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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]"Ha. You're right. But I did save your life potentially, so you owe me. Plus, you're a freak, like us. So you have to be good, right?" He questioned himself, then he realized that he kills people for fun, and didn't give a single fuck. "Yeah." He shook his head and walked over to Shard. "You ready to go? Also, where did Rufus go? I've been building a bro-ner for him and I got fucking stab him with it." He laughed to himself, and got back to the mass of people, or at least where he thought they would be.
"Okay you fucks! Here's the deal. Go prepare or whatever the fuck you gotta do and meet here within a week or so. Yeah... Whomever wants to stay can fucking stay with us I guess, like Cricks or whomever the hell Matt mentioned. Anything else? No? Shut the fuck up, I don't answer questions. Let's go people! We've got people to save!"

@Rescue group or whatever

Shard wiped her mouth and she of course was oddly clean despite having destroyed two corpses and ate off them. Her mouth reshaped,the sharp teeth retracting. She smiled standing as her mouth reformed and she looked human again. "Yes....where to?" She asks and stands crossing her arms under her big boobs and she looked around with her purple eyes."Oh Leo? Maybe the factory?"
MermaidShireen said:
"Ammax!" Nox whispered, rolling off the table she lands hard on the floor, a pained yelp escaping her lips. "Ammax!" she whispers again, trying to crawl to him but her limbs refuse to work. She watches helplessly as he is dragged away, and chained back in his cell. "please... no" she tries to reach out with her mind to his fading one, the instant she tries it feels like daggers are shooting into her head. Screaming as her body spasms through the pain, holding her head and withdrawing back into herself. Ending up lying in a fetal position, clutching her head, and whimpering pitifully.
@Supermegabrenda2 @King Anthony @whateverscientistsdecidethey want to show up.



Ammax grunted, his head lifting slowly. His eyes felt heavy, and he struggled to open them. As soon as he did, he tried stepping foreward, only to begin dangling above the ground. A sprained muscle shot pain down his arm, and he sneered slightly. He attempted reaching the floor, but failed.

He looked over at Nox's cell, watching her laying down, nearly hopeless. He bellowed in rage. No one had ever seen his this pissed. Raising his body so his hands were leveled with his shoulders, he quickly raised his hoofs above his hands, tilting his body to the side. He then slammed his hoof down on the chain multiple times. He could tell by the noise the chains made that this was normal metal. Soon, the chain gave away, and he fell down. Hopping up, he saw Nox still curled up. He knew they had changed the password, so he didnt even bother trying. He whent up against the cell bars, and attempted reaching the Glass cell. It was useless, but he kept trying. Soon, he gave up, and stepped back.

"I failed you Nox, the same way I failed my own..."

He sat down, watching her hoplessly.

"I sure hope those people are coming...."​

MermaidShireen said:
Nix fought, she fought past every block in her path. She could actually hear the alarm, then a voice, telling her to calm down, she could feel herself breathing. She gasped, her back arching, and her eyes flying open right as the syringe struck her leg. The joy of her triumph crushed by what had just entered into her body, the minds of everyone falling away from her, the voices falling silent. Her mouth opens emitting a blood curling scream that echoed through the facility, it slowly died as she was left felling empty. "No.... no... n..." the only words that she had spoken for 5 years. She reached feebly for the man closest to her, but her strength giving out and her arm flopped down, hanging off the table, Staring up at him with wide, pleading eyes. "please..."
@King Anthony @Trombone Geek @Supermegabrenda2

@Trombone Geek

@LilyannaGaming (?)


@ Anyone who's around anything ig



He looked up, staring at the doctor, hatred clear in his stance and expression. Ammax stood, and walked to the toilet. He ripped off he seat, and calmly walked to the cell bars. He watched the man and Nox, as if he didnt mean a thing.

A few minutes later, he swung his arn to the bars, hitting it with all his trenth and flinging the toilet seat at the glass cell. It made a loud noise, and added another crack to the new collection. He stepped back, and slumped down the wall. He looked around his narrow cell, thinking.

He could try and burst out again, but that would take a plan. He stared absentmindingly. He watched the rusty bars with interest. Rusty... Rust makes metal weak, right? He walked to the bars and began shaking thwm, but to no avail. He grunted. Ofcourse its not rust... He looked around again. He stared at his weapon in the wall. If he cracked Nox's cell, he could crack his weapons glass. He stood, and began thinking of things that made his pissed. He went all the way back to when Mia was still alive. Mia... He growled, and felt his eyes shift red. He bellowed lowly, and punched the glass consecutevily. He studied it after, seing that there were small crcks around the corners. He smirked. Enough for today.

He returned to his original spot, udner the chains, and sat, fiddling with the teeth lining his skirt.​
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]Derrick nearly thought of lashing out at Calvin when the needle was stuck in his arms, but he fought against the idea. "It's not like I could go anywhere." He mutters, moving his wrists and ankles in restraints. Eventually the alarm shut off, and he found some peace of mind, thank the stars. However, he heard someone's voice right by the door, and it definitely wasn't Calvin's. He huffs and snorts, but finds himself to exhausted to do anything else. So he waits, of course.

