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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

((OOC: Filler on Vlad ig-))

Vladimor sat in his cell once more, in incredible pain, but incredibly aggressive. He banged on the walls of his cell, screaming in hollering, making sure he was heard even through he thick metal door, and nearly soundproof walls. The nearly was that his voice exerted the ''proof". Soon, his throat was raw, and his knuckles bloody and he nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Now on the floor, his breathing was heavy, but above it he could hear faint whispers. "Lord Vladimor, Lord Vladimor!" They call. None from his childhood, these sound different. "Our king are you alright?!" His lines blurred between reality and his dreams, and he found to be understanding. "What..." His hisses in pain, "What!?" Or perhaps not. This goes on for a while, the poor noble delusional and confused babbles nonsense in the dark, in pain, lost.

Supermegabrenda2 said:



((Is it his axe thing? I suppose not.))

Ammax watched as she swinged the axe, he stepped back, the axe managing to deliver a cut to his ankle. Without looking, he aproached her, and spun around wildly, the legs of the table hopefully striking her once or twice. After spinning, he began bucking randomly.

"Ha ha! I got yo-oh crap." She yelped as she was hit with the table legs. Before he could hit her again she ducked and rolled out of the way. One she was next to him she sliced at him again then back away. She literally growled at him as she pulled the alarm.

"Here, just hold still and let have those legs! I swear on my pet chimps grave that I will put them back!...in the correct order."

About ten guards came rushing into the room.

"Are there the two missing subjects in here?" One of them asked. Most of the guards looked frightened as they gazed apon the beast before them.

"What? Jeez you guys should all be fired. Wipe those scared looks off your faces and grow some balls you damn pussies!"

Lucy shoved two of them forward. They were only equipped with batons. Guard number two ran towards Ammax, baton ready and a powerful shriek coming from him. The other guards followed.

@Supermegabrenda2 @MermaidShireen (I guess you can come in and join the action! If it's alright with super?)

@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] @MermaidShireen (I guess you can come in and join the action! If it's alright with super?)

Bursting into the room, Nox gripped the wall for support, throwing her mind at the guards closest to Ammax, letting loose a war cry. 5 of the guards dropped instantly, falling into a vegetative state, 2 more clutching their heads, screaming as she hit them with a psyonic blast. Turning even paler than she was before, seemingly about to pass out, she turns to the doctor, practically snarling " I said get away from him, you bitch!"

@Supermegabrenda2 @Magical Squid Senpai
@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] @MermaidShireen (I guess you can come in and join the action! If it's alright with super?)

MermaidShireen said:
Bursting into the room, Nox gripped the wall for support, throwing her mind at the guards closest to Ammax, letting loose a war cry. 5 of the guards dropped instantly, falling into a vegetative state, 2 more clutching their heads, screaming as she hit them with a psyonic blast. Turning even paler than she was before, seemingly about to pass out, she turns to the doctor, practically snarling " I said get away from him, you bitch!"
@Supermegabrenda2 @Magical Squid Senpai



Ammax snarled at the guard coming his way. He froze as a few guards collapsed, and some fell, clutching their heads. Ammax snapped around, and jumped on the scientist, bellowing, and they fell to the ground. The mane grazed the scientist skin as Ammax quickly got up, and looked around. He soon spotted Nox next to wall, looking as she was about to pass out. Ammax smiled

"Nox!" Ammax rushed over to her, wobbling with the table still atached to his back by a chain around his legs and chest. He looked over her for any cuts or bruises.

"You're OK, thank God!" He gave her a bear hug, lifting her up, knowing the scientist was right behind them, aiming for him. He kept an arm around her waist, hoding her up, and another behind her head.

(Little reminder: He is able to hold her up because.... Well... Just look at him.))​

@MermaidShireen @Magical Squid Senpai
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"Hey, calling people bitches is rude!"

Lucy didn't really know what to do. Before she could do anything else she was trampled by a horse man."oh shit!!" She laid there on the floor after Ammax got off of her. She got up and crawled over to her office room. She quickly shut the door, locked it, and punched in a number on her desk phone.

Suddenly in the other room with the test subjects, six new guards came in. One of them shot the girl with a tranquilizer. The other hit Ammex with a stun gun.

"Maybe I should have picked a smaller test subject."

Lucy went over to her bookshelf and pulled out a copy of "How to roast a bitch in five seconds." Which then opened up her secret room behind the office.

