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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

@Ldybug123 @Valkyre

Daniel smirked as the boy hurriedly picked up the knife at Ella's command. Well, it was obvious that he was an experiment and Daniel had just shown them that he was too. "So, you can.. turn into a shadow?" Daniel said, half asking, he looked at Ella "And.. what can you do?".
As I'm told. The thought came unbidden but Ella didn't want to say that. She also wasn't entirely sure how to explain what she could do. Her tattoos came to life, but they weren't really alive. At least she didn't think so. A woman appeared in front of Ella as the tattoo on her arm vanished. It was her least used tattoo but for some reason it was the one she chose to demonstrate. Perhaps because she didn't feel like trusting Daniel after he'd attacked them, and more importantly, rejected her.
Ella looked over her shoulder at Shuzo, she'd forgotten about the knife. It hadn't seemed important any more. "Oh... Well I suppose you could give it to me if you don't want it?" she suggested. Ella had never been one to give orders or take control, even back when she'd had the choice to. Only on rare occasions in certain missions had she done so and only because it was the only way to ensure she did as she was told.
Daniel watched as one of the tattoo vanished off of Ella's arm, appearing in front of her as if it were real. It was quite and interesting power and Daniel was definately starting to like her, and even Shuzo too; But staying with groups always seemed to end badly for Daniel, he had seen many of his friends die before him, sometimes in extremely gruesome ways, he didnt like the idea of possibly repeating it. The life of an experiment was lonely and often short. "Well!" Daniel began "It was nice meeting you" He said to Ella in a breezy tone "And you" He nodded at Shuzo before brushing past them and making his way back out into the hallway.

@Ldybug123 @Valkyre
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Ella's expression fell at what Shuzo said. She was hurt. She'd just saved his life hadn't she? "Why? What do you have against us?" Ella asked as she took back the knife from Shuzo. She considered herself to be a weapon which meant Shuzo didn't like her either. She looked to Daniel as he indirectly announced that he was leaving and brushed past her. "Oh..." Ella supposed it was her own fault for pretending to be something she wasn't. Like she was a person. The tattoo reappeared on her arm as she pocketed the knife and gently hugged herself.
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"W-Wait. I-I d-don't c-consider y-you a-a w-weapon. N-None o-of u-us a-are. I-I'm s-sorry." Shuzo whispered those last two words. Tears fell from his eyes, he knew he had messed up. He was scared that Ella wouldn't like him now. @Valkyre
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"Yea some of their powers are cool so is that all you want to know or do you have any other sort of questions?" He asked while smiling at the girls as he clasped his hands together and rocked back and forth on his feet 'Wonder if they trust....ok so maybe I pulled a knife out in the elevator I always pull out one of my knives to look at it when I have nothing else to do seems like only one of them trust me somewhat.' He thought to himself mentally frowning this is the part he hated about new people finding their little group he had trust them and they would have to learn to trust him but other then that he was a nice guy and he had people that would agree with him
Silver stalked silently in the shadows. She stared at the Teens who where demonstrating their powers. She looked curious at the girl whose tattoos came to life. Wish my powers weren't made for killing. She mumbled to her self. She found a discarded chair and dragged it into a far corner of the room. She heard what the boy who was stumbling with words said. She pulled her self up tight in her chair and looked through her bag and found her own file. She read her own file many of times. It always made her cry. She hated th scientist who lied and betrayed her. @ANYONE WHO SPOTS SILVER.
"I am. I'm a weapon" Ella said quietly but firmly. It was what she truly believed. What she had to believe. Otherwise all the things she had done would become things she had done. Not things that other people had used her to do, whether they ordered it or not. "I'm not like the rest of you..." she trailed off. She'd upset him. She hadn't meant to. "You don't have t be scared of me, Shuzo. I won't-" Ella stopped. She couldn't promise that she wouldn't hurt him. Someone could make her.
Nagato woundered through a little town and tried to conceal his swords, he knew that when people saw them it made them feel an emotion called fear. He had heard that other experiments were hiding out in a hotel in this town, prehaps he would find his parents. After a short time he made his way into the hotel, and he walked up to the front desk. "Hello, do you have a room that you could spare? I don't have money to pay you." He spoke without emotions, in an emotionless tone. He was trying to learn emotions but it was a difficult process.
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Shuzo walked over to Ella and hugged her. "N-No. Y-You're n-not a-a w-weapon. P-Please d-don't t-think a-about y-yourself t-that w-way a-anymore." He said before breaking down into tears. @Valkyre
Nagato left from the front desk and head for the elevator, he thought he would get a room on the second floor. That way if something happened he couod escape. He pressed the button and waited for the elevator to arrive. "How would a normal person feel about this?" He asked himself.
Ella looked down at Shuzo helplessly, not sure what to do about the sobbing boy that was clinging to her. She looked around for someone to tell her what to do. No orders seemed to be coming. Ella sighed. She wanted to be back with the scientists, they'd tell her what to do. "Tell me to do something" she said quietly. She supposed if he did she'd prove her point and at least it would make her feel better. She felt lost for what to do right now.
Nick woke up confused on why he was on the floor he chalked it up to him passing out he got up and grabbed a shirt and walked out of the room while putting it on while knocking on random doors hoping to bug someone he wasn't seen Cicero or Ocean at all today 'Who to bug who to bug?' He thought to himself while walking looking at the doors knocking on them
Silver kept silently staring at her file.

Lilyanna Radal (Silver.)

Silver Was a castoff baby who was thankfully delivered to our door. We immediately ran test and gave her a new gene of powers making her a killing machine to use at our will. She has improved greatly.......

Silver didn't feel like reading after that. She hated the notes saying how she helped them do this and that. Killed for them, Help them manage data, etc.
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Shuzo looked up at Ella. "A-Alright. P-Please d-don't t-think o-of y-yourself a-as a-a w-weapon a-anymore. T-That's a-all I-I w-want." He begged her. @Valkyre
Tamara yelped as she was dragged out of the room. She bit the man holding her and ran down the stairs. She was cut off in the lobby by more gang members. She backed up, bumping into some dude waiting for the elevator. "Nowhere to run, Princess."

Tamara heard the elevator ding behind her. "You sure, ugly?" With that, she ducked into the elevator, dragging the boy in with her. She didn't want him caught in the crossfire. When the door closed, she sighed in relief and sank down the wall. "That was close."

"I guess i'll leave you two to find your room bye." He said while walking away and headed downstairs too see a girl reading something in a file he walked up to her "Hello I'm Cicero nice to meet you." He said while smiling 'Exactly how long was she here?' He asked himself confused that he didn't notice her until now but just continued to smile and eventually took a cookie out and sat down to eat it in front of the chair she was sitting int
After a short minute the elevator arrived and Nagato was pulled inside. He didn't know how to feel about this. "Were you afraid?" He wanted to know what this emotion felt like, one thing he always felt was strange because he didn't understand how others felt.

@Indigo Knight
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Please. That little nicety had saved her, it made it a request, not an order. Ella knew she had to do something though. She could push the boy away and leave. Ignore him for the rest of the time they were together, avoid him. She could leave altogether and stop travelling with the group. But then she'd be even more lost than she already was. I could lie. Ella was good at looking confused, it was her usual state these days and she changed her expression to look like that now. "Why would I think I was a weapon?" she asked slowly, tilting her head to one side. "Come on, I'll show you where your room is" she told him with a small smile.
Silver looked up. "Hello. Im Silver. " Silver said looking through her bag. She grabbed out the folder and slipped her File back in. She grabbed a muffin she took from a bakery. And unwrapped it. She didn't realize how long it had been since she ate till the boy popped in front of her. @Cicero
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