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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)



Ammax awoke slowly. He had passed out due to oxygen deprivation. He rubbed his throught. Damn. He thought. Hope that never happens again... He sighed. He foced his legs to stand up, but ended up bashing his head against the ceeling.

"Ow!" He said, rubbing the top of his head. He steppped foreward, only for a loud noise to be made, like if an extremely angry bull had striked its hoof against the floor.

"What the...?" He stepped forewards lightly now, and reached the cell bars. He looked at his hands, and inched them towards the cell bars. He grabbed them as he usually would, only for it to make a terrible noise, as if they were about to snap. He stepped back, shocked.

Had the lack of oxygen made him stronger?

He smirked. Now he was just a step closer to freedom...​

@Trombone Geek
Calvin watched Derrick's reaction to sudden light with slight interest; even if he hated his time working in the labs, he was still having a hard time binding back his curiosity. It was a constant struggle. He listened to Derrick's report, flipping through a few of his notes and adding a few things.

"And mentally?" The boy seemed to be a bit more confident than before. Perhaps.. Calvin had heard of one of the experiments being able to communicate mentally with others. That could prove troublesome, but that had yet to be seen. At that moment, Calvin took to raising the metal sheets and unlocking everything, and afterwards he checked Derrick's vitals, his temperature, all of that fanciness. He marked some things down on paper, and set the pencil down on the counter.

"You know, breaking people allows for a smooth enough transition, but the willing change so much easier. Do you believe you're willing to go through with this?" he asked suddenly, as if a thought had come to mind.

@Trombone Geek
Nox listened sadly to Derrick while he described the world outside, but he was interrupted when Calvin re-entered the cell. Quickly switching to Calvin's mind, she hopes to learn what he plans for Derrick today but learns something else entirely. Jumping back to Derrick's head she attempts to hide her panic, failing miserably. " He's suspicious! He knows I could be talking with you! Even through the coma... have to wake up... I have to wake up! I'll return if I can, but if I am going to be of any use in protecting myself or anyone else here, I must wake up." she quickly withdraws into her own body.

Again shrouded by dark mists, her body a heavy cage, she pushes against the walls. Focusing with all her will to swim to the surface of the immense ocean that is her mind. The machines around her start beeping, sounding an alarm to the scientists, alerting them that something has changed in her. Her heart rate leaping and her brainwaves off the chart, her muscles twitch and her eyes flutter. Fighting harder and harder against her prison, slowly, ever so slowly swimming up through consciousness.

@Trombone Geek @King Anthony @LilyannaGaming @whatever doctor there is.

((there is an alarm sounding alerting every doctor there))
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@Trombone Geek[/URL] @King Anthony @LilyannaGaming @whatever doctor there is.

((there is an alarm sounding alerting every doctor there))

"Paranoid still, anxious. Nothing special there." The servant shrugs awkwardly against the restraints, gaze sharply following Calvin. Nox's fear was justifiable, so he wouldn't argue. Before she's gone, he thinks a quick "Be safe." Before full attention is towards the scientist before him. "Breaking...?" Derrick goes silent for a moment, the twitching in his fingers coming to a still, but starts back up again as he snaps out of it. As scary as it seemed, it made sense. Derrick wasn't about to fight against this facility's ways.

"Is that what you were trying to accomplish? Never mind that, for I am more than willing. It is not as if I am here by choice and can back out of it. It is a simple matter of acceptance and I have no reason to fight when I am so powerless. Please continue, unabridged." There was only a couple of minutes between them before then was an alarm, startling him and causing him to yank the restraints. "Is that something you need to concern yourself with?" A little more time passes before he realizes with the timing, "Nox?"


@Trombone Geek

@Trombone Geek
"No reason to fight, but a reason to live. Hm. What about protecting your lord? You realize how much more you could accomplish after this?" As he spoke, he turned back to the counters, taking a few vials of liquid and observing them, before either putting them back or onto a separate rack. When he had finished with what he wanted, he carried it closer to the edge of the room where he could pick it up easily, and moved to fill a syringe with the same green substance as before.

