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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

MermaidShireen said:
"It wasn't our choice to work for them. We were cursed by being born together, this an inborn sense of love for the other. If I step out of line, they will do far worse things to Persephone than kill her... Same goes the other way. Nox was born before us and sheltered us as much as she could as children, and we grew to love her." Quinnlin's face turns bitter, her eyes sparkling with a hidden rage that should frighten an who witness it. "Those monsters saw all our love and devotion to each other, and used it as leverage against us. Nox snapped and nearly killed everyone, in defense, Persephone and I negated her power. It's our fault she's still here." Angry with herself, the turns away, glaring at the other cells.


His expression softened slightly. He sighed, and stood up.

"Sorry for asking... I know what its like." He whispered, leaning against the cell.

"Its been years, but I feel as if she is still here..." Ammax's expresion soon turned into hate and anger, and he shoved himself away from the cell bars.

"Those monsters killed her, and im going to make every single one pay." His gaze was now set on the white doors, leading into the testing 'chambers'. He snorted, and sniffed.

He then looked up at the twins.

"I might be the only Ipotane in these quarters, but I know I will get out of here in one piece. I promissed her, I wont let her down."

((How weird would it be if She (mia) was Nox?))

(( xD jk))​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


His expression softened slightly. He sighed, and stood up.

"Sorry for asking... I know what its like." He whispered, leaning against the cell.

"Its been years, but I feel as if she is still here..." Ammax's expresion soon turned into hate and anger, and he shoved himself away from the cell bars.

"Those monsters killed her, and im going to make every single one pay." His gaze was now set on the white doors, leading into the testing 'chambers'. He snorted, and sniffed.

He then looked up at the twins.

"I might be the only Ipotane in these quarters, but I know I will get out of here in one piece. I promissed her, I wont let her down."

((How weird would it be if She (mia) was Nox?))

(( xD jk))​
((That would be very interesting, if we go to a different line to develop a story around that, that might work :) ))
MermaidShireen said:
((That would be very interesting, if we go to a different line to develop a story around that, that might work :) ))
((Yeah. Ammax is a pretty lonely dude.))

(out of topic much? xD ))
Eventually, Calvin woke up, surprised that Derrick hadn't caused any trouble. He was a bit frustrated with himself for dozing off, but knew that it was something he couldn't help; he was exhausted. He made his way over to the servant, checking his vitals and noting that everything was running much higher than a normal human, but yet he looked rather peaceful at this point. Calvin even saw a few signs of Derrick's changes, although he was distracted by having to loosen the bindings keeping him down because they had grown a bit too tight.

Not only had Derrick grown more muscle and a bit more height practically overnight, but his ears had become a bit more pointed and longer, as did his nails. Calvin marked all of this down before setting his papers aside, moving to the door and opening it.

"Can you take him back to his cell?" Calvin asked quietly, watching the two guards outside nod.

"Sure thing, boss," Rufus said, strolling into the room ahead of Dante and undoing Derrick's bindings. Dante was the one to lift the boy up, with her enhanced strength and all, and the two left the room. Calvin stayed to clean up and gather his notes, and then he flicked the light off, closing the door behind him and going back to his room.

After only a few minutes of walking, Dante entered the passcode to open Derrick's cell door; in a rare display of kindness, she settled him down onto his bed, and left, closing and locking the door.

"Finally showin' a motherly side, eh, Dante?"

"Shut up."

"That's no fun! Why won't you be nice to me?" Rufus pouted, crossing his arms. Dante didn't respond, though, although her gait did speed up; she obviously found Rufus's company unwelcome.

"Fine, be like that!" the redhead called after her, but Dante didn't even acknowledge his presence. Sighing, Rufus decided to absentmindedly wander the halls for a while, until the guards caught him and stuck him back in his cell. He was obedient, but only when he had to be, unlike Dante who always followed orders.

