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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"But you might as well know what you saw....cause your brothers one step ahead of both of us and I don't think you heard the talk of the birds and the bees don't worry this will be me being nice for once and teach you." Nick said laughing a little while pulling out a cigarette 'I can't believe Cicero most likely the stupidest one out of all of use was first...'Nick thought to himself crushing his cigarette in his hands
"Good point" He replied smirking. He looked around cautisouly, as he did often. "Um, yeah of course" He said to the girl who was now shaking from the cold when she asked if he was coming in. So much for gettting a room without anyone noticing him.
Ella smiled slightly and walked past him, into the hotel. The warmth hit her almost immediately. It felt like hot needles pressing against her skin, not quite burning her. She didn't flinch at the sensation. She'd felt far worse and she knew it would quickly pass. The lobby was empty again and Ella hopped over the counter, retrieving a room key which she offered to the man, no qualms about stealing.
"Why are you surprised? I have almost no friends and you are rude, I'm not surprised at all actually." 'Does he really think I need the stupid talk? I'm 17, well 84 in cat years. I actually wonder if Nick ever knows when to shut up, he's not acting like it. All he does is make rude comments about our life.' "Nick, did you expect to be first? If so than good luck with that, you can barely get a person to talk to you."
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Daniel followed the girl into the lobby of the hotel, the warmth washing him over him as he entered. The lobby was empty. Yes, this was good. The girl casually hopped over the counter, grabbing a key from one of the drawers and handing it to him. "I dont need o-" Daniel realized what he was saying. "Thanks" He said grinning as he took the key from the girls hand. She must work at the hotel Daniel thought, or could she be so brazen as to steal?
Izabell shook her head." I don't think your going to get anywhere with him..;" she warned the turned walking off.Ori stood up brushing himself off and looked up to derricks his face a bit pink and he practically jumped up at his voice."Hey.."
Tamara ran through the streets, her headphone cord flying behind her, and her breath fogging in pants in front of her. She created the illusion that she was still running while she slipped into an alley with another illusion that she was not there. She backed away from the entrance, promptly bumping into someone. She cursed loudly before realizing they couldn't see her. She facepalmed.
Ella hopped back over the counter and gently touched Daniel's arm as she paused beside him "It's this way" she said and started to walk down the hallway and towards the stairs. She glanced back to see if he was following her. She didn't want to walk around the hotel alone any more, for some reason she quite liked Daniel. He actually seemed sane and there was something else about him too that she couldn't put her finger on.
"What did you say you stupid cat." He said grabbing Oceans arm not squeezing because it would must likely be crushed 'This little brat really does want to get punched through a wall....but I won't Cicero will most likely punch me or worse stab me.' The boy thought to himself throwing his crumpled cigarette to the ground and just walked away
Daniel nodded as he followed the girl down the hall, he had already started to like this girl, she seemed interesting and not to mention that she was quite attractive too. "Im Daniel by the way" He said. He closed his eyes sighing silently, why did he tell her his real name!? He had lied so many times before he didnt know why he had slipped up now.
"I'm tired of you calling me brat and acting all tuff! Oh, I can punch you through a wall, I bet that you're bluffing!" 'I'm done with him...' "HIT ME! it probably won't hurt as much as you say. Come on you... you.... sad excuse for a brother! You want to hit me then do it, I'm right here!" 'Probably won't even do it.'
"It's alright, I won't tell anyone if you don't tell anyone my name is Ella" Ella replied with a smile as she climbed the stairs. He had no money and was happy to steal a room at a run down hotel like she was, she could understand why perhaps he didn't want people knowing his name. Maybe it was her breakdown or maybe it was from almost freezing to death and then warming up fast, but Ella felt more focused than usual. She was being helpful, it was a good distraction.
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"Ill try" He said grinning. Well, she knew he didnt want people to know his name but luckily she didnt seem suspicious. "So, you work here?" He asked as they neared his room. It would be rather amusing if she didnt.
"No, I'm just... passing through, I guess" Ella said with a small shrug. She wrapped her arms around herself at the thought as her uneasiness about it all returned. She was travelling state to state with a group of insane experiments with no real direction or purpose. That bothered her.
When he heard Ocean yell Nick turned around and walked back up to Ocean and stared down at the kid "Ok fine I will." He said hitting Ocean square in the chest as hard as he can sending him flying "Then happy now you little brat?" He asked while walking away leaving Ocean there and went back into his room and fell asleep
"Ah, Okay" Daniel replied stiffling a laugh, so she had just given him a key to a hotel room and she was only passing through, wow she really was brazen but he liked it. It was nice meeting someone like that, especially since he didnt really talk to anyone, his paranoia was usually high but seemed to have nearly evaporated with Ella.

Daniel opened the door to his room, stepping inside, he paused, thinking to himself. "Coming in?" He said leaning against the door frame and gesturing into the room. He was shaking slightly as he spoke, but afterall, she did steal him the key for the room. It was still strange, he had been so introverted for months and suddenly he was back to how he was before the experiment- more or less.
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Ella paused a moment in thought at this request. She'd never been invited into a man's hotel room before, the key word being invited. "Alright" Ella said with a smile and followed him in, closing the door behind him and stepping towards him with no apparent regard for personal space. She didn't particularly know what she was doing, if she was just going through familiar motions or if she was trying to take control of something for once.
'he actually hit me?! and it hurt?' "Wow, his punch actually hurt..." 'that did not go as planned, I thought I could withstand his punch. Great, now I just look like an idiot, well more than usual.' "that really hurt..." 'that's what I get I guess. I wanted him to punch me but he punched me twice as hard as I thought he would...... "am I on the other side of the hotel?" 'Did he really hit me that far? Man, I really am an idiot, nothing I can do about that though. "Don't worry I'm fine" He yelled to Cicero in case he was worrying. 'he's one of the strongest person I've been hit by, and I get hit a lot. It almost felt like it was too strong... wait, why do I care? He's probably just going to leave without telling anybody again and never talk to us. guess I have to walk all the way back now, or I could just sit here and wait. I'm lazy, so the second option.'
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Daniel leaned forward slowly, for the kiss. Suddenly a shade of red and blue flickered across the room, he pulled back. Police. "Uhm" His voice cracked as he spoke "I actually have a long day" He said brushing past Ella and looking out the window. The police car had only passed the hotel.
Ella stared at him somewhat bewildered at him as he pulled away and made his excuse. "Sorry, what?" Ella blinked, he'd invited he into the room. They'd been about to kiss. No one had ever done this to her, they'd always done the opposite. She might have said something else if it weren't for the knock on the door. No one should know anyone was in here... Ella reached for her knife in her pocket and gripped it tightly as she took it out, ready to strike if necessary as she approached the door.
(Just saying, a sudden shock/noise could make Daniel teleport out of fright, only a short distance though)

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Daniel froze. Then came another, suddenly Ella pulled a knife from her pocket, gripping it tightly. Daniel held his finger up to his mouth, looking at Ella. He started to think, she was very alert for just a normal person, if she was one. He placed his hand on the door knob, not sure whether to open it or not.
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Derrick pulls a face tilting his head. "Uh," He raised a brow, "Were you eavesdropping?" Instead of further instigating the matter, he waves it off. "Nevermind. How are you?" he asks with a smile on his face.


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