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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Once on the second floor, Matthew walked confidently over toward Tabitha's room. He didn't know if she'd be pleased to see him, but at this point he didn't care. Unlike Tabby, Matt was much more self-confident and knew she'd forgive his rudeness from earlier no matter what. "I don't know how she thinks I could be angry at her forever." Matt thought, a little amused. Despite how often the two bickered, they always had each other's backs. Matt expected the girl to be in her room, but instead she was standing outside talking to the girl from earlier: The one obsessed with Orious. He would never say it to her, but he was secretly a little freaked out by the girl. Matt could almost swear that if he gave her a haircut and men's clothes, she'd look exactly like a guy. "Hey, what are you two talking about?" Matt asked, while secretly trying to keep his distance from Izabell. Tabitha smiled up at him, completely unaware of what he was thinking. "Izabell healed my hand! Sh- he's really cool." she corrected herself. Matthew stared at Tabby, confused. "Isn't Izabell a girl?" he asked, glancing at the short girl from the corner of his eye.

Orious shook his head and looked at his pale hands on the table."I only consume blood..."He reminded quietly,and looked to the window next to their both looking at the people who walked by the shop. He then looked back to the blonde human with his beautiful violet eyes resting his head on his arms observing him with a smile. Ori liked watching and studying the behaviour of others even close up, people were interesting and different. It made him a little jealous they could be so well at expression and understanding,unlike himself. As he often looked at derrick he studied pretty much every detail and movement along with they way he spoke and behaved. Orious thought he was the most interesting,also quite attractive which only made Ori a bit feel a bit happy just by watching him. "Beautiful..." He murmured

Izabell shook his head softly."I'm a boy..I was raised like a girl and I like dresses..."He explained despite his looks.
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Cicero just finished sharping his knifes "This is the only way to test if it cuts flesh." the boy said to himself while he got the knife and just slightly cut his finger and he seen dots of blood appear he repeated this process eight more times and put his finger in his mouth sucking the blood until it stopped bleeding and but the newly sharpened knives back into his pocket and got up and walked around and thanks to him not looking he ran into the worst person possible Nick

"What the hell who did that." He said turning around swinging his fist only inches away from Cicero's face "Geez you trying to get yourself killed?" He asked putting his hand through his hand then he remember he was going to bug Cicero about him making out with Tab "Sooo you and her really are dating aren't you." He pretended to ask like a question trying his hardest not to laugh while he poked Cicero in the side

"Uhhh......w...we ar....are b...but why do...yo..you care?" Hey asked stuttering a little while his face became red 'Dang it....at least there's no one around to laugh other then Nick' He thought smiling "and if you don't stop poking me I cutting off your finger and shove in down your throat." He said before getting punched by Nick which made Cicero fall to the floor sliding a little

"You little brat I warned you about threatening me and now you got what you deserve." the boy said walking back up the stairs to see Cicero's girlfriend talking to two others and he couldn't help but laugh a little as he passes them 'What does she see in him?' He thought to himself while he made is way to his room and started excising something he need to get into the habit of doing if he wanted to get stronger and protect the two brats
"They didn't seem to notice." Vaidehi whispered looking up at Jihl. Going out from behind Jihl, Vaidehi started to run around.

Jihl stood there, a frown still present on her face. Digging into her sac, she pulled out a wallet and counted her cash before putting it away and stepping forward cautiously. "Who the heck owns this place." she asked though it was directed at no one. She watched Vaidehi from the corner of her eye as she made her way to what she assumed was the front desk. She stood there and waited, gesturing to Vaidehi to calm down before she turned back around.

Vaidehi smiled at Jihl before going and taking a seat on the floor next to Jihl's legs, resting her back on the front desk as she looked out the doors. She watched the police dispersed, a soft breath escaping her lips as relief washed over her before it disappeared and her tiredness taking hold.
Cicero seen people at the front desk he got up and greeted them while rubbing his cheek and moving his jaw 'Ok not broken that's good to know.' He thought to himself smiling "How can I help you two?" He asked them fully knowing he was to check if their experiments cause if not he was to think of an excuse to let them not stay 'Dang it why does it have to be that hard to tell if people are experiments....ok lets see they ran inside the hotel and I definitively heard police sirens....ok that narrows it down to three choices their robbers,murders,or experiments and if they were murders they would have already tried to kill me and if they have already tried to steal from us....so i'm just going to say they are like use.' He thought happy with his logic and how he managed to actually narrow it down to them being like everyone else here he got out a cookie and started eating it while still smiling
Jihl watched them man come up to the desk, narrowing her eyes slightly as she spoke. "We need a room. That fine?" Her words were firm, unlike how she normally talks but today she was done with pleasantries and just wanted to find a place where Vaidehi could sleep peacefully.