"Acceptance is fine enough, but true willingness is even better. Although, with your strong mental state.." Calvin trailed off, suddenly moving to scribble something on a small slip of paper before sliding it into his coat pocket. His gaze shifted to one of the cameras in the corner of the room, and he went back to taking the equipment and materials he would need. Suddenly, an alarm sounded out, and Calvin looked up from his work, but quickly decided to ignore it. "I must have startled your friend, then." The alarm screeching only a small while after Calvin had voiced his thoughts was obviously no coincidence.



Ammax looked over at Nox's cell, the alarm blasting. He watched her. Her muscles tensing, and eyes fluttering. Is she waking up? He asked himself. He could manage to make out the lines of her heartbeat. They were very irreglar, and her brain mesurements off the chart. "Hm...."

After some time, he asked.

"Are you alright? Your... Things... are aparently off the chart. He pointed at all the monitors near her.

He aproached the cell bars slowly. For one of the first times, his face softened, not looking so mean anymore



((Note: He may look big, tough, and mean, but he is actually just a Jumbo Teddy Bear a.k.a : a softie ^-^))
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Elias smiled and moved his arm that was around the other's shoulders down around haru's waist. He nodded gently and leaned in close to the smaller boy's ear. His breath soft and tickling as his lips were close. After a moment he plopped down behind him forgetting what he was going to say pretty much laying down on the bed behind him."....I hope you don't mind me sleeping with you" he murmured softly.Elias closed his eyes and massive dark wings folded on his back. For some reason he was growing extremely tired. More likely it was the drugs they injected into him kicking in. His body grew heavy and he seemed to now be struggling to stay awake. Hopefully this didn't worry haru too much. A scientist was seen headed through the hallway in the direction of their room and stopped by taking notes as he observed the two. The doctor was staring at them as if watching animals in captivity that were supposed to breed.

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Always useful." He stated to Tiger. He looked over to Shard, who was excited about body parts. Then he heard Mattard start raving about his emo tendencies. This was normal for a large group of people who are tired and need a rest. After all, they're all just "On The Run" (MOVIE OVER GO HOME). "Tiger, you mind staying with Shard and I so we can prepare weapons and equipment and possibly mercs while the rest train and rest? I mean, it won't be tough. I promise you that. Just stay away from Shard's..."
He looked over to Shard picking apart a dead mercenary. "Yeah... You get the drill." He looked to the rest of the bitching and moaning experiments. He pushed his way to Violet. "If you have a base, I suggest you take these guys there. We'll stay in contact in case you or we need help. Got it?" He pushed a paper with Leo's insignia and a number. He started walking towards the bodies again, taking off his new hat to polish the leather brim and rub the felt tip.

SakuraTree said:
"Sure." I decide. "Are we raiding the bodies?" I walk over to one and pick it up. I rip the vest off and throw it at Leo. I take a rifle, a pistol and a knife off the body. "What do you have?" I ask him. I raid the backpack, a map, datapad, grenades. "I have some useful stuff." I unfold the map and study it, it's marked with points.
Shard got distracted and ended up over a corpse picking it apart as her mouth split open becoming full of various sharp teeth. She giggled and then went down tearing away at the corpse, eating away at the flesh and organs making a bloody disfigured mess of what used to be a human. A random guy approaches her yelling and shard stands up quickly as crystals formed and sliced the guy in half only to smile and crack his skull like a boiled egg.
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mewbot5408 said:
Shard got distracted and ended up over a corpse picking it apart as her mouth split open becoming full of various sharp teeth. She giggled and then went down tearing away at the corpse, eating away at the flesh and organs making a bloody disfigured mess of what used to be a human. A random guy approaches her yelling and shard stands up quickly as crystals formed and sliced the guy in half only to smile and crack his skull like a boiled egg.
I look at Shard warily. "She always do that?" I clutch my knife handle. "Kinda creepy." I turn so she's always in my view. I fold up the map and hand it to Leo. "You probably need this." I tell him. I bend the pistol and the rifle, making them unusable.
@Trombone Geek[/URL]

Leonardo was not all in tune with this scene. "Waiting on you, Violet." He wasn't fond of all the dead body, nor that girl chowing down on the human, and slaughtering the next. He had to hold his stomach. As a wild animal, truly wild, he never ate for fun, only on instinct. Watching these humans kill for fun was disgusting. He couldn't get near a corpse that he wouldn't eat- And he wasn't very fond of how humans tasted. He tried to distance himself, but figuring that wouldn't be a good idea, he stood exactly where he was until they'd end up somewhere that's not here. @LilyannaGaming

