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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

mewbot5408 said:
Elias nodded gently and tilted his head with a small but sad smile,dark wings extending out and curling them both. "....how long was I away from you this time? It felt like a month but I can't tell....it must've been long considering we met and I'm taken to that room so much that we didn't even properly know each other's names or did we just forget?" Elias whispered to haru and sighed softly.the demon then looked off for a moment watching a nurse walk by and leave before moving leaning in giving haru a little kiss on the cheek.
Haru moved closer to Elias, it felt so good to be near someone who was gentle with him. He had stopped crying now and listened to what Elias had to say. "I think you have been asleep for a couple weeks since I came in. This is actually the first time you have talked to me!" Haru chuckled, remembering how he would sometimes worry about the other boy. He gasped a little when he was kissed on the cheek. He blushed and looked over at Elias. "What was that for?" He giggled.

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick attempts to sit up, briefly forgetting he was restrained and ends up cringing in pain, cursing himself at doing so. "It does not bother me too much." He mutters, trying his best to relax against the metal slab. "And no thank you, I prefer the dark." He shifts throughout the restraints, a deep sigh pouring past his lips. He understood what it meant, and with knowing, there's no reason to ask against it. It was just a shame that'd he'd have to take this spot over the shabby bed in his cell. But thinking on it, is a metal table really a down grade? "I do appreciate it though." What, though? His concern, the fact that he wasn't as relentless as expected, or...Nevermind. His bones settle into the surface, and he breaths out slowly. Upon repeating his breaths, it begins to present as more of a challenge to keep such steady pace. His chest grew heavy.

Calvin nods slightly, although he keeps his head bowed for a moment longer than necessary, as if to apologize for everything he knew he'd done, even though he'd done it a million times mentally. He told the guards to lock everything down inside, and turn the light off when they were finished. He left for his room own room, collapsing into a bed much more comfortable than the other prisoners.. After all, he was supposed to be a prisoner, after all. Perhaps it would've been better that way, if he'd never taken up this profession. He'd much rather go through torture than this. With a sigh, be deemed sleeping more important than being an emo about it all, and closed his eyes.

The guards pulled thick metal sheets over the counters, protecting the tools and such sitting there, and did the same with the cabinets. They checked Derrick's restraints, doing all of it with such practice that the empty look in their eyes didn't quite match. When they were finished securing everything, they left, turning the light off as Calvin had ordered before locking the door tightly. Risking Derrick's escape was not something anyone wanted to do, especially when the night terrors kicked in.
MermaidShireen said:
Slipping back into Derrick's mind after her encounter with Ammax, reading Calvin's as well. Nox spoke only after the others had left. "Derrick, it's me again, I'm sorry I had to leave you, the idiot I spoke to wasn't even worth the effort." Through the link, Nox could feel every cut Calvin had left in Derrick's skin, but only as a burning sensation. " Oh God-- I-- I can help you-- I can take away some of your pain, it's going to get worse. Oh that bastard!" She withdrew enough from his mind so that she could only speak through the link and not make his pain any worse from her anger at Calvin. "Please, let me help."
@King Anthony
Derrick, not too long after the other men came in, finds himself falling asleep. And maybe he did once or twice, but every time he did he felt himself wake to a harsh pull and tug against the bindings and he would have to force himself to calm down from the convulsions. When he finds Nox once again inside of his head, a little confused by her reaction. She took it worse than he did. "What the cuts?" His soft laughter barely escape his lips. "This is nothing, I am alright." But it was only half the truth. He could handle it, but it was not something that he couldn't easily ignore. The servants fingers slowly curl then stretch, something not feeling quite right in his body. What exactly had that man put into his blood? "Please understand that this is his job, and as of now, enduring his work is mine." Derrick then politely refuses her offer, but attempts to strike conversation to keep himself awake; he only now was reminded of the night terrors that he might go through if he slept. "Nox, correct? Tell me about yourself, if you will."

