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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

MermaidShireen said:
Ammax's grip on her hands made Persephone drop her knives, but that didn't stop her. Releasing him with her legs, she kicks with the heels of her boots into the cuts she just made, growling right back at him.
Quinnlin retrieved Persephone's knives from the ground where they landed and slid them into her boots. "You're not gunna get involved are you?"


(She broke like: Her pinky or something not important)

Ammax would grunt, losing his ballance, sending them both crashing into the ground. Persephone fell first, and he crashed ontop of her, hearing a soft crack. Due to the impact, he bounced off, and landed on his side. He would growl quietly in pain. His wounds oozed a purple liquid: His blood. He carefully stood up, holding his chest. You could see the blood coagulate around the gashes. The bleeding had stopped, but the wounds were still open. He looked up at Persephone, and snorted. He'd step over her, and slightly limped his way towards Quinnlin with a soft smile.

(mind you: he has a skirt on xD )


Tundra would watch as Persephone kicked his wounds.

"No!" He would scream, but it was too late. Ammax lost is ballance, falling onto Gogo, and rolling onto his side. He watched as he groaned in pain, carefully standing up despite his wounds. He watched, impressed, as he snorted at Gogo, and made his way to the twin next to him with a soft smile.

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Supermegabrenda2 said:


(She broke like: Her pinky or something not important)

Ammax would grunt, losing his ballance, sending them both crashing into the ground. He fell on his back, ontop of Persephone, hearing a soft crack. Due to the impact, he fell on her and rolled onto his side. He would growl quietly in pain. His wounds oozed a purple liquid: His blood. He carefully stood up, holding his chest. You could see the blood coagulate around the gashes. The bleeding had stopped, but the wounds were still open. He looked up at Persephone, and snorted, making his way towards Quinnlin with a soft smile.


Tundra would watch as Persephone kicked his wounds.

"No!" He would scream, but it was too late. Ammax lost is ballance, falling onto Gogo, and rolling onto his side. He watched as he groaned in pain, carefully standing up despite his wounds. He watched, impressed, as he snorted at Gogo, and made his way to the twin next to him with a soft smile.

Persephone moaned as she stood up after getting pummeled by Ammax. Her wrist was broken but she didn't care, she was still angry and about to explode. "Get back here you son of a bitch! You haven't won yet!" And then she exploded.

Quinnlin screamed as her sister fell and then felt her mimic her power to detonate. "Persephone wa--" but it was to late and the explosion blasted Ammax and Tundra against the wall while Quinnlin absorbed it. When the dust cleared, there was a crater and an unconscious Persephone at the bottom of it.
MermaidShireen said:
Persephone moaned as she stood up after getting pummeled by Ammax. Her wrist was broken but she didn't care, she was still angry and about to explode. "Get back here you son of a bitch! You haven't won yet!" And then she exploded.
Quinnlin screamed as her sister fell and then felt her mimic her power to detonate. "Persephone wa--" but it was to late and the explosion blasted Ammax and Tundra against the wall while Quinnlin absorbed it. When the dust cleared, there was a crater and an unconscious Persephone at the bottom of it.


Ammax glanced back, just in time for the explosion. Before it hit him, he pounced on Quinnlin, His wings wrapping arond the both. His wings took the damage, and it felt to boh as if they were simpl pushed. Ammax unrapped his wings, and saw Tundra dashing towards a passed out Persephone. He watched as Tundra brought her up to the surface.


Tundra watched as Persephone exploded. He was knocked back, crashing into the wall. He left a small cater on it. Tundra shook his head, and sniffed the air. He could sence she was no longer awake, a few perks being half lion had. He fell onto his fours, and dashed towards where she was as the dust lowered. He reached the edge of the crater, spotting an unconsious Gogo in it. He slid down, and placed one leg on either side of her. Him, stradling her, placed his ear next to her chest, hearing a heartbeat. The lion then picked her up and rushed up the crater. He set Gogo down, and looked up at the other twin.

"How do I wake her?"

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Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax glanced back, just in time for the explosion. Before it hit him, he pounced on Quinnlin, His wings wrapping arond the both. His wings took the damage, and it felt to boh as if they were simpl pushed. Ammax unrapped his wings, and saw Tundra dashing towards a passed out Persephone. He watched as Tundra brought her up to the surface.


