking of how to kill scientists." Matt responded with a smile. Tabby knew he was lying, and her disbelief was characterized by the crossing of her arms and a raised eyebrow. "If you have something to say to somebody, you should just tell them." she responded. Matthew wanted to punch the girl, but he restrained himself. "I'll keep that in mind." he said in his most polite voice, but as he walked away from her and back to the elevator he started cussing under his breath like a madman. What did she know?! Less than Matt thought, was the answer. Despite Tabitha's perceptiveness, the girl had yet to pick up on the tension between Calvin and Matt. If anything, she thought they were unbelievably close friends and partners in crime.​
Nick walked around until he found people he walked up to Tab"Hey do you know Cicero.....you know almost as tall as me stupid?" He asked looking at the girl "I need to find him to make sure he isn't doing anything he will regret....especially if its stealing cause then I would be pissed at him." He stated dully

Cicero some how went back to sleep and woke up confused and remembering what happened early that day he shivered at the thought before going down stairs to see Nick talking to Tab 'Great this guy seems to know how to ruin my life when he doesn't know it.' He thought before disappearing behind a wall so he wouldn't be seen by him

At the same moment Matthew entered the elevator, Tabitha was approached by a complete stranger. "Who are you?" she intended to ask him, but he started talking before she could. "Cicero? What would he be doing?" she asked in response to his own question. Her innocent leaf-green eyes expressed all her concern without her needing to say it. Tabitha looked over her shoulder while they were talking. Was Cicero just here? She didn't know for sure, but she thought for a second that she heard his footsteps. "Probably just my imagination." she decided, before turning back to gaze at the newcomer with curiosity. If he knew Cicero, he was most likely a friend: Calvin wouldn't let enemies into their group, after all.

Ooc: What does Nick look like btw? Also, how tall is he? Sorry if you already said it, but if you have I've already forgotten. :P
Ooc:I added a picture to my character sign in sheet of him and hes stands 6'2

"What hes been doing is stealing."He said sarcastically "But I need to know what he has been doing in this...group I guess of people when I was gone?" He said before taking out a cigarette and sticking it in his mouth and grabbing his lighter to light it while looking around hoping to see Cicero and ask the stupid kid himself

"I don't think they saw me that's good to know." He said to himself while sliding down the wall putting his hands on his knee staring at the ground he let out a sigh or relief 'To bad I can't hear them....oh well I can trust Tab to not say anything that couldn't make the guy wanna kill me.' He told himself mentally
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"Well, if you don't like stealing you really shouldn't stay with us." Tabitha responded, a little defensive of both her hobby and her job. It was how she earned her money, after all. Still, she remained friendly and to prove this, she extended her hand to him. "I'm Tabitha, by the way. You can call me that or Tabby. Cicero's my..." Tabitha hesitated. Was this a person she could openly tell about her relationship? Usually she wouldn't flinch at telling somebody, but the fact he knew Cicero made her somewhat protective of her boyfriend. "Well, you can ask him yourself." she finished, giving a smile that said "Welcome to our little family." because in the girl's head, that was exactly what everyone here was to her. She wasn't naive enough to believe they all liked her: She knew that Matt definitely didn't like her right now, and Orious seemed totally indifferent to her, but nevertheless she wanted to eventually become friends with everyone who'd let her. What was the point of surviving if she did it alone?

Matthew had decided to relax in Tabitha's room, since the girl was downstairs. "Tabby, you have great taste." he realized, looking around at it. It wasn't perfect, but Matt could see what the girl would see in it. The walls were covered in faded red and white wallpaper that was partly tore down, probably due to rowdy guests from years ago. Nearly everything metal in the room was painted gold or silver colours. The covers on the bed were a similar silver-blue colour, and soon Matt found himself sitting down on the bed, just to take in the atmosphere. "I could get used to this..." he thought contently, resting his head on the pillow- only to realize how clean the room was. With this thought in his head, he timidly ran a hand through his hair: It wasn't the worst, but he could use a shower. Sighing, he got up and went over to the bathroom, taking off his clothes and taking the shower he desperately needed. Unlike Tabitha, Matt preferred the temperature to be scalding hot. He just stood there for a while, half-expecting the water to turn off after five minutes. It didn't. Feeling happier than usual, Matt took his time to wash and rinse his hair, then his body. He didn't care if the shampoo smelled like the worst coconut flavour ever: This was heaven!​
"I know I shouldn't and I wouldn't if my brothers weren't about of this." He said showing some anger in his eyes but still shook Tab's hand "What is Cicero to you Tabitha you sorta cut that part out and if you don't want to tell me there is no way in hell Cicero will....unless of course I use force." He said while blowing smoke rings in the air "Also Cicero your not very good at hiding come out NOW." He stated emphasizing the now