Rei bows, tears hitting the concrete as she does so. "Once again I'm grateful..." She says sincerely. Her fingers shook, and she had to constantly bite her lip not to randomly sob. There's no one in the world besides this man and herself so dedicated to freeing her brother. Once he was out, that place will burn, and Rei will revel in it's ashes. @mewbot5408

Vladimor's body was nearing shock, eyes completely whited out and mouth gaping. Now Raphael wasn't kind at all, but to himself, the scientist was so, so nice. He made sure he replicated his master's work. Although, where not needed, didn't care for precision. All Raphael cared for was Vladimor's blood on his fingers. He spent half of the entire day torturing, seeing what he could and probably couldn't survive through. 'Testing his durability' he'd say with a small, twisted laugh. Pale, bony fingers stroke Vladimor's cheek, and in blinding pain, the noble doesn't respond any longer to these actions. "You got boring fast..." Raphael mutters, thumb hooking into the noble's mouth, who hadn't responded to the taste of his own blood. "Although, you do have some...beautiful....teeth. Vladimor, still blindfolded, could hear the damned smile in the crazed man's speech and he let out a whimper when he heard the scientist's laugh. His bloody fingers across his teeth, poking and prodding; he was too scared to bite. When Raphael's finger were removed, Vladimor didn't have the energy to spit the blood and grime out. Soon enough it returned, but with something cold and metal attaching to one of his molars. "I hope you don't mind if I take one, do you?" Vladimor shook, muffled "No,no,no,no,no"s pouring out of him, tears being soak away by a blood, tear, and sweat dampened blindfold. Just then was his lucky break. The alarm sounded. The scientist frowned, withdrawing the tool from the noble's mouth, tossing it on the table before wiping his hands mostly clean.

"I'll be back."

The scientist headed towards Nox's cell, clicking on a device that was just outside of the door, enabling a sort of defense to anyone who enters the room. He eyes the other experiments warily before opening the door to her cell. "I'm going to need you to calm down, Belladonna." He says gruffly, unlocking a box in her room, pulling out a syringe. Several other scientist were in the room with him, jotting down the reading, other's trying to keep her steady. Raphael fills the syringe with a liquid labeled in her number, flicking the needle and squirting it before pressing it into her thigh. The medicine wasn't another for coma, just something that'd limit her mental capacity for a short duration of time, along with debilitating her. @MermaidShireen

Zacharie, this angel-like being patrolling the halls, revels in any sort of chaos he can get from the whole facility, and that's been on the down low for quite some time. A dangerous experiment such as himself isn't allowed to be roaming about, but with all the abilities he has, they have better luck restraining him while he's out. Plus none of them know he's not in his cell. The boy stalks about, white , glowing, eyes flickering. His slitted pupils keep a sharp watch on the halls, watching for anything that'll keep his interest. One of the doors open, a scientist leaving so fast he didn't even notice him. The door being slightly ajar, Zacharie slides in, eyes going wide at the sight. "Vladimor?" Oh no, this wasn't the same Vladimor you see now. The Vladimor he knew was the ruler of a supernatural kingdom, all in a separate universe. This Vladimor, he hadn't ever met until now. Zacharie takes off his frog mask, putting it on the table, the end not covered in blood to observe what had been done to him. "How the fuck are you still alive? What is that?" He was tempted to grab one of the metal rods, large and running down his chest all the way down to his stomach. He cringed and looked at the boy with pity. "I...I'm going to help you, Vladimor. You don't know me here, but I'm a friend." Vladimor whimpers pitifully, his head lolling to the side. Zacharie sees blood matted in his hair, and he doesn't even want to mention it. With one hand shrouded in a black smoke-light light, he places it around the metal, right where the metal protrudes out of his flesh. "I apologize." Is all he says as he quickly separates the metal from his skin, the black smoke sealing the hole left behind. He was nearly deaf to Vladimor's cries, used to the cry of the people he has hurt. But this was a friend. There were six more going up to his chest, and he took care of them all. Each hole sealed, along with the rest of his body, though some were left untended because his healing abilities could only go so far. Last was a tube. He hadn't noticed it until last, and it seemed to be pumping some weird black liquid into his body. Hesitantly, he removes the tube, and Vladimor surges upwards. When the tube was removed he began wheezing.