Vaidehi popped up from her si
tting position as she stared at the man. Leaning over the desk to get a better look at him, only to have Jihl's hand in her face to push her down off of the desk. She would cross her arms in a slight pout but made no protest as she watched the to talk.

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"Well certainly....but there's just one problem.....I need to know if your experiments I don't judge I will be glad to help if you are." He said to the girl smiling 'I hope they believe me that was the best I could think of one the spot' He thought he was actually mentally panicking a little he might have just ruined everything and the group will have to run again unless he kills the two with that thought he put both of his hands in his pocket only to have his hand hover over the hilt of one of his knifes keeping his smile
Jihl looked at him slightly confused feeling as though his words were a trap, a little ball of fog in her hands, holding it under the desk ready to let it go if need be. Doing so she was completely oblivious to Vaidehi climbing back up on the desk and was too late to stop her.

"Yes. Yes, we are. I'm Veidehi and this is Jihl!" Veidhi would smile confidently looking over to see Jihl's face ghostly white. She looked between Jihl and the man as she smiled, unsure of why Jihl didn't answer before her.

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"Hello Veidehi, Jihl i'm Cicero its nice to meet you anyways about the rooms choose one you don't have to pay this place is for people like use." He said while taking off his hat he forgot he was wearing to show cat ears perk up 'Well I guess I can tell the others that there are more people here.' He though taking out his phone too text Tab telling her more people are here to stay "Well make yourself at home everyone else here did already." He said smiling while walking to the elevator and called it and waited for it to come down
Jihl still didn't seem to trust this man but Veidehi seemed to be all about it as she grabbed Jihl's hand and dragged her behind her. She stopped right behind Cicero looking up at him quietly in awe. "You mean there's more of us that escaped?" Veidehi sounded excited. "Did you hear that Sis there's more!"

Jihl nodded her head, as her body tensed following Veidehi and Cicero unsure of what to feel about this man. He was rather up front about the whole experiment thing and she was unsure of how to take that. His ears did make her feel some ease seeing he wasn't completely human. She sighed as she held on to Veidehi's hand, standing behind the two quietly.

When the elevator finally arrived and the door opened he turned back to the two girls "Of course their are let me warn you though some of the people hear are jerk....also we have one scientist here with us hes been traveling with us for awhile but hes a good guy he wasn't tried to do anything but other then that everyone else is nice." He said while walking into the elevator and looked at the ceiling "No fair why did I use the stairs this seems so much easier to use." He said out loud looking around the elevator fascinated by it thanks to his small mind but eventually he remember the two girls and starred at them "Heh sorry this is my first time in an elevator and it looks cool." He said smiling while rubbing the back of his neck
"That's so...Cute!" Vaidehi squeeled as she ran into the elevator with him. She looked back at Jihl and ushered her to follow. "It's not that small in here promise." Vaidehi held her hand out for Jihl to take but was unsuccessful.

Jihl stuck her head inside before she quickly took it back out. "That...That's okay Veid. I can take the stairs. I'll meet you two up there kay?" Jihl smiled slighted waving as the doors closed. When the doors were almost closed Jihl placed two fingers on her wrist and tapped it before the doors closed on her. She went to find the stairs, and started up them determined to get to the floor quickly so that she be with Vaidehi.

"What did that mean her tapping her wrist?" He asked Vaidehi confused "Also what floor are we going to?" He added while humming the elevator music surprised it still actually worked as he hummed the random song he didn't know he took another cookie out and started eating it and sat down some how sitting on his tail which made his jumped up "Fuck that hurt." He muttered to himself taking his tail out of his jacket 'How is that even possible?' He thought to himself before sitting down again letting his tail move back and forth like a ticking clock
"Ah nothing...and the second floor." Vaidehi spoke pressing the button before she rubbed her hands together, the soft fabric of her gloves preventing her hands from touching each other. The signal Jihl gave her bouncing around in her head. "Run like hell." It was something they had come up with when they were hiding out. It was so if there was danger they could talk without speaking. She thought about it while they rode the elevator up.

"Ok so the second floor let me think who's all one the second floor....My brothers Nick,Ocean, and then Me and I think that's all but i'm not sure." He said while he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife and looked at it smiling he liked the knives that he stole if they didn't look cool and if they didn't get the job done he didn't like them this one was special to him the white blade almost as clear as glass some say it actually is glass and the hilt was made to look like water he remembers using this knife perfectly it was when he escaped he had a couple of run in with some scientist and anyone else after him he didn't kill them he just injured them to were they couldn't follow him anymore and this was his first knife he used to actually hurt another human 'Good times good good times.' He thought while his smile grew enough to were you can see small glimpses of his teeth
Vaidehi's eyes grew wide at the sight of the knife as she placed her hands behind her back, slowly taking off her gloves as she watched him. The ding of the elevator causing her to jump as the doors opened to reveal Jihl.