Tundra watched as Persephone exploded. He was knocked back, crashing into the wall. He left a small cater on it. Tundra shook his head, and sniffed the air. He could sence she was no longer awake, a few perks being half lion had. He fell onto his fours, and dashed towards where she was as the dust lowered. He reached the edge of the crater, spotting an unconsious Gogo in it. He slid down, and placed one leg on either side of her. Him, stradling her, placed his ear next to her chest, hearing a heartbeat. The lion then picked her up and rushed up the crater. He set Gogo down, and looked up at the other twin.

"How do I wake her?"

Quinnlin glanced over Ammax to quickly check for any serious injury before kneeling at Persephone's side. She checked to see if everything was reformed correctly then, gently checking that no bones were still broken, and then slapped her in the face. "Idiot."

Persephone hurt everywhere, especially her face when she woke up with a start. Her eyes had returned to their normal purple and she wasn't angry anymore, just worried and sore. "Idiot." "Didn't we already know this?" They both laugh and Persephone winced in pain. "He deserved that." "Be that as it may. Our cover is completely blown. We might get locked up again."
MermaidShireen said:
Quinnlin glanced over Ammax to quickly check for any serious injury before kneeling at Persephone's side. She checked to see if everything was reformed correctly then, gently checking that no bones were still broken, and then slapped her in the face. "Idiot."
Persephone hurt everywhere, especially her face when she woke up with a start. Her eyes had returned to their normal purple and she wasn't angry anymore, just worried and sore. "Idiot." "Didn't we already know this?" They both laugh and Persephone winced in pain. "He deserved that." "Be that as it may. Our cover is completely blown. We might get locked up again."

Ammax & Tundra

Ammax would rub the side of his arm.


He'd reach over to help her stand, only to get shoved by Tundra.

"Dont you touch her." Tundra sneered into his face, digging his nails into Ammax's shoulder.

Ammax jolted back.

"Dude, chill. I already said Sorry. I was going to hea-"

His frase was cut in half when Tundra's fist connected to his chin.

"Shut the fuck up." He spat. Ammax sneered, and kicked him back with his hoof.

"Dont you freaking touch me." He said, and snorted as he stumbled back, his hoof imprinted onto his chest.

"You know im stronger than you." Ammax said.

Tundra would sneer, his mane falling over half his face. He glanced over at Persephone, and helped her up.

Ammax would look at Quinnlin, then at Persephone.

"Sorry..." He'd say, rubbing the side of his arm. "I should have never even asked you to come out here, Quinn." He'd look up at her, and walked closer, hugging her softly. He whispers in her ear.

"Not saying I didn't like it." He stepped back, and looked at Persephone.

"Were all going to get out of thi hell hole. I promise."

Tundra would be slowly inching towards Persephone.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:

Ammax & Tundra

Ammax would rub the side of his arm.


He'd reach over to help her stand, only to get shoved by Tundra.

"Dont you touch her." Tundra sneered into his face, digging his nails into Ammax's shoulder.

Ammax jolted back.

"Dude, chill. I already said Sorry. I was going to hea-"

His frase was cut in half when Tundra's fist connected to his chin.

"Shut the fuck up." He spat. Ammax sneered, and kicked him back with his hoof.

"Dont you freaking touch me." He said, and snorted as he stumbled back, his hoof imprinted onto his chest.

"You know im stronger than you." Ammax said.

Tundra would sneer, his mane falling over half his face. He glanced over at Persephone, and helped her up.

Ammax would look at Quinnlin, then at Persephone.

"Sorry..." He'd say, rubbing the side of his arm. "I should have never even asked you to come out here, Quinn." He'd look up at her, and walked closer, hugging her softly. He whispers in her ear.

"Not saying I didn't like it." He stepped back, and looked at Persephone.

"Were all going to get out of thi hell hole. I promise."

Tundra would be slowly inching towards Persephone.​
Persephone looked up at Tundra, surprised that he cared at all. "There will be guards outside the doors... we won't make it if we try to fight out now, we need more allies." She stands up slowly, leaning on Tundra for support.

Quinnlin nods and stays close to Ammax. "So what's our next move?"
MermaidShireen said:
Persephone looked up at Tundra, surprised that he cared at all. "There will be guards outside the doors... we won't make it if we try to fight out now, we need more allies." She stands up slowly, leaning on Tundra for support.
Quinnlin nods and stays close to Ammax. "So what's our next move?"