SakuraTree said:
I look at Shard warily. "She always do that?" I clutch my knife handle. "Kinda creepy." I turn so she's always in my view. I fold up the map and hand it to Leo. "You probably need this." I tell him. I bend the pistol and the rifle, making them unusable.
"Sorta?" He fiddles around with the map, holding it up to the light. "Ah... Err... Okay! So we're currently at... Here!" He pokes at the map, tearing a huge hole in it. He then looks up at Tiger. "We've got fucking phones. We don't need maps." He looks at the map one last time, seeing a small marking on the side. It seems to be a tribal image of a face. Odd. He tears straight through the map and hands Tiger a spare phone.

Looking to where Shard was mutalating a body, he regarded her feeding habits. "Yeah. She does that. It's kinda the reason why she's a cannibal, you know? Psycho killer kinda makes good food for her or something. Maybe she'll get bored one day and try to eat me. Who knows. But for now, she's my darling." He took the weapons from Tiger's hands and melted them down into more ferrorfluid.

"I guess we can go gather whomever and get to it. The others should teleport back some time soon."
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Sorta?" He fiddles around with the map, holding it up to the light. "Ah... Err... Okay! So we're currently at... Here!" He pokes at the map, tearing a huge hole in it. He then looks up at Tiger. "We've got fucking phones. We don't need maps." He looks at the map one last time, seeing a small marking on the side. It seems to be a tribal image of a face. Odd. He tears straight through the map and hands Tiger a spare phone.
Looking to where Shard was mutalating a body, he regarded her feeding habits. "Yeah. She does that. It's kinda the reason why she's a cannibal, you know? Psycho killer kinda makes good food for her or something. Maybe she'll get bored one day and try to eat me. Who knows. But for now, she's my darling." He took the weapons from Tiger's hands and melted them down into more ferrorfluid.

"I guess we can go gather whomever and get to it. The others should teleport back some time soon."

I take the phone and put it in one of my pockets. "Cannibal. Nice. Who are these others?" I ask him. I walk over to a concrete pillar and sit on it. "I did just meet you." I take out my knife and start sharpening it on a whetstone. I look at Leo, studying him, not purposely, its been programmed in.
@Trombone Geek[/URL]

Leonardo was not all in tune with this scene. "Waiting on you, Violet." He wasn't fond of all the dead body, nor that girl chowing down on the human, and slaughtering the next. He had to hold his stomach. As a wild animal, truly wild, he never ate for fun, only on instinct. Watching these humans kill for fun was disgusting. He couldn't get near a corpse that he wouldn't eat- And he wasn't very fond of how humans tasted. He tried to distance himself, but figuring that wouldn't be a good idea, he stood exactly where he was until they'd end up somewhere that's not here. @LilyannaGaming

Rei bows, tears hitting the concrete as she does so. "Once again I'm grateful..." She says sincerely. Her fingers shook, and she had to constantly bite her lip not to randomly sob. There's no one in the world besides this man and herself so dedicated to freeing her brother. Once he was out, that place will burn, and Rei will revel in it's ashes. @mewbot5408

Vladimor's body was nearing shock, eyes completely whited out and mouth gaping. Now Raphael wasn't kind at all, but to himself, the scientist was so, so nice. He made sure he replicated his master's work. Although, where not needed, didn't care for precision. All Raphael cared for was Vladimor's blood on his fingers. He spent half of the entire day torturing, seeing what he could and probably couldn't survive through. 'Testing his durability' he'd say with a small, twisted laugh. Pale, bony fingers stroke Vladimor's cheek, and in blinding pain, the noble doesn't respond any longer to these actions. "You got boring fast..." Raphael mutters, thumb hooking into the noble's mouth, who hadn't responded to the taste of his own blood. "Although, you do have some...beautiful....teeth. Vladimor, still blindfolded, could hear the damned smile in the crazed man's speech and he let out a whimper when he heard the scientist's laugh. His bloody fingers across his teeth, poking and prodding; he was too scared to bite. When Raphael's finger were removed, Vladimor didn't have the energy to spit the blood and grime out. Soon enough it returned, but with something cold and metal attaching to one of his molars. "I hope you don't mind if I take one, do you?" Vladimor shook, muffled "No,no,no,no,no"s pouring out of him, tears being soak away by a blood, tear, and sweat dampened blindfold. Just then was his lucky break. The alarm sounded. The scientist frowned, withdrawing the tool from the noble's mouth, tossing it on the table before wiping his hands mostly clean.