"Can't help but feel sorry for the kids who get stuck in here," Rufus muttered as he passed a few cells with walls covered in blood that were being cleaned. Who knew what some unfortunate soul had undergone in there?
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Ammax snorted, the silence odd. He found that, slowly but surely, the glass surrounding his weapon was giving in. Ammax snorted, and paced around his cell, bored. His eyes nearl never left the cell infront of him. Nox. He felt disturbed that he wasnt able to run away. He had the chance... But then he might have hurt her. He sighed, rubbing the sides of his head.

((@Anyone Nearby))​
A Nazgul cosplay was browsing a comic book shelf, picking a pristine condition of Deadpool out of the racks.

"Deadpool kills the Marvel universe. Huh." His voice was like an echo from the underworld.

"Frank! How much is this one!?" The figure shouted to the owner.

"God fucking... 4.00 asshole! And stop yelling! You're givin' me a headache!" Frank trudged to the front desk to validate the purchase. The figure hobbled over and laid the "Deadpool kills the marvel universe series" on the table. "Hmph. 20$ then." The transaction was made and the comics were put into the folds of the robe.

"I'll be off. Stay sa-" The figure was run over by a large truck that had burst through the front door with "DING DONG THE BITCH IS DEAD" sprayed on the side.

Insane laughter and rumbling shook the security truck as a few masked looters poured out the back of the truck wielding shotguns and wearing spray painted horror masks.

"We fucking run this town asshole! And there's nothing you can fucking-" When suddenly, the silly fiend who was talking had a terrible case of sword-in-the-neck. The gurgling mess of once a human slumped to the ground, and the other two looters looked at each other. A second too late, the figure had made the decision that they would both be dead before they could run. Two more heads rolled onto the ground. Frank couldn't believe his eyes. He just watched 3 men in front of him perish within 45 seconds of meeting them. And how was the Nazgul alive? Questions to be answered he stopped the figure from leaving.

"Hey! What's your name!?"

The figure shrugged. He pulled his hood back, his head overshadowed by the shade of the truck.

"You can just call me Leo."

Then, the head became a solid ball, and Leo ran back into the streets.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]A Nazgul cosplay was browsing a comic book shelf, picking a pristine condition of Deadpool out of the racks.
"Deadpool kills the Marvel universe. Huh." His voice was like an echo from the underworld.

"Frank! How much is this one!?" The figure shouted to the owner.

"God fucking... 4.00 asshole! And stop yelling! You're givin' me a headache!" Frank trudged to the front desk to validate the purchase. The figure hobbled over and laid the "Deadpool kills the marvel universe series" on the table. "Hmph. 20$ then." The transaction was made and the comics were put into the folds of the robe.

"I'll be off. Stay sa-" The figure was run over by a large truck that had burst through the front door with "DING DONG THE BITCH IS DEAD" sprayed on the side.

Insane laughter and rumbling shook the security truck as a few masked looters poured out the back of the truck wielding shotguns and wearing spray painted horror masks.

"We fucking run this town asshole! And there's nothing you can fucking-" When suddenly, the silly fiend who was talking had a terrible case of sword-in-the-neck. The gurgling mess of once a human slumped to the ground, and the other two looters looked at each other. A second too late, the figure had made the decision that they would both be dead before they could run. Two more heads rolled onto the ground. Frank couldn't believe his eyes. He just watched 3 men in front of him perish within 45 seconds of meeting them. And how was the Nazgul alive? Questions to be answered he stopped the figure from leaving.

"Hey! What's your name!?"

The figure shrugged. He pulled his hood back, his head overshadowed by the shade of the truck.

"You can just call me Leo."

Then, the head became a solid ball, and Leo ran back into the streets.

Hhahahahhah wtf
@Surprise Meteors

shard followed leo only to catch the scent of blood and she ended up walking over casually and crouched down grabbing one of the corpses killed by Leo by the leg and moved it.

" ooohhh...what do I have here,hehehe. I'm taking this thank you."she says and cuts off the head picking it up by the hair before standing.

