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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

  • The boy rolled over and growled covering the collar with his hand grasping the dog tag tracing the lettering with his thumb as his cheeks grew slightly warm "Shut up....I'm no one pet my girlfriend bought for me." He stated while glaring at the boy shooting daggers at him "You even dare do anything of the sort I'll rip you limb from limb and rip out your heart shoving it down you're throat!" Nick told the boy in an icy tone grabbing his neck lifting him into the air "Now I suggest you shut up about me having a collar or mentioning me have a girlfriend until you know the full story!" The neko said while throwing the boy away growling his eye's filling with anger and sorrow. The sorrow isn't from throwing his youngest brother but for not being able to stop the scientists from kidnapping Stell.

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  • Oceans does a flip and lands on his feet. "Aw come on, you can throw me way farther than that." Ocean sighs, "I don't say this much, actually I never say this, but I'm sorry Nick.". 'That was really hard to say actually, I am not sorry at all.'. "I have one question Nick, how do you have a girlfriend? I mean, it's even hard for your own brothers to like you most of the time. Anyways, I'm hungry, I'm going to stea... or buy some food, you want some?"

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  • The boy sighed a while pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance "Shut up okay I'm not in the mood to physically hurt you right now." Nick said duly while feelings his pockets for a cigarette growling a bit "Great I'm out of cigarettes....just fucking great." He muttered to himself before glaring back at Ocean and shrugging a bit "I don't know okay I actually have no clue. I just helped her beat up a group of men that were surrounding her and talking about some member of the mafia or whatever and she said she was going to hang out me since she needed someone to protect her and next thing I know we started dating and I wasn't going to say no or anything it just sorta happened and....she's the only girl that makes me happy." The neko boy said while slowly lowing his voice especially at the last part. After saying that he rubbed the back of his neck clearly embarrassed and humiliated for how cheesy it sounded he looked at the ground a bit "You aren't stealing come on I'll pay this time but you better not say a word to Cicero about any of this!" The boy stated growling a bit while grapping Ocean's shirt collar glaring at him

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Cicero said:
Susan splashed water on her face before leaving the restroom and walking into the kitchen looking at Vi she quickly tried a hide her pale skin "Afternoon Vi what's for lunch?" She asked in a small voice while putting her hands in her pocket.
iiimee said:
Rin was a little confused when an unchained girl held a bottle of water in his face, but he took it anyway. After struggling to open the cap, he loosened it with his teeth and finally took it off. He didn't realize just how thirsty he was until the liquid hit his tongue and made its way down his throat, into his frail body. Eventually, after exchanging glances with the water-bearing woman, he decided she was friendly enough and handed the half-empty water bottle to Cicero; At least he didn't have to worry about poison. "What's your name? Mine is Rin. Usually I would read your mind for the information, but my-" he coughed briefly. "My body... isn't agreeing with me today." Rin smirked at Lyna in a very non-Rin-like fashion. He wasn't happy of course, but right now, smiling was the only thing that seemed to alleviate the pain he felt in his head

She smiled as she looked back to the boy. "Lyna, the little one who ran off after the scientist left was my daughter Celesta." She said before turning to Cicero. "Not all of us work her willingly you know?" She said motioning to her restiants of sorts. Sighing she turned to Rin. "I wish there was more I could do for you, but I cant. Not without easing suspicion." She said looking diwn.


Sighing she put her sketch book away and ran down the hall in a pale blue dress. She looked for the door her mother had been in a moment ago. She sighed, when she found it. She tried to open it, but forgot only mommy ciuld. She tapped on the door.


She turned to see Susan, "hey. There's not much you can do here. Sorry. Maybe try to round every up, or get the dishes out." She suggested.

@Trombone Geek

[Possibly] @mewbot5408 or anyone who finds Rei crying in a closet lmao

iiimee said:

Ooc: Since so many people said they're ready for the time-skip, here we go. Imma start those people, but please feel free to finish up anything you need to get through last night in the RP.