Ammax swiftly takes a handcuff from Quinnlin's belt, and puts it on his wrists. Tundra copyed him.

"You gals heard us fighting, us having escaped. Then, you two separated us, and managed to contain us both."

Ammax would smirk. He'd back up so his hands were touching Quinnlin's ribs. He'd motion to the door.

"Y'all need to take us."


He would cuff himself, his fur covering the cuff slightly. He'd put his cuffed arms around Persephone, helping her stand straight and look normal. He'd remove his arms, and, smirking, look over her again.

"Damn. You truly fell from heavens this time, huh?" He'd whisper in her ears. (since they were still pretty close xD )

He'd take her hand and place it on his cuffs. Shaking his head, he made his mane look wild, as if he had just rolled around in the sand.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax swiftly takes a handcuff from Quinnlin's belt, and puts it on his wrists. Tundra copyed him.

"You gals heard us fighting, us having escaped. Then, you two separated us, and managed to contain us both."

Ammax would smirk. He'd back up so his hands were touching Quinnlin's ribs. He'd motion to the door.

"Y'all need to take us."


He would cuff himself, his fur covering the cuff slightly. He'd put his cuffed arms around Persephone, helping her stand straight and look normal. He'd remove his arms, and, smirking, look over her again.

"Damn. You truly fell from heavens this time, huh?" He'd whisper in her ears. (since they were still pretty close xD )

He'd take her hand and place it on his cuffs. Shaking his head, he made his mane look wild, as if he had just rolled around in the sand.​
Quinnlin and Persephone nodded at eachother and shifted themselves back into emotionless guards while leading the two beasts to the broken door. Quinnlin kicking the door open and grimacing at the dozens of guards outside the door. "Where the hell have you been? Could you at least be useful and get out of the way? All of you, report to your superior officers and describe just how badly you failed today!" She shoved past them, leading the others behind her. "I'll come back when I can. I promise." She whispered as she led Ammax into his cell, nodding at Persephone to do the same. Turning without a second glance behind and strode back to her and Persephone's shared rooms.
MermaidShireen said:
Quinnlin and Persephone nodded at eachother and shifted themselves back into emotionless guards while leading the two beasts to the broken door. Quinnlin kicking the door open and grimacing at the dozens of guards outside the door. "Where the hell have you been? Could you at least be useful and get out of the way? All of you, report to your superior officers and describe just how badly you failed today!" She shoved past them, leading the others behind her. "I'll come back when I can. I promise." She whispered as she led Ammax into his cell, nodding at Persephone to do the same. Turning without a second glance behind and strode back to her and Persephone's shared rooms.


(Did Persephone whisper to Tundra too?)

As they left the training grounds, thy were met by dozens of guards. He had made it so his mane was falling infront of his face, and he would glare at them. One guard was a tad too close to Ammax, so he snorted in his face. The guard winced back, and stared at Ammax.

"I'll come back when I can. I promise."

He heard Quinnlin whisper to him, and he smiled.

"Come back when you have a little free time, not when you excape for a few seconds."

He'd look up at her as she removed his cuffs.

"I don't want to bother your life even more."

He watched as she walked out, followed by Persephone.


As soon as the opened the door, Tundra started growling. He hated those guards. He'd sometimes move his head to the side, pretending to nearly bite them as we was pushed past. They reached the glass cell, and Persephone put him inside. He'd look up at her.

"Comeback whenever you can."

He'd smirked, and watched her walk out, same time as Quinlinn.

(I think it is apropriet to do a time skip here, since we are the only ones active in this RP
:/ )

(A few hours later...)

((The twins trip to the Director thing occur before this. If they come here, their argument would have already ended.))


Ammax would lean on the cell bars, still thinking about Quinnlin. She was perfect. He'd then remember how they were interrupted. He'd look over at Tundra, him pacing around his cell. He'd cringe, Tundra roaring.

"You little fucking snitch, eh? Always have to tell on me."

"Not my fault I have not had a woman near me in years."

Ammax would snort.

"Pathetic how desperate you can be."

"Pathetic how desperate you were."

"Atleast she touched me, aye?"

Tundra would snarl, and pound against the glass wall.

"You had the advantage of time, Stallion."

Ammax would growl. He hated being called Stallion. He'd glare a Tundra.

"You still have much to learn, cub."