Leonardo wasn't at all oblivious to Matthew, having seen him shot with a tranquilizer that short time ago back in the house. He's honestly surprised how long it took for it to catch up with him. The man places his hands on Matthew's shoulders, but avoiding the general area that it had hit, to steady him. "I'm staying along side him. To the safety it is." With his eyes locked on Matt, he lowers his voice. "You alright?" The lion-man asks, a concerned look in his dark brown eyes. "If you feel like yer' gonna pass out, don't hesitate to lemme know, bro."

Rei looks at Shard and Leo, then at Mew. "I'm...scared. I don't want to be around here. I'm not that good at fighting and will most likely end up caught if I stay here." She admits truthfully, a unsteady sigh pushing from her chest. She looks between the odd couple. "Why don't you two stay behind? From the looks of it, you could handle the task, right?" She says nearly indifferently, her tears having already dried up, although her heart still bled for her dear brother. Some part of her blamed herself for Rin's capture, another saying it was probably inevitable. Both parts screamed to get him back.

@Surprise Meteors



iiimee said:
Matthew cursed under his breath. He had been stupid to think Violet's powers weren't without limits. He cleared his throat, ready to volunteer, until a sharp pain in his shoulder and weakness in his legs reminded him just what sort of condition he was in. He took a step back, and would have lost his balance, had Leonardo not been behind him. "I... can't go." he unwillingly stated. It felt like a confession. He killed somebody today, but he didn't regret that nearly as much as he regretted not being able to do what he felt he ought to. Vladimor was captured, Naomi disappeared, and Calvin died, all so the group could make it this far. If he didn't use every last ounce of strength he had, how could he call himself a human, much less a man? Still, the rational side of him kicked in and warned him he'd die a meaningless death if he tried to play the part of a hero now. It was better for everyone if he just laid low and shut up for a while. Even now his eyelids grew heavy, but he kept them open and stood so he could know who would be the ones to leave. He wouldn't let Leonardo or Orious go: They were too precious to his mission for him to let them get killed. He didn't care who went other than them.

Sighing Vi nodded. "I have a base. Its completely hidden. The only way in is through me or another teleporter. Its big enough to house every one, plus more." She said managding a weak smile. She shifted a little. Nervous of what they would think. "It's an abandon faculty." She added silently. Turning to face everyone. Her eyes casted down. She looked weakly at Leo, Then Lion-boy. She was scared to say anymore.
Cryx hadn't put anything into the conversation, only followed along quietly and pondering whether to just storm the facility right then and there. Yeah, she was pissed, but she also knew patience was a virtue. So she hung back with Milee, trying to play the role of silent comfort for the girl whose nightmare was haunting her again. Her and Naomi were a lot alike, so Cryx knew Milee was angry that her friend had been captured while she got to stay free.

It was obvious the group was too tired to do anything, and Cryx accepted that, although she noticed Milee bristling when Leo mentioned resting and going home. With a quiet murmur of "There's nothing we can do," from Cryx, the girl calmed. The two followed the group wherever it decided to go, but Cryx always hung back with Milee.

Blue eyes belonging to a certain blonde-haired child opened, slowly and blearily at first, and she heard a shriek.
"Shit! She's awake again! What the hell, we just put her to sleep!" At that, Naomi's surroundings cleared into focus. Another scientist, much calmer than the source of the girly cry, was leaning over her, looking confused but interested. Building up kinetic pressure beneath her right elbow, the one opposite to the man, she snapped her restraints on that arm and punched him, hard. A crack echoed out, and he crumpled to the floor, glaring hatefully at her.

"Put her back under," he growled, but Naomi wasn't about to let that happen. She tore free of her restraints, ignoring the burning sensation beginning to course through her veins. The clear blue of her eyes was being replaced with green as adrenaline kicked in, and the girl burst out of the closed door into the hallway. She looked around wildly, trying to remember. Where had she seen him go..? She raced down a random hallway, eventually coming to Derrick's heavily locked cell. "He must've been here," Naomi growled, furious at what the staff here were making Calvin do. She paused for another moment, but quickly had to take off as guards gave chase; the ones at the door hadn't even noticed her, so long as she didn't tamper with the door.