Matthew woke up screaming. He didn't even realize it, until another knee jerk reaction caused him to fold over until all fours, his body still unaccustomed to standing when he slept all the way to 11:00 AM. That didn't seem like much at first, but they arrived at the base around eight o' clock last night. Fifteen hours was a lot for any one person, but the last time Matthew had gotten over nine hours of sleep was at the cabin, meaning the sensation he felt of his body being fully rested was almost painful. He slowly got up and wiped the tears from his face, but after taking one more step, he was on the floor again. "Damn you legs, why are you asleep now?!" he hissed, but then he sighed. Clearly, today would be a long day.

Scientists came in around midnight last night, scanning over all the experiments and murmuring but taking special interest in Tabitha. She saw them, but she wasn't sure if anyone else was awake to. "Hi." she greeted them hoarsely, but they only laughed and carried on their way, leaving the room, locking the door behind them, and leaving the poor girl alone in the dark...

"Ms. Tabitha Free, will you come with me please?"

Rin woke up only a few seconds before this was said, and looked surprised when he saw a scientist looking down at the chained up girl. Trembling, Tabitha nodded, but hesitantly, and Rin could see why. The scientist's lab coat wasn't white, but red. The boy had seen a few scientists here and there with the same uniform, but to him and seemingly everyone else, it was a mystery what the colour change meant. Unlocking the girl's handcuffs and helping her up, the scientist politely waited until Tabitha could stand on her own two feet before grabbing one of her wrists. "Sorry, but you won't be able to walk once we're in room 612A. Physical examinations are done differently here than at the doctor." The scientist laughed at his own joke and expected the young lady to laugh along, but all she gave him was a small "I understand." She felt sick, and with every step she took she was a little more certain she'd lose her footing, trip, and that'd be the end of her walking experience; It wasn't. She only had a seconds time to look back at Cicero, Rin, and the experiment by them she didn't recognize, before the scientist pulled her along for her next step out into the hall.​
Orious had spent the night awake having not able to sleep and walked around deep in thought as thought of various ways to go about the problem of the rescue and thinking of scenarios in the solutions to them. Odious no he couldn't let the others find out about his true position in this and he'd have to keep lot of things secret if things went as planned he could sneak a few of the people that were caught out of there. After all ori knew what's the place like can you the faculty is well-known them inside and out after all it was his job to. Well this sort of thing with such a betrayal and oh how he hopes he didn't have to kill izabell but if things came down to it he would keep his promise and kill his brother in a way of he was deserving. Orious made his way down the hallway hearing Matthews scream but didn't respond to it having seen Leonardo Rush his obedient ass in there as if he were the human's dog or in his case pet cat. But didn't Matthew dislike cats? Ori took his head deciding it didn't matter a single bit. It wasn't long before Orious found himself going into the room make was in curiously.

mew found himself going through the various books and records as well as checking out all the computers and any other Technology how much tampering with a few things to see how it works. Only after a little bit getting finished he started walking around poking his head up and sniffed the air as trying to think of where rei had to run off to. Of course, as usual it wasn't hard to find out where she had went. The Cyborg cat sighed and made his way over to the crying female and squatted down next to her putting an arm around her. " you okay?"

  • The boy let out a small snarl mixed with a fake laughter "You're stilling trying to say that you're forced to work here?" Cicero asked while looking up at the ceiling and continues to struggle against the chains growling "I can't believe anything theses people tell me no matter what happens I won't believe a word." He told himself in a small voice as he stopped strangling his wrist against the handcuffs.

