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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Haru flinched when the doctor yelled at him. The guard that was standing closest to him had gripped his shoulder, definitely leaving a bruise. Some of the guards that were near him thought that him crying was funny. Haru sobbed as he watched the scientist inject Elias with something that made him act weird. He was getting angry. He wanted to do something, he wanted to save Elias! He decided to try and call down so he could save up his strength to use his water powers. There was a sink in the room so maybe he could use that if he tried, but then what?

"Why are you doing this? What are you going to do to him?"



"Darn, we need to hier better people."

Lucy walked into her clean room. Just because she loved hurting people didn't mean she was a slob! She went into the room and opened a big drawer that was full of lollipops. She picked out a bubble gum flavoured one. "Why can't you just let me have fun?"

She sighed then popped the candy into her mouth. She smiled at Ammax as he stood tall. "Wow, you are huge! It'll be fun cutting you down to size!" She reached into the lollipop drawer and pulled out a strange looking pink gun. It shot special darts that would paralize the person for ten hours. They would feel everything that was happening to them, they would also be fully awake. Lucy can't remember the name of whatever drug this was. It was her favorite weapon. It was given to her by a friend from her old neighborhood.

She aimed it at his chest and pulled the trigger before he could know what was happening.

"Now go to sleep and be a good horesy!"

LilyannaGaming said:
"If nessersary." She sent back. "I can do more than heal. I can only do one thing at once though."she said. She let her protective flowers grow of her skin and they surrounded her. The strength of these flowers was stronger than metal. Giggling she let them sink back in. She spun around before noticing the girls look. Celesta instantly bit her lip looking around. Sighing, "this is more of moms thing. She can manipulate digital stuff like this too. I can try though." She said tapping the side of the keypad. A flower sprung out and Celesta closed her eyes and prayed as her little fingers worked the keypad. The door didnt open but no alarms went off either. Sighing in defeat she recoiled away. "Sorry" she sent.
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He'd stand up from the falled guard and aimed for the other, but the scientist came and pressed something to his arm. At first, nothing happened. But then if began feelingas if he were beind fried alive. He bellowed, and he fell over. 5 men picked him up, and dragged him, his hind legs hanging loosely. He felt his muscles twitch. He wanted to fight. But he als didnt want to fry alive. He grunted, and stayed still. The scientist said smething, but he didnt hear. He was too busy trying to reach for the machine. One of the guards noticed, and slammed his fist to his head. Ammax grunted, and snorted loudly. They aproached a door, and the scientist pshed it open. He lost track of his attention, as he looked around. Everything was sparkle clean, impressively. He expected blood all over the walls, things like that. The guards let go of him, and he collpased to the ground, and groaned, his back scars still hadent healed properly. He stood up straigh, hearing a few guards gasp. He towered over all of them, and he looked down at the scientist.

(You can chop his legs of, but reatach them. I still wanthim in 1 piece for the roleplay xD )