In a moment of weakness, the girl considered going back to the servant's cell and freeing him, but knew she had to keep on with her search. Eventually, she came to yet another door, although this one was wide open. Inside.. There! Laying on top of the blankets, as if not allowing himself warmth, and staring at the ceiling, and looking as if he didn't want to go back to sleep, was Calvin. Naomi was about to rush inside, but someone grabbed her around the waist, hauling her back. A single, terrifying black-blue eye stared down at her from between a mess of red bangs. Calvin sat up in his bed abruptly just as Naomi screeched, trying to build enough momentum to elbow the man behind her but failing.

"Not now, kiddo. Soon. Jus' wait," the redhead said quietly, and Naomi stilled for a moment. Did he know something? He grinned, and she knew whatever he said was just a trick. She glanced back at Calvin, who was sitting there helplessly. Why wasn't he helping her?! Betrayal scorched through her mind.

"Don't just stand there! Help me! We need to escape!" she cried desperately, but Calvin just hung his head, hiding his face behind a curtain of brown hair. Naomi glared, and knew her father could probably feel her gaze burning into his soul. She said nothing after that, wrenching herself away from the redhead who had held her back and walking back to the lab room she'd been in of her own will.

"Sorry.." The word had been quiet, mumbled, but Calvin still murmured it as if it could fix things, and explain everything. He laid back, turning over on his side and, despite his wishes, fell asleep again.



Ammax layed perfectly still, and he stared into the lit ceeling. Soon, he grew bored, and began planning an excape incase no one actually came. He remembered they had a backyard...


He laughed, and dashed after her. The facility used to have a backyard before the White Man arrived. They used to allow us 1 hour to run around. She began chasing me after I tagged her. She tackled me, and I collapsed. She turned me over. A beautifull, albino, Ipotane. I smiled. "It's me now. 1... 2... 3!" I dashed towards her, and she shrieked. I jumped, and grabbed her arm.. She flipped and fell on me. We laughed.

"When are we getting out Ammax?" She asked me. I sighed. "Soon Mia, soon. I promise." She smiled.

"Come on, lets go before they come get us." I smiled, and stood. We walked inside to the cold stares of the scientists.


He sighedd as he stared into the flickering light. He missed Mia. The lights suddently turned off. He growled.

"Whats going on?"

A voice came from the speakers, obviously male. "Hello Ammax. You will now be put through an unoxigenized room. The one your in. I wish you the best of luck, Ammax."

Ammax took ina deep breath.

"Son of a bit-" He began chocking, and it became hard to breathe. This would be a long night...

mewbot5408 said:
"....at least it wasn't as long as last time...."He says with a small laugh and sighed as he was trying to keep light of things."I was trying to kiss everything better....i don't know if it worked though." Elias whispered and looked off.
For the moment:


Haru blushed and nodded. "It worked..." He then leaned over and kissed Elias on the cheek when he looked away. "I hope that helped!" He smiled brightly. With Elias awake, Haru had been smiling more than ever since he was in here.




He breathed heavily, gasping for air. Tied down, there wasnt much he could do. He struggled against the chains, but to no avail. He used all the foce he had left, and bellowed. He began being able to breathe once more. He smiled. They finaly had enough for now. The lights flickered on, and the voice came from the hidden speakers once more.

"Vey good Ammax, very good.... Now. We will be returning you to your cell, and we want you to remain there. We know you liked going outside."

Ammax growled. How did they know that?

"We also know you had a thing for this Ipotane... Mia?"

Ammax began trashing around, and managed to flip the bed on its side.

"Now now Ammax, calm down. We found your file hidden. We have alot of usefull information in our hands now, you dont want it to be used against you, do you?" The man taunted.

Ammax snorted, and looked around the white room. He then realized, those werent walls... They were windows. The scientists were right there. He snorted and growled, raising his mane.