    She nodded a bit and stood next to her watching her make the food "Its fine...and sounds interesting can't wait to try it." The girl said with a small smile while looking in the cabinets for plates "Hey Vi how do you deal with stuff that's bothering you?" She asked the girl while getting down enough plates for everyone and setting them on the table turning her gaze at the girl. Susan finally regained some color in her skin "I'll start getting everyone in a minute. Where is everyone room at?" Susan stated in a small voice

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    Theme Song:



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The scientist rafting amusement and smiled devilishly as he snapped his fingers and one of the guards moved grabbing the boy by the wrists while the other managed to grab up Elias and sling him over his shoulder. " you make me laugh, Boy....hehehe hee. I have to take Elias over to the other room so he can go under his procedures now be a good boy now after all we aren't killing him . this one is worth a lot of money right now vendor at the moment he is scheduled for his surgery... But if you feel so it ends but it's staying by his side I guess you could have had the luxury to watch the procedure.." He says and with that opens the door before gesturing the guards to follow. The one holding his wrist decides to handcuff him and then forces him to follow down the hall to the room where the scientist led them. room 1 - 443. He guided them inside and shut the door the guards blocking the door and the one with Haru push him down in the chair harshly. The other place to lie down on the table and strapped elias down before going to the door guarding it as well. "Lets get started shall we?" the professor said smiling chaotically his eyes widened as he let out a theory set of Giggles for picking up one of the tools the table.

  • Ocean jumps off the building and lands on a table from the coffee shop below. Ocean just walked off. 'Now, I need to get some money'. Ocean looks up and runs into somebody, "ah, I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." The middle aged guy just looked at Ocean and walked off, 'wow, what an idiot, doesn't even notice that his wallet is missing. Now, how much money does he have in his wallet.' Ocean walks down the street to the store, but stops when he notices a person looking at him from across the street. 'what is this guy's deal, he is creeping me out. Whatever, I don't really care, he wants a fight, I will give him one.' Ocean travels further down the road, but stops when he sees another person looking at him. Ocean walked a little bit faster. Then he saw a third person looking at him. At this point Ocean knew something was wrong, so he put his hand on the hilt of his dagger. 'what is up with these people, are the apart of a gang? No, they look more professional, almost like scientists.'

    Just then, a middle aged man approached me and said "We have your brother." "Wait, you have Nick, but how?" The middle aged person looked really confused "No, the idiotic one, what was his name? Ceasar, Casar, ah whatever it doesn't matter because you will be joining him". 'Crap, I thought these guys looked familiar. Should I run, or fight, ugh I can't decide.' The middle aged man pulled out a six shot revolver and shot at Ocean. "okay, fight it is." Ocean pulls out his dagger and stabs the scientist in the chest and tries to run across the street, but only to be stopped by another scientist, but this one, just stands there. The only thing he did was take off his hat. "Uh, Hello?Are you okay, actually that doesn't matter now." Ocean runs at the scientist and stabs him in the ribs. Ocean pulls the dagger out of the mans chest, then Ocean hears a 3 gun shots. A sharp pain jolts through Ocean, he falls to the ground, holding his chest, "Where is that asshole when you need him. Nick, where are you!" Ocean's voice was shaky, and everything started to fade to black. 'Ni... Nick, wh.. where are yo...'.

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[QUOTE="King Anthony]Derrick currently was sleeping well enough, despite maybe his head banging on the table, risking him getting a concussion with each one. Although this didn't rouse him from his sleep. Instead, he snored on, although sounding like some great beast's thundering snore, mixed with indistinct growling. How discomforted though, was he. His body temperature fluctuated, sometimes peaking at a high 104 degrees Fahrenheit down to 46 degrees. During his sleep though, this failed to stir him.

Calvin noted carefully each reaction, and was inwardly glad Derrick was asleep; he didn't quite enjoy tussling with subjects driven insane by rage and pain. Seeing as the servant's constant temperature changes and incessant head-banging didn't wake him up, Calvin eventually set his notes down, walking across the room to the only chair and lifting it, quietly placing it in front of the counter before sitting and taking up his pencil again. He began drawing small yet perfect circles in the margins; each one was the same size, and the curves seemed perfect. Eventually, after a while, he looked up, observed Derrick's condition some more, and even found a pillow to slip underneath his head; but as soon as he went back to his mindless drawing he fell asleep. However, as sleep-deprived as Calvin was, he was still a light one at best; anymore, he was more resting his eyes than actually sleeping. Should Derrick make a single out-of-place move, the scientist would be back up and moving again in a second.
Apparently Nox had fallen asleep curled up next to the glass, for when she woke, she was still on the floor, however she could now hear the voices again. She hated needing to speak with her lips and prefered to communicate only through a mind link. Seeing that Ammax was ok, she instantly searched for another mind instead, stumbling across the mind of a child running through the lab. Whispering in the little girl's mind " Come to me, come child, follow me." Showing the little girl where to go, and where to turn until she was stadding in front of Nox's glass cell.