"Leo wait up! " she calls with a giggle and follows with the head in hand smiling like a kid in a candy store. She then felt something sharp go through her side twice and she was slammed down against the ground with the long blade a guy had attacked her with."die monster!!"

Shard's eyes widened and a smile crept across her face as she rose popping her dislocated neck back in place rising and pulled out the blade slowly as it soaked her body she threw it straight through the guys head. "Crap. I need some rest...."
@Magical Squid Senpai

he opened his eyes quickly upon hearing haru's voice with a deep exhale. he had a hand against his side. he was ridden in blood but the bleeding had stopped a while ago. elias looked at haru with his golden eyes full of pain. he was in pain but not because of his own but because he knew something was bothering the one who was with him. he shook his head. "let's see if we can escape....i'll be fine the bleeding stopped a bit ago.." he answered and tried getting up slowly. "if we get caught let's try to remain together..." he added quickly. the demon didn't want to be separated from his friend and the person who said they loved him. even if he didn't remember anything he oddly felt a strong connection to haru so it had to be significant.
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Eventually, Calvin woke up, surprised that Derrick hadn't caused any trouble. He was a bit frustrated with himself for dozing off, but knew that it was something he couldn't help; he was exhausted. He made his way over to the servant, checking his vitals and noting that everything was running much higher than a normal human, but yet he looked rather peaceful at this point. Calvin even saw a few signs of Derrick's changes, although he was distracted by having to loosen the bindings keeping him down because they had grown a bit too tight.
Not only had Derrick grown more muscle and a bit more height practically overnight, but his ears had become a bit more pointed and longer, as did his nails. Calvin marked all of this down before setting his papers aside, moving to the door and opening it.

"Can you take him back to his cell?" Calvin asked quietly, watching the two guards outside nod.

"Sure thing, boss," Rufus said, strolling into the room ahead of Dante and undoing Derrick's bindings. Dante was the one to lift the boy up, with her enhanced strength and all, and the two left the room. Calvin stayed to clean up and gather his notes, and then he flicked the light off, closing the door behind him and going back to his room.

After only a few minutes of walking, Dante entered the passcode to open Derrick's cell door; in a rare display of kindness, she settled him down onto his bed, and left, closing and locking the door.

"Finally showin' a motherly side, eh, Dante?"

"Shut up."

"That's no fun! Why won't you be nice to me?" Rufus pouted, crossing his arms. Dante didn't respond, though, although her gait did speed up; she obviously found Rufus's company unwelcome.

"Fine, be like that!" the redhead called after her, but Dante didn't even acknowledge his presence. Sighing, Rufus decided to absentmindedly wander the halls for a while, until the guards caught him and stuck him back in his cell. He was obedient, but only when he had to be, unlike Dante who always followed orders.

"Can't help but feel sorry for the kids who get stuck in here," Rufus muttered as he passed a few cells with walls covered in blood that were being cleaned. Who knew what some unfortunate soul had undergone in there?

Derrick had finally woken from his exceptionally long sleep, and when he did he tried to get up. He had honestly expected bindings, but when he was free, he ended up throwing himself to the ground. "Wahh!" The servant whines as he hits the floor, biting his lip somewhere in the process. He hisses in pain, and the way it sounded was far less than human, and he realized his teeth had grown excessively sharp. Derricked realized he was back in his room. He looks at the door, the only way out, then up at the ceiling which was much too high for him to reach. Jumping first didn't work, if course not. Though he did note that he could jump exceptionally higher.

This times he jumps towards the wall, almost zero grip. His nails seem to...unsheathe? Sorta like that in reaction to sliding down the wall. The bottom of his feet provide excellent traction against and slowly, he climbs up the wall.

In his final moments of climbing, he was right near the large metal vent. He jumps and grabs on, so perfectly nailing it, but he let out a whimper of surprise when it flung open due to his weight. He struggles to pull himself up into the vent, but goes sucesfully. He cheered himself on quietly, heading down the vents.

