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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ambrylite's navy blue eyes flickered around her. The busy streets with cars streaming by annoyed her to no ends. Was a little peace seriously that much to ask for? Didn't she deserve some quiet, after escaping from those horrible scientists? Gosh. Her life was so unfair.

There were tons of hotels which she could have chose from. However, since she didn't have much money and she was trying to stay incognito, Ambrylite chose a run down hotel to stay in. The tired 16 year old girl stammered inside the building, which was warmer than outside. Weary eyed and cold, Ambrylite quietly walked towards the receptionist desk. "What is your cheapest room?" Ambrylite immediately asked.

After booking a small room, Am set out to find her room. Unfortunately it just so happened that Ambrylite got lost easily. It really shouldn't have been that hard to find her room, yet here she was, going in circles, unable to find a stupidly easy to find room! Swearing profanities under her breath, Ambrylite marched around the hotel for a good thirty minutes. Ugh, this was getting really annoying. Finally tired of the pointless chase, she waved towards a teenager passing by and asked them for help.

"Hey! Excuse me! I'm trying to find my room. Can you help me?"


"Elf? I didn't know I was that cute." Matthew remarked blandly, hardly looking at the other boy. He didn't care to answer questions right now, especially from the guy that injured his friend's wrist. It seemed that questions were exactly what he was getting however, because soon after this exchange a young lady ran up to the two of them, seemingly lost. "Who checked you in?" was Matt's initial question, but then he realized how suspicious that sounded and didn't wait for the girl to answer. "You should, um, pick any room you like. It's a pretty open place." Matthew responded to her question. He was trying to be polite, but the boy was so caught off guard by the fact a seemingly normal girl was here that he wasn't sure what to do. He glanced at Nick, figuring he would be better at dealing with the chick than Matthew the gay.

"It's fine- I know you're looking out for me." Tabitha said, slowly trying to walk after being set down. It wasn't like her legs were hurt, but the fact she was so weak really took a toll on nearly everything she could do. She managed pretty well however and they were almost to her room- before she collapsed again. She got up again quickly, but it was clear she was very fragile right now. "S-sorry." she told him in a frail voice, barely recognizable as her own. Suddenly an idea entered her head, adding a blush to her cheeks. She walked over to him timidly, but when she was close enough she wrapped her arms around him, in a gentle but rather unexpected embrace. "I really am sorry..." she mumbled into his shirt. For a little while, all she did was stand there and embrace him, but eventually the fever got to her and she pulled away. "Let's talk later okay?" she said, giving him what she hoped was a reassuring smile before disappearing into her room. Laying herself down on the bed, she closed her eyes and imagined what their relationship would've been like, if they weren't trapped in such a dystopian reality.

Ooc: Sorry I've been so slow! Keep getting bothered and cats messed up my computer, plus I had to edit the post I already typed slowly! X_X​
"You don't have to play coy with me, love. I've met my fair share in my time working here. Come on. Come 'ere and give us a kiss" the man smirked as he looked Ella over.

Ella walked over to him, resigned to what would happen. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hand slipped around her waist, his eyes wide, not quite believing his luck. Her eyes closed as she pressed her lips to his and kissed him. His mouth tasted of whiskey and tobacco. She shivered against him, try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to pull away. It seemed she had to finish the kiss that he did not seem to want to let up on.
Ooc:Its fine i'm used to it not trying to be mean if that sounded rude

Nick burst out laughing when the kid said he was cute "Sure little elf boy if that's what you wanna go with fine by me." He said still chuckling before a girl appeared asking for a room but the elf boy answered so he just looked around the hotel before finally getting annoyed "Do you know where Cicero is....I have unfinished business with him." He said rubbing his jaw like just thinking about it brought back a little bit of the pain in the punches 'That brat is going to pay severely' He thought smiling a little at the thought