MermaidShireen said:
Apparently Nox had fallen asleep curled up next to the glass, for when she woke, she was still on the floor, however she could now hear the voices again. She hated needing to speak with her lips and prefered to communicate only through a mind link. Seeing that Ammax was ok, she instantly searched for another mind instead, stumbling across the mind of a child running through the lab. Whispering in the little girl's mind " Come to me, come child, follow me." Showing the little girl where to go, and where to turn until she was stadding in front of Nox's glass cell.
Celesta snapped her head up at the sound. Giggling she skipped and followed the directions. She grew flowers on her skin incase the voice in her head needed healing. She reached her destination. "Yes?" She asked with her mind. She looked around warily. Even though she knew she was aloud in there, she was still nervous. She sighed and looked at the female figure. "My name is Celesta.." She sent back mentally.
LilyannaGaming said:
Celesta snapped her head up at the sound. Giggling she skipped and followed the directions. She grew flowers on her skin incase the voice in her head needed healing. She reached her destination. "Yes?" She asked with her mind. She looked around warily. Even though she knew she was aloud in there, she was still nervous. She sighed and looked at the female figure. "My name is Celesta.." She sent back mentally.
"You catch on quickly, small one. My name is Nox. " She sends through the link. Recalling the child's thoughtso while she drew her to her she response , "I am in no need of healing, not unless you are able to heal the wall blocking the rest of my abilitys. How are allowed to run around the facility?" Nox was never allowed to run free as a child, hardly ever allowed out of the guards' sight. She guessed that the healer child was harmless enough to be thought safe to leave alone. Together, with all her abilitys and the healing of the child, Nox could heal ever prisoner in this facility, both expirament and scientist.

MermaidShireen said:
"You catch on quickly, small one. My name is Nox. " She sends through the link. Recalling the child's thoughtso while she drew her to her she response , "I am in no need of healing, not unless you are able to heal the wall blocking the rest of my abilitys. How are allowed to run around the facility?" Nox was never allowed to run free as a child, hardly ever allowed out of the guards' sight. She guessed that the healer child was harmless enough to be thought safe to leave alone. Together, with all her abilitys and the healing of the child, Nox could heal ever prisoner in this facility, both expirament and scientist.
"My mommy is a experiment, but works as a scientist. She doesn't do it without restrictions though. She has collars around her wrist and neck that dims her powers when real scientist are nearby her. She is a eletric user." The girl rattled on. "If she doesn't listen they threaten her..." She said sadly. "I don't have testing today, that's why I was in the halls. And it's nice to meet you Noc-Noh-Nox!" She said cheerfully when she got the name right. Smiling she allowed the flowers to sink back into her skin. "I don't think I can..." She mumbled apolegicly
Haru yelped as he was yanked away from Elias. He wanted to struggle but if he did do that he might get hurt. He let the guards drag him to the room where they did bad stuff. He grunted as he was pushed into the chair. "What are you going to do to him? Please don't hurt him! Please!" Haru started to cry a little bit. He wasn't sobbing, just silently crying.