Cicero out behind the wall and gave a small wave to Tab while walking up showing a smile sad or not hopefully they couldn't tell "Hey Tab....ok so what do you want Nick?" He asked looking at the boy his anger filling his eyes as he put his hand into a fist until his knuckles where white as he remember what he did to Ocean and him

"Oh that's easy....tell me what Tabitha here is to you." He said glaring at the boy smiling a little knowing the boy would get embarrassed 'This will be funny to see cause as long as I can remember he always sucked at telling girls his feelings and when he did get a girlfriend his face always got red when I asked about the relationship always a good laugh' He thought to himself his smiling growing into a slightly evil smile

Cicero didn't want to say anything so he didn't but he couldn't help it that his face turned as red as a tomato but he still didn't say a word all he did was glare at the boy still trying his hardest not to punch the boy in the face
Tabitha winced when Nick yelled. "Could he be any more loud?!" Tabitha didn't say that aloud of course, but her patience was already running thin. There wasn't anything funny about the way this guy was acting, but when he forced Cicero out of hiding it became even worse. Nick was a total jerk. He rambled on about Cicero's shyness for a while, but Tabitha barely listened. She was looking at her cat-boy boyfriend, who was somewhere between total rage and total humiliation. She brushed her hand against his briefly- a small sign that she was on his side- before promptly stepping up so that she was practically nose-to-nose with Nick, if only she had been a little taller. "Who do you think you are?" she demanded, grabbing the boy's ear with one hand, (her other hand was on her hip) pulling him down so he was practically bowing, and giving him a look that said she could kill: If she actually could was up for the boy to guess.

"This boy has a name and its Nick now let go of my now."He said grabbing her hand trying to pry it off his ear almost crushing do to his super human strength

"Tab let go of him please hes going to complain.....and most likely not like you and sadly i do.....because of reasons." He said but go about to cool down until Nick grabbed Tab's hand he punched Nick square in the face making Nick let go and fall to the ground that's when Cicero jumped on top of him and continued to punch him in the face he was furious enough to make his eyes go to his cat eyes "Don't you ever and I mean EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN UNLESS YOU WANNA DIES!" He screamed forgetting Tab was in the room as he reached for a knife in his pocket and was about to stab Nick before Nick grabbed his hand and kneed Cicero in the stomach making him fall over

"Why is she so important to you.....isn't like you two are a couple." Nick stated making Cicero's face turn red again "Wait......hahahahahahaha the stupid cat-burglar has a girlfriend hahahahahahaha." He said laughing at the fact Cicero's face keep turning redder and redder by the second

"Shut up.....knowing you were just jealous that I actually have a girlfriend unlike you." Cicero stated standing up and holding unto his stomach

Tabitha wasn't paying attention to their bickering. Instead, she was paying attention to the fact her hand HURT LIKE HELL! She didn't say a word when Cicero made Nick let go of her. She wasn't a doctor, but she wouldn't have been surprised if her wrist was broken. Eventually she managed to whimper out a small "stop it", but the words were cut off by the sound of Cicero's screaming. Something in her head felt like it was burning, and within seconds Tabby had collapsed unto the floor.