"I'll be back."

The scientist headed towards Nox's cell, clicking on a device that was just outside of the door, enabling a sort of defense to anyone who enters the room. He eyes the other experiments warily before opening the door to her cell. "I'm going to need you to calm down, Belladonna." He says gruffly, unlocking a box in her room, pulling out a syringe. Several other scientist were in the room with him, jotting down the reading, other's trying to keep her steady. Raphael fills the syringe with a liquid labeled in her number, flicking the needle and squirting it before pressing it into her thigh. The medicine wasn't another for coma, just something that'd limit her mental capacity for a short duration of time, along with debilitating her. @MermaidShireen

Zacharie, this angel-like being patrolling the halls, revels in any sort of chaos he can get from the whole facility, and that's been on the down low for quite some time. A dangerous experiment such as himself isn't allowed to be roaming about, but with all the abilities he has, they have better luck restraining him while he's out. Plus none of them know he's not in his cell. The boy stalks about, white , glowing, eyes flickering. His slitted pupils keep a sharp watch on the halls, watching for anything that'll keep his interest. One of the doors open, a scientist leaving so fast he didn't even notice him. The door being slightly ajar, Zacharie slides in, eyes going wide at the sight. "Vladimor?" Oh no, this wasn't the same Vladimor you see now. The Vladimor he knew was the ruler of a supernatural kingdom, all in a separate universe. This Vladimor, he hadn't ever met until now. Zacharie takes off his frog mask, putting it on the table, the end not covered in blood to observe what had been done to him. "How the fuck are you still alive? What is that?" He was tempted to grab one of the metal rods, large and running down his chest all the way down to his stomach. He cringed and looked at the boy with pity. "I...I'm going to help you, Vladimor. You don't know me here, but I'm a friend." Vladimor whimpers pitifu[/CENTER]

@Trombone Geek

((Note: He may look big, tough, and mean, but he is actually just a Jumbo Teddy Bear a.k.a : a softie ^-^))
Nix fought, she fought past every block in her path. She could actually hear the alarm, then a voice, telling her to calm down, she could feel herself breathing. She gasped, her back arching, and her eyes flying open right as the syringe struck her leg. The joy of her triumph crushed by what had just entered into her body, the minds of everyone falling away from her, the voices falling silent. Her mouth opens emitting a blood curling scream that echoed through the facility, it slowly died as she was left felling empty. "No.... no... n..." the only words that she had spoken for 5 years. She reached feebly for the man closest to her, but her strength giving out and her arm flopped down, hanging off the table, Staring up at him with wide, pleading eyes. "please..."

@King Anthony @Trombone Geek @Supermegabrenda2
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mewbot5408 said:
Elias smiled and moved his arm that was around the other's shoulders down around haru's waist. He nodded gently and leaned in close to the smaller boy's ear. His breath soft and tickling as his lips were close. After a moment he plopped down behind him forgetting what he was going to say pretty much laying down on the bed behind him."....I hope you don't mind me sleeping with you" he murmured softly.Elias closed his eyes and massive dark wings folded on his back. For some reason he was growing extremely tired. More likely it was the drugs they injected into him kicking in. His body grew heavy and he seemed to now be struggling to stay awake. Hopefully this didn't worry haru too much. A scientist was seen headed through the hallway in the direction of their room and stopped by taking notes as he observed the two. The doctor was staring at them as if watching animals in captivity that were supposed to breed.
Haru turned around so he was facing Elias. "Elias?" He tilted his head and gently nudged his arm. "Are you always this tired?" He looked over him again. "Oh! I know, I'll just lay with you too." Haru laid down on his side, facing Elias. He reached out to grab ahold of the others hand. Haru was kind of starting to worry about him, something didn't feel right. "Did those people in white coats do something bad to you?"

