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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ella nodded to Shuzo, figuring she might as well help him out. She was about to say something to Daniel about maybe seeing him later when he suddenly tore the knife from her hand. Instinctively she moved to strike him, but suddenly he wasn't there. She blinked, momentarily confused when Daniel yelled. She looked to see poor Shuzo being threatened and she froze, not wanting the boy to get hurt. Especially not when she'd brought Daniel into the hotel. She needn't have worried though, Shuzo vanished a moment later. Without hesitation, Ella swept Daniel's feet from under him and stamped on his wrist to make him drop the knife. "I told you. My name is Ella" she replied calmly.
"look who's talking mister perfect... but yeah, Nick punched me because I called him a sad excuse of a brother of something. Now I'm here, and I was too lazy to walk so I just sat here. why'd you come down here, I know it wasn't to talk to me? Anyway I'm lazy, so can you bring me my pillow so I can sleep here and not have to walk all the way down there?" 'It's not that I'm that lazy though, my chest just hurts so I don't want to move...' "Oh and next time you see Nick, ask him about his power. I don't trust him anymore" 'not like I did in the first place though'. "Well I'm tired, wake me up if you need anything." He leaned up against the wall and fell asleep.
Daniel grunted in pain as Ella stamped on his wrist, causing him to drop the knife. He vanished again. This time appearing at the back of the room, which wasnt very far away considering the small size of hotel rooms. He started to picture somewhere in his mind to teleport, preferably to another country. The effort would be huge and tiring but better then being caught by the scientists. Then it occured to him, the boy, Shuzo, had turned into a dark shadow in front of him. He calmed down slightly "You stamp hard, Ella" He said rubbing his wrist.
The elevator doors slid open, revealing a most interesting of scenes to Matthew. To one side, an unknown person was holding a knife to Shuzo, but Matt was so used to that he hardly batted an eye. At the other side of the lobby however was Orious, kissing a very surprised and seemingly flustered Derrick. Matt blinked a few times. Was he seeing this right? His first instinct was to congratulate the two, but he didn't know why. He wasn't a fan of the blood-drinker, and neither was he a fan of the servant, but the fact the two were together made him a little more cheerful. That was what he thought at least, until he noticed how Derrick's reaction changed. The boy looked more aggressive and not at all like he was happy, despite the blush on his cheeks. "Do I still have competition?" a voice seemed to say in Matt's head, but he didn't even know what he meant by that. Somehow, this boy was his rival: He just didn't know how yet.

Cicero gives Ocean a piggyback to their room and set him on his bed before waking up Nick "Hey Nick I wanna know your power..." The boy said looking at him 'He better tell me the truth for once.' he thought while he fiddled around with stuff in his pocket

Nick woke up to hear Cicero saying something about wanting to know his power "Why does a brat like you wanna know?" He asked still half asleep 'Might as well tell the brat can't do any harm.' He thought while getting up "My powers....easy I have human strength." He replied
"Yes, I do" Ella said with a small shrug as she turned to face him, her stance still ready for combat if necessary. When she saw him nursing his wrist, she relaxed a little. "You attacked me and threatened him. Why?" Ella asked as she stepped towards Daniel. She didn't really understand anything of what just happened. Perhaps she'd misjudged Daniel, it seemed he was crazy after all like all the others.
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Shuzo transformed back, and was on his hands and knees. He looked at Daniel, his eyes wide with fear. He thought Daniel would try to hurt Ella. "S-stay a-away f-from h-her." He said a little angrily as he stood up. Shuzo now saw Daniel as a bit of a threat. @Valkyre @JacobLoL
"I didnt attack you, i only grabbed your knife- i attacked.. him" Daniel replied looking around to try and spot Shuzo. Ella didnt look impressed with his response "You did say you were only passing through, yet you know this boy?" He said as the Shuzo reaapeared. "S-stay a-away f-from h-her." The boy yelled, fear and anger filled his voice, yet Daniel had calmed down, he put his hands up "You've got the knife" He gestured to the knife on the floor behind Ella.
"I'm passing through with this boy. Others too. I never said I was passing through alone" Ella pointed out with a shrug. She was aware that he didn't have the knife but he could also appear and disappear at will so it was closer to him than to her. "Shuzo, pick up the knife" she told him softly, her eyes never leaving Daniel. She should kill him. So why hadn't she?
Shuzo gulped and quickly dissapeared into the shadows. He suddenly reappeared next to the knife. He hesitated for a moment before picking up the knife. He looked at Ella, unsure what to do with it. @Valkyre
Matthew walked over to the couch, quietly checking on Vladimor. He knew he shouldn't: It would only disappoint him every time, but he couldn't help it. To say the least, Matt had a strange fascination with Vlad. It was probably unhealthy, the way he cared for the boy, but it wouldn't stop him: Matt's health wasn't his biggest concern. "What did he in his language? You speak Russian, right?" Matt whispered. He was tempted to touch the boy's hand, remembering what happened only seventeen hours before. He didn't though. He knew it would only add more questions to Vladimor's head when he woke up, if he could even hear Matt. "Or if he wakes up at all." The morbid thought was there, but Matt ignored it. He couldn't get attached to anyone, if he wanted to protect Tabitha. "Matt, here!" Tabby said, running up to the melancholy boy with a shirt. "Speak of the devil..." he muttered, grabbing the shirt and putting it on: It was his "I hate everybody" shirt, newly washed. Matthew didn't care about that though- he had more interesting things to discuss with the girl. "So, how's Cicero?" he asked with a smirk. The remark earned him a slap across the face, but it didn't stop him from laughing. Tabitha looked so embarrassed! "At least my boyfriend's not in a coma!" she remarked, making Matt drop the smile from his face. "What boyfriend..." he said slowly, but it wasn't a question. He knew exactly what she meant. Tabitha gave a nearly evil smile, before softening her expression when she realized how much she hurt Matthew. "He'll wake up-" she said in a soft, comforting manner, but the boy didn't want to hear it. "He's not my boyfriend- If anything, his servant's always fawning over him." Matthew interrupted her, before stalking off and out of the hotel building. Tabitha stood there, a little awkwardly. She always seemed to mess things up with her friend. Sighing, she looked over at the comatose boy. "Don't be too hard of him, okay?" she whispered more quietly than usual. "He's really trying to keep us together- He'll realize soon enough." Having got that off her chest, Tabitha walked away to see who she could interact with. Still, she couldn't help but feel a little empty. Her friend didn't trust her anymore, and she couldn't blame him.