(If I screwed something up, feel free to correct me xD ))​
"It's ok, thank you for trying anyways." Nox's attention was taken from the girl be the scientist and guards removing Ammax from his cell. Watching him fight back, then dragged to the scientist's room. She read the woman's mind and screamed, both aloud and in nearby minds ((all nearby minds)) "No! Leave him alone! Don't you dare hurt him you bitch! No!! No!!!" She started pounding in the glass, forgetting her own pain for a time and screaming. To the child's mind she pleads, "please help, maybe find your mother, just please, help." Her head was aching and Nox quickly withdrew from the child's mind, losing control of her abilities, as blood starts pouring from her nose and ears. A screaming in her head sounded through her mind and escaped her throat, her body curling up. If anyone came to her cell or entered her attention, their mind would instantly become a vegetable soup or completely dead.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Supermegabrenda2 @LilyannaGaming (any one who decides to show up to a very powerful expirement freaking out)
MermaidShireen said:
"It's ok, thank you for trying anyways." Nox's attention was taken from the girl be the scientist and guards removing Ammax from his cell. Watching him fight back, then dragged to the scientist's room. She read the woman's mind and screamed, both aloud and in nearby minds ((all nearby minds)) "No! Leave him alone! Don't you dare hurt him you bitch! No!! No!!!" She started pounding in the glass, forgetting her own pain for a time and screaming. To the child's mind she pleads, "please help, maybe find your mother, just please, help." Her head was aching and Nox quickly withdrew from the child's mind, losing control of her abilities, as blood starts pouring from her nose and ears. A screaming in her head sounded through her mind and escaped her throat, her body curling up. If anyone came to her cell or entered her attention, their mind would instantly become a vegetable soup or completely dead.
@Magical Squid Senpai @Supermegabrenda2 @LilyannaGaming (any one who decides to show up to a very powerful expirement freaking out)
She stiffed as the scientist took the big horsey and sighed when they left. She turned to nix when she heard screaming in her head. She fell to the ground clutching her head. She stood up slowly and reached out her hand determined to let her out. Botting her lip she let her eyes close as she focused her power on the panel. The door to the cell opened slowly with a hiss as her flowers tampered with the panel as it over road it. She fell to the floor. "Th..ere.....I...I did it." She sent back.
LilyannaGaming said:
She stiffed as the scientist took the big horsey and sighed when they left. She turned to nix when she heard screaming in her head. She fell to the ground clutching her head. She stood up slowly and reached out her hand determined to let her out. Botting her lip she let her eyes close as she focused her power on the panel. The door to the cell opened slowly with a hiss as her flowers tampered with the panel as it over road it. She fell to the floor. "Th..ere.....I...I did it." She sent back.
"Run! Please, I don't want to hurt you! Please! Guard your mind!" Gripping her head, Nox screamed, holding her power back as best she could, but it stillwould give the little girl a head ache, at least, and everyone else in the hallway.

@LilyannaGaming @Magical Squid Senpai @Supermegabrenda2 (anyone else)
MermaidShireen said:
"It's ok, thank you for trying anyways." Nox's attention was taken from the girl be the scientist and guards removing Ammax from his cell. Watching him fight back, then dragged to the scientist's room. She read the woman's mind and screamed, both aloud and in nearby minds ((all nearby minds)) "No! Leave him alone! Don't you dare hurt him you bitch! No!! No!!!" She started pounding in the glass, forgetting her own pain for a time and screaming. To the child's mind she pleads, "please help, maybe find your mother, just please, help." Her head was aching and Nox quickly withdrew from the child's mind, losing control of her abilities, as blood starts pouring from her nose and ears. A screaming in her head sounded through her mind and escaped her throat, her body curling up. If anyone came to her cell or entered her attention, their mind would instantly become a vegetable soup or completely dead.
@Magical Squid Senpai @Supermegabrenda2 @LilyannaGaming (any one who decides to show up to a very powerful expirement freaking out)
MermaidShireen said:
"Run! Please, I don't want to hurt you! Please! Guard your mind!" Gripping her head, Nox screamed, holding her power back as best she could, but it stillwould give the little girl a head ache, at least, and everyone else in the hallway.
@LilyannaGaming @Magical Squid Senpai @Supermegabrenda2 (anyone else)



Ammax heard something resonate in his mind. He looke foreward, and the scientist pointed something at his chest, and shot. He stubled back, startled. It was a tranquilizer. He bellowed, eyes filled with rage. He swung his fists foreward, and before connecting with the scientist, a guard tossed himseld infront of the scientist. It was thrown to the wall. He felt a light headache, and darkness slowly consumed Ammax, his massive form collapsing a few feet from the knocked out guard. A few guards picked him up, and placed his passed out body agaist the wall​

@MermaidShireen @Magical Squid Senpai

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the doctor shook his head with a click of the tongue and pushed elias back injecting another dose of the drug into him to knock the demon experiment out cold again and this time the dosage should last much longer. "SILENCE! or i'll make sure you two get split up! be grateful you stinkin fish!" the doctor snapped as he traced a finger over elias' side before wiping it down with a cloth,picking up a scalpel and making a long incision into his flesh opening it up slowly trying not to make a mess despite there was some blood. "crap...he's bleeding out a little I better hurry this up..."the doctor cursed under his breath and grabbed a strange device off the tray and inserted it into elias' side carefully before pressing a cloth to stop the bleeding and began sewing up the large incision with stitches to close it. he then looked to haru smiling widely and licked his lips as he approached and he wiped a bloody hand against the smaller male's face to leave a large red streak. the doctor then smacked him harshly with a amused giggle. "you piss me off." one of the guards was pushing him onto the floor by knocking over the chair as the doctor picked up a fresh stringe filled with a pink substance and crouched down smiling evilly and stabbed it into haru's leg injecting it in. "what you going do? cry? cry you fish! cry in pain!"