[QUOTE="King Anthony]Derrick lay silent for a moment, thinking. Use something like this to protect Vladimor? How could he? Poor Derrick was too weak to save him from being one of these things in the first place, but..."You have a point." Improved, he could keep Lord Vladimor out of harms way, unlike what he's been doing recently. At the moment, Vladimor was only stronger because of those shadows, but what of Derrick after all this? Experimentation does not come without risk, and what he ends up with might not particularly end in his favor.
He listened to the alarm wailing, and he turns his head and tries not to focus on it. Even if Nox would have responded, Derrick would not hear. From training, he was used to alarms but this time it got to him. Bad. The red and white spotted his vision once again, and he hisses. "Fffff.....Fuck!" He roared, barring his teeth as his eyes screw shut. The noise was fuzzing out something in his head and bearing down on him, and the heat layering itself onto his body was making it worse. His teeth click once, but not a second time.s A growl risen from his throat, before branching off into a huff. There's a more violent attempt to free himself, but is found futile. Seemingly racked by the sound, he gives up, panting. He looks towards Calvin with the gaze of a wild animal, his dull red eyes glinting with something vague. "I...apologize for my language." He says almost bitterly in between heavy breaths, spots of blood on his tongue from biting. "Aggravating."

Calvin nodded in approval to his answer, and was about to approach Derrick before the blasted alarm drove him mad for a moment, and Calvin backed off, waiting patiently. He noted the way the servant seemed quite close to an animal, showing that the mako was bonding to his cells in a violent way, but faster as well. He waited for another moment before approaching again, laying his hand firmly on the servant's arm and driving the needle in again, watching him carefully for any sign of attack. Being injected a second time, so soon after aggressive behavior, wouldn't help him.

"I have heard much, much worse," Calvin responds after a while, to Derrick's apology. The servant couldn't exactly help himself. He drew the needle away, disposing of it properly and returning to the rack full of vials. He gave each one a last check, a habit of his, before turning back to Derrick.

"Sit still, stay pretty, and don't try to escape. Security will be increased outside, and they won't hesitate to beat you half to death, whether I order against it or not." Picking up the tray, Calvin left again, turning out the light as he did. He returned to the room where he had tested Derrick's blood, this time walking to a desk opposite, and began mixing the liquid in the vials until he could get the effect he wanted from Derrick. Nobody knew how long the poor boy had to go, but Calvin could only hope that, as painful as it would be, his changes would end quickly.

Our wonderful 'friends' from earlier approached Derrick's cell, one peering in through the slightest crack in the door.
"I kinda hope the kiddo escapes, I've been itching for a fight," said the redheaded of the two, grinning. The other experiment, who had silver hair much shorter than her counterpart, says nothing, but she rolls her eyes, leaning against the wall across from the door and watching silently.

"C'mon, you might hate me, but we used to be buddies, eh? Spare me some words, oh great one!"

"Don't talk to me."

"Woah, talk about a downer! You're no fun," Rufus pouted, crossing his arms and sliding against the door until he hit the floor, where he sat cross-legged for a moment before suddenly flipping around and sitting on the ceiling. Still, Dante didn't even crack a smile.

"Fine. Be that way," he huffed, falling back to the ground and staying there.



He watched, amazed, as Nox awoke and attemped to grab the doctor.

"NoX! You awake!"

He smiled maniacly, not having smiled in quite a while. He forced himself against the bars, trying to reach ehr to help, but to no avail.

He watched as the man stuck a needle in her leg. He stopped smiling and growled lowly. He heard her say something, but couldnt make out what. He scouted the area, watching for guards. None. He could burst out, crack the glass, free everyone and run out. He looked at the door, the buttons shining. He could escape, just what was the password again?


((Can I make him remember the password, crack the glass somewhere he can reach, just to be paralized and set into his cage again?))

SakuraTree said:
I take the phone and put it in one of my pockets. "Cannibal. Nice. Who are these others?" I ask him. I walk over to a concrete pillar and sit on it. "I did just meet you." I take out my knife and start sharpening it on a whetstone. I look at Leo, studying him, not purposely, its been programmed in.
"Ha. You're right. But I did save your life potentially, so you owe me. Plus, you're a freak, like us. So you have to be good, right?" He questioned himself, then he realized that he kills people for fun, and didn't give a single fuck. "Yeah." He shook his head and walked over to Shard. "You ready to go? Also, where did Rufus go? I've been building a bro-ner for him and I got fucking stab him with it." He laughed to himself, and got back to the mass of people, or at least where he thought they would be.