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Orious stared at him for a good moment before speaking,he seemed a bit sad with a serious expression."....I'm not good at speaking my feelings....if I could I'd rather not have any...but I find myself in a rather odd position...." He started as he looked off annoyed with himself. ".....derrick...I..." He said then looked down quietly. What was he doing?! He had a feeling he would be blown off. Ori looked up and "" He said bright pink and turned away looking like he didn't know how to put it into words. "Then in that case Can I have your permission,derrick?.." He asked softly
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"Нет." He said short and simple, covering his face with his hands, huffing in slight annoyance. When he looks at the taller boy, his look softens and he shakes his head. "...Ask me later. I understand where you're getting at, but we're still strangers. Honestly I am in a place where I feel scared and insecure, and at this moment, romance is going to tackle me. Let things settle down first." He tells him, pushing his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. "Don't make this unpleasant though, you are always welcome to me as a friend."

The wind hissed and hit at Matthew's face, his hands, his stomach, since the t-shirt was riding up due to the high winds. He didn't mind. Instead, he breathed in the air that smelled of pollutants and cold. A few people looked at him nervously as they passed him on the sidewalk, and Matt couldn't help but wonder what they thought of him. Surely he looked like a punk, or even better: a street rat. He looked calm on the outside, he was sure. Maybe those walking around him thought he was a gang member? He had enough knives and he lived with a group of people, so it wasn't like they were entirely wrong. "But they are wrong." The words seeped into Matt's head like a poison. No matter what he did, his brain always told him the things he didn't want to admit, but mentally he had to. "You're not human, nor are you animal. Why are you living?" Again and again the words repeated inside his mind. He held his breath. He didn't want to breathe. He didn't deserve to breathe. Only humans... only humans deserved the luxury of life. With these insane thoughts running through his head, he reached for his knife. "Why don't you die? They want you to." He asked himself these questions, but it almost felt as if somebody else was. His heart hurt at the realization. Was he that distant, even from himself? He tried to feel the heart-wrenching sadness he was so accustomed to, but now that he wanted it he couldn't feel it. He was empty. He raised the knife to his wrist, part of himself egging the other half to end it all... but he couldn't. He dropped the knife, kicking it into the sewer. "Die in Hell." he muttered, and continued walking. People still looked at him as they walked by, but nobody stopped him. He knew they wouldn't have stopped him, even if he did do something like that- or maybe they would've, once they guessed it was too late. He still didn't feel human, but Tabitha needed human. None of them deserved to live in his mind, but he couldn't just let them die either.

Dylan quietly slinked through the hotel's hallway. His arms were loaded with snacks from the vending machine on the lower floor, and he was about to enter his room and devour them until he heard noise from the room across from his. Dylan had came to this hotel as soon as he had escaped from the lab, since it was one of the few places that held nice memories from his childhood. Usually, it was a quiet place and rarely anyone got rooms on the fourth floor, so Dylan could sleep easy knowing he was safe for now. But now that people were coming here, it meant they could be officials who wanted to take him back there, and had found out where he was. Dylan could either hide in his room or cripple everyone in the room by causing them to feel immense pain. He disliked the second idea immediately, since he hated using his terrifying new ability. But if he didnt use them, the officials would drag him back to awful experimentation and that solitary room where he would eventually waste away. Dylan sighed and stuffed the snacks into his pockets before knocking on the door. "Room service," he called, and mentally facepalmed himself. Of all idiotic things to do..He sighed and got ready to attack the person who opened the door.