A man came in, and lifted the metal bed. Ammax growled. He pushed Ammax through the doors, and towards his cell. He went past the glass cells, and the bed stopped. The man untied him, and Ammax stood up. He looked at the man, and he was obviously scared. Ofcoure, Ammax towered over him. Ammax snorted right in his face, and walked into his cell. He sat in the back, and watched the man type in the code in the door. 3-4-4-5-9-0-0. Ammax smirked. He waved at the man as he left. Must be a new dude... Ammax thought...​
Matthew shrugged Leonardo's hand off of him, once he was able to stand. "I'm not your bro, and I'm fine." he snapped. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he wasn't going out of his way to be nice either; They were in a dangerous situation, and things would only escalate if they didn't leave soon. Violet could protect them, but only if they went along with her plan. He realized that... That was why he was the serious bad-ass today. "Leo... dead-lady, you up to stay behind? If not, it's down to Cryx and... whatever your stupid name is." Matt pointed casually over to the girl he wasn't familiar with. She appeared to be fairly pissed, but with feet he could barely stand on and a tongue that could cut glass with it's sharp speech, Matthew was in no position to be asking questions. He was lucky that at this point, he could still talk.

@Surprise Meteors I trudge through the wasteland around the lab, Kevlar plates on my vest jingling. I walk through one of the many destroyed houses and duck behind a wall. There are voices. "Spread out, search the area." One was saying. I lean against the wall, 'One's coming this way.' I panic in my mind. I unsheathe my knife, it's more of a sword really, and wait.
"Well. I guess you guys can prepare while Shard, myself, and any others stay here and set up some sort of base here." He spoke softly now. He wasn't sure what to say anymore. "Search the area!" A gruff voice spoke. Must've been mercs again. What types of budget did these guys work with? He moved across the street, giving a stay here sign to the others. He knew that they wouldn't want to move anyways, so acting as the sole protector would have to be his job now.

"There he is! First line fire!" The armored mercs were in formation, one line standing over another. They brought incendiary rounds. Idiots. As if he were a colossus made by the Greek people, the cloaked figure strides forwards, his cursed blade scraping the ground. "Second rank fire!" More bullets pelted him with higher velocity. A few soldiers screamed, "It's not doing anything! Run!" The commander simply looked back and gave a summary execution to a few runners, planting a bullet in each of their heads. Only one made it into a building nearby. Good for him.

Leo brought the blade up then down, slicing through the armor, and through the bone. The next few seconds were filled with gore and screams of pain and body parts went flying. The white clad mercs were taking defensive positions behind ballistics shields, but were chewed up from the brutality of hand to hand combat. He sliced once, sending the head of the officer into the air, a surprised look on his face. It ended with Leo dripping with his own molten 'flesh' and the commanders hat perched on top of his head.

He turned to the building to hunt the runner. He ducked under the doorway, and saw the soldier frozen in fear, gun pointed at the monster. He shook, and loosed a few bullets. Leo shrugged a few off, before cutting the man off at the knees, watching the man fall on the floor, back first. He screamed for his life, pleaded, and cried. Nothing new to Leo, as he plunged the sword through the coward's chest. He gurgled, running his hands up the sword. Leo turned away. Every man should have their final moments in peace. He looked away towards a wall where a figure was crouched. Leo planted his foot down on the corpse's head and crushed it as he pulled the blade out. He turned back to the figure and raised his sword as a challenge.

"Another member of the Last Man's Battalion?" He noticed the absence of the familiar white replaced with black. He twisted his sword in curiosity. "Who are you?"


(If you can tell, I really like killing things.)
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(If you can tell, I really like killing things.)
(Jesus Christ.)

I flinch at the sound of another voice. I stand up, instantly towering over the man, being eight and half feet tall does that. "Tiger." I answer. "You?" I sheathe my knife and wipe my hands off. I inspect the group, guns, swords and all. I look down at the "leader".
SakuraTree said:
(Jesus Christ.)
I flinch at the sound of another voice. I stand up, instantly towering over the man, being eight and half feet tall does that. "Tiger." I answer. "You?" I sheathe my knife and wipe my hands off. I inspect the group, guns, swords and all. I look down at the "leader".
"Hmph. Well spoken aren't you?" He sheathed his sword. "Leo Valkas, at your service." He paused. "Actually, you're at mine for the time being actually, as I need to ask you a favor. It concerns who did this to you." He points up and down, tracing Tiger's height. "Follow me if you will." His voice was like listening to an echo in a metal tube. He led Tiger down the street, stepping over the blood stained corpses and crushing the commander's head underfoot, his hat bristling in the hot air.