Haru tried to concentrate while the doctor was hurting Elias. He sobbed when the man wipped Elias's blood on his face and cried even harder when he was slapped. He didn't fight back when he was pushed to the ground, instead he concentrated on water.

"Ah!" He screamed when the syringe was stabbed info him. That was it, he literally growled at the doctor. He slammed his fist into the man's face and at the same moment the pipes in the sink broke open and water started to gush out of the sink. Haru glared at the man as water surrounded the doctor's head, cutimg off all air supply. He turned around to the guards behind him. Water tenticals shot up out if the ground and strangled the first two guards.

Only one guard got to pull the alarm to call for backup before he was picked up by the water tentical and slammed go the ground repeatedly.

The guards were being thrown all over the place. Ruining the lab, breaking glass bottles, cases and lights. They never had a chance. Haru stood up and looked down at the dead men as if they were nothing but peices of trashtrash that someone had thrown onto the ground. He waited for the new set of guards to come for him.

stepping. stepping. stepping down the hallways torwards a particular room izabell brushed a hand through his curlyish blonde hair as he pushed a cart with him being followed by guards. stopping he slid his keycard in the door and opened it making his way inside as he began to hum his hypnotic tune. he pushed the cart inside and smiled widely looking at the experiment he was dealing with a hand."My.My.My.....what do we have here? A new toy for me....they shouldn't have. We're going to have so much fun." He says and starts giggling with a widely and licked his lips taking a syringe and filling it with a drug and injected into himself before approaching."now fane is it?"

mewbot5408 said:
stepping. stepping. stepping down the hallways torwards a particular room izabell brushed a hand through his curlyish blonde hair as he pushed a cart with him being followed by guards. stopping he slid his keycard in the door and opened it making his way inside as he began to hum his hypnotic tune. he pushed the cart inside and smiled widely looking at the experiment he was dealing with a hand."My.My.My.....what do we have here? A new toy for me....they shouldn't have. We're going to have so much fun." He says and starts giggling with a widely and licked his lips taking a syringe and filling it with a drug and injected into himself before approaching."now fane is it?"
Fane snapped his head up at the sound of footsteps and his door opening. He growled at the scientist. "What do you want with me now?!" He stood as much as his binds would let him. Summoning wind to push and keep them away. It was sloppy and unfocused so it wasn't that hard to walk through. He tugged at his restraints and glared at the scientist. "Why don't you just either and die?" He said thinking about how he had willingly come here to protect his sister and Susan. Feeling a new feeling of calm he started to settle down a bit.
A alarm went off blaring loudly as a bunch of men came rushing in followed by a certain young professor under the name of Cornelius who charged in quickly behind the guards. "Let me through!!! Let me through!!" He yells as one of the guards moved and pushed haru up against the wall injecting a dose of a tranquilizer drug into him. The professor quickly rushing over to elias and unstrapped him as the demon's eyes shot open and he tackled the guard holding hair against the wall with loud animalistic roar of sorts with his wings flaring out as he seemed pissed. "...don't touch him!" He snarled as his eyes glowed blue and he slammed a guard straight through the wall in the process. Elias moved grabbing haru by the wrist and bolted down the hallways sliding to a halt hoping that they lost them ducking down into a janitorial closet.

When the guards came rushing through Haru knocked some of them out by throwing the other guards at them. he grunted as he was shoved against the wall. the tentacles were still flailing about. as the Haru started to get weaker, the tentacles started to almost fall apart. instead of just falling they each went after a guard; covering their faces and cutting off their air supply.