A few hours had passed before Calvin returned with a single syringe filled with a strange liquid that couldn't be described as one color; instead, it shifted constantly, as if it had a mind of its own. He watched the boy for a moment before approaching him. Another injection, but Calvin was quick to back away this time. It was guaranteed Derrick would become extremely hostile, and probably lose control of his body for a while. Sedative wouldn't work, and Calvin refused to use it unless he had absolutely no choice, although nobody knew why. So he would wait until the servant calmed down, and watch how he reacted. This wouldn't be the last time Derrick would suffer with a needle in his arm, as there would be several tests done to discover his capabilities after his changes. Although, he would be left alone for a while.
LilyannaGaming said:
Violet satrtled. Coming out of her thoughts. Shulffling she turned to the group and away from Shard. She extended her arms. A violet light engulfed her. "Every one who is going grab on to my arms. I cant teleport you if im not within contact of you." She said envisioning her base. The large empty living room. She shoot her eyes opened as she waited for everyone to take their spots. Her boby began to pulse with the color around her. " She was exporting a lot to make sure she got every one. "Also, you MIGHT have dizziness. Or nausea after i teleport you." She said warningly.
Silver smiled at Susan. "Come one, lets head to the living room for a break." She said starting to walk away. @Cicero
iiimee said:
Grumpy Mr. Matthew obeyed his savior without question, but as soon as the teleportation ended Matt pulled his hand away in a rush, stumbling backwards and feeling the dizziness she described; Except it wasn't just the teleportation that made him that way. The wound in his shoulder was bleeding both blood and an acidic green liquid that his body seemed to be physically trying to push out of itself. It was absolutely disgusting, but Matthew didn't even look at it. He was on the floor and staring at the ceiling in his last moments of consciousness. He took a shallow breath, and tried to keep himself calm. Memories of the past few days came flooding back to him, out of order and sometimes distorted. He closed his eyes and got confused on whether he was awake or asleep. All of these memories could count as dreams, but maybe it was his conscious mind that was throwing them all together: He didn't know how the brain worked. All he could understand in his simple, drug-filled state was that everything was going to stop once that last memory faded to black. It was of Calvin, pulling him into a hug and then telling him he planned to take them all to Las Vegas. Calvin never made it to Las Vegas, and thank the devil that wasn't where Matthew passed out.

@Trombone Geek[/URL]

Leonardo was not all in tune with this scene. "Waiting on you, Violet." He wasn't fond of all the dead body, nor that girl chowing down on the human, and slaughtering the next. He had to hold his stomach. As a wild animal, truly wild, he never ate for fun, only on instinct. Watching these humans kill for fun was disgusting. He couldn't get near a corpse that he wouldn't eat- And he wasn't very fond of how humans tasted. He tried to distance himself, but figuring that wouldn't be a good idea, he stood exactly where he was until they'd end up somewhere that's not here. @LilyannaGaming

Rei bows, tears hitting the concrete as she does so. "Once again I'm grateful..." She says sincerely. Her fingers shook, and she had to constantly bite her lip not to randomly sob. There's no one in the world besides this man and herself so dedicated to freeing her brother. Once he was out, that place will burn, and Rei will revel in it's ashes. @mewbot5408

Vladimor's body was nearing shock, eyes completely whited out and mouth gaping. Now Raphael wasn't kind at all, but to himself, the scientist was so, so nice. He made sure he replicated his master's work. Although, where not needed, didn't care for precision. All Raphael cared for was Vladimor's blood on his fingers. He spent half of the entire day torturing, seeing what he could and probably couldn't survive through. 'Testing his durability' he'd say with a small, twisted laugh. Pale, bony fingers stroke Vladimor's cheek, and in blinding pain, the noble doesn't respond any longer to these actions. "You got boring fast..." Raphael mutters, thumb hooking into the noble's mouth, who hadn't responded to the taste of his own blood. "Although, you do have some...beautiful....teeth. Vladimor, still blindfolded, could hear the damned smile in the crazed man's speech and he let out a whimper when he heard the scientist's laugh. His bloody fingers across his teeth, poking and prodding; he was too scared to bite. When Raphael's finger were removed, Vladimor didn't have the energy to spit the blood and grime out. Soon enough it returned, but with something cold and metal attaching to one of his molars. "I hope you don't mind if I take one, do you?" Vladimor shook, muffled "No,no,no,no,no"s pouring out of him, tears being soak away by a blood, tear, and sweat dampened blindfold. Just then was his lucky break. The alarm sounded. The scientist frowned, withdrawing the tool from the noble's mouth, tossing it on the table before wiping his hands mostly clean.

"I'll be back."

The scientist headed towards Nox's cell, clicking on a device that was just outside of the door, enabling a sort of defense to anyone who enters the room. He eyes the other experiments warily before opening the door to her cell. "I'm going to need you to calm down, Belladonna." He says gruffly, unlocking a box in her room, pulling out a syringe. Several other scientist were in the room with him, jotting down the reading, other's trying to keep her steady. Raphael fills the syringe with a liquid labeled in her number, flicking the needle and squirting it before pressing it into her thigh. The medicine wasn't another for coma, just something that'd limit her mental capacity for a short duration of time, along with debilitating her. @MermaidShireen