"Okay you fucks! Here's the deal. Go prepare or whatever the fuck you gotta do and meet here within a week or so. Yeah... Whomever wants to stay can fucking stay with us I guess, like Cricks or whomever the hell Matt mentioned. Anything else? No? Shut the fuck up, I don't answer questions. Let's go people! We've got people to save!"

@Rescue group or whatever
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[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Ha. You're right. But I did save your life potentially, so you owe me. Plus, you're a freak, like us. So you have to be good, right?" He questioned himself, then he realized that he kills people for fun, and didn't give a single fuck. "Yeah." He shook his head and walked over to Shard. "You ready to go? Also, where did Rufus go? I've been building a bro-ner for him and I got fucking stab him with it." He laughed to himself, and got back to the mass of people, or at least where he thought they would be.
"Okay you fucks! Here's the deal. Go prepare or whatever the fuck you gotta do and meet here within a week or so. Yeah... Whomever wants to stay can fucking stay with us I guess, like Cricks or whomever the hell Matt mentioned. Anything else? No? Shut the fuck up, I don't answer questions. Let's go people! We've got people to save!"

@Rescue group or whatever

I sit on the pillar and turn my head. "Bye? I guess..." I sheathe my knife. I look at Leo. "Contact me later? Bring me new shirts?" I smile at him.
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He watched, amazed, as Nox awoke and attemped to grab the doctor.

"NoX! You awake!"

He smiled maniacly, not having smiled in quite a while. He forced himself against the bars, trying to reach ehr to help, but to no avail.

He watched as the man stuck a needle in her leg. He stopped smiling and growled lowly. He heard her say something, but couldnt make out what. He scouted the area, watching for guards. None. He could burst out, crack the glass, free everyone and run out. He looked at the door, the buttons shining. He could escape, just what was the password again?


((Can I make him remember the password, crack the glass somewhere he can reach, just to be paralized and set into his cage again?))

((Sure, it'll show a character bond that could help in the future))



He raced to the password lock. He quickly typed in


The door made a short, shrill beep noise, and slid open. He looked at the glass cell, he backed up, and raced towards the glass cell. He bashed the glass with his head, and it cracked slightly. He stumbled back, slightly lightheaded. Shaking his head, he stepped foreward, and punched the glass, hard. It cracked more. He stepped back to bash the glass once more, untill he felt a prick in his arm. He looked at it. Atached to his arm, there was a tranquilizer. An elphant tranquilizer. He began feeling faint. He fell on his knees, and watched the scientist in the cell with Nox looking at him, hints of fear in his eyes. He sneered, and growled before he collapsed, and everything whent black...

((He is being dragged to his cell now, and atached to the wall by chains, hanging from his hands, a foot a bove the ground.))​
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He raced to the password lock. He quickly typed in


The door made a short, shrill beep noise, and slid open. He looked at the glass cell, he backed up, and raced towards the glass cell. He bashed the glass with his head, and it cracked slightly. He stumbled back, slightly lightheaded. Shaking his head, he stepped foreward, and punched the glass, hard. It cracked more. He stepped back to bash the glass once more, untill he felt a prick in his arm. He looked at it. Atached to his arm, there was a tranquilizer. An elphant tranquilizer. He began feeling faint. He fell on his knees, and watched the scientist in the cell with Nox looking at him, hints of fear in his eyes. He sneered, and growled before he collapsed, and everything whent black...

((He is being dragged to his cell now, and atached to the wall by chains, hanging from his hands, a foot a bove the ground.))​
"Ammax!" Nox whispered, rolling off the table she lands hard on the floor, a pained yelp escaping her lips. "Ammax!" she whispers again, trying to crawl to him but her limbs refuse to work. She watches helplessly as he is dragged away, and chained back in his cell. "please... no" she tries to reach out with her mind to his fading one, the instant she tries it feels like daggers are shooting into her head. Screaming as her body spasms through the pain, holding her head and withdrawing back into herself. Ending up lying in a fetal position, clutching her head, and whimpering pitifully.