Haru didn't know what was happening but he tried his best to follow after his beloved Elias. once they reached the janitorial closet Haru collapsed.

"E-Elias...I'm so sorry...I was too late..."


"Did someone just call me a bitch?" Lucy shrugged it off and pointed towards the operating table. "Put him there and make sure he is restrained properly please." she walked over to her special drawer while the guards lifted the beast up and strapped him to the table.

"Ok here we go!" she pulled out a hammer, a hatchet, along with other regular doctor tools. she set a little step stool down onto the ground as she looked him over. "hmmm, where should I start? oh! I think I should start with those long legs of yours! but first I need to go pee." she walked off and sprinted to the bathroom.


(are you really ok with me hacking away at his legs?)
Elias helped haru into the janitorial closet closing the door panting and held onto the side where the stitching was that bled a little. He looked the smaller Male with a deep breathy exhale. "Haru...are you okay ?"he asked moving one of his arms and pulled him close looking out through the crack in the door listening as people started to charge through the hallways like animals. The demon experiment that out another sharp breath closing his eyes in hopes they wouldn't be found. Chicken protects both of them at the moment and he doubted haru was strong enough to defend himself right now so the best they could do was stay low and keep quiet. The janitor closet seems like it wasn't one that had been used in a while due to the new technology used in the faculty. Maybe they could try resting a bit before trying to escape to that outside place that the other spoke so fondly of.
LilyannaGaming said:
Fane snapped his head up at the sound of footsteps and his door opening. He growled at the scientist. "What do you want with me now?!" He stood as much as his binds would let him. Summoning wind to push and keep them away. It was sloppy and unfocused so it wasn't that hard to walk through. He tugged at his restraints and glared at the scientist. "Why don't you just either and die?" He said thinking about how he had willingly come here to protect his sister and Susan. Feeling a new feeling of calm he started to settle down a bit.
Izabell tilted his head smiling looking back at the guards doing a shoo motion."Go now if I need anything you'll know,boys. " The siren told them and giggled as they left licking the door. He then approaches placing a finger to his lips before pushing fane down onto the table tying him down with chains to all four limbs. Izabell grabbed a needle piercing his wrist injecting the needle in with a substance that should give intense burning sensation.
MermaidShireen said:
((@Supermegabrenda2 if you're not, Nox's cell is now open, she could interfere. Which she would love to do, but that's your part of the story line. So Nox will stay away until called.))

(are you really ok with me hacking away at his legs?)




((@MermaidShireen yes you can interfer.))

Ammax awoke slowly, his head pounding. He lifted his hand to rub his head, but found that he couldnt. Ammax opened his eyes. He noticed he was on a table, guards not facing him, arms tied. He growled lowly. Attempting to free himslef, he trashed around, screaming. The guards turned their attention to him, and began to try to contain him. The table turned, Ammax falling sideways, one of the ties in his hands getting looser. He bellowed, and rolled over, the table legs striking a few guards. The chain that was holding his chest freed itself, and he was able to lift his body up, since he was bigger than the table. He stood, and he saw a guard pull out a gun. He began spinnng wildly, and he heard the sound of metal striking the ground. That would be the gun. He thought. He stopped spinning, and saw the guards passed out. He walked around the small office, looking for a way out...​
Magical Squid Senpai]((([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:
@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] you said I could if I put them back!
Atleast let Lucy have fun before you interfere! ;^; ))
(Yes, IF you put them back.)

(But dont leave him without them.)

(Sorry, I forgot I said that xD XD))
Supermegabrenda2 said:
(Yes, IF you put them back.)
(But dont leave him without them.)

(Sorry, I forgot I said that xD XD))
Like, Cut them off and run some weird test or watever you guys do, put them back. I dont know.)

"Hey, not only do I feel releaved I also found this cool axe!....hey! You aren't supposed to be up!"

Lucy pointed the axe at Ammax. She didn't want to get too close to him, she noticed that all the pathetic guards were down. Now it was just her. "Come on dude, this is my first experiment by myself! Now stay still and be a good horse!" She charged at him, swinging the axe towards his legs.