Zacharie, this angel-like being patrolling the halls, revels in any sort of chaos he can get from the whole facility, and that's been on the down low for quite some time. A dangerous experiment such as himself isn't allowed to be roaming about, but with all the abilities he has, they have better luck restraining him while he's out. Plus none of them know he's not in his cell. The boy stalks about, white , glowing, eyes flickering. His slitted pupils keep a sharp watch on the halls, watching for anything that'll keep his interest. One of the doors open, a scientist leaving so fast he didn't even notice him. The door being slightly ajar, Zacharie slides in, eyes going wide at the sight. "Vladimor?" Oh no, this wasn't the same Vladimor you see now. The Vladimor he knew was the ruler of a supernatural kingdom, all in a separate universe. This Vladimor, he hadn't ever met until now. Zacharie takes off his frog mask, putting it on the table, the end not covered in blood to observe what had been done to him. "How the fuck are you still alive? What is that?" He was tempted to grab one of the metal rods, large and running down his chest all the way down to his stomach. He cringed and looked at the boy with pity. "I...I'm going to help you, Vladimor. You don't know me here, but I'm a friend." Vladimor whimpers pitifully, his head lolling to the side. Zacharie sees blood matted in his hair, and he doesn't even want to mention it. With one hand shrouded in a black smoke-light light, he places it around the metal, right where the metal protrudes out of his flesh. "I apologize." Is all he says as he quickly separates the metal from his skin, the black smoke sealing the hole left behind. He was nearly deaf to Vladimor's cries, used to the cry of the people he has hurt. But this was a friend. There were six more going up to his chest, and he took care of them all. Each hole sealed, along with the rest of his body, though some were left untended because his healing abilities could only go so far. Last was a tube. He hadn't noticed it until last, and it seemed to be pumping some weird black liquid into his body. Hesitantly, he removes the tube, and Vladimor surges upwards. When the tube was removed he began wheezing.

he wasn't affected by the side effects that violet had mentioned but then again she only said might didn't she? orious when they got there looked to matthew with his violet eyes and a somewhat oddly worried look to him as he crouched down over the human with a little exhale. crap. was he going to be okay?! the vampire then reached down moving his arms around matt and stood picking him up bridal style. he had a feeling it'd be bad to just leave him there on the floor not to mention just him bleeding was a bad sign both for ori and matt. the scent of his blood was heavy lingering in the air and just that alone could easily tick him off because he didn't want to feed and the smell of it of course would drive ori up a damn wall. he carried him over to the couch and set him down carefully before looking to vi with his violet eyes and pinched his nose so he couldn't take in the scent any longer. who knew if he'd bite the unconious boy but it'd be bad if he did."...do you have a first aid kit? as delicious as his blood may be even I think It'd be better if wasn't bleeding out all over the place......" orious said loud enough for everyone to hear and he looked to be struggling a little to control himself.

mew shook his head lightly. "it's alright...we're friends,aren't we? I'd help save you too if you got captured...anyways we probly should get going to that base with the group.."he told rei and helped her up before pulling her along for the teleportation. looking around mew started scanning the place over walking around quickly checking out every detail like the cyborg cat he was. he quickly came back looking at the ceiling. "hmmm....some place you got here...I'd really like to check out your tech,if it's like the faculties maybe I can attempt hacking their system...."he accidently bumped into Leonardo. he looked up with a blush and rubbed the back of his neck. "oh sorry I didn't see you there......."
elias shook his head slowly trying to blink it off and exhaled. "...I think it's the medicine.....they give me this medicine and it makes me feel weird....sorry." the demon experiment explained blushing as he felt a little warm. he let haru hold his hand as he looked back at him with tiresome gold eyes. he had a feeling it wouldn't be long before one of the nurses or the doctor came for him again but he defiantly wasn't going to tell his friend that. for now though it seemed the the doctor standing outside their room was merely studying them and of course writing down notes. probably noting down his behavior when interacting with another being especially if that person was small and a easy target. elias took in a deep breath and his eyes shifted to a deep blue color as he pretty much caught onto the smaller male's scent next to him. without thinking he found himself bringing haru closer with a low growl much like a pissed off canine looking to the doctor outside who pretty much jumped in surprise at elias noticing him.
Haru looked at his friend sadly."It's ok." He didn't like that the scientists were giving him weird stuff. He instead closed his eyes and tried to think of better things. 'What would Elias and I do when we get out of here? Maybe we can go live in the ocean again! Oh wait. I don't think he can breath under water. Well then I guess I can bring him to one of the islands I found! If he gets tired of flying then I can bring him a boat!' Haru smiled to himself. He was determined to bring Elias to a better place. Just as he was imagining them playing with dolphins, he was pulled towards Elias who seemed to be growling at something. "What's wrong?" He looked over at the scientist and frowned. He turned back and held onto Elias. "Maybe if we ignore him he will go away." Haru then kissed Elias on the lips, hoping it would somehow calm him down.





Ammax awoke shortly. He rubbed the side of his nose. He haddent been getting much sleep these days. He sighed, and stood up straingt. He faced the small little hole in the wall, watching the bright outside.

He snapped around when he heard his door being unlocked. There stood a man in a white suit. Ammax growled as he saw the scientist grab a needle filled the the black acid... thing. He slowly made his way over to the scientist. The scientist pressed the needle against Ammax's neck. He said slowly.

"We are going to test your strenth and trainability. If you succeed, we will be making more of you for our... Army."

