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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

The boy rolls over softly groaning as he was urged to wake up. "What, what...?" He says sluggishly, rolling over and sitting up. He rubs at his eyes, looking up at Matthew with tired eyes. "Are you in need of something?" What use could he possibly serve? Just some extra luggage. Carrying around Vladimor, maybe. They seemed like they were gonna be here for a little, though, so need.


Tabitha wrapped her good arm around Cicero's shoulder, letting go of the blanket that didn't cover much anyway. She leaned back slightly into the kiss, causing them to eventually fall back unto the bed. His lips felt surprisingly soft against hers, but there was something firm about the way they kissed that made one kiss turn into a train of continuous kisses until she suffocated for air. Air barely felt important right now, but eventually she moved away just slightly enough to breathe. This was only followed by her kissing him more, only a little more sweetly. She pecked at his necks, his cheeks, his forehead, an eventually back to her lips again. It didn't matter if the world ended right now: she'd die happy.

Matthew looked down at Derrick with a look that said the other boy didn't have many chances: He'd have to answer truthfully to whatever Matt said. "Do you plan on leaving with Vlad?" That was his first question. He tried to keep his tone even and calm, but there was something very cutting about the way he said the coma-boy's name. It was barely notice, but to somebody hypersensitive about Vladimor like Derrick, it should be as clear as day.

Ooc: I am not good at romantic scenes! Ugh, I feel like I'm writing the script for a porno! X_X @Cicero​
Cicero was surprised when the fell back on the bed but didn't really care everything seemed perfect it was only when Tab moved back from the kiss he realized he needed air and smiled when she kissed his neck,check,and forehead that's when he realized the blanket she had around her was on the floor this he looked back at her to see the only clothing on her upper body was her bra his face instantly went red and looked back up and started kissing her again

Ooc:Great I feel like I just made Cicero seem like a perv
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Cicero said:
Ooc:Well this is something I actually don't know what to type.....so does anyone wanna help me
Ooc: You've never read a romance novel or taken any classes where they talk about describing a scene? X_X That was like, the worst make-out scene I made... ever, and I still think it's not too bad. Really my biggest issues with make-out scenes is having the confidence to put one out there and knowing "where the limit is". Like, there's a very fine line between teen romance and erotica- luckily, I don't think I've ever been accused of my writing being erotica. (unless it is ;P ) Really, just think of how the scene would pan out in your head- and if you think that's a sex scene, PLEASE just time-skip that! X_X Ugh, writing everything I can about romance scenes... hope this helps!
Ooc: Oh I see, you edited you post... damn you @Cicero ! Now I'm not sure if I should *ahem* advance the scene a bit more... or we can have somebody accidentally run into them when somebody gets on. You're call bro~

Ooc: Yeah, basically advance would just mean me asking you for a time-skip anyway at this point, because this is a PG-13 roleplay for the most part, except for the occasional graphic deaths we're bound to have, and I don't really want to advance their relationship like that yet so... *Gets a chair and sits on yard with a hose, waiting for the annoying kids to pass by my house*

Ooc:I still don't care your the host you have complete control over time skips
Ella had refused to go back inside the hotel, not that anyone had told her to, it just would have been sensible to. She wasn't exactly dressed warmly and the December chill had long since lost it's refreshing charm. Shaking from the cold, Ella hugged herself where she stood. It was better than shaking from... other things. The last thing she wanted was another run in with that man. After he'd been attacked like that, she didn't know what he'd do. Nothing good, she thought.
Derrick couldn't help but to give Matthew a funny look. "I go anywhere Vladimor goes, always. The question is;" He yawns. "Where is he going? Will he continue to follow you, or leave you all behind. Against my favor...it seems that the former is the answer, even though I'm not quite understanding his desire to stay, if it is a desire. Perhaps he's interested?" He stands up, stretching. He should find something productive to do. Buy a bigger bag to put more stuff in, maybe. These two small travel bags won't fit much more. Anyways.