Tundra would snarl again, and return to his pacing. Ammax would smirk, and return to his memories. He'd be facing the entrance of the hallway, so if anyoene entered, he'd be the first to see.


Tundra woul pace around his cell, uneasy. He wanted to go and protect her, but he couldn't. So he did what he did best: Roar.

He'd arch his back, and as he unarched it, he'd let out a deafining Roar. He'd pace around again, his muscles rippling as he did.

"You little fucking snitch, eh? Always have to tell on me."

Tundra would look up, Ammax leaning on his cell bars.

"Not my fault I have not had a woman near me in years."

He'd snap, his blue eyes shining. He would stand, and walk closer to the glass walls.

"Pathetic how desperate you can be."

"Pathetic how desperate you were." He snapped back.

"Atleast she touched me, aye?"

Tundra would snarl. How dare he. He'd pound against the glass door.

"You had the advantage of time, Stallion."

Ammax growled, and Tundra would smirk.
Take that, jackass.

"You still have much to learn, cub."

Tundra would snarl. He hated being called Cub. He was no cub, he was a full grown Lion...Man.

He'd return to his pacing, worried for the twins.

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Supermegabrenda2 said:

(A few hours later...)

((The twins trip to the Director thing occur before this. If they come here, their argument would have already ended.))


Ammax would lean on the cell bars, still thinking about Quinnlin. She was perfect. He'd then remember how they were interrupted. He'd look over at Tundra, him pacing around his cell. He'd cringe, Tundra roaring.

"You little fucking snitch, eh? Always have to tell on me."

"Not my fault I have not had a woman near me in years."

Ammax would snort.

"Pathetic how desperate you can be."

"Pathetic how desperate you were."

"Atleast she touched me, aye?"

Tundra would snarl, and pound against the glass wall.

"You had the advantage of time, Stallion."

Ammax would growl. He hated being called Stallion. He'd glare a Tundra.

"You still have much to learn, cub."

Tundra would snarl again, and return to his pacing. Ammax would smirk, and return to his memories. He'd be facing the entrance of the hallway, so if anyoene entered, he'd be the first to see.


Tundra woul pace around his cell, uneasy. He wanted to go and protect her, but he couldn't. So he did what he did best: Roar.

He'd arch his back, and as he unarched it, he'd let out a deafining Roar. He'd pace around again, his muscles rippling as he did.

"You little fucking snitch, eh? Always have to tell on me."

Tundra would look up, Ammax leaning on his cell bars.

"Not my fault I have not had a woman near me in years."

He'd snap, his blue eyes shining. He would stand, and walk closer to the glass walls.

"Pathetic how desperate you can be."

"Pathetic how desperate you were." He snapped back.

"Atleast she touched me, aye?"

Tundra would snarl. How dare he. He'd pound against the glass door.

"You had the advantage of time, Stallion."

Ammax growled, and Tundra would smirk.
Take that, jackass.

"You still have much to learn, cub."

Tundra would snarl. He hated being called Cub. He was no cub, he was a full grown Lion...Man.

He'd return to his pacing, worried for the twins.

Quinnlin and Persephone were in the mess hall when a deffening roar echoed through the complex. "Probably just Lion-man complaining about the food." "We'll check it out." They sauntered through the halls, turning the corner to the west wing.

Quinnlin: "we turned off the cameras." She said, walking up to Ammax's cell. "We're safe for now."

Persephone strode up to Tundra's cell, showing no signs of her pain last night, and grinning ear to ear. "Hey they handsome."

(( I'm thinking we should move this to the ICRPIng 2 so that we can continue whatever storyline we want, without bugging the others or messing up any of the GM's plans. What do you think?))

MermaidShireen said:
(( I'm thinking we should move this to the ICRPIng 2 so that we can continue whatever storyline we want, without bugging the others or messing up any of the GM's plans. What do you think?))

Note: I love you bitches. How do you all put up with me?

Ooc: @Cicero @Trombone Geek @mewbot5408 @Supermegabrenda2 @MermaidShireen @Surprise Meteors @Anyone Still In This Roleplay

I am going to kind of be a jerk and just say that if you were interacting with my chars during my last post, those interactions won't count.
:P I really need to jump in but it's been so long that I can't just look back and remember. I hope this isn't too inconvenient for anyone. We'll be in the torture scenes for a day or two more I think. Really, everything depends on how fast these torture and survival scenes are wrapped up.

Bic: "Sorry... No, Vla... Please!!!"