"I'll get you next time!!"

The guards were ready for anything.

@Supermegabrenda2 @MermaidShireen
@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] @MermaidShireen



Ammax Grunted as he rubbed the back of his head. He realized there were guards around them. He snapped up, the guards pointing stun guns at him. He looked to his left, where Nox lay peacefully. He noticed a red, rash like mark on her arm.

Ammax looked up, growling.

"Who did this?" He bellowed. One of the guards raised their hands, with a smirk on its face.

Cocky bastard... Ammax thought. The guard stood straight, and Ammax noted the table was no longer atached to him. The guard pulled out a stun baton and pointed it at Nox. Ammax snarled, and the man pushed it foreward. Before it touched Nox, Ammax grabbed it, and held it in place, shocks making their way up his arm. Ammax used the guards momentum against him, pushing the baton back. It striked the guards ribcage, and he bucked over. Ammax stood up, and another guard jumped on his back. Ammax fell backwards, hearing a crack. He jumped up, and looked around. The guards were standing back. Ammax bellowed, and bashed a guard with his head, his mane grazing its skin. He walke back to Nox and stood around her, snorting at the guards.

@MermaidShireen @Magical Squid Senpai
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax Grunted as he rubbed the back of his head. He realized there were guards around them. He snapped up, the guards pointing stun guns at him. He looked to his left, where Nox lay peacefully. He noticed a red, rash like mark on her arm.

Ammax looked up, growling.

"Who did this?" He bellowed. One of the guards raised their hands, with a smirk on its face.

Cocky bastard... Ammax thought. The guard stood straight, and Ammax noted the table was no longer atached to him. The guard pulled out a stun baton and pointed it at Nox. Ammax snarled, and the man pushed it foreward. Before it touched Nox, Ammax grabbed it, and held it in place, shocks making their way up his arm. Ammax used the guards momentum against him, pushing the baton back. It striked the guards ribcage, and he bucked over. Ammax stood up, and another guard jumped on his back. Ammax fell backwards, hearing a crack. He jumped up, and looked around. The guards were standing back. Ammax bellowed, and bashed a guard with his head, his mane grazing its skin. He walke back to Nox and stood around her, snorting at the guards.

@MermaidShireen @Magical Squid Senpai
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax snarled at the guard coming his way. He froze as a few guards collapsed, and some fell, clutching their heads. Ammax snapped around, and jumped on the scientist, bellowing, and they fell to the ground. The mane grazed the scientist skin as Ammax quickly got up, and looked around. He soon spotted Nox next to wall, looking as she was about to pass out. Ammax smiled

"Nox!" Ammax rushed over to her, wobbling with the table still atached to his back by a chain around his legs and chest. He looked over her for any cuts or bruises.

"You're OK, thank God!" He gave her a bear hug, lifting her up, knowing the scientist was right behind them, aiming for him. He kept an arm around her waist, hoding her up, and another behind her head.

(Little reminder: He is able to hold her up because.... Well... Just look at him.))​

@MermaidShireen @Magical Squid Senpai
@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] @MermaidShireen
A sharp pain was the last thing Nox felt before her body fell to the floor. Stay awake, stay awake, no! But she had no energy left and her mind was fading fast, along with her body. She watches Ammax defend her and himself before slipping away, at least just for a bit.
"You are both needed in sector 7. Nox has broken containment, Ammax has cornered Lucy, and all the guards are down. Get in there now!" The voice ordered over Persephone and Quinnlin's head set. Glancing at each other, the twins sprint toward the cells. "Quinn, take Ammax. I'll handle damage control." "Got it."

Quinn sprinted into the room, taking in the guards bodies on the floor, Lucy in her office, Nox on the floor, and Ammax guarding her. "Please return to your room." She ordered, her knee length hair in a tight braid behind her, her uniform hugging her curves nicely. She didn't look strong or powerful, however, looks are deceiving. ((@Supermegabrenda2))

Persephone ran in behind her sister and into Lucy's office, finding that the scientist had escaped through her secret room, she ran out, mimicking Jinx's power (Jinx is Quinnlin) ready to assist her sister to deal with Ammax.