But really, who would know even the vent system is controlled by the scientist.

He didn't know exactly how he would get to Vladimor, but he was pulled along by instinct, and almost by smell. Yeah, he could smell Vladimor, his thick blood infiltrating his nose with that sweet smell. It wasn't of the muck that surrounded it, his blood was pure.

Soon enough he was met with the strongest point of the smell, and right below him was another vent. The servant pushes the gate until it pops open and he falls onto the ground, landing on his feet with an agileness he hadn't before. There was a sudden swing through the air that he was just lucky enough to miss, and had him prepared with the second third and fourth.

"Vladimor!" He cried, and the swinging ceased. "Derrick?" His voice was hoarse, sickly and out of breath. Derrick wondered why his cell was dark, but it hadn't made him think twice before the answer was obvious. His hugs the boy, feeling the blue-eyed noble tense up under his touch, and then it took a while for him to ease down.

Time passes and they're both sitting on the floor; there's no bed in his cell. They chat solemnly. It's hard for either of them to smile.

"Is that really you?" The noble asks as his hand brushes against the other's not used to sharp claws. Derrick hums in response.

And they sit there for a while until Derrick explains he'll have to go back as not to get either of them in trouble. Vladimor understands and wonders what the metallic noise is when Derrick leaves.

Then Derrick sits alone in his room, already unused to the bright light, or himself. He was becoming a stranger.
mewbot5408 said:
@Magical Squid Senpai
he opened his eyes quickly upon hearing haru's voice with a deep exhale. he had a hand against his side. he was ridden in blood but the bleeding had stopped a while ago. elias looked at haru with his golden eyes full of pain. he was in pain but not because of his own but because he knew something was bothering the one who was with him. he shook his head. "let's see if we can escape....i'll be fine the bleeding stopped a bit ago.." he answered and tried getting up slowly. "if we get caught let's try to remain together..." he added quickly. the demon didn't want to be separated from his friend and the person who said they loved him. even if he didn't remember anything he oddly felt a strong connection to haru so it had to be significant.

"Ok, let's try." Haru went over to Elias and looked at his wound. It didn't look that bad now, just a little bloody.

Haru stood up and peeked out the door. There seemed to be no one around at the moment, everything was quiet.

"Ok Elias let's sneak out!"

Returning to patrol duty, Persephone stalked through the halls of the East side of the complex, feeling her way through the powers of the

other prisoners and practicing each until she found a new one that would be useful in the future. Hours have past since her run in with Nox and Ammax, but, her mind still wandered about, replaying what the beast had said to her sister, and how he stood down when they had brought up causing Nox pain. "Your shift is over. Report to room 482 for debriefing of the Ammax incident." Ordered the voice on the other side of her headset. Turning on her heel, she marches quickly past the cells and past offices until she opened the door to room 482. Sitting in an oversized armchair across the desk from her was the red faced man that she had the displeasure to call "Sir." How she despised him. The man who had created her, her sister and Nox. "Sit, Persephone Rose. Please explain the situation that happened with the Ipotane a few hours ago." Sitting, Persephone kept her voice flat and her face expressionless, " Prisoner H327, Ammax, was removed from his cell by Dr. Lucy and her guard to be expiramentedited on. The guard failed to do their jobs and allowed Prisoner M497, Nox, to escape from her cell and interfere with this expirament. 5 where killed, 7 have lost their mind to M497, and another 9 were injured. Quinnlin and I were called in to rectify the situation. H327 seems to have formed an attachment to M497 and we used it to our advantage to return both prisoners to their cells without having to liquidate possible future assets." "Why was she even awake in the first place? We stuck here in that damned coma for a reason!" " Apparently she had access to her powers for a short time while in the coma and was in Prisoner H228, Derick's, mind while Calvin was expiramenting on the servant. He spooked her and she dug her way out." "That damned idiot. What is her status now?" " unconscious and under a power dampener." "Good. When she wakes up, keep her weak, and don't let her mother anywhere near her or the Ipotane." "Yes sir." "Dismissed." Nodding, she stood and left as quickly as she could, returning at last to the cell she shared with her sister. Finding her not there, she strides down the halls to the west side of the complex to find Quinnlin.