Ammax stiffened. They were going to make more Ipotanes? The thought made him happy, but for an Army? Ammax understood, after all they were very strong creatures. The scientist kicked the back of his knee, making it buckle foreward. "Now move." Ammax stood still. The scientist pressed the needle to his neck. "Move." The scientist said bitterly. Ammax stood still for a while, untill he felt the scientist move his finger towards the top of the needle. Ammax snorted, and moved foreward. The scientist directed Ammax to some sort of courtyard outback. Where the backyard used to be... Ammax looked around. There was a saddle on the wall, whips, axes, bow and arrows, and many things. The scientist pulled him to a stop infront of the saddle. He said

"Get down, and this wont hurt... Alot."

Ammax growled, and closed his hands to fists, getting on all fours. The scientists came and huddled around Ammax, keeping him in place. The main White Suit grabbed the saddle and tightened it around Ammaxes waist. Ammax shuddered, and as soon as the saddle was tightened, he swung his arms around, whacking a bunch of scientists to the ground. The White Man stared at him. He whispered something into another's ear, and faced Ammax.

"He will be getting on you now." Ammax allowed the man to get on him. Ammax stood, realizing the shape of the saddle was made for this.

Ammax walked around a bit, obeying the man. As soon as he set his guard down, Ammax jumped backwards, hearing a satisfying crack come from the man. The other scientists hauled the other out of under Ammax, and Ammax ripped the saddle off him.

The White Man jotted down something on his notebook.

"They are not ridable. Next test."

The scientist escourted Ammax to the very corner of the facility, and gave him his weapon. He looked down at it. He could tell they had dulled the weapon so it didnt penetrate anyone. Ammax smirked. It didnt need to penetrate when he had it. The scientists all held weapons.

"Now, we want to see how fast you shred a pig." As soon as he said that, a small door opened, and a pig came rushing out. Ammax's hunger kicked in, and he jumped on the pig, letting go of the weapon. He dug his nails into the animal, and ripped it open with little assist of his teeth.

After a while, the pig was hollowed out, and a few scientists were throwing up.

"Good... Good. Now with the weapon." He sneered. Ammax picked up his weapon. Another pig came rushing in, and this time he striked a scientist in the chest with a single blow of his weapon, sending him to the to the corner he was once in. The scientists did not see Ammax moving, and shot the scientist. Before they realized what they had done, Ammax bashed them with his weapon, most of them falling to the floor. He felt several pricks to his leg. He looked down. 3 tranquilizer darts. Well... This is going to take a while to wear out... He thought, before everything whent black

((He is being dragged back to his cell, and he is heavily tranquilized and will sleep for quite a while. I will be out tomorrow and most of thursday, so he will be asleep untill then.))

((Ik he seems OP, but i wont use it against anyone, I wont promise.))

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@Trombone Geek

@LilyannaGaming (?)


@ Anyone who's around anything ig
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He looked up, staring at the doctor, hatred clear in his stance and expression. Ammax stood, and walked to the toilet. He ripped off he seat, and calmly walked to the cell bars. He watched the man and Nox, as if he didnt mean a thing.

A few minutes later, he swung his arn to the bars, hitting it with all his trenth and flinging the toilet seat at the glass cell. It made a loud noise, and added another crack to the new collection. He stepped back, and slumped down the wall. He looked around his narrow cell, thinking.

He could try and burst out again, but that would take a plan. He stared absentmindingly. He watched the rusty bars with interest. Rusty... Rust makes metal weak, right? He walked to the bars and began shaking thwm, but to no avail. He grunted. Ofcourse its not rust... He looked around again. He stared at his weapon in the wall. If he cracked Nox's cell, he could crack his weapons glass. He stood, and began thinking of things that made his pissed. He went all the way back to when Mia was still alive. Mia... He growled, and felt his eyes shift red. He bellowed lowly, and punched the glass consecutevily. He studied it after, seing that there were small crcks around the corners. He smirked. Enough for today.

He returned to his original spot, udner the chains, and sat, fiddling with the teeth lining his skirt.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:




Ammax awoke shortly. He rubbed the side of his nose. He haddent been getting much sleep these days. He sighed, and stood up straingt. He faced the small little hole in the wall, watching the bright outside.

He snapped around when he heard his door being unlocked. There stood a man in a white suit. Ammax growled as he saw the scientist grab a needle filled the the black acid... thing. He slowly made his way over to the scientist. The scientist pressed the needle against Ammax's neck. He said slowly.

"We are going to test your strenth and trainability. If you succeed, we will be making more of you for our... Army."

Ammax stiffened. They were going to make more Ipotanes? The thought made him happy, but for an Army? Ammax understood, after all they were very strong creatures. The scientist kicked the back of his knee, making it buckle foreward. "Now move." Ammax stood still. The scientist pressed the needle to his neck. "Move." The scientist said bitterly. Ammax stood still for a while, untill he felt the scientist move his finger towards the top of the needle. Ammax snorted, and moved foreward. The scientist directed Ammax to some sort of courtyard outback. Where the backyard used to be... Ammax looked around. There was a saddle on the wall, whips, axes, bow and arrows, and many things. The scientist pulled him to a stop infront of the saddle. He said

"Get down, and this wont hurt... Alot."

Ammax growled, and closed his hands to fists, getting on all fours. The scientists came and huddled around Ammax, keeping him in place. The main White Suit grabbed the saddle and tightened it around Ammaxes waist. Ammax shuddered, and as soon as the saddle was tightened, he swung his arms around, whacking a bunch of scientists to the ground. The White Man stared at him. He whispered something into another's ear, and faced Ammax.