LilyannaGaming said:
"My mommy is a experiment, but works as a scientist. She doesn't do it without restrictions though. She has collars around her wrist and neck that dims her powers when real scientist are nearby her. She is a eletric user." The girl rattled on. "If she doesn't listen they threaten her..." She said sadly. "I don't have testing today, that's why I was in the halls. And it's nice to meet you Noc-Noh-Nox!" She said cheerfully when she got the name right. Smiling she allowed the flowers to sink back into her skin. "I don't think I can..." She mumbled apolegicly
Nox smiles sadly, "that's quite alright dear. My mother was a scientist too... I don't remember what happened to her. Your mother's powers are very interesting, as are yours. Healing flowers grow from your skin, do they have you heal other expiraments?" Nox was worried about Vladimir and Derrick, she hadn't heard or spoken to either of them for a while. Wondering then, if the child could open her cell, she glanced at the keypad before returning her gaze to the girl.

Walking in the wasteland was a terrible idea. Mercs attacked Leo left and right, and so did their various limbs fly when their futile attacks pinged off the surface of the hardened carapace. It was a bloodbath to say the least. During this time, Leo learned something about the world, the way things worked, and how many fucking mercs had tried to attack him while doing so and ultimately failed. 78 mercs. 78 of them. The moon was rising in the air at this point, and it gleamed off the blood saturated cowl that hung off the bulky form, as if he were a reaper. Except Lord of the Rings and fuck you. He learned as I was saying a few lines ago, what it was to have a constant companion. He learned this through the cowardice the soldiers had when the clung to one another, pleading for their lives only to be cut down in one fell swoop, because it was easier due to them clumping up. Watching as their body armor proving to have the strength of cardboard when put to the blade. Saddening, yet again it was nessasary as it brought him a few minutes of thinking, remembering the screams of agony, seconds of contorted pain only to be ended just as quickly as it came, forever. Ah, bliss it was.

Or bliss it was at least until he realized he forgot what he was doing. Even then, patrolling the empty streets was fun, as the buildings were shattered, burnt, shot at, and pochmarked with explosions, making it look like a real wasteland. Which it might as well be. Leo had his sword sheathed at this point, it clanked around on his right thigh as he walked. There was a empty field, with grass still green in patches, and filled with the aftermath of rioting from the past few days. The city's order system collapsed a few days ago after Leo met up with the others. The only members of society who aren't looters and escaped prisoners from the local prison are civilians, who cower in fear of the sight of guns. They might've been a mob at some places, but they parted way for the metallic reaper and watched as he sowed destruction in his wake. Most of San Fran looked like the Moon's cratered surface from government intervention. The borders now were blocked off to keep the insanity from seeping out. Too many times had the facility that had made Leo who he was wronged him, and now it was time to give them the return fee.

The attacks stopped coming, and Leo camped out in the field. It wasnt' hard to find burnable material, and soon enought he got a fire going. Pulling out a lighter from one of his recent kills, he lit the flame, watching the stars above, and seeing the smoke rise from the orange mess of heat and energy that lay before him as he sat with his legs in front of him, leaning on his hands.
MermaidShireen said:
Nox smiles sadly, "that's quite alright dear. My mother was a scientist too... I don't remember what happened to her. Your mother's powers are very interesting, as are yours. Healing flowers grow from your skin, do they have you heal other expiraments?" Nox was worried about Vladimir and Derrick, she hadn't heard or spoken to either of them for a while. Wondering then, if the child could open her cell, she glanced at the keypad before returning her gaze to the girl.
"If nessersary." She sent back. "I can do more than heal. I can only do one thing at once though."she said. She let her protective flowers grow of her skin and they surrounded her. The strength of these flowers was stronger than metal. Giggling she let them sink back in. She spun around before noticing the girls look. Celesta instantly bit her lip looking around. Sighing, "this is more of moms thing. She can manipulate digital stuff like this too. I can try though." She said tapping the side of the keypad. A flower sprung out and Celesta closed her eyes and prayed as her little fingers worked the keypad. The door didnt open but no alarms went off either. Sighing in defeat she recoiled away. "Sorry" she sent.



Ammax awoke slowly, holding his pounding head. He looked around. Everything still the same. He looked at the small gril infront of Nox's cell.