Matthew stepped in a second later, only wearing a pair of jeans he had thrown on in a hurry. Damn, how did that boy always know when to enter a room? "What the fuck happened?" Matt asked, looking at the two boys who were at each other's throats. Immediately Matt saw the similarity in their faces, but he didn't care if the newcomer was Cicero's brother or not. What he cared about was protecting Tabitha. He knelt down beside the girl, feeling her forehead. She had a fever again, and perhaps that was what really set Matt off, because after gaining this information he got up and walked over to the two. "I am not a hero, and the last thing I want to be is Tabby's protector." he said calmly and slowly, as if only annoyed and not about to kill both of them. "But if either of you harm my sister one more time, I'll tear you apart, limb from limb." They weren't actually siblings, but the fact they referred to each other as such just showed how much of a close bond they had. If Matt needed to, he'd use every ounce of his energy to kill both of them, but Tabitha would be safe.​
"Wait does Tab have a fever again?"Cicero asked kneeling down to Tab and picking her up "I guess were going to bring her to her room lets go Matthew and Nick if you wanna leave to at least beat the crap out of me and Ocean you won't follow." He told Nick giving him a death stare really wanting to stab the boy and slit his throat 'dang it I got so caught up in trying to help Tab I ended up hurting her again by my yelling.' He told himself looking down at Tab

"What ever go help your precise girlfriend but you dare threaten me again your going to be the dead man." Nick stated while he made his way outside and leaned again the wall while smoking a cigarette something that he was glad to get addicted too it helped him stay calm and emotionless "What the fuck is his problem just because I grabbed the girl by the hand he started punching me and he reached for something in his pocket....but what was it and when did he get strong enough to actually hurt me a little?" He asked himself wondering about how his younger brother had managed to become that strong while taking a long drag on his cigarette and rubbing his cheek with his other hand thinking it most have been pure anger or Cicero was actually that strong Nick just decide he would never know for now anyways

Tabitha wasn't really unconscious because of her injuries, just hurt. That didn't mean she could walk of course. Already blood was dripping from her ears unto the shirt she had borrowed from Matthew. "He's going to kill me." she thought, full of guilt despite her weak state, but Matthew wasn't paying attention to his shirt. He was following after Cicero, who seemed to carry the girl like he had gotten used to it. That only made Tabby more guilty. "Why does he have to take care of me?" she asked herself, but she knew the answer: She was useless. Despite all her efforts, Tabitha always ended up last in combat. Even Matt, who didn't have anything to boost his strength unlike so many of the experiments, managed to become a formidable opponent, but what was she? No matter what, she was helpless. "I-I'll walk." Tabby told Cicero, hoping he'd let her down so she could limp back to her room in peace. She couldn't stand this humiliation. She'd walk, even if it killed her. She knew Matt would follow her, but-

"Take care of her. I'm going back downstairs to keep watch." Matthew said roughly, walking back the way he came after saying that. Tabby watched him go, clearly confused. Why was he leaving her alone, after he seemed so worried about her? Neither what he said nor him walking away gave away his intentions at all.

Ooc: I figured they were in the hallway of the second or whatever floor Tabitha's room is on, so I made the scene there. That's okay right? ^_^
Ella had wondered somewhat aimlessly out of her room a while ago. Cooped up like that in a hotel room made her feel uncomfortable. Trapped. She didn't attribute that feeling to anything in particular but subconsciously she was reliving the times that her handlers would order her not to move. They'd leave her paralysed in the room whilst they went off and had any sort of fun they wanted, without fear that she would escape. They had been dark times for her, ones she didn't really recall now. Just the fear of being caged in her own skin.

"You workin' tonight, love? Don't worry, I ain't no cop, I won't tell anyone" a lecherous voice from behind her called out to her.

Ella stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder at him, confused by what the man in a shabby uniform was asking her.
Ooc: Sure Cicero doesn't even know where her room is anyways

"Ok but if you look like your going to fall or something i'm carrying you again." The boy stated denile clearly in his voice but he let her down regardless regretting the idea of doing so "I'm....sorry about yelling back there I guess I lost control when he grabbed her wrist i'm sorry." He said looking down he would never apologize to his brother even if it meant dying he wouldn't and hes going to make Nick apologize also for what he did even if he got bruises or cuts or anything

Nick didn't follow directions his brother told him to he was following them until he ran into the boy that told them to quiet down some time ago "Oh hey elf were you going off too?" The boy asked plainly staring at the boy as he walked up to him

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