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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

@King Anthony

a rather decent sized dead snake was pulled from behind the couch and dropped onto mew's chest by leo. mew grabbed the snake corpse by the head eyeing it curiously for a minuet as he scanned over it. he noticed how it had been killed and even checked the breed. mew looked at leo with a small smile. it was a good thing he was killing snakes,after all it wouldn't be a good thing if anyone here got bitten by one. he'd defiantly be upset if anything were to happen to rei. speaking of rei,was she hiding again? more likely. mew gave a small look around to make sure her signal was in the same place. it was. his red eyes then met leo and he moved to gently ruffle leo's maine. "good job." he says and stands with the snake walking over to the kitchen getting a idea and left it coiled up on the kitchen counter. he looks back at leo. "you know I'll be able to understand you in that form,right? you can try speaking if you like...."he says and walks over to sit on the cool floor. "if you have anything you wish to say,i wouldn't mind." he continued brushing his fingers through his dark bangs.

@Surprise Meteors

shard gave a light exhale and stretched her arms with a little yawn. She looked at Leo with her dark purple eyes running her fingers through her wispy dark hair having a curious look. She then looks bored at what she's seeing and crosses her arms under her chest with a little huff of annoyance at the extra person. She tilts her head and takes a few steps with her boots audible on the pavement. "Can we kill this guy yet,Leo??" She asks and gives a little pouty look at him like she wanted to eat the third wheel's spleen. Shards then walks in a circle before plopping down criss cross.

@Magical Squid Senpai

Elias looks at haru with his golden eyes giving a small huff in response. He moves by his side quietly with a little nod standing close from behind a arm above haru against the wall. Looking out he watched as some ran by him counting the steps and listen closely. Hopefully the guards got fat enough from them. Carefully pushing open the door Elias steps out looking around just in case before tugging haru after him gently.
mewbot5408 said:
orious jerked away his arm roughly and backed up rubbing his arm looking down. he backed up against the wall.

"don't touch me!" snapped. he slowly slid down with his hands against his head. "...don't risk your life,i don't want to hurt you......Also no. I can't drink another's blood...that's a really bad idea..." He breathes in a shallow ragged way. he brings his long legs up against his chest and buries his head in his arms with silent tears."i-if that's all please leave me alone....I have to hack into that security system......I have to find them.....I have to....before It's too late.....I have to..." he says with a shaky voice. The white slowly started to spread again making snow color edges on Orious' hair.

"Risking your life" didn't sound too fun to Matthew, and neither did Orious's teeth, but as the vampire continued to rant and frantically add difference between the drug dealer and himself, that same drug dealer was coming to understand that he couldn't risk anyone else's life to give Orious his blood. If somebody in the group was weak and willing to, that was one thing, but even with is new-found muscle everyone in the base except for maybe that Rei-girl could stand a chance against him. She could, if he was weak, which made Matt second guess himself for only a moment: 'Am I worth sacrificing?' Matthew wondered. Before coming to this base, he was a complete survivalist. He would have gone wherever seemed safest, and his original plan had been to leave Tabitha and go off to Las Vegas. Well, by some miracle Calvin convinced him to stay with the group, and by some coincidence they all went to Las Vegas together... or Calvin tried to. Matthew's chest hurt just thinking about the past, which is why he veered his train of thought back to the question: 'Am I worth saving?' Finally, after several moments, he came to the conclusion he wasn't, at least not while he remained around people. He wouldn't say he cared for any of them, except maybe a small part of him would admit Vlad and Tabby weren't all that bad... but how he felt toward any of them didn't matter. Orious was starving to death, Matt could see it in the vampire's eyes, which was why he stepped right in front of the albino man, every muscle in his body tensed. "You care for Derrick. I get that, but you won't be able to hack into their systems Ori. At best, you'll alert them that we're here, and if Vi finds out-" Matthew kept talking, casually sliding one sleeve of his baggy t-shirt down and exposing his shoulder, before suddenly ending his speech to grab the sides of the vampire's face to bring his teeth down on Matt's shoulder. It was difficult to do, considering the major height difference between them, but it was possible- and incredibly painful. Matthew had had a firm grip on Orious up to the point when the albino's teeth were about to be sunk in, but once they were actually in Matt's skin and stained with blood, the young man couldn't do anything, other than shake and pray within the depths of his mind that the sucking feeling of Orious's needle-teeth couldn't actually be felt. Only the top jaw had really went in- the bottom ones were just against Matt's skin. It felt weird and wrong, but the drug dealer didn't complain. For some reason, fear was the one thing that made him meek, and right now, he was scared out of his mind.

Ooc: Hehe, let's see... I can't do Rin's until the escape, even if it's written now... Tabitha and I guess Matthew next post. ._.

Ooc: Lol,

@mewbot5408 , I accidentally included my post in your quote. xD Here's my post anyway...