After the situation with Ammax was contained, Quinnlin stayed to monitor Nox for a short while longer before patrolling the west side of the complex, stalking past Elias and Haru 's cell, then Derrick and Vladimor's cells, then past the many other prisoners. Stalking back through the the loop towards Elias and Haru's cell, her knee length red hair flowing eerily behind her, and her footfalls silent against the cement floor.

((If people are escaping, Quinnlin would be and excellent tactical benefit to take along with you)).

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai @Trombone Geek @King Anthony @Supermegabrenda2 ((all mentioned but I would like to interact with someone, that would be appreciated))
MermaidShireen said:
Returning to patrol duty, Persephone stalked through the halls of the East side of the complex, feeling her way through the powers of the
other prisoners and practicing each until she found a new one that would be useful in the future. Hours have past since her run in with Nox and Ammax, but, her mind still wandered about, replaying what the beast had said to her sister, and how he stood down when they had brought up causing Nox pain. "Your shift is over. Report to room 482 for debriefing of the Ammax incident." Ordered the voice on the other side of her headset. Turning on her heel, she marches quickly past the cells and past offices until she opened the door to room 482. Sitting in an oversized armchair across the desk from her was the red faced man that she had the displeasure to call "Sir." How she despised him. The man who had created her, her sister and Nox. "Sit, Persephone Rose. Please explain the situation that happened with the Ipotane a few hours ago." Sitting, Persephone kept her voice flat and her face expressionless, " Prisoner H327, Ammax, was removed from his cell by Dr. Lucy and her guard to be expiramentedited on. The guard failed to do their jobs and allowed Prisoner M497, Nox, to escape from her cell and interfere with this expirament. 5 where killed, 7 have lost their mind to M497, and another 9 were injured. Quinnlin and I were called in to rectify the situation. H327 seems to have formed an attachment to M497 and we used it to our advantage to return both prisoners to their cells without having to liquidate possible future assets." "Why was she even awake in the first place? We stuck here in that damned coma for a reason!" " Apparently she had access to her powers for a short time while in the coma and was in Prisoner H228, Derick's, mind while Calvin was expiramenting on the servant. He spooked her and she dug her way out." "That damned idiot. What is her status now?" " unconscious and under a power dampener." "Good. When she wakes up, keep her weak, and don't let her mother anywhere near her or the Ipotane." "Yes sir." "Dismissed." Nodding, she stood and left as quickly as she could, returning at last to the cell she shared with her sister. Finding her not there, she strides down the halls to the west side of the complex to find Quinnlin.

After the situation with Ammax was contained, Quinnlin stayed to monitor Nox for a short while longer before patrolling the west side of the complex, stalking past Elias and Haru 's cell, then Derrick and Vladimor's cells, then past the many other prisoners. Stalking back through the the loop towards Elias and Haru's cell, her knee length red hair flowing eerily behind her, and her footfalls silent against the cement floor.

((If people are escaping, Quinnlin would be and excellent tactical benefit to take along with you)).

@mewbot5408 @Magical Squid Senpai @Trombone Geek @King Anthony @Supermegabrenda2 ((all mentioned but I would like to interact with someone, that would be appreciated))
Ammax would watch quietly the twin walking up and down the hallway. He would snort, and walk up to the cell bars.

"Ey, twin. Is there any chance you can open this cell door?"

He'd look at her intencly, as if he needs her to. He would step closer to the cell bars, and watch her carefully.
Supermegabrenda2 said:
Ammax would watch quietly the twin walking up and down the hallway. He would snort, and walk up to the cell bars.
"Ey, twin. Is there any chance you can open this cell door?"