He stood, and began having flashbacks.


He finished scouting the entire place for food. Nothing. He was using his weapon as a walking stick for he could no longer stand upright alone. He looked aroud, and grunted. He sighed, and scraped off little bits of carbonized flesh from a bone. He gobbled it up, his stomach growling. Standing up, he growled. Suddently, there was a loud noise coming from the front door. Could it be the rescuers? He placed his weapon on his back, feeling the skin folding over it, keeping it in place. He limped over to the main hallway, and to his dismay, there were scientists dragging in cells with people. Ammax's eyes widened, and he attempted to make a run for it. There was a loud crack in the air, and Ammax dropped in pain. His left arm felt as if it was burning, melting. He looked up, a scientist putting back in his poket a siringe with a black liquid in it. Men grabbed his arm and tossed him in a nearby cell, his head banging against the cement, darkness consuming him.

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((Last post was suppost to have this too, but the site shut down, and I re wrote that part. The site refreshed all of the sudde, and all of my other things I had typed popped up too.))

((Ammax doesnt remember anything of what he was or who he was before the experiment, but his subconsious, 'Massun', does.))

Ammax stood, and he shook his head to get rid of the memories. A much as he would hate to admit, the experiments had done good to him. Ammax remembered how he was weak, and just flesh and bones when he was newly shifted. He always compares that, to his new and improved body now. One of the only things that didnt make him so easy to snap.

He fit his head through one of the larger cell bars. He looked to the sides, seeing several other experiments, and a few weird smudges on the ground, better left unexplored. A few scientists were gathered down the hall, and occasional screams heard. Ammax let his head drop, resting it on the cell bars. He looked up at Nox, her talking to the little girl. He wanted to aske her to open his cell, since from the outside it was just a lever. He held himself back. He would get her in trouble. Better not. He grumbled, and closed his eyes, thinking



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"shut him up!"the doctor shook his head and put on gloves with a sigh then took a needle injecting it into the unconscious demon's chest as every drop of a eerie glowing blue liquid went down through the needle into where elias' heart was sending a strange shock through his body making him jolt with a sharp high pitched screech as his wings flipped out before collapsing again as if it were effect of the substance interacting with elias' body. the screech was so high pitched and loud even for have going for a split second it could've been heard for quite a ways. elias' eyes shot open burning a bright blue as he struggled suddenly to get out not knowing where he was and started to use his shadows which only melted on the floor a moment after he was injected with a high dose of tranquilizer having to use three stringes of the stuff to knock him back out or at least make him weak enough to not to bother moving. elias still growled like a pissed off hound about ready to bite off some fingers with it's sharp teeth. the doctor smiled widely at elias. "tsk.tsk. now be a good boy eli or maybe I should hurt your little friend over there,hm?" he asked gesturing to haru before smacking elias right across the face and injected another dose of the blue liquid into him. elias bit his lip hard enough making it bleed with a yelp. the doctor then licked his lips looking at haru before looking at the guards who nodded.

@Magical Squid Senpai

Lucy Munch.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4b431e45-2a37-490b-96dc-cf6f41d89c07.jpg.b3616969f5ff245ed16eabdaa7af5961.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4b431e45-2a37-490b-96dc-cf6f41d89c07.jpg.b3616969f5ff245ed16eabdaa7af5961.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> she is wearing the normal scientist outfit. She has her hair up in a ponytail.

Lucy was excited for this moment! They were letting her choose her own thing to experiment! She was nearly skipping down the hall as she made her way to the farmhouse! Or that's what she called it, it was almost like going to a farm and picking out any pig she wanted so she could buy it, cut it open and feast on its insides! They had sent her there with six gaurds to protect her, she also had a very very very powerful tazer.

"Ok boys! Here we are!" She looked around the cell at all the pigs she could slaughter. "Hmmm, who oh who should I pick?" Her eyes landed on a tall strange figure who was resting it's head on the bars. "I want that one! Go get him please?" She pointed at Ammex and the guards unlocked his cell, put the right restaurants on him and pulled him out. Lucy was so excited she was basically a human vibrator. "Wow, you sure are something! This will be fun!"