Bic: "Risking your life" didn't sound too fun to Matthew, and neither did Orious's teeth, but as the vampire continued to rant and frantically add difference between the drug dealer and himself, that same drug dealer was coming to understand that he couldn't risk anyone else's life to give Orious his blood. If somebody in the group was weak and willing to, that was one thing, but even with is new-found muscle everyone in the base except for maybe that Rei-girl could stand a chance against him. She could, if he was weak, which made Matt second guess himself for only a moment: 'Am I worth sacrificing?' Matthew wondered. Before coming to this base, he was a complete survivalist. He would have gone wherever seemed safest, and his original plan had been to leave Tabitha and go off to Las Vegas. Well, by some miracle Calvin convinced him to stay with the group, and by some coincidence they all went to Las Vegas together... or Calvin tried to. Matthew's chest hurt just thinking about the past, which is why he veered his train of thought back to the question: 'Am I worth saving?' Finally, after several moments, he came to the conclusion he wasn't, at least not while he remained around people. He wouldn't say he cared for any of them, except maybe a small part of him would admit Vlad and Tabby weren't all that bad... but how he felt toward any of them didn't matter. Orious was starving to death, Matt could see it in the vampire's eyes, which was why he stepped right in front of the albino man, every muscle in his body tensed. "You care for Derrick. I get that, but you won't be able to hack into their systems Ori. At best, you'll alert them that we're here, and if Vi finds out-" Matthew kept talking, casually sliding one sleeve of his baggy t-shirt down and exposing his shoulder, before suddenly ending his speech to grab the sides of the vampire's face to bring his teeth down on Matt's shoulder. It was difficult to do, considering the major height difference between them, but it was possible- and incredibly painful. Matthew had had a firm grip on Orious up to the point when the albino's teeth were about to be sunk in, but once they were actually in Matt's skin and stained with blood, the young man couldn't do anything, other than shake and pray within the depths of his mind that the sucking feeling of Orious's needle-teeth couldn't actually be felt. Only the top jaw had really went in- the bottom ones were just against Matt's skin. It felt weird and wrong, but the drug dealer didn't complain. For some reason, fear was the one thing that made him meek, and right now, he was scared out of his mind.

Ooc: Hehe, let's see... I can't do Rin's until the escape, even if it's written now... Tabitha and I guess Matthew next post. ._.​
Orious tasted the blood as the scent lingered into his nostrils like a shark smelling the blood of a injured sea lion. He pulled himself away from Matthew pissed off shoving him off him as his fangs ached in his jaws. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" he snarled with thin pupils but what happened next meant it was too late for him to resist. Orious dropped down holding onto Matthew and licked the open wound lightly as if cleaning it up before gently sinking his fangs in getting to work as he swallowed the blood. Salty tears found themselves flooding down his face. He felt disgusting. Refusing to finish completely he pulled out his fangs early finding himself drop exhausted into Matthew's lap breathing heavily as if panicking a little with his arms around the human as ori passed out with his face on his thigh.

Haru walked behind Elias quietly. Even though he seemed super determined to do this he was still shaking behind the taller male. What if someone catches them? Haru would not let that happen! He had grabbed a small bucket of water from the storage closet before they left. He would use it to protect them both, it did stink though. "Elias, do you think we can maybe find a map that would let you know what floor it was on?"

mewbot5408 said:
@King Anthony
a rather decent sized dead snake was pulled from behind the couch and dropped onto mew's chest by leo. mew grabbed the snake corpse by the head eyeing it curiously for a minuet as he scanned over it. he noticed how it had been killed and even checked the breed. mew looked at leo with a small smile. it was a good thing he was killing snakes,after all it wouldn't be a good thing if anyone here got bitten by one. he'd defiantly be upset if anything were to happen to rei. speaking of rei,was she hiding again? more likely. mew gave a small look around to make sure her signal was in the same place. it was. his red eyes then met leo and he moved to gently ruffle leo's maine. "good job." he says and stands with the snake walking over to the kitchen getting a idea and left it coiled up on the kitchen counter. he looks back at leo. "you know I'll be able to understand you in that form,right? you can try speaking if you like...."he says and walks over to sit on the cool floor. "if you have anything you wish to say,i wouldn't mind." he continued brushing his fingers through his dark bangs.
He purrs in content, nodding at the human cat. He knows that, but there's never much for him to say. The strong silent type, if you will. He's spoken before, many times (especially back to the queens at the zoo before mating) but now, chooses not to. When Mew sat back down, Leonardo moves closer, resting his head in the other's lap, closing his eyes. His soft purrs came to a stop as he fades deep into thought, quickly sitting up when something of importance crossed him. "When are we going to help them?" He felt sort of bad lazing around catching gifts for Mew and Matthew all day, or just being the latter's bodyguard (for what? No one here really had anything against him, it seemed...) Leonardo began pacing in circles around Mew, rambling on about how they're doing nothing and how they should be at the very least tracking which facility they were all at. He worried for them.

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