He'd look at her intencly, as if he needs her to. He would step closer to the cell bars, and watch her carefully.
Quinnlin stepped up to Ammax's cell, keeping her face blank and void of all emotions, " I cannot do that Ammax, you know I can't. Also, my name is Quinnlin Voss, not 'Twin.'" She raked her eyes over his muscled shoulders and over the interior of the cell, then turning to the hallway, her eyes scanned each cell.
MermaidShireen said:
Quinnlin stepped up to Ammax's cell, keeping her face blank and void of all emotions, " I cannot do that Ammax, you know I can't. Also, my name is Quinnlin Voss, not 'Twin.'" She raked her eyes over his muscled shoulders and over the interior of the cell, then turning to the hallway, her eyes scanned each cell.


(He's such a conceided bastard xD )

Ammax would smirk, noting she glanced at his shoulder, then over it.

"I see you enjoy my cell, eh?"

He'd chuckle.

"Quinnlin Voss. Very peculiar name. Tell me, what is your intention in keeping guard over this specific halway?"

He'd be gripping the cell bars, looking at the back of her head.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(He's such a conceided bastard xD )

Ammax would smirk, noting she glanced at his shoulder, then over it.

"I see you enjoy my cell, eh?"

He'd chuckle.

"Quinnlin Voss. Very peculiar name. Tell me, what is your intention in keeping guard over this specific halway?"

He'd be gripping the cell bars, looking at the back of her head.​
Rolling her eyes, Quinnlin turns back to the Ipotane, " It's my job, smart ass. It also contains some of their more important prisoners." Grinning like an ally cat, she runs her eyes sarcastically over his body, then back up to his eyes. " so what's so important about you? Why are you in this particular hallway? "
MermaidShireen said:
Rolling her eyes, Quinnlin turns back to the Ipotane, " It's my job, smart ass. It also contains some of their more important prisoners." Grinning like an ally cat, she runs her eyes sarcastically over his body, then back up to his eyes. " so what's so important about you? Why are you in this particular hallway? "


(What is she wearing?)

He moved foreward. Ammax's snout was inches away from your face now. He was bending over , since he is a bit over 9 feet tall He, oddly, smelled like pine trees.

"Well, you see Quinlin, I have killed far too many scientists, and people, in my life. Then, they have placed me here."

His breath smelled of cabbage. He would glance down.

"Nice outfit, by the way."

He'd smirk, and snort lightly, hot air blowing your face.

(Was that a shameless boob sneak? YES IT WAS)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160407_035733000_iOS.jpg.376a2cc0c8ae32d6e0d6ac748fdd4c69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/20160407_035733000_iOS.jpg.376a2cc0c8ae32d6e0d6ac748fdd4c69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Her red, knee length hair is loose, and she has purple eyes)

"Well of course you do, it was designed especially to fit me perfectly, and to endure through my abilitys." Quinnlin's eyes sparked with the dare, the corner of her sensuous lips tugging up into a smirk.



  • 20160407_035733000_iOS.jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 6
MermaidShireen said:
View attachment 272027
(Her red, knee length hair is loose, and she has purple eyes)

"Well of course you do, it was designed especially to fit me perfectly, and to endure through my abilitys." Quinnlin's eyes sparked with the dare, the corner of her sensuous lips tugging up into a smirk.


(He is wearing nothing but a red skirt, those that have a piece of silk infront and behind. His mane is now hanging down, like the one of a normal horse.)

Ammax would smile, looking at her lips curve upwards. He'd then glance up at her purple eyes.

He'd chuckle slightly, blowing a few strands of his mane out of his way.

"Well, would you mind showing me some of those abillities? I dont seem to quite...get it."

He'd step back, his face now centimiters away from the cell bars. The shadow was now covering his face, making it all seem like a black hase. His eyes, though, could be told apart. They were as clear as mirrors.