Matthew screamed in his sleep this night, and had been doing the same for who knows how many nights in a row now. Sometimes he'd work out of do a task that required so much mental effort that it'd prevent him from crying out like this, but most of the time he just screamed on and on, or whimpered about something he couldn't quite remember when he opened his eyes in the morning or afternoon. He groaned every time he realized he had been doing it, knowing it wasn't healthy and it certainly wasn't appreciated by those sleeping around him. Still, he never approached anyone about it, and nobody had yet to mention it to him. When that tele-girl wasn't looking, he often stole some sleeping pills from her medical supplies, just so he could knock himself out if the rest of the world became too much to bear. This morning, he already had a few of them under his pillow, next to Vlad's knife, the one that looked much to fancy to hold... The one Matthew refused to use on Vlad's father, instead using his own impure hands to end that sicko's life.

"Ugh, where's some water..." Matt mumbled to himself, once he felt awake enough to stand. Because of his bizarre sleep, battle, eat, and sleep schedule, he had actually grown quite a bit of muscle along his upper body, though he often remembered Vladimor when he looked at himself and remembered height was a pretty good advantage over somebody no matter how weak you were: There would always be a chance somebody like Vlad could beat him up, no matter how hard he trained. "Tabitha... Cicero... Silver... Rin... Derrick... Naomi..." As he walked to the kitchen and splashed some water on his face to wake himself up, Matthew tried to recall the names of all the experiments that were captured. He didn't know some of them, but during his brief chats with some of the other
"survivors" he had learned the names of several loved ones that were lost to the lab. Sometimes, he felt like he could almost picture them, but perhaps that was because he had seen some of these people walk with another person before, a person they could no longer see. "I'm coming for you guys." Matt promised quietly, before turning the sink off and drying his face. He opened the fridge, took out an apple, and bit into it, trying to ignore the way his stomach growled in protest that he wasn't eating much more than that on an average day.

"H- Huh? W- Where am I?"

"Don't worry miss, you're just taking your regular dosage..."


The girl struggled against her restraints, but the scientists just held her face and force-fed the pill to her. After a minute, she relaxed a little, and they proceeded with their plans, which for today, only included more drugs. They had drawn her blood earlier, so really the only use she had to them now was to see what anesthetics worked best on experiments with her body type. The answer so far, had been all of them. "Any immunity sir?" one of the student scientists asked. The head scientist shook her head, before injecting the next drug into Tabitha's skin. To their amazement, this drug caused the girl to regain awareness and her arteries to become easily visible through her skin for a few moments, before the text subject cried out in pain and went unconscious again. The students eagerly wrote this down, but with that discovery, the head scientist put away her equipment and dismissed the students for today. They all left, except for one, who was in charge of taking the girl back to her room. "Hey, that wasn't too bad, was it?" the student joked, trying to be friendly with the unconscious girl as he undid her restraints. Obviously, he got no response from her. "Next time will just hurt a
little more, so make sure you drink plenty of water." he warned her before picking her up and preparing to carry her bridal style out of the room. At this point, the student had been so desensitized that be barely noticed or cared about what condition Tabby was in. She could be at death's door and nobody would notice except the most experienced scientists. At this point though, her mind was muddled by the influence of drugs, but her body was as healthy as ever... It was a shame, really. If it weren't for the few moments of consciousness she got to spend with Cicero and that one girl... what was her name? Nixie? Well, if it weren't for those two, she'd be begging for release. Honestly, she still was, but for Cicero she'd smile and pretend that nothing was wrong, even though every single person here knew exactly what was wrong.

Their tail slides against the metal, sad and alone. They were separated from Zacharie this time, and it wasn't fair. What were they gonna do? A doctor walked in, asking her a whole bunch of stuff, taking her temperature, checking her heart rate and giving her a psyical. She made small talk with the doc, and eventually, played around with him. Of course, they got annoyed with her child-likeness, but they dealt with it. At least they weren't destructive. Her tail thumped on the table as she kicks her legs back and forth, asking trivial, though absurd questions. They reply flatly, only sometimes laughing. She was compliant, and so were they. This was no longer harmful to Scarfy, and she knew she'd be out shortly(According to the 'all knowing Zacharie') so it was all just lax for her. They trust her not to pull anything as they dismiss her back to her cell, but oddly bumps into Zacharie. Why wasn't he in his cell. "Zach?" She questions tilting her head. The masked man shrugs, the blood on his clothing fading away with a black, smokey light. "We have friends here, and outside. We'll be joining them soon."Zacharie tells her. Scarfy nods but says nothing and they go back to their cell in silence.