Making it to the group of the new subjects, he Leo made a grand gesture, spreading his arms out towards Tiger. "Ladies, gentlemen, and Matt, presenting our new escapee, Tiger!" Leo applauded by himself. "I guess you can introduce yourself and whomever can introduce themselves in turn." He paused. "I'll go first. Leo, metal man as they call me, I kinda like to kill people. A lot. I probably net the most kills her next to Shard, who's a ghoul and eats people. She also forms crystals. Uh... Matt! He's... He's my living joke. Then there's... Other Leo? Just call him Leonardo, we don't want your brain to overload. There's white hair girl who's pissed all the time. And there's violet hair girl, who has a secret base apparently. Any questions can go to them or me." He leaned in to his ear. "Which really, is asking what type of commentary you want."
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Hmph. Well spoken aren't you?" He sheathed his sword. "Leo Valkas, at your service." He paused. "Actually, you're at mine for the time being actually, as I need to ask you a favor. It concerns who did this to you." He points up and down, tracing Tiger's height. "Follow me if you will." His voice was like listening to an echo in a metal tube. He led Tiger down the street, stepping over the blood stained corpses and crushing the commander's head underfoot, his hat bristling in the hot air.
Making it to the group of the new subjects, he Leo made a grand gesture, spreading his arms out towards Tiger. "Ladies, gentlemen, and Matt, presenting our new escapee, Tiger!" Leo applauded by himself. "I guess you can introduce yourself and whomever can introduce themselves in turn." He paused. "I'll go first. Leo, metal man as they call me, I kinda like to kill people. A lot. I probably net the most kills her next to Shard, who's a ghoul and eats people. She also forms crystals. Uh... Matt! He's... He's my living joke. Then there's... Other Leo? Just call him Leonardo, we don't want your brain to overload. There's white hair girl who's pissed all the time. And there's violet hair girl, who has a secret base apparently. Any questions can go to them or me." He leaned in to his ear. "Which really, is asking what type of commentary you want."

"What kind of favor?" I rumble, my voice being octaves lower than his. I look over the group. Metal, ghoul, joke, secret base. "I can tell you about myself. I known as T-56 to the scientists, the fifty-six being how many tries it took to make something like me. I escaped and raided my equipment..." I gesture to my vest and knife. "... I can jump high, run fast, and I'm really strong."

(If you can tell, I really like killing things.)
iiimee said:
Matthew shrugged Leonardo's hand off of him, once he was able to stand. "I'm not your bro, and I'm fine." he snapped. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he wasn't going out of his way to be nice either; They were in a dangerous situation, and things would only escalate if they didn't leave soon. Violet could protect them, but only if they went along with her plan. He realized that... That was why he was the serious bad-ass today. "Leo... dead-lady, you up to stay behind? If not, it's down to Cryx and... whatever your stupid name is." Matt pointed casually over to the girl he wasn't familiar with. She appeared to be fairly pissed, but with feet he could barely stand on and a tongue that could cut glass with it's sharp speech, Matthew was in no position to be asking questions. He was lucky that at this point, he could still talk.

Shard smiled widely and nodded."very well, I don't mind a little snack....let's kill some scientists and eat them! " She answers licking her lips eerily at the idea of a mess of dead bodies. Shard then shot a fist up."spleens in blankets, brains, and legs!! Yes! Here I come!" Shard yelled excitedly, just the idea making the undead woman hungry. How she went about it made her sound like a kid in a candy store. She giggled as crystals formed on her arm creating a blade and happily followed after her boyfriend.

Orious tilted his head and crossed his arms listening to most of the conversation quietly. His violet eyes were still burning with a intense irritation. It seemed it's be a while before he collected himself and this was probably the first time anyone has ever seen Orious this pissed. The vampire sighed and tilted his head. "We probably should get going..."