@Supermegabrenda2 @King Anthony @whateverscientistsdecidethey want to show up.
Violet satrtled. Coming out of her thoughts. Shulffling she turned to the group and away from Shard. She extended her arms. A violet light engulfed her. "Every one who is going grab on to my arms. I cant teleport you if im not within contact of you." She said envisioning her base. The large empty living room. She shoot her eyes opened as she waited for everyone to take their spots. Her boby began to pulse with the color around her. " She was exporting a lot to make sure she got every one. "Also, you MIGHT have dizziness. Or nausea after i teleport you." She said warningly.

Silver smiled at Susan. "Come one, lets head to the living room for a break." She said starting to walk away. @Cicero
The girl stood there not changing back at she watched the girl heading away "Is this some sort of trick to lower my guard?" She asked a bit of hate in her voice. She despised being tricked just so someone else could win sure Susan would help anyone as long as she gets a bit of credit for doing so. After standing there a bit she started walking towards the girl keeping her guard up as she started to loss light going back to her normal self. @LilyannaGaming
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Always useful." He stated to Tiger. He looked over to Shard, who was excited about body parts. Then he heard Mattard start raving about his emo tendencies. This was normal for a large group of people who are tired and need a rest. After all, they're all just "On The Run" (MOVIE OVER GO HOME). "Tiger, you mind staying with Shard and I so we can prepare weapons and equipment and possibly mercs while the rest train and rest? I mean, it won't be tough. I promise you that. Just stay away from Shard's..."
He looked over to Shard picking apart a dead mercenary. "Yeah... You get the drill." He looked to the rest of the bitching and moaning experiments. He pushed his way to Violet. "If you have a base, I suggest you take these guys there. We'll stay in contact in case you or we need help. Got it?" He pushed a paper with Leo's insignia and a number. He started walking towards the bodies again, taking off his new hat to polish the leather brim and rub the felt tip.

SakuraTree said:
I take the phone and put it in one of my pockets. "Cannibal. Nice. Who are these others?" I ask him. I walk over to a concrete pillar and sit on it. "I did just meet you." I take out my knife and start sharpening it on a whetstone. I look at Leo, studying him, not purposely, its been programmed in.
LilyannaGaming said:
Violet satrtled. Coming out of her thoughts. Shulffling she turned to the group and away from Shard. She extended her arms. A violet light engulfed her. "Every one who is going grab on to my arms. I cant teleport you if im not within contact of you." She said envisioning her base. The large empty living room. She shoot her eyes opened as she waited for everyone to take their spots. Her boby began to pulse with the color around her. " She was exporting a lot to make sure she got every one. "Also, you MIGHT have dizziness. Or nausea after i teleport you." She said warningly.
Silver smiled at Susan. "Come one, lets head to the living room for a break." She said starting to walk away. @Cicero
Grumpy Mr. Matthew obeyed his savior without question, but as soon as the teleportation ended Matt pulled his hand away in a rush, stumbling backwards and feeling the dizziness she described; Except it wasn't just the teleportation that made him that way. The wound in his shoulder was bleeding both blood and an acidic green liquid that his body seemed to be physically trying to push out of itself. It was absolutely disgusting, but Matthew didn't even look at it. He was on the floor and staring at the ceiling in his last moments of consciousness. He took a shallow breath, and tried to keep himself calm. Memories of the past few days came flooding back to him, out of order and sometimes distorted. He closed his eyes and got confused on whether he was awake or asleep. All of these memories could count as dreams, but maybe it was his conscious mind that was throwing them all together: He didn't know how the brain worked. All he could understand in his simple, drug-filled state was that everything was going to stop once that last memory faded to black. It was of Calvin, pulling him into a hug and then telling him he planned to take them all to Las Vegas. Calvin never made it to Las Vegas, and thank the devil that wasn't where Matthew passed out.

"Good they're gone." He sighed, then he moved over to Shard, watching her pick apart a merc. He was still twitching too, with every twang of body part being ripped off. Oh, just how fun can nerve cells get? He remembered his plan he made with himself to set up a base of operations. But where? They would be crawling all over Vegas except for...

Perfect! It was genius! If they just... Wait... Yeah, he had no idea what to do, as seen by his continual din of Leo tapping his head on a wall. "Shard..." He muttered. "I don't know what to do now. Help..."

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