Cicero was confused at what Tab meant by that but he agreed with it and decide to go outside for some fresh air he most likely guessed Nick would follow them so he ran into Tab's room "Sorry knowing Nick he more or less followed us but not to see the room but I can't think of anyway outside without seeing him sorry but thanks." The boy said quickly locking the door encase Nick found the room
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Cicero said:
Ooc: Yeah, I actually edited my Tabby post entirely and said not to respond to the original in the chat. X_X Just... pretend Tabby said to check the hallway? *Sigh*
Ok so I guess i'm editing my post also all to safe Ella from some what rape or something like that idk
"Uh, okay. So, how do I know if one room is taken?" Am asked. She was fidgety and nervous around strangers due to living up in an orphanage. She could never be too sure how somebody might act. After all, those scientists were strangers.
Naomi had given up finding food and had taken to wandering the hallway.

"Oh, fuck no!" she snarled, walking right up to the man who was kissing Ella and slamming her fist into his jaw, probably sending him flying. She was aware of Ella's 'disability.'

"Get out of here!" she growled at him, pissed that someone was taking advantage of Ella. She didn't care that Calvin was looking in her direction with a pissed look on his face at Naomi's shameless cussing.
Ooc: How does Naomi know? O.o

Bic: Ella's eyes widened as the kiss abruptly ended and his hold on her relinquished. She stepped back, staring a the man who had staggered back and was now clutching his jaw, bent over in pain.

It's not his fault. I kissed -him-. The words she should have said caught in her throat and she just watched as the poor man spat blood and looked up in bewilderment. She shouldn't blame him for what he'd done, what others had done before him. He hadn't known. A part of Ella still blamed him. She almost wished that he had stayed rather than hurrying off away from the girl she was sure he thought crazy.

"Knock and ask." Matthew called back as he walked away, down the hallway and toward the elevator. He got to the first floor... only to see Naomi punch a man. "Eh, normal day." The boy decided. He wasn't at all bothered by the scene for some reason, though Calvin looked like he was about kill the girl. The oddest part of it however, was Ella actually looking surprised! "So the girl can actually feel emotion?" Matt thought, but he kept the remark within his head. He didn't want to deal with the devil-child- not today anyway. She was enough to deal with, but now that she was practically pushing her toward Calvin he knew he'd have to extra cautious around her.

Ooc: Shhh @Valkyre , Naomi knows everything. Also, sorry for the short pointless post! X_X Will post more next time... kinda brain-dead after dinner...​
Nick was surprised that the elf boy ignored him but after a while his face went blank again as he walked down the halls yelling Cicero's name sometimes "Where is that brat?" He asked himself popping his knuckles while walking around and somehow ended at the top floor 'Did I seriously walk up all those stairs without noticing?' He thought confused but eventually decided to go back to the kitchen and look for something to eat

Cicero looked jumped back up into Tab's room and said sorry again before looking out the door to see if Nick was around them and waved to Tab and walked outside closing the door behind him and sighed in relief and walked to the first floor to see what ever it was in front of him he just ignored it and sat down wondering how he can talk to or someone he wasn't meant and talked to yet 'Ok lets make a list of everyone I haven't talked to......I think....yea I guess a lot of people oh well.' He thought while looking at the ceiling and eventually some how got to his mind of what Tab wanted to talk about later
Ella wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and shuddered again, trying not to think of what might have happened if Naomi hadn't intervened. She should have thanked her, but instead she walked away. I can't be in a hotel. Not right now. It was always hotels.

Without any real thought, Ella ran. She raced down the hallway and down the stairs, across the lobby and out into the carpark. The air wasn't exactly fresh there, but it was crisp and cold. That wasn't why she was shaking. Something wet touched her cheek and Ella looked up, expecting it to be raining. It wasn't. A little puzzled, Ella touched her cheek as another drop slid down to her fingers.