MermaidShireen said:
"You are both needed in sector 7. Nox has broken containment, Ammax has cornered Lucy, and all the guards are down. Get in there now!" The voice ordered over Persephone and Quinnlin's head set. Glancing at each other, the twins sprint toward the cells. "Quinn, take Ammax. I'll handle damage control." "Got it."
Quinn sprinted into the room, taking in the guards bodies on the floor, Lucy in her office, Nox on the floor, and Ammax guarding her. "Please return to your room." She ordered, her knee length hair in a tight braid behind her, her uniform hugging her curves nicely. She didn't look strong or powerful, however, looks are deceiving. ((@Supermegabrenda2))

Persephone ran in behind her sister and into Lucy's office, finding that the scientist had escaped through her secret room, she ran out, mimicking Jinx's power (Jinx is Quinnlin) ready to assist her sister to deal with Ammax.



Ammax watched the twins. He snarled at the Nice-looking one. Ammax stepped over Nox, standing over her. He carefully lowered his body, and stopped snarling. He picked up Nox softly, carrying her bridal style. He held her near his chest, head over her body, guarding her. He sneered at them. Not today.... He stepped back.

"I wont be going anywere with you two." He growled, mane sticking up straight. He looked them over. No aparent weapons.... Hm.... He stepped back again. Wont be taking any chances. He thought. The room was dead silent for a while, other than his earings tinckling together. He was clearly selfless, the twins realized...​
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mewbot5408 said:
Shard wiped her mouth and she of course was oddly clean despite having destroyed two corpses and ate off them. Her mouth reshaped,the sharp teeth retracting. She smiled standing as her mouth reformed and she looked human again. "Yes....where to?" She asks and stands crossing her arms under her big boobs and she looked around with her purple eyes."Oh Leo? Maybe the factory?"
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax watched the twins. He snarled at the Nice-looking one. Ammax stepped over Nox, standing over her. He carefully lowered his body, and stopped snarling. He picked up Nox softly, carrying her bridal style. He held her near his chest, head over her body, guarding her. He sneered at them. Not today.... He stepped back.

"I wont be going anywere with you two." He growled, mane sticking up straight. He looked them over. No aparent weapons.... Hm.... He stepped back again. Wont be taking any chances. He thought. The room was dead silent for a while, other than his earings tinckling together. He was clearly selfless, the twins realized...​
Changing tactics due to the fact that the twins really didn't want harm to come to their sister (Nox isn't related by blood, but they were all raised together), Quinnlin edged into a guard stance, slightly in front if her sister, to show Ammax they both have someone to guard. " You will only cause Nox pain if you remain obstinate, Please return her to her room." "She doesn't have full control of her powers and unless I remain with her. if she is not returned to her room, she could kill you by accident" "or worse." Quinnlin inched closer to Ammax, carefully and slowly. "Please."


After a few minutes of sleeping, Haru had finally woken up. He felt much better than before. He opened his eyes to see that he was next to Elias. He sat up quietly, looking back at him. "Hey, wake up. They haven't found us yet! We can go now." He crawled over to the door and peeked out. There seemed to be some panic going on. He shut the door so that they wouldn't attract any attention.

"Elias, are you OK? Does your side hurt? Can I help!?"

MermaidShireen said:
Changing tactics due to the fact that the twins really didn't want harm to come to their sister (Nox isn't related by blood, but they were all raised together), Quinnlin edged into a guard stance, slightly in front if her sister, to show Ammax they both have someone to guard. " You will only cause Nox pain if you remain obstinate, Please return her to her room." "She doesn't have full control of her powers and unless I remain with her. if she is not returned to her room, she could kill you by accident" "or worse." Quinnlin inched closer to Ammax, carefully and slowly. "Please."



Ammax growled at the twins aproaching him. But then a word resonated through his head. "...will only cause Nox pain..."

Memories came back of Mia, and how he was the reason she wasn't here any longer.

Ammax looked down at Nox. His expression softened. He looked back up at the twins.

"Dont hurt her, or run any tests on her." He said

He walked up to the twins, and, looking down at Nox, walked to the door. He stopped infront of it, and kicked it open.

"Mind taking me to her cell?" He looked back at the twins.​
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Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax growled at the twins aproaching him. But then a word resonated through his head. "...will only cause Nox pain..."

Memories came back of Mia, and how he was the reason she wasn't here any longer.

Ammax looked down at Nox. His expression softened. He looked back up at the twins.

"Dont hurt her, or run any tests on her." He said

He walked up to the twins, and, looking down at Nox, walked to the door. He stopped infront of it, and kicked it open.