(I hope I didn't mess anything up...)



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((Nah... Its Ammax, by the way xD ))

Ammax looked at the guards. He followed suit, for he didnt want to get paralized once more.

He looked up at the woman, trembling so much she might as well have drunk 20,000 coffees before. He sighed, his head hanging low. One of the security that was taking him by the arm to the destinated location looked quite small and weak. Ammax smirked, and after a while of walking, the scientist saying something, with no warning he simply threw hismelf on the guard, both falling over. Ammax heard a satisfying crack.​

@Magical Squid Senpai He ain't easy.... xD

Hope I didnt mess anything.

Add somthing between the walking time, and the guard smushing time.

'What should I do? Break his legs? Cut them off? See how he would do with out them? So much to do!' Lucy couldn't wait to use new tools! She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a glorious crack sound. She turned around and saw that the tall being had fallen on top of one of the guards. "Ugh, this is why we shouldn't hier such short people." While the guards fumbled with the beast, Lucy walked over to Ammax and pulled out her tazer. Turning it on she looked down at him. "That was a nice little trick there!" She jabbed him in the arm with the tazer, leaving it there for a good minute. She didn't know whether it would hurt him or not but she did know that this was a special tazer; almost like she had the power of the gods in her hands.

"Could you please never do that again?"

Once she snapped her fingers the guards went to pick the heavy beast up. Now they were down to five guards. "I'll call someone to get you... If you are still alive." She then continued to walk to her lab, only to stop in her tracks. "Wait! I could use him!" She pulled out her phone and texted someone. "He can be useful for my next experiment."

Lucy started walking again, not looking back at the injured or dead guard.

"Ok horse man! We are almost there! Sorry, but my room is just too far away. I always complain but they never listen."





He'd stand up from the falled guard and aimed for the other, but the scientist came and pressed something to his arm. At first, nothing happened. But then if began feelingas if he were beind fried alive. He bellowed, and he fell over. 5 men picked him up, and dragged him, his hind legs hanging loosely. He felt his muscles twitch. He wanted to fight. But he als didnt want to fry alive. He grunted, and stayed still. The scientist said smething, but he didnt hear. He was too busy trying to reach for the machine. One of the guards noticed, and slammed his fist to his head. Ammax grunted, and snorted loudly. They aproached a door, and the scientist pshed it open. He lost track of his attention, as he looked around. Everything was sparkle clean, impressively. He expected blood all over the walls, things like that. The guards let go of him, and he collpased to the ground, and groaned, his back scars still hadent healed properly. He stood up straigh, hearing a few guards gasp. He towered over all of them, and he looked down at the scientist.

(You can chop his legs of, but reatach them. I still wanthim in 1 piece for the roleplay xD )

(If I screwed something up, feel free to correct me xD ))​
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Supermegabrenda2 said:



He'd stand up from the falled guard and aimed for the other, but the scientist came and pressed something to his arm. At first, nothing happened. But then if began feelingas if he were beind fried alive. He bellowed, and he fell over. 5 men picked him up, and dragged him, his hind legs hanging loosely. He felt his muscles twitch. He wanted to fight. But he als didnt want to fry alive. He grunted, and stayed still. The scientist said smething, but he didnt hear. He was too busy trying to reach for the machine. One of the guards noticed, and slammed his fist to his head. Ammax grunted, and snorted loudly. They aproached a door, and the scientist pshed it open. He lost track of his attention, as he looked around. Everything was sparkle clean, impressively. He expected blood all over the walls, things like that. The guards let go of him, and he collpased to the ground, and groaned, his back scars still hadent healed properly..

(If I screwed something up, feel free to correct me xD ))​
((I just noticed you wrote 'GLORIOUS CRACK NOISE'. LMAO

Oh look, Suzies neck is snapped! But it was a gloious crack! xD ))

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