@anyone o-o
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Leon had been traveling with the group, but couldn't help but feel like he was dead weight during all of it. He had to stay in the background do to his injured foot and would constantly slow down just to tend to his leg. He eventually made it to the hotel like the rest of the group, but remained outside in the snow. He was tired, but more so upset by the fact that he was injured and couldn't do much about it. Leon sighed, it was best to cut his losses now and just head back inside now. He looked at the counter of the hotel, noticing how run down it was before walking towards the elevator. He pushed a button and silently waited for it to arrive.
The vampire sighed with his hands in his coat pockets and laughed to himself. "....I expected as much. Also, I apologize if I scared you,I don't quite understand myself anymore..."He said with a sad smile.
Coal said:
Dylan quietly slinked through the hotel's hallway. His arms were loaded with snacks from the vending machine on the lower floor, and he was about to enter his room and devour them until he heard noise from the room across from his. Dylan had came to this hotel as soon as he had escaped from the lab, since it was one of the few places that held nice memories from his childhood. Usually, it was a quiet place and rarely anyone got rooms on the fourth floor, so Dylan could sleep easy knowing he was safe for now. But now that people were coming here, it meant they could be officials who wanted to take him back there, and had found out where he was. Dylan could either hide in his room or cripple everyone in the room by causing them to feel immense pain. He disliked the second idea immediately, since he hated using his terrifying new ability. But if he didnt use them, the officials would drag him back to awful experimentation and that solitary room where he would eventually waste away. Dylan sighed and stuffed the snacks into his pockets before knocking on the door. "Room service," he called, and mentally facepalmed himself. Of all idiotic things to do..He sighed and got ready to attack the person who opened the door.
@anyone o-o
Ooc: My first char is outside, and the second's in the lobby, but eh, I'll make the second go over to interact with you.

Bic: "Are you okay?" Tabitha asked, looking at the stranger who was at her door with cautious curiosity. She didn't know him, but as far as she knew Izabell had only let in experiments, aside from Derrick... right? Regardless of if he was an experiment or not, Tabby had a sneaking suspicion he wasn't supposed to be here. She took a step back, holding her injured hand against her chest. "Guys...?" she called out slowly, hoping somebody would answer. She was usually the friendly sort, but something about this guy seemed so... familiar. It scared her, but what was more frightening was that she didn't know why.

"It's alright. Most people don't. It takes time to find yourself. It took me most of my life with Lord Vladimor, then 3 years of solitude for myself." Derrick chimes, trying to lighten Orious mood. "Come on, I'm tired of being inside all day, let's go out somewhere. No matter if there's police, we'll take backways." He says, lightly grabbing Orious' wrist, gently tugging him towards the exit.

"Super strength....and you decide to grab Tab's wrist and crush it are you stupid? you know what I don't have time for this just don't use your powers on anyone in the group or I am killing you with no regrets." Cicero stated with no emotions and completely serious for once while he ran out of the room trying to find Tab and help with her broken wrist that's when he seen her and someone else he walked up to Tab with one of his hands in his pocket grabbing the hilt of his knife "What I miss?" He asked casually like nothing was wrong

"I didn't see anything wrong she grabbed my ear and if you call me stupid I'll punch you throw the wall like Ocean." He said dully popping his hands while Cicero ran out of the room 'What the hell is his problem?' He thought to himself while deciding to follow him from afar
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(Ooc: btw the hotel belongs to izabell and no normal people come in. Only experiments.It's even a safe haven even the staff are experiments.)(Also izabell is going to use her powers)

Izabell came running tthrough the hallway quickly and stopped seeing tab and Dylan then waved."Hey. Long time no see." She greeted. Izabell then began singing and placed her hand over Tabitha's hand as a light shone and the injury healed. She exhaled."good. It wasn't too bad.."
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Dylan was about to attack until his mind comprehended what he was seeing. It was just a girl, around his age. She looked confused and slightly scared. He stared at her dumbfounded. "I'm sorry...I thought you were the police." He said stupidly as he gazed at her with wide eyes.

It seemed that even in this huge hotel, Tabitha's voice found a way to be heard. In minutes Cicero was beside her, casually holding unto the hilt of his knife as if it was normal, and in a way, it was. For them at least. It wasn't just the overprotective Cicero who found her however. Soon, Izabell came walking up to them, asking Tabitha if she'd like to see the hotel doctor or use a first aid kit. "I- I'll be fine..." Tabby insisted, but she didn't let go of her wrist to prove that. She didn't know if it was broken, but she did know she didn't want to have anyone inspect it: After having Matt fix her broken leg one time, she knew better than to mess with bones- She couldn't stand the pain. The scary guy from earlier was saying something to her, but she was barely listening. She did not want to get a caste like last time!


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