"Mind taking me to her cell?" He looked back at the twins.​
Nodding, the twins fell into escort positions, Qinnlin in front and Persephone behind Ammax, leading him down the hall to Nox's cell. "Put her on the bed, I need to attach an IV, she probably won't wake up for a while." " They don't experiment on her anymore, she was a success. But they couldn't control her like they can us..." "Now she is just contained. She wasn't supposed to wake up from the coma." " but now that she is, they aren't sure if they can successfully put her back under without damaging her

Quinnlin led Ammax back to his cell, locking him in. "Nox was our sister for many years, Persephone was the only one who was able to save everyone in the facility from Nox's mind. I could only dampen it..." Looking down sadly, Quinnlin explained part of her past to Ammax. " we cannot guard you from the scientists, and we cannot fully guard Nox, but we can pass you news, and smuggle you some food." Extending her arm through the bars, wanting Ammax to shake it, signaling a bargain between them.

Meanwhile Persephone walked to the little girl still in the hallway,
" come on, time to get you far away from this mess. I'll talk to your mother about manipulating the tapes to ensure they don't show you let Nox out." Taking her hand, she starts heading out of that hallway, hoping nothing explodes before she could get the kid out. " you really must be more careful honey, if the higher ups catch you, there'll be hell to pay for everyone."

@LilyannaGaming @Supermegabrenda2
MermaidShireen said:
Nodding, the twins fell into escort positions, Qinnlin in front and Persephone behind Ammax, leading him down the hall to Nox's cell. "Put her on the bed, I need to attach an IV, she probably won't wake up for a while." " They don't experiment on her anymore, she was a success. But they couldn't control her like they can us..." "Now she is just contained. She wasn't supposed to wake up from the coma." " but now that she is, they aren't sure if they can successfully put her back under without damaging her
Quinnlin led Ammax back to his cell, locking him in. "Nox was our sister for many years, Persephone was the only one who was able to save everyone in the facility from Nox's mind. I could only dampen it..." Looking down sadly, Quinnlin explained part of her past to Ammax. " we cannot guard you from the scientists, and we cannot fully guard Nox, but we can pass you news, and smuggle you some food." Extending her arm through the bars, wanting Ammax to shake it, signaling a bargain between them.

Meanwhile Persephone walked to the little girl still in the hallway,
" come on, time to get you far away from this mess. I'll talk to your mother about manipulating the tapes to ensure they don't show you let Nox out." Taking her hand, she starts heading out of that hallway, hoping nothing explodes before she could get the kid out. " you really must be more careful honey, if the higher ups catch you, there'll be hell to pay for everyone."

@LilyannaGaming @Supermegabrenda2



Ammax placed Nox down on the bed, listening to the Twin. He reached up to his teeth necklace, and took it off. He put it around her neck, it hanging loosely. He followed the twin into his cell. He rubbed his knuckles, sore from all the punching. His head snapped up as she finished speaking, her hand sticking through the cell. He walked up to her.

Taking her hand he shook it, but kept holding on. He pulled her towards him softly, her body now against the cell.

"They will not try to put her back into a coma... Right? Because, that would damage their working experiment......Right?" He asked, his nose inches from her face. His voice was low, and soft, unlike his normal voice. His expression had changed too. Instead of that menacinglook he always had, it was now soft and caring, almost as if it cared.

His eyes scanned her face, trying to tell if what she would say would be the truth or not.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-5_19-17-2.png.144540f6a1e652eb2bea2e2cf170912f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116505" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-5_19-17-2.png.144540f6a1e652eb2bea2e2cf170912f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((@MermaidShireen here, since you are not in the chat.))



  • upload_2016-4-5_19-17-2.png
    205.2 KB · Views: 20
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax placed Nox down on the bed, listening to the Twin. He reached up to his teeth necklace, and took it off. He put it around her neck, it hanging loosely. He followed the twin into his cell. He rubbed his knuckles, sore from all the punching. His head snapped up as she finished speaking, her hand sticking through the cell. He walked up to her.

Taking her hand he shook it, but kept holding on. He pulled her towards him softly, her body now against the cell.

"They will not try to put her back into a coma... Right? Because, that would damage their working experiment......Right?" He asked, his nose inches from her face. His voice was low, and soft, unlike his normal voice. His expression had changed too. Instead of that menacinglook he always had, it was now soft and caring, almost as if it cared.