"Maybe he owes you. He hasn't spoken to me on the matter, and it's not my place to ask so I will leave it at that. Anything else?" Derrick begins smoothing down his hair, not enjoying how wild it's been and him not being able to take the time and groom himself properly.

ori quietly had returned from hiding and peeked his head around the corner to look at derrick before quickly turning a little ashamed. his expression was one of both worry and self-disgust as he crouched down. being around izabell the night before was something he hadn't done in a long time, he hated her touch and presence yet it was something he craved every time she was near. izabell's hold on him was still strong, it felt it wouldn't be long before somebody notices something and makes even worse opinons about him. they didn't trust him nor did they like him and he knew this. while all the well it seemed izzy could get people to like her in almost a instant, it was disgusting. he exhaled listening to the other two talking,not to interrupt at all. orious didn't like admitting it but derrick had something that made him loose focus of the job at hand. he was a distraction, a adorable,shy distraction with immense loyalty to his master which so happened to be a target of ori's. voice then asked him somthing in his mind.... could it be you like him,orious?
"Interested? I don't know who or what is so interesting here." Matt mentioned, but he didn't push the matter. That was a question Vladimor could answer when he was woke up. Derrick didn't seem to enjoy prying into Vladimor's personal life, so was Matthew twice the creep as him for trying to? "I, um, notice you're close to Vladimor." Matthew stated, raising an eyebrow but not saying anything else. If Derrick didn't want to tell him if his suspicions were true or false, he'd understand that. He may be jealous, but he respected privacy. Matt's subject shifted slightly with his gaze. His eyes flickered over to the unconscious taller male. "You're not a doctor, but do you know how long a body can survive like this? It's not like we can take him to a hospital..." Matthew murmured the last part, lost in thought. Something in his eyes... shifted. The usual look of a soldier wasn't there; Instead, there was a tragic aura surrounding the boy, as if he already lost a loved one. After a few seconds of this however, he turned back to Derrick. "How long can he survive?" Matt repeated.

Derrick shrugs, glancing at the corner. (He could have sworn he saw Orious?) "I'm not so sure. I haven't exactly been looking at his recent medical files, so I wouldn't have a spot on estimate. People can be comatose for years and survive, however with it being specifically him, I suggest that if he's like this for more than a week,j we'll have no choice but to let him seek medical assistance or..." He bites his tongue and shakes his head. "Anyways. Being close to him is what you expect from a valet, no?" It was good enough. "I owe him more than he owes me. Not that he actually owes me anything, I enjoy filling out every command, no matter how small." He smiles to himself.

Daniel walked quickly walked up the side of the highway, he could hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Looking behind him he could see the feint glow of red and blue that spread across the road. He breathed heavily, watching his breath turn to frost in front of him. He pulled his ridiculously worn brown coat closer to his face, shielding it from the cold wind. He had been on the run for- well, he didnt even know, each day seemed to bleed into the next, and he was always running. He had been with several groups of other people like him, who had powers, but they always seemed to break up sooner or later. Luckily Daniel had the power of teleportation, which helped drastically when he needed to escape in a hurry.

He turned his thoughts back to the road. Looking up, he spotted in the distance what he would of thought to be an abandoned hotel, if it wasnt for the cheesy neon sign. He looked around, making sure that there was no one looking his way before suddenly disappearing where he stood and appearing instantly below the sign.

It was only the afternoon but it seemed to risky to continue travelling, especially since he had no idea where he was, he didnt even know what state he was in and teleporting was tiring, especially if he was forced to teleport a long distance.
"You still haven't mentioned if you love him or not." Matthew thought, rather annoyed, but he didn't push it. He took a final look at Vladimor before walking away. Matt felt like he'd spring up and be his normal self any second now, but Vlad had yet to do so. "A week..." The words seemed to loop themselves over and over inside Matt's head. He pressed the button to the elevator. He felt angry. He knew there was going to be death, and that's why he didn't want to stay with them! Still, Calvin's insistence made him stick around, but even that was only one reason out of many: He needed to protect Tabitha. He needed to go to Las Vegas anyway... and he needed to figure out the riddle of what everyone here was to him. "Maybe I care about them?" Matt wondered, but he was fairly certain that wasn't true, at least for most of them. Caring about somebody and wanting to keep them alive weren't the same thing. He just wanted to avoid seeing death. Why then, did he always keep an eye out for Vladimor? He asked the question within the safety of his own mind, but he still felt uneasy answering it. A few ideas popped up in his head, but he refused to dwell on them. He got out of the elevator and walked down the hall to the room he and Tabitha shared. They were close and both knew they weren't attracted to each other, so they had no issues doing basic things roommates did like getting dressed together. This was why Matt figured he could open the door without any issues... Boy, was he wrong! On top of Tabitha was Cicero, and while they were clothed (except for Tabitha being shirtless), it didn't make it any less inappropriate to see the two making out. It took a second for Tabby to even notice Matt looking traumatized at the doorway, but when she did she quickly sat up and put a decent amount of distance between her boyfriend and herself. Embarrassment was an extremely poor word to sum up her shock. "U-um..." she quickly covered herself with the blanket she threw on the floor earlier, and Matt looked down. This was by far the longest, most uncomfortable silence in the history of uncomfortable silences.