For Vladimor and Derrick, it was a normal run of torture (For Vladimor, less of Derrick)and experimentation. Vladimor received little upgrade, while Derrick was practically a whole other person. Sometimes, Derrick snuck through the vent systems to visit his lord, and slowly with time, his character slipped. Vladimor wasn't himself. Whispering things into the floor, lost memory, violent streaks, implausible thoughts. At some point, he rambled on about a kingdom, and power and his people. Derrick nearly thought he was insane, if not for his blood. Not some rich noble alone, but his blood was pure and blue. Royal blood. It was intoxicating. Loyal as every, he stuck through it all. There were times where Vladimor weeped, and he'd let the king lay on his lap so he'd sing him soft songs and pet his hair(Which had notably became unruly and longer than it had been), like a mother. The mother he never had. He was there when no one else could be. Sometimes he has to sit in his own cell alone, because Vladimor is out, and when he gets back, he's sticky with blood and sobbing in pain. He'll tear this place apart soon.

Soon enough.

Leonardo is still keeping close tabs on Matthew, his new master's last request before being caged. He stays up at night listening to mumbled speech turning into panicked screams. It tore him apart though he shouldn't care so much. While he followed, he found the little things Matthew'd say to himself inspiring and it filled the lion with determination. it burned in his heart, and while Vlad was gone, he'd look to him as the leader.

When he wasn't watching the boy, he was off hunting nearby for anything to eat. He was able to transform into his lion form again, and he was pleased. Sometimes he'd bring rabbits and such to Matthew as a gift, sort of how house cats do. There wasn't much he'd done alone, and he hadn't been sleeping very often.​
Orious found himself locked up and away in one of the rooms in the dark smoking a cigarette in his mouth a heavy knife against his pale core arm sliding it across as blood found itself down it. He held a cup under his arm collecting the blood before pressing the cup to his lips swallowing it down. Orious' arms practically littered in bites and cuts. He had started drinking his own blood and it looked to be painful as hell. It was all Orious had. He certainly couldn't feed on anyone else. Smoke heavily lingered around him as Orious had been busy getting into the security of the faculties checking them one by one looking at the screen with intense violet eyes and frustrated gaze. Orious was terrible he didn't sleep almost at all and he was drinking his own blood not to mention he seemed absolutely stressed out about everything. He was always trying to figure out something. If not only the simple location of the faculty. He looked like he was losing it. Orious even had lost weight again, his eyes with dark rings from the lack of sleep and he looked in pain. He was absolutely worried to death.

Upon finishing the apple that would be his first and last meal for the day, Matthew wandered back over to his room. He sighed almost as soon as he saw the carcass of a dead rabbit on his pillow, but didn't actually complain for fear of Leonardo being nearby and seeing his disapproval. As of late, Matt had been a lot more considerate of how the other people around him felt. This was partly just Matthew being too tired to say anything to them, but there was another part of him that really wanted change. It was a strange feeling, one that made his chest hurt when he thought about it too much, but luckily he was so hung up on these pills most days that he didn't have enough room to think. He grabbed five from under his pillow and cleared his throat in preparation to swallow all of them at once, before the smell of smoke hit his lungs. He dropped the pills, only to cough, gag and choke when one still managed to fall directly into his mouth and down his throat. 'Damn... Well, I'll at least have a half-hour of consciousness then.' Matthew thought as he rubbed his now uncomfortably sore throat. 'Now, where's that smell coming from?' He sniffed the air, just to make sure he could still smell it... Yep, it was still there. Very carefully, so as not to alert Leonardo that he was still awake, wherever that strange lion-man was, Matthew made his way out of his room and down the hall, where the scent was getting stronger. He only freaked out initially because he was afraid of a fire, but the closer he got, the more ridiculous the idea sounded to him: Why would there be a fire in a base with so few things to burn? Most of the items in this place were fireproof, except for maybe the beds and counters. Actually, once Matthew saw one of the experiments set one of the knife handles ablaze (feel free to make this whomever you want guys), just for fun, but at the time Matthew had stolen their lighter and given them an intense lecture about the importance of every individual's safety. It had been so unlike him, and he gave their lighter back to them the next day, but it certainly hadn't made him any closer to being friends with that particular individual.