Mew placed a arm around rei and leans down to look at her with his ruby eyes."if any happens I'll protect you,okay? I promised to rin I'd protect you both....we're going to get rin back no matter what...I will find a way,I'm a cyborg cat after all..." He says reassuring Rei to the best of his ability.
mewbot5408 said:
Shard smiled widely and nodded."very well, I don't mind a little snack....let's kill some scientists and eat them! " She answers licking her lips eerily at the idea of a mess of dead bodies. Shard then shot a fist up."spleens in blankets, brains, and legs!! Yes! Here I come!" Shard yelled excitedly, just the idea making the undead woman hungry. How she went about it made her sound like a kid in a candy store. She giggled as crystals formed on her arm creating a blade and happily followed after her boyfriend.
Orious tilted his head and crossed his arms listening to most of the conversation quietly. His violet eyes were still burning with a intense irritation. It seemed it's be a while before he collected himself and this was probably the first time anyone has ever seen Orious this pissed. The vampire sighed and tilted his head. "We probably should get going..."

Mew placed a arm around rei and leans down to look at her with his ruby eyes."if any happens I'll protect you,okay? I promised to rin I'd protect you both....we're going to get rin back no matter what...I will find a way,I'm a cyborg cat after all..." He says reassuring Rei to the best of his ability.
Everyone was talking or doing something to represent the losses they experienced today. Matthew wasn't sure if most were aware of it or not, but he was in one of his few sadistic moments where he just had to laugh. "None of you have it worse than me." he argued softly, but he didn't press the matter; There was no room for anyone to draw another's blood right now, no matter what horrible things left anyone's mouth. "Violet, we need you to do your telepor-fuckin'-tation thing. Your not just a scientist tricking us, are you?" Tears formed in his eyes without him even realizing it, but it was hard to pity Matthew, not just because most of the people here were entrenched in self-pity and worry for their own loved ones, but because what he was saying was insensitive, and hit way too close to home for everyone here. To put it simply, Matt needed his jaw broken right about now, but with their group so fragile right now, did anyone have the spirit to do it? It wasn't like Matthew wasn't a victim here too. They were all helpless, but unless they could keep together everything would fall apart.

"Always useful." He stated to Tiger. He looked over to Shard, who was excited about body parts. Then he heard Mattard start raving about his emo tendencies. This was normal for a large group of people who are tired and need a rest. After all, they're all just "On The Run" (MOVIE OVER GO HOME). "Tiger, you mind staying with Shard and I so we can prepare weapons and equipment and possibly mercs while the rest train and rest? I mean, it won't be tough. I promise you that. Just stay away from Shard's..."

He looked over to Shard picking apart a dead mercenary. "Yeah... You get the drill." He looked to the rest of the bitching and moaning experiments. He pushed his way to Violet. "If you have a base, I suggest you take these guys there. We'll stay in contact in case you or we need help. Got it?" He pushed a paper with Leo's insignia and a number. He started walking towards the bodies again, taking off his new hat to polish the leather brim and rub the felt tip.
" My name is Belladonna Nox, I was born in this facility and I've never seen the sun with my own eyes. From what I've taken from the minds of the white coats, my mother became pregnant while working here, they messed with my DNA before I was even born. When I was born I would give people head aches and sometimes make them forget what they were doing. The scientists figured that since I was something they were raising that maybe they could control me as well... Their plan didn't work so well, I lost control of my powers often and by the time I gained control of them, at least 15 doctors were vegetables and 2 dead. They realized that they couldn't control me anymore and stuck me in a sensory deprivation tank while also placing me in s drug induced coma. When the technology was invented to no longer need a tank, they hooked me up to a machine that blocks most of my power, but as it turns out, I can still communicate, although that maybe because my power is growing. I'm not sure... From your memories, I see others who escaped, who lived together... What was it like? To live out there? To see the moon every night? To..." She trails off, embaraced by her rambling.