He'd look at her whole. He had to admit, she looked good.

He crossed his arms over his chest, and lifted an eyebrow.

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Supermegabrenda2 said:


(He is wearing nothing but a red skirt, those that have a piece of silk infront and behind. His mane is now hanging down, like the one of a normal horse.)

Ammax would smile, looking at her lips curve upwards. He'd then glance up at her purple eyes.

He'd chuckle slightly, blowing a few strands of his mane out of his way.

"Well, would you mind showing me some of those abillities? I dont seem to quite...get it."

He'd step back, his face now centimiters away from the cell bars. The shadow was now covering his face, making it all seem like a black hase. His eyes, though, could be told apart. They were as clear as mirrors.

He'd look at her whole. He had to admit, she looked good.

He crossed his arms over his chest, and lifted an eyebrow.

Quinnlin lifted a hand and placed in on Ammax's chest, right over his heart, and began to merge, their skin tones mixing together, her hand indistinguishable from his chest. She slowly merged her hand and his chest, and lightly caressed his heart, causing no pain, only a very strange sensation. Returning her arm to a normal state, she smirks at the Ipotane and holds up her now normal hand. "It's called merging."
MermaidShireen said:
Quinnlin lifted a hand and placed in on Ammax's chest, right over his heart, and began to merge, their skin tones mixing together, her hand indistinguishable from his chest. She slowly merged her hand and his chest, and lightly caressed his heart, causing no pain, only a very strange sensation. Returning her arm to a normal state, she smirks at the Ipotane and holds up her now normal hand. "It's called merging."


(Puns for dayz)

Ammax watched, intrigued.

"I must say, that is quite impressive. You touched my heart."

He'd smile.

"I could show you my skills, but this cell is far too small. If you could take me to the training grounds, i'd be all yours to manipulate."

He would step foreward, leaning on the cell bars. He had his elbows against the bars, his hands sitcking out next to your body.

He could easily grab a hold of you, yet, he didnt.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(Puns for dayz)

Ammax watched, intrigued.

"I must say, that is quite impressive. You touched my heart."

He'd smile.

"I could show you my skills, but this cell is far too small. If you could take me to the training grounds, i'd be all yours to manipulate."

He would step foreward, leaning on the cell bars. He had his elbows against the bars, his hands sitcking out next to your body.

He could easily grab a hold of you, yet, he didnt.​
Quinnlin rolled her eyes, knowing he would only try to escape, but still curious. Glancing down the hall once again, she unlocks Ammax's cell, taking him by the arm and leading him towards the field. "Be quiet, and don't run." Her eyes scanned every inch of the hallways as she led him to the field, typing a few keystrokes into the computer by the door to set the cameras on a loop. Sliding her key card, she opens to door to the outside, the moonlight shining beautifully through the glass dome ceiling.
MermaidShireen said:
Quinnlin rolled her eyes, knowing he would only try to escape, but still curious. Glancing down the hall once again, she unlocks Ammax's cell, taking him by the arm and leading him towards the field. "Be quiet, and don't run." Her eyes scanned every inch of the hallways as she led him to the field, typing a few keystrokes into the computer by the door to set the cameras on a loop. Sliding her key card, she opens to door to the outside, the moonlight shining beautifully through the glass dome ceiling.

Ammax looked up, taking in the beutiful moon. He noted they were in a glass dome, but he did not care.

"It's marvelous, huh?"

He'd be truly smiling now. His smile was like water in the desert, refreshing.

He breahed deeply, and soon wiped the smile away, keeping a smirk, and looked down at her.

"I don't understand why'd you think i'd run away, a promise is a promise."

He'd chuckle, and take her hand in his. His hand was surprisingly soft, and warm. He spun her around .

"You look marvelous also, like the moon."

He'd smile, and turn to the wall wich he knew was a weapon arsenal.

"Care to open? My skills include weapons. Most of them."​
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