Anyway, there wasn't a fire. Now that Matt was outside the door of the source's room, the young man could easily tell that it was nothing more than tobacco, a drug that, though not harmless, wasn't something he could rant about, at this point in time. Usually Matthew never touched drugs: He hated them with a passion, but these past weeks had led him to abuse more than his fair share of pills, alcohol, cigarettes- Anything he could get his calloused hands onto. Perhaps it was the drugs working through him right now, but when he knocked, he felt like he could barely see his own hands moving. "Hoi, is that you Ori? I've seen you smoking- Let me in." Matt felt compelled to push Orious around, only because they've both lost people who were connected to the facility. Two people who grew up together... Matthew suddenly felt his chest tighten when he thought about how he wished he could still hang around with some of the people he grew up with. He'd even have dealt with one of his bratty cousins, if only they'd shut up for a goddamn second and not pull on his hair or tear up his books. Were they still such horrible people? The more Matthew thought about it, the more he didn't want to know: If he knew, he'd cry, not because he finally received an answer to something after feeling like he was in the dark for so long, which was how he felt now, but because answers to questions made people real... An idea popped up in the back of Matthew's head, but he didn't concentrate on it too much yet. That was one thing the drugs were good for; taking your mind off of things.

Ooc: Was going to post this last night, but my internet hates me. ;~;​
orious set the laptop aside gently rising up standing and walked to the door slowly opening the door leaving it open. he turned around putting the cigarette out in the ash try before popping another one in his mouth lighting it blowing out a heavy puff sitting back down. picking up the laptop he began his search again tapping his fingers across the computer hurriedly hacking into the systems but the several errors popped up with loud beeps as the computer steams with a spark. the computer broke. orious gave a annoyed look cursing loudly slamming the broken laptop at the wall. his hands were against his head as he tried to think but he couldn't think clearly. orious was obviously stressed out and very irritated. The tips of his hair suddenly became frost white and he closed his eyes blinking to stop himself from crying a little bit. Orious drew a little breath. "What do you need?" he asked sinking his teeth hard into his lip as it too bled a little. His pupils were thinned and he seemed in pain as his deep voice seemed hoarse.
Rei, extremely silent without her brother, stayed exceedingly quiet, locked away or well hidden from anyone's eyes most of the day. She stopped with the eyeliner and skirts and kept to baggy shirts and jeans, but no one was there to notice. She wept sometimes, while others she trained. The twin was just a missing half now, and without Rin by her side, she felt helpless. She currently sat in one of the room hidden deep within the abandoned facility that was their refugee, and here dust and cobwebs collected, nasty little rodents and bugs. It didn't matter none.

Leonardo's extroverted nature led him to try to interact with others when he wasn't around Mathew. The one boy who smoked gave bad vibes, so he hadn't hung around him much. The androgynous fella with the long hair was a good sparring buddy, but they stayed so quiet it was damn near awkward, and he almost never could find her besides in kitchen or outside. Then there was the other feline fellow who was pleasant to be around, and he found it comforting to have another cat around.


Matthew walked into Orious's room and set down on the edge of his bed, just after the vampire sat down on the other side of it and started typing furiously at his computer. "Don't hurt yourse- Fuck." Matthew planned to make a half-hearted joke about the way the Orious was stressing himself out over the computer, not seeing what he was actually doing and thus not taking his behavior very seriously, but when the albino stood up and threw the computer against the wall Matthew instinctively stood up. A large part of the young man warned him against it, but against his better judgment, Matt reached out a hand to very forcefully grabbed one of Orious's wrists. It wasn't like he visited the vampire for no reason, even if a knew part of Matthew gave the other young man some pity: It would probably never be enough to make them friends, not after the way the two had spent their days before all of this hell broke loose. Matt vaguely remembered declaring his distrust for the vampire the first time Calvin called him out as somebody who had been in contact with the facility. As far as Matthew could tell, Orious hadn't been since then, but the rough and tough drug dealer just didn't have it in him to consider the vampire one of their decently sized yet unorganized group. "Are you okay? Well, no, I already know the answer to that- Tell me what's wrong, so I can help you." Matthew waited a second for an answer, but after a second came up with his own answer. Bite marks were all along Orious's arms, and now on his lips. Matt raised an eyebrow, as if to ask Orious "What the fuck happened to you?", but it was merely to add some humour to the situation. The boy was frowning, looking troubled before finally blurting out the phrase "Drink somebody else's blood, won't you?"