"He will be getting on you now." Ammax allowed the man to get on him. Ammax stood, realizing the shape of the saddle was made for this.

Ammax walked around a bit, obeying the man. As soon as he set his guard down, Ammax jumped backwards, hearing a satisfying crack come from the man. The other scientists hauled the other out of under Ammax, and Ammax ripped the saddle off him.

The White Man jotted down something on his notebook.

"They are not ridable. Next test."

The scientist escourted Ammax to the very corner of the facility, and gave him his weapon. He looked down at it. He could tell they had dulled the weapon so it didnt penetrate anyone. Ammax smirked. It didnt need to penetrate when he had it. The scientists all held weapons.

"Now, we want to see how fast you shred a pig." As soon as he said that, a small door opened, and a pig came rushing out. Ammax's hunger kicked in, and he jumped on the pig, letting go of the weapon. He dug his nails into the animal, and ripped it open with little assist of his teeth.

After a while, the pig was hollowed out, and a few scientists were throwing up.

"Good... Good. Now with the weapon." He sneered. Ammax picked up his weapon. Another pig came rushing in, and this time he striked a scientist in the chest with a single blow of his weapon, sending him to the to the corner he was once in. The scientists did not see Ammax moving, and shot the scientist. Before they realized what they had done, Ammax bashed them with his weapon, most of them falling to the floor. He felt several pricks to his leg. He looked down. 3 tranquilizer darts. Well... This is going to take a while to wear out... He thought, before everything whent black

((He is being dragged back to his cell, and he is heavily tranquilized and will sleep for quite a while. I will be out tomorrow and most of thursday, so he will be asleep untill then.))

((Ik he seems OP, but i wont use it against anyone, I wont promise.))

Nox passed out from sheer exhaustion and fell into an oblivion similar to the coma, but she knew she would wake up eventually. Unaware of how long she slept, Nox wakes with a pounding headache and a bloody nose, her limbs aching from falling to the floor. She moans and blinks slowly. "Water?" A female voice next to her asks. Nox nods in reply, "you gave us quite a scare Belladonna, we didn't expect to come out of that coma but here you are..." The woman prattled on. Still unable to reach others' minds yet, she was forced to sit and listen to this woman who wouldn't seem to shut up. "...you should be able to access your ability again in a few hours, but for now we need to run some physical and emotional tests. Mainly to see if the coma and braking out of said coma has damaged you..." The woman continued talking while taking a few blood tests and asking a few questions, it seemed to go on for hours. When the woman finally stopped her tests and was just about to exit the room, she turned and with a sad expression said "Happy Birthday Belladonna." And left. Stunned, Nox just lay there on the table, trying to remember why she recognized the woman's face.



((Guess what: Trip got canceled...))

((Now lets make it was 1 dart))

Ammax groaned, the cool metal of the table under him shocking his open wounds. His eyes crakced open, and he watched as the scientist leave her cell. He smiled. Grunting, Ammax stood up, streatching his arms. He ran his finger through his new scars. They felt superficial. They whipped me. He thought. He sighed. He looked up at Nox laying on the bed.(I hope its a bed) He walked up to the cell bars.

"Wake up sleepy head." He said, in a low and gruff tone. He always spoke like that. Ammax placed his hands on the cold cell bars, grey eyes looking over her for major bruises or cuts.

"Are you ok?" He asked, after waiting a while.​

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Supermegabrenda2 said:



((Guess what: Trip got canceled...))

((Now lets make it was 1 dart))

Ammax groaned, the cool metal of the table under him shocking his open wounds. His eyes crakced open, and he watched as the scientist leave her cell. He smiled. Grunting, Ammax stood up, streatching his arms. He ran his finger through his new scars. They felt superficial. They whipped me. He thought. He sighed. He looked up at Nox laying on the bed.(I hope its a bed) He walked up to the cell bars.

"Wake up sleepy head." He said, in a low and gruff tone. He always spoke like that. Ammax placed his hands on the cold cell bars, grey eyes looking over her for major bruises or cuts.

"Are you ok?" He asked, after waiting a while.​

Nox moaned sliding off the table and curling up next to the glass, still dizzy and head pounding. "Oh god... No. I don't matter, are you ok? They took you away and... You came back and you were more damaged than when you left." She tried reaching out with her mind again but was again blocked by sharp pain, crying out she cradles her head and tries not to let the tears show. "If I could access my power I could help relieve some of the pain... but not right now."




He looked at her, and sighed.

"Im not worse than before... Just a bit bruised, im used to it. I was made for being hurt and tortured. What I cant stand are other people, especially the ones I care for, get hurt. You do matter, alot."He said, still watching her for bruises.

He whispered under his breath to himself. "At least, to me you do."

He walked back to his dark corner, sliding down the wall. He grimaced, forgetting about his cuts. A small trail of blood was left on the wall.

"Your powers will come back soon, just give it some time... Dont worry. I promise we will be out soon."

A while later, he whispered. "I sure hope those people are coming..."