'oh, it's daytime already? I must of been asleep for a long time, I wonder what Cicero is up to. Oh there is, Matt, i think that's his name.' "Hey Matt! Have you seen...." Ocean looks inside of the room Matt was standing at and sees Cicero and Tabby. "You know what, I'll just come back later and talk to you." 'I'm just going to slowly back away and act like this never happened'
Cicero was surprised when Tab pulled away and followed her gaze to see Matthew standing at the door "Uhh.....hey Matthew hows it going?" He said his face growing redder 'Well I think I have the right to say busted...' He thought but he could help but smile even if his face was red he was smiling and he didn't even try to hide it anymore

Nick woke up and walked down the stairs until he saw elf boy looking stunned at the door to he was guessing his room "Hey elf boy why you confused see something you di....."He trailed off when he looked into the room to see Cicero's red face and his girlfriend where a blanket it he was speechless he just decide to pick on Ocean "Hey brat did you see what Cicero was doing?" He asked the younger boy smirking
orious turned red at the thought and then shook his head. even if you do end up liking him,you'll get only hurt in the end....the voice echoed in his head and ori sighed leaning his head against the wall closing his violet eyes. he felt like all he could do was listen to their voices as he sat on the other side quietly. he felt weak, how could he even come across this sort of feeling and for the enemy? disgusting. that was when izabell came around the side and tackled orious with a squee of excitement. "i was so worried you ran off ori!!!" she had tackled him,pinning orious down right infront of matt and derrick giving him kisses. ori quickly shoved izabell off with a low growl of frustration. "stupid boy, how many times do i have to tell you. don't touch me! i don't like your powers nor do i like you... " he snapped and edged away from izabell like she was some sort of sickness. izzy only giggled. "ah but come on," ori shook his head. "no. i will never love you...not after what you did. in fact i hate you...just leave me alone." he said coldly and he had a expression like it hurt everytime izabell would even touch him,there was somthing deep inside the vampire, a deep massive scar on his heart that reopened and bleed with every lingering emotion he felt a deep,sharp pain from these emotions that constantly stirred inside and with every memory he had it made him want to forget completely. he wanted to go completely numb inside.. it was becoming suffocating.
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"No I didn't... I'm going act like I didn't see any of this. But Nick, I feel like we should just walk away from here and act like nothing happened" 'Now Nick's here too? I feel bad for those two.' "Nick I now you love being a jerk and insulting us but I think that we should leave, look at Cicero's face. You're supposed to be our brother, be nice for once!"
Daniel looked around, there were a few people scattered around the hotel and he could hear some sort of commotion going on close by. It wasnt any of his business though. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his wall. He only had five dollars, not enough for a room even here. He sighed loudly, looking up at the sky. If he could get a look at what a room looks like he would be able to teleport into without anyone knowing. He took a few steps towards the hotel trying to get a gimpse of the upper floor so he could skip the lobby all together.
Derrick huffs, looking at Vladimor. "You'll make it, Vladimor. I know you're stronger that your body." He tells him, going off to find someone he can enjoy talking to.(Where it's not one sided) "Orious?" He calls out as he walks around, trying to located the boy he thought he had seen earlier.

Ella had eventually realised that she was going to die if she stayed outside in the cold any longer. At first, that thought hadn't really bothered her, but in the end she stood up and headed back towards the hated hotel. As she approached, she saw a figure stood outside of it. Still shaking, her hands and feet numb from the cold, she walked towards him. "Are you alright?" she asked him between chattering teeth. @JacobLoL
"Are you alright?" Daniel looked back down spotting a girl only a few feet away from him, tattoo running down her arms. Had she seen him teleport? Was she working for the government. He considered teleporting away right there and then, although she could just be a normal civilian. "Why wouldnt i be?" He replied casually, looking back up at the hotel, pulling his jacket a little tighter. @Valkyre
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Ella smiled slightly "Well... You're stood in a car park outside a run down hotel with your wallet out in the middle of winter... and you're not going inside" she said slowly, her speech broken by uncontrollable shivering. She crossed her arms over her chest and clung onto her upper arms, trying to will some warmth back into them. "I think I'm freezing to death" she added "Are you coming in?"

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