((I kind of want to keep Lucy alive... I like her...))



((Is it his axe thing? I suppose not.))

Ammax watched as she swinged the axe, he stepped back, the axe managing to deliver a cut to his ankle. Without looking, he aproached her, and spun around wildly, the legs of the table hopefully striking her once or twice. After spinning, he began bucking randomly.


((I kind of want to keep Lucy alive... I like her...))
mewbot5408 said:
Elias helped haru into the janitorial closet closing the door panting and held onto the side where the stitching was that bled a little. He looked the smaller Male with a deep breathy exhale. "Haru...are you okay ?"he asked moving one of his arms and pulled him close looking out through the crack in the door listening as people started to charge through the hallways like animals. The demon experiment that out another sharp breath closing his eyes in hopes they wouldn't be found. Chicken protects both of them at the moment and he doubted haru was strong enough to defend himself right now so the best they could do was stay low and keep quiet. The janitor closet seems like it wasn't one that had been used in a while due to the new technology used in the faculty. Maybe they could try resting a bit before trying to escape to that outside place that the other spoke so fondly of.

Haru could feel himself getting sleepier and sleepier. He didn't want this to happen he wanted to protect Elias. He looked over at Elias, " You're hurt...you need help." He leaned against the wall and let out a sigh.

"Elias, this isn't what I wanted to happen to you. I wanted us to be happy and safe together because I love you..." And with that said he went to sleep.

Supermegabrenda2 said:




((@MermaidShireen yes you can interfer.))

Ammax awoke slowly, his head pounding. He lifted his hand to rub his head, but found that he couldnt. Ammax opened his eyes. He noticed he was on a table, guards not facing him, arms tied. He growled lowly. Attempting to free himslef, he trashed around, screaming. The guards turned their attention to him, and began to try to contain him. The table turned, Ammax falling sideways, one of the ties in his hands getting looser. He bellowed, and rolled over, the table legs striking a few guards. The chain that was holding his chest freed itself, and he was able to lift his body up, since he was bigger than the table. He stood, and he saw a guard pull out a gun. He began spinnng wildly, and he heard the sound of metal striking the ground. That would be the gun. He thought. He stopped spinning, and saw the guards passed out. He walked around the small office, looking for a way out...​
Magical Squid Senpai]((([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30543-supermegabrenda2/ said:
@Supermegabrenda2[/URL] you said I could if I put them back!
Atleast let Lucy have fun before you interfere! ;^; ))
Supermegabrenda2 said:
(Yes, IF you put them back.)
(But dont leave him without them.)

(Sorry, I forgot I said that xD XD))
Supermegabrenda2 said:
Like, Cut them off and run some weird test or watever you guys do, put them back. I dont know.)

((I kind of want to keep Lucy alive... I like her...))
Supermegabrenda2 said:



((Is it his axe thing? I suppose not.))

Ammax watched as she swinged the axe, he stepped back, the axe managing to deliver a cut to his ankle. Without looking, he aproached her, and spun around wildly, the legs of the table hopefully striking her once or twice. After spinning, he began bucking randomly.

((How much fun is s little fun? I'll give Nox two replies to get over to you guys, that should be enough "fun" right? Or do you still even want her to interfere?))

Hearing Ammax's screams only enraged Nox. Blood still poured from her nose, making the tile slick with her blood, as she dragged herself across to the door to her cell, trying to let the child escape her power while wishing desperately to rescue Ammax from that crazy psychopath. "Ammax!!" She screamed.
Elias blushes upon hearing haru's words with a exhale. Haru loved him? But they hadn't known each other long far as Elias recalled. But then again anytime he tried to remember anything before a certain point it all came up blank as if he had amnesia of sorts. because of this he couldn't help but to believe in other plus he didn't think haru was the type to lie to elias. The demon tilted his head as his breath steadied as he kept his arm around the unconscious male resting his forehead against haru's with a deep sigh."....we will be safe...soon...."He murmured closing his eyes and held onto haru protectivly as he tried to wait everything out. Elias didn't want to move or leave,he needed to stay with haru and he'd protect him at all costs if he had to.

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