His eyes scanned her face, trying to tell if what she would say would be the truth or not.​
"They will not attempt it, Nox is far more important undamaged. If it comes to needing to diable her entirely for a long period of time again... They'll probably kill her." Quinnlin closed her eyes, both preparing to absorb a blow, but also because she didn't want to show this much emotion to the prisoner. Pulling away, she returned to the door of Nox's room, typing in the code to dampen the powers, containing most of it in her cell alone. Turning back she asks "Where you here your entire life? Do you remember anyone from before? "((If Ammax was here his whole life, or close to that, he would have seen/interacted with my three females))

MermaidShireen said:
"They will not attempt it, Nox is far more important undamaged. If it comes to needing to diable her entirely for a long period of time again... They'll probably kill her." Quinnlin closed her eyes, both preparing to absorb a blow, but also because she didn't want to show this much emotion to the prisoner. Pulling away, she returned to the door of Nox's room, typing in the code to dampen the powers, containing most of it in her cell alone. Turning back she asks "Where you here your entire life? Do you remember anyone from before? "((If Ammax was here his whole life, or close to that, he would have seen/interacted with my three females))



He looked up. He was now seated in his dark corner.

"I've been here nearly my whole life. I've been in that closed off cell upstairs, 'Quarentine', they call it. I've seen you twins, and Nox, several times before. I've only talked to Nox before, not you two. You could say im solitary."

He looked down, staring at his hoofs. He snorted. He had been here, in this compound, longer than anyone.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He looked up. He was now seated in his dark corner.

"I've been here nearly my whole life. I've been in that closed off cell upstairs, 'Quarentine', they call it. I've seen you twins, and Nox, several times before. I've only talked to Nox before, not you two. You could say im solitary."

He looked down, staring at his hoofs. He snorted. He had been here, in this compound, longer than anyone.​
((How old is he? Because all my girls were born there. Nox 20, the twins are 18. So unless he's been there for 21 years...))
MermaidShireen said:
((How old is he? Because all my girls were born there. Nox 20, the twins are 18. So unless he's been there for 21 years...))
((He appears to be young, but his Ipotane form is 29, and the human form is 18.))
Supermegabrenda2 said:
((He appears to be young, but his Ipotane form is 29, and the human form is 18.))
(Here is the confusing part.

Massun was abducted and had test ran on her (that whent wrong, ofcourse). That was when she changed forms, conserving her 18-year-old self. A 1 year old Ipotane took place. The scientists abandoned the compound, left him there on his own for 5 years. Then, yeah -Shrugs- )
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Supermegabrenda2 said:
((He appears to be young, but his Ipotane form is 29, and the human form is 18.))
Supermegabrenda2 said:
(Here is the confusing part.
Massun was abducted and had test ran on her (that whent wrong, ofcourse). That was when she changed forms, conserving her 18-year-old self. A 1 year old Ipotane took place. The scientists abandoned the compound, left him there on his own for 5 years. Then, yeah -Shrugs- )
((Hmmm. Interesting))


{Da pic wont load ;-;}

Ammax looked up at the twins. "Why are you guys helping her? Aren't you on their side?" He spat. The thought made him fume. A scientist helping a test... How intrieguing. He looked up at the twins. He had to say though, they looked mighty fine. He shook it off quickly though. He had to focus on an escape plan.

(@mewbot5408 when are we escaping?)​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


{Da pic wont load ;-;}

Ammax looked up at the twins. "Why are you guys helping her? Aren't you on their side?" He spat. The thought made him fume. A scientist helping a test... How intrieguing. He looked up at the twins. He had to say though, they looked mighty fine. He shook it off quickly though. He had to focus on an escape plan.

(@mewbot5408 when are we escaping?)​
"It wasn't our choice to work for them. We were cursed by being born together, this an inborn sense of love for the other. If I step out of line, they will do far worse things to Persephone than kill her... Same goes the other way. Nox was born before us and sheltered us as much as she could as children, and we grew to love her." Quinnlin's face turns bitter, her eyes sparkling with a hidden rage that should frighten an who witness it. "Those monsters saw all our love and devotion to each other, and used it as leverage against us. Nox snapped and nearly killed everyone, in defense, Persephone and I negated her power. It's our fault she's still here." Angry with herself, the turns away, glaring at the other cells.


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