I'm crying. Ella hadn't expected that. It made her stand stock still for a while. She'd been out of touch with her emotions for a long time and barely recognised what she was experiencing. It hurt. Stop it, you're being stupid. You should be happy. Ella scolded herself as she choked out a sob and sank to her knees, curling up with her arms wrapped tightly around herself.
Shuzo had been sleeping in the hotel for a while. He decided to take a walk outside. He walked for a few minutes before he saw Ella crying. He walked over and kneeled down next to her. "W-what's w-wrong?" He asked, concerned. @Valkyre
Ella didn't react at first as she heard footsteps, she'd zoned out whilst her body continued to be gripped by sobs. She flinched as someone knelt next to her and her head snapped around to look at them. Through blurred eyes she made out the shape of a man and shifted away from him. Shuzo. It was Shuzo, Ella thought as she made out his face as she blinked. Her shoulders sagged in relief but her elevated heartbeat didn't slow.

"N-nothing..." Ella said between broken sobs. Her eyes red and puffy, with tears still streaming down her cheeks. It didn't exactly make for a convincing lie. @Ldybug123
Shuzo looked at her. "W-well, t-there h-has t-to b-be s-some r-reason y-you're c-crying. Y-you d-don't h-have t-to t-talk a-about i-it i-if y-you d-don't w-want t-to." He said to Ella. @Valkyre
Nick finally walked out of the kitchen grabbing only an apple he started eating it until he seen Cicero then he glared at the boy like a loin staring at dinner 'Hes so dead.' He thought to himself thinking Cicero was asleep

Cicero was staring at the ceiling blankly unaware of the things around him 'What to do what to do?' He thought finally regaining control on his mind he got up and decide to talk to someone that he was surprised on who it was "Hey Ogre boy hows your day been?" He asked walking up to the girl smiling 'Wonder if he going to kill me oh well i'll worry about that when it happens cause i'm bored.' He thought
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Ella fell silent a while. A part of her did want to talk about it, she never had. A lot of it she couldn't talk about. A part of her very much didn't want to talk about it at all. "Thanks..." Ella smiled weakly at the boy and then sighed. "What are we doing Shuzo? Why are we here?" @Ldybug123
Derrick, from the floor, glares at Cicero. "He's still...out." He says bitterly towards the cat boy, looking back at the half-dead noble behind him. He still hoped he'd wake soon, but no way around this...Atrocity. His name was Cicero, he wish he hadn't remembered.

"Well that's too bad I was going to ask the oh great lord for advice on how to be the prince of shit but I guess another time." He said sarcastically smiling clearly amused that Vlad's unconscious

"What the hell is that boy doing?" Nick muttered to himself while he watched him go over and talk to someone that was next to someone hes guessing was asleep he eventually got bored and went outside to see two people also there he didn't pay them any mind and started to smoke a cigarette looking at the smoke
"Well..." Ella paused. Should she even say anything? No one else here seemed to feel the same way she did. No one else here seemed like her at all except for them being experiments too. "We're travelling around and staying in different places... but we're not really doing anything. There no order, just a vague plan for the meantime... What's the point?" Ella asked him, her eyes searching him for answers. @Ldybug123
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Derrick's brows furrow. "I don't think you understand. He's not even a prince. He is an aristocrat, a noble. While Lord Vladimor does hold high amount of political power in his palm, he's not a prince, exactly. Maybe close to the idea. How you address him though is offensive. Please to not mock him." He says roughly, glaring at the cat kid.

Cicero busted out laughing when Derrick said that "Yea and i'm guessing you have the best position they had to offer wiping the guy's ass when hes done talking a shit right." He said crying from laughing of how much this guys stands up for Ogre boy

Nick heard Cicero laughing inside "What the hell is that idiot up too?" He muttered to himself while taking a long drag off his cigarette but not checking to see what the hell his brother was up too he knew him to well to see what would happen next 'I can't wait hes gonna end up killing himself might wanna get a snack ready so I can watch.' He said smiling at the idea of his little brother getting his ass kicked and nearly dying

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