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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Jeez Nick, can't go 10 minuets without hurting or bullying someone. First thing I hear when I wake you is that you broke Tabby's wrist, did you?" He said while holding his knife in his pocket. 'If he says something mean or ignorant i'm going to stab him, I've had enough of him!' "Nick, if I hear one more god damn thing about you hurting somebody in our group and i'll stab you. I don't care if you're my 'brother', you hurt another one of my friends, i'll stab you. I know that Cicero would have my back on this! The only thing you have done here is beat us up. You've hurt my shoulder, my chest, and then Tabby's Wrist! And if you really are my brother then you would now that you wouldn't want to get in a sword fight with me" 'I don't care what people would think if I stabbed Nick, he hurt my friend, and unlike him I actually care about my friends and family.' "So, what's it gonna be Nick? You wanna fight here and now, or be smart and walk away? Your choice you little emotionless freak!"
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Orious nodded quietly following quickly. "Though I don't think the police will be much a problem..I'm the only experiment between the two of us....." He commented
Nick busted up laughing after hearing what Ocean said "Sure i'm the little one here but didn't you learn your lesson last time I punched you right you went flying image if we got in a real fight you would must likely die with one punch to the face." He stated it more like an actually fact then anything and eventually went back to being as Ocean called him an emotionless freak 'This kid must be suicidal if he wants to fight me.' Nick thought while leaving the room. "Well see ya...br...I mean buddy and I guess I can try and not hurt your friends....as long as they don't hurt or even think about hurting you guys..." He said trailing off the first time he actually said he would