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@Cicero @King Anthony @anyoneelse

Silver walked into the living room as everyone seemed to appear out of nowhere. Some headed to rooms. Some stayed. She looked to Vi who ran off to her room, More than likely to recharge. She sighed as she handled the onslaught of questions. "Yes here." She said to Orious. As she handed him the first aid. Then she turned to Mew and Rei. "Follow me." She said motioning them to the computer room. Turning to susan with pleading eyes. "Help where you can. Things just got a little full." She said before starting to walk off.
Susan jumped back a bit when seeing the people randomly appear watching Vi leave towards her room. She quickly turned her attention back to Silver who seems to be doing well enough it was like a profession of her to help people the girl snapped back to reality and nodding at Silver's request "Okay sure....I can always try." The girl stated while making her way to the boy with a first aid in his hands "Is there a way I could help you?" She asked while trying to ignore urges she had to take the first aid and take care of the wounds herself. SuSu wasn't just going to force her help on people if the boy didn't want help she won't bother him about it beside someone must have needed help around here right? While thinking this she looked around the room and at everyone mostly seeing dazed and confused faces and someone dizzy from the teleportation something she experienced as well.

elias couldn't help but to give in being sedated by haru's kiss blushing and leaned in kissing back as his arm around him tightened still protectively but it wasn't long before he pulled away with a little huff of annoyance but seemed calmer. "he's still there...I have a bad feeling about him for some reason..." the demon admitted and was looking down at haru. the horned male tilted his head looking down a the smaller male with his usual golden eyes showing both a bit of caution and he seemed territorial like a dog would be protecting it's master. elias seemed to still fighting to be awake when he finally actually ended up passing out on top of haru and that was when the doctor and some guards approached the door and came in. "good he's asleep..."
Haru snuggled closer to Elias and held onto him tightly. He kept his eye on the doctor who was watching them. He wanted that guy to leave them alone! Haru closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep with Elias. It didn't work out, he opened his eyes to see that this time there were more people this time. He gasped and held on to Elias, as tight as he could. "Your not taking him! I won't let you!"


@Trombone Geek

@LilyannaGaming (?)


@ Anyone who's around anything ig

Ooc: Since so many people said they're ready for the time-skip, here we go. Imma start those people, but please feel free to finish up anything you need to get through last night in the RP.


Matthew woke up screaming. He didn't even realize it, until another knee jerk reaction caused him to fold over until all fours, his body still unaccustomed to standing when he slept all the way to 11:00 AM. That didn't seem like much at first, but they arrived at the base around eight o' clock last night. Fifteen hours was a lot for any one person, but the last time Matthew had gotten over nine hours of sleep was at the cabin, meaning the sensation he felt of his body being fully rested was almost painful. He slowly got up and wiped the tears from his face, but after taking one more step, he was on the floor again. "Damn you legs, why are you asleep now?!" he hissed, but then he sighed. Clearly, today would be a long day.

Scientists came in around midnight last night, scanning over all the experiments and murmuring but taking special interest in Tabitha. She saw them, but she wasn't sure if anyone else was awake to. "Hi." she greeted them hoarsely, but they only laughed and carried on their way, leaving the room, locking the door behind them, and leaving the poor girl alone in the dark...

"Ms. Tabitha Free, will you come with me please?"

Rin woke up only a few seconds before this was said, and looked surprised when he saw a scientist looking down at the chained up girl. Trembling, Tabitha nodded, but hesitantly, and Rin could see why. The scientist's lab coat wasn't white, but red. The boy had seen a few scientists here and there with the same uniform, but to him and seemingly everyone else, it was a mystery what the colour change meant. Unlocking the girl's handcuffs and helping her up, the scientist politely waited until Tabitha could stand on her own two feet before grabbing one of her wrists. "Sorry, but you won't be able to walk once we're in room 612A. Physical examinations are done differently here than at the doctor." The scientist laughed at his own joke and expected the young lady to laugh along, but all she gave him was a small "I understand." She felt sick, and with every step she took she was a little more certain she'd lose her footing, trip, and that'd be the end of her walking experience; It wasn't. She only had a seconds time to look back at Cicero, Rin, and the experiment by them she didn't recognize, before the scientist pulled her along for her next step out into the hall.​

Fane woke up to footsteps. He eventually heard them fade. Sighing he tried to use his wind again and failed. He glanced around the room and to him it looked exactly like a death chamber. Growling he pushed him self up and walked around as far as his bound wrist chains would let him.



Groaning from a massive head ache, vi turned over to look at the time. 11:03am. Jerking up she quickly got dressed and ran into the kitchen. You just can't break old habits. She thought. Quietly she began to make lunch for every one as she always did when it was just her and silver.



She watched worriedly as the scientist took the girl. Sighing the little girl left, the room and went to their room. She pulled out a scketch pad and sketched the girl. She had no test or classes today which made her happy.


Lyna jerked up as her powers where ducked down. Sighing she watched helplessly as Tabby got pulled off. She turned to rin once the two left. "Here, take this." She said pulling out another bottle of water , Handing it to Rin. @Cicero

  • The boy grumbled a bit under his breath as his eye's flew open and he looked around struggling to get up "What the hell?" He asked himself while looking down at his feet seeing chains. He looked the best he could behind him trying to move his hand into better view feeling the cuffs dig into his skin as he did so "Oh goody not only am I a test subject now I'm also in handcuffs and the police weren't the ones to put me in them...." Cicero muttered duly as he looked around the room. A little bit after doing so he'd seen the dealer from the casino the same scientists that gave him water and so called wanted to help them and finally something making him struggle of the chains seeing Tab getting up and being led out of the room by the scientists the boy growled a bit at the scientists and giving Tab a sad reassuring look "I'm sorry I can't help you now but I'll find a way to make sure you won't get tested on again even if it means my life." The boy whispered turning his gaze towards the ground hoping his girlfriend had heard what he said.