@King Anthony
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Always useful." He stated to Tiger. He looked over to Shard, who was excited about body parts. Then he heard Mattard start raving about his emo tendencies. This was normal for a large group of people who are tired and need a rest. After all, they're all just "On The Run" (MOVIE OVER GO HOME). "Tiger, you mind staying with Shard and I so we can prepare weapons and equipment and possibly mercs while the rest train and rest? I mean, it won't be tough. I promise you that. Just stay away from Shard's..."
He looked over to Shard picking apart a dead mercenary. "Yeah... You get the drill." He looked to the rest of the bitching and moaning experiments. He pushed his way to Violet. "If you have a base, I suggest you take these guys there. We'll stay in contact in case you or we need help. Got it?" He pushed a paper with Leo's insignia and a number. He started walking towards the bodies again, taking off his new hat to polish the leather brim and rub the felt tip.

"Sure." I decide. "Are we raiding the bodies?" I walk over to one and pick it up. I rip the vest off and throw it at Leo. I take a rifle, a pistol and a knife off the body. "What do you have?" I ask him. I raid the backpack, a map, datapad, grenades. "I have some useful stuff." I unfold the map and study it, it's marked with points.
iiimee said:
Everyone was talking or doing something to represent the losses they experienced today. Matthew wasn't sure if most were aware of it or not, but he was in one of his few sadistic moments where he just had to laugh. "None of you have it worse than me." he argued softly, but he didn't press the matter; There was no room for anyone to draw another's blood right now, no matter what horrible things left anyone's mouth. "Violet, we need you to do your telepor-fuckin'-tation thing. Your not just a scientist tricking us, are you?" Tears formed in his eyes without him even realizing it, but it was hard to pity Matthew, not just because most of the people here were entrenched in self-pity and worry for their own loved ones, but because what he was saying was insensitive, and hit way too close to home for everyone here. To put it simply, Matt needed his jaw broken right about now, but with their group so fragile right now, did anyone have the spirit to do it? It wasn't like Matthew wasn't a victim here too. They were all helpless, but unless they could keep together everything would fall apart.

Cryx, normally in control of her emotions, lifted her head to send a venomous glare at Matthew. "Don't act like you're the only one sufferin', pretty-boy!" she snapped, and she looked about ready to punch him. "What we need now isn't some insensitive prick, but someone willing to help everyone." She didn't add to her argument, but crossed her arms and stared silently at the horizon.

After sleeping for about five hours, Calvin rolled out of bed and stretched. He picked up the brush on his nightstand, running it through his hair to keep it less tangled after showering, and disappeared into the bathroom. After about ten minutes, he'd finished his morning routine, and after brushing his hair a second time--keeping it long really was tedious at times, but he had his reasons--and managed to find a hair tie, pulling his hair up and back. It would be out of his way, now, which really helped. He then left his room, closing the door behind him, and made his way to Derrick's temporary home. The guards let him in with no trouble, and Calvin flicked the lights on.

There he was, laying strapped to the metal table, looking extremely uncomfortable.
"How do you feel?" he asked, wanting Derrick's personal opinion before leaping into technicalities. Depending on certain signs, Calvin would know whether he'd have to torture the servant once again, or start the real experimentation process.
Derrick listens to her, dazed as he tries to imagine what it had been like for her; being raised from even before birth into this place. For a very brief moment it makes him a little uneasy knowing such a powerful girl could so easily enter her mind, but from what he's gotten so far, she's on his side. He hadn't had a 'normal' life like everyone else had. He was the servant of a noble, but even then, things weren't as perfect as they seemed. "Out there? Well, it is no fun, to be honest. It is cold, and hard...And...it seems nobody wants to understand." For a moment his thoughts trail off to Vladimor and he smiles. "But even though there are some who tear both you and the world apart, there are others who make existence bearable. Perhaps this cage of a facility is not too unlike the outside-" His thought was cut short by Calvin entering the room. Derrick flinches when the light flickers on, also triggering his body to involuntarily and aggresively pull against all his bindings. He saw red and white and eventually he cooled down, letting the girl in his head know, "Cautious, Mrs. Nox. He is back." When Calvin asks how he's feeling, he's reminded it's for testing and not his actual well being. He clears his throat before speaking aloud. "Sort of sick. My body feels heavy and excessively warm." If it wasn't obvious from the thin layer of sweat coating him. "Since you have left I have experienced a couple of spasms, most accompanied by anger. Although I am not in as much pain as when you left." His fingers twitch, unconciously scratching against the binds.


@Trombone Geek

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