Jihl made it to the second floor before Vaidehi and Cicero had arrived. She stood outside the door with her hands behind her back. As soon as the elevator dinged she grew tense watching the door open to reveal Vaidehi's gloves almost off. Without thinking Jihl grabbed Vaidehi and pulled her close to her watch Cicero and the knofe carefully through narrowed eyes.

Cicero heard the ding and looked up "Cool guess we made it." He said putting the knife back into his pocket "Oh and don't worry I don't stab anyone in the group unless they betray us and I use it to kill anyone after us if necessary when I can't do either I just like to look at them I worked hard to steal these knives....not really thought they were pretty easy to steal but anyways if you need anything just find my room and I'll be glad to help is that everything you needed?" He asked smiling at them like nothing was wrong "Oh yea I could tell you guys the powers of some of my friends I don't know all of them but I know a handful at the least." He offered tilting his head to one side like an idiot and sticking out his tongue while smiling with his eyes closed
Slipping her gloves back on Vaidehi nodded smiling slightly as she watched him. "Please do."

Jihl, on the other hand, was stone cold. Her face set in a frown and her eyes narrowed at Cicero. He confused her, she couldn't tell whether or not he was sincere with his words. It made her uneasy, but she nodded her head anyway. If he told them it could benefit Vaidehi in the future.
"Ok well theirs Me I have the abilities of a cat like I can jump high and land on my feet I can also hear better and see better when I have my cat eyes, Then my youngest brother Ocean hes pretty the same as me, and my oldest brother Nick he has super strength the three of us all are Nekos then then Vlad he can control shadows or something and Shuzo can disappear into shadows, Tabitha or Tab has better hearing then anyone hear or the best in the world, Hunter can read peoples mind not by choice she just does, her boyfriend Leon can shapeshift into any animal as long as its real...sadly I wanted him to change into a dragon but anyways and I think that's it is that all?" He asked them while looking behind them to count how many doors he is away from the elevator 'Wow only six doors and I still use the stairs...oh well.' He thought while humming random words
Nothing has happened other than Shuzo grabbing the knife, well for our characters. Check p56... I think)
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((Where is everyone????))

Tamara held her breath as the person she ran into stumbled. He was drunk, so she dropped her illusion with a sigh of relief. She walked out of the alley and began walking, head down and hands in her pockets. It wasn't long before one of the gang members spotted her. "There she is!"

Tamara broke out into a full sprint, shoving her way through the streets. She came across a rundown hotel and shoved past the people standing in front. She dashed up the stairs and ducked into the nearest open door, ignoring her people in the doorway. Not a second later, four big guys burst through the stairwell door. She held her breath.

Come out, come out, wherever you are, Princess."

Tamara silently pleaded for the people there to not say a word about her.

Soon one of the men came to the dog that she had hid behind. He held a picture of her to their face. "You see her?"
Leon silently pressed the second floor button and watched as the doors closed and the massive metal box began to move. It played the stereotypical elevator music as Leon looked up and stared at the top of the elevator where a small needle was pointing to the L for lobby and was slowly rising up to the number two. Once the needle reached number two, there was a small ding as the doors opened and Leon stepped out. His leg was much better, and the bruises on his face were gone along with the fact that his cuts were healing up at a substantial rate which was always a good thing. Leon still had a bruise on his stomach from the multiple kicks, but that was slowly starting to heal. Leon walked around the floor for a while and managed to find a vacant room that he could claim. He opened up the door and saw that there were some small holes along with the fact that some of the paint was chipping. That didn't matter however. What did matter, was the fact that Leon had somewhere safe to sleep. Leon tossed himself onto his bed and grabbed his beanie out of his pocket and pulled it over his eyes as he put it on. Leon was tired, right now all he wanted was some rest and no one was going to get in the way of him and his rest.
Vaidehi smiled, happy with what he had said. "Sounds so cool!" She looked back at Jihl to see if she was happy only to be met with a deeper frown. Vaidehi brushed it off as if it was nothing, used to her frowns of disapproval.

After hearing their powers she could only imagine. She knew they came from the same place but people can change by what they went through. Change into good or bad. She was more scared of Vaidehi's safety than her own in this situation. Looking at Cicero with unease as he spoke.

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