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  • SuSu shot up in the bed panting as she wiped her forehead looking at her hand she put her hood down as she made her way to the restroom. She looked in the mirror somehow paler than she normal is "Stupid dream....." Susan muttered as she remembered pieces of the night.


    Fane and her were at the park and she finally managed to confess her feelings towards the boy as her face grew redder while she clutched her hands tight and shutting her eyes tight "
    Susan I...." The boy was stopped short as he felt a liquid seep through his shirt he put his hand to his chest. As he took his hand back to examine it he grew paler there was a red sticky substance on his hand...blood. He fell to his knees as Susan opened her eyes growing paler and holding the boy close "Fane don't die please don't die come on lets go get you help....Fane? Fane?!" She called out to the boy as she began crying looking at the life body or the one she loved so dear. SuSu kissed his forehead and looked around crying trying to find the person who murder the boy through blurry eyes. She got her wish she found the murder the moment she turned around she was grabbed by the throat and lifted to the air as she struggled and kicked a knife was pointed to her chest and slowly sunk in her skin making her scream in pain. A little after the knife left the murder just dropped her to the ground and walked off thinking there was no need to hide the evidence of the murders the girl watched the fleeing figure get smaller by the minute and more fuzzier as her breathing hallowed she looked back over at Fane's corpse slowly reaching for his hand grasping it tight as she began crying his hand her cold he really was dead and she was about to be the same "I'll be there soon Fane so wait for me than we can have a happy ending...even if it isn't on earth I....love....you...." SuSu trailed off taking her final breath and speaking her final words she closed her eyes never to be open again.

    End of Dream

    Susan splashed water on her face before leaving the restroom and walking into the kitchen looking at Vi she quickly tried a hide her pale skin "
    Afternoon Vi what's for lunch?" She asked in a small voice while putting her hands in her pocket.

  • [/media]
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LilyannaGaming said:
Fane woke up to footsteps. He eventually heard them fade. Sighing he tried to use his wind again and failed. He glanced around the room and to him it looked exactly like a death chamber. Growling he pushed him self up and walked around as far as his bound wrist chains would let him.



Groaning from a massive head ache, vi turned over to look at the time. 11:03am. Jerking up she quickly got dressed and ran into the kitchen. You just can't break old habits. She thought. Quietly she began to make lunch for every one as she always did when it was just her and silver.



She watched worriedly as the scientist took the girl. Sighing the little girl left, the room and went to their room. She pulled out a scketch pad and sketched the girl. She had no test or classes today which made her happy.


Lyna jerked up as her powers where ducked down. Sighing she watched helplessly as Tabby got pulled off. She turned to rin once the two left. "Here, take this." She said pulling out another bottle of water , Handing it to Rin. @Cicero
Cicero said:

  • The boy grumbled a bit under his breath as his eye's flew open and he looked around struggling to get up "What the hell?" He asked himself while looking down at his feet seeing chains. He looked the best he could behind him trying to move his hand into better view feeling the cuffs dig into his skin as he did so "Oh goody not only am I a test subject now I'm also in handcuffs and the police weren't the ones to put me in them...." Cicero muttered duly as he looked around the room. A little bit after doing so he'd seen the dealer from the casino the same scientists that gave him water and so called wanted to help them and finally something making him struggle of the chains seeing Tab getting up and being led out of the room by the scientists the boy growled a bit at the scientists and giving Tab a sad reassuring look "I'm sorry I can't help you now but I'll find a way to make sure you won't get tested on again even if it means my life." The boy whispered turning his gaze towards the ground hoping his girlfriend had heard what he said.

  • [/media]

  • Cicero said:

    • SuSu shot up in the bed panting as she wiped her forehead looking at her hand she put her hood down as she made her way to the restroom. She looked in the mirror somehow paler than she normal is "Stupid dream....." Susan muttered as she remembered pieces of the night.


      Fane and her were at the park and she finally managed to confess her feelings towards the boy as her face grew redder while she clutched her hands tight and shutting her eyes tight "Susan I...." The boy was stopped short as he felt a liquid seep through his shirt he put his hand to his chest. As he took his hand back to examine it he grew paler there was a red sticky substance on his hand...blood. He fell to his knees as Susan opened her eyes growing paler and holding the boy close "Fane don't die please don't die come on lets go get you help....Fane? Fane?!" She called out to the boy as she began crying looking at the life body or the one she loved so dear. SuSu kissed his forehead and looked around crying trying to find the person who murder the boy through blurry eyes. She got her wish she found the murder the moment she turned around she was grabbed by the throat and lifted to the air as she struggled and kicked a knife was pointed to her chest and slowly sunk in her skin making her scream in pain. A little after the knife left the murder just dropped her to the ground and walked off thinking there was no need to hide the evidence of the murders the girl watched the fleeing figure get smaller by the minute and more fuzzier as her breathing hallowed she looked back over at Fane's corpse slowly reaching for his hand grasping it tight as she began crying his hand her cold he really was dead and she was about to be the same "I'll be there soon Fane so wait for me than we can have a happy ending...even if it isn't on earth I....love....you...." SuSu trailed off taking her final breath and speaking her final words she closed her eyes never to be open again.

      End of Dream

      Susan splashed water on her face before leaving the restroom and walking into the kitchen looking at Vi she quickly tried a hide her bail skin "
      Afternoon Vi what's for lunch?" She asked in a small voice while putting her hands in her pocket.

    • [/media]

    • Tabitha didn't hear what Cicero said to hear. She couldn't hear much at all, after the sound of a drill and a child's scream were word suspiciously at the same exact time. Her eyes widened, but she didn't say a word until she ended up on her hands and knees, her ears dripping blood. Soon, she began to cough some of the thick red liquid up too. "Hey, hey, are you okay?!" the scientist who was escorting her asked, kneeling beside her once he checked to make sure nobody was watching. She looked up at him but said nothing; Her eyes had a fevered, confused look to them, as if for a few seconds her green eyes had forgotten where she was completely. The drilling finally stopped, and almost as a response, she coughed up more blood, then stopped, and shakily got back up. The scientist followed, looping his arms around her and continuing to escort her like nothing ever happened. "Do you know why I wear a red coat? It means I'm a student here; This facility started the NS, or 'New Scientist' program. Sounds cool right? Soon, I'll be doing what all the other scientists are doing. I only got in here because of a scholarship though..." The boy chattered on about this and that, keeping the conversation lively even though it was one-sided. It didn't seem too bad, until they finally reached the room: 612A. "Lay on the table inside. I'll be back soon." Opening the door, he let her go inside before locking it and moving on to do who-knows-what. Tabitha obediently did what he said, but started to tremble at the sensation of the hard cold metal against her back; She was still wearing the nightdress she got captured in, since the scientists had yet to hand out uniforms to the newly captured experiments. You knew you were going to die if they didn't give you one by the time the week ended; They didn't use their funding to clothe the dead, after all.

      Rin was a little confused when an unchained girl held a bottle of water in his face, but he took it anyway. After struggling to open the cap, he loosened it with his teeth and finally took it off. He didn't realize just how thirsty he was until the liquid hit his tongue and made its way down his throat, into his frail body. Eventually, after exchanging glances with the water-bearing woman, he decided she was friendly enough and handed the half-empty water bottle to Cicero; At least he didn't have to worry about poison. "What's your name? Mine is Rin. Usually I would read your mind for the information, but my-" he coughed briefly. "My body... isn't agreeing with me today." Rin smirked at Lyna in a very non-Rin-like fashion. He wasn't happy of course, but right now, smiling was the only thing that seemed to alleviate the pain he felt in his head.​

  • Cicero watched Rin drink the water from the corner of his eyes frowning "Idiot..." The boy muttered under his breath as he continued to stare at the floor ignoring the offering of water "No thanks I'd rather die by being tortured than drink anything from here." Cicero stated in a cold tone. He hated this place and their so called gestures of kindness to keep them alive for all Cicero cared he'd rather kill himself or have one of the test go wrong killing him instead of believe they are doing this from the goodness of their hearts...if they had one that is. Either way Cicero blocked any thoughts he had out of his head thinking of nothing while he's face grew into a blank stare with small hints of hatred and despair at times "I'll kill all of them....every last one of them I'll make sure no one else has to go through this like we did....that's an actual truth and promise I can live with the guilt its not like I'm killing actual humans anyways just animals in disguise so no one will care or miss them anyways." The neko said lifting his head up looking at the ceiling only to have it plummet back down with a cold glare of pure bloodlust and anger "Won't you agree?" Cicero asked to no one in particular.

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Ocean opens his eyes and looks up, 'okay, where is Nick?'. "Nick. Nick! Get up you annoying little... What a minute, are you wearing a collar?". 'He likes to make fun of me, but HE is wearing a collar like a pet.'. "Hey Nick, who's pet are you? You are the one that told us to not wear collars, and now I see why. Since we are brothers I will tell you something, you look stupid, take of the collar. Unless you want to get a leash that matches your collar, that way we can take you for walks. We should also grab you a pet bowl, is that what you want?"
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Leonardo shot his gaze up quickly when he heard Matthew scream. From the corner of the room, he stood, approaching him. "Hey, you need help, bro?" He tilts his head, kneeling to the boy's level. If it weren't him specifically, he'd already be helping if it hadn't seemed so obvious in Matthew's nature to refuse this sort of help. In honesty, he wasn't all to comfortable around him in the first place, but still followed Vlad's instruction.

Derrick currently was sleeping well enough, despite maybe his head banging on the table, risking him getting a concussion with each one. Although this didn't rouse him from his sleep. Instead, he snored on, although sounding like some great beast's thundering snore, mixed with indistinct growling. How discomforted though, was he. His body temperature fluctuated, sometimes peaking at a high 104 degrees Fahrenheit down to 46 degrees. During his sleep though, this failed to stir him.

Rei, the next day had hidden herself in the hideout, crying her eyes out about her brother being captured, and at this moment there was absolutely nothing she could do. She kept herself quiet though, silent tears and muffled sobs. She looked as big of a mess as she was. Her painted nails began chipping, along with the pavement on the wall from her scratching at it. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her hair was stringy around her face, sticking to all the sweat, spit and tears. It feels as if she were dead; they took a part of her away when they took Rin.


@Trombone Geek

[Possibly] @mewbot5408 or anyone who finds Rei crying in a closet lmao


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