Ooc: @Surprise Meteors , @mewbot5408 , I guess we skipped a few days, so you two can jump in with Leo and Shard in the hideout whenever...​

orious jerked away his arm roughly and backed up rubbing his arm looking down. he backed up against the wall.

"don't touch me!" snapped. he slowly slid down with his hands against his head. "...don't risk your life,i don't want to hurt you......Also no. I can't drink another's blood...that's a really bad idea..." He breathes in a shallow ragged way. he brings his long legs up against his chest and buries his head in his arms with silent tears."i-if that's all please leave me alone....I have to hack into that security system......I have to find them.....I have to....before It's too late.....I have to..." he says with a shaky voice. The white slowly started to spred again making snow color edges on Orious' hair.

@King Anthony

mew sat on the couch tapping at his arm a few times to check it. He then heard virus yelling about something but decided to ignore it. Mew stood up to stand at his full height of 6'5 as stretching his tail swishing behind him in a wave like motion. His ears flicked and he tilted his head in the direction of Leonardo with his red eyes. He approached slowly as if he were stalking him and tackled him playfully with a small mmrow when he did bell on his red collar jingles.

He wandered around for a short duration of time, rubbing along the couches and trying to entertain himself. When Mew stealthily approached, Leonardo is fully aware of the other's presence, big brown eyes darting to Mew as he is tackled, although not being over powered due to his large frame. However, he does drop down willingly, rolling over him purring as he nuzzles and licks Mew's chest. He looks down on him, blinking slowly as he up rights himself, staying in his lion form.

King Anthony] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
He wandered around for a short duration of time, rubbing along the couches and trying to entertain himself. When Mew stealthily approached, Leonardo is fully aware of the other's presence, big brown eyes darting to Mew as he is tackled, although not being over powered due to his large frame. However, he does drop down willingly, rolling over him purring as he nuzzles and licks Mew's chest. He looks down on him, blinking slowly as he up rights himself, staying in his lion form.

The cyborg neko found himself hug onto the lion purring as he nuzzled his face into Leonardo's maine enjoying his scent. "...mmm....what have you been up to Leonardo? I've been trying to work on some upgrades but I think I shall take a break...." He says with a little chuckle giving him a little rub as his ears twitched. He let go and looked up at him curiously with his tail swinging side to side. Mew seemed rather staying on the light of things despite him terribly missing rin. Rin. He felt a heavy pain in his chest. He hoped he could get to him soon.

To show him what he brought in for him, he slinked off behind the couch, returning with a dead, medium sized snake in his maw. While Mew was still on the ground, he dropped the dead creature on his chest, feeling incredibly pleased with himself when he presented the gift, sitting down with a proud look in his eyes, purring loudly in the self satisfaction. The look in his eyes awaited Mew's approval.

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Its been 24 hours since the last bandit slaughter in the chaos ravaged part of L.A., and the last seen sighting of Leo and Shard has been within the past 30 minutes feasting on a screaming assailant.

Just then, a large ice cream van splattered with blood and covered with paper towels burst through an abandoned factory wall, into a room filled with crates, boxes, and vaginas that lead to other dimensions. Two bloodied figures dressed in gore stepped out, one carrying a bandit wearing a yellow and black forza road helmet decorated with various logos and matching yellow tracksuit equally covered in giblets. "OOOOOAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Yelled the figure as he was transported out from the van from the shoulder of Leo. Leo payed no heed to him and kept marching, trying to navigate the halls of the new meeting place given to him by a little birb. The walls were slightly rotting, but he didn't really care. He did care that he was in the correct place, and this would probably catch the attention of the most important. Over the din of the motorist, Leo spoke, "Shard, this is the place, we move." He took a few more steps into a kitchen.

"Okay Chad. You're going to be put down now, so don't run okay?" Leo stood in the doorway and let Chad down to his feet. Letting his friend run wild wasn't the best idea, but he was hungry, and so he pulled a a comically small basket out of his hood and laid out a small picnic of severed arms, corndogs, and Overcharge™ energy drinks. It was Chad's favorite. Sitting down and ignoring all furniture, he began to feast, slipping corndogs through his costume's mask, to his teeth. This time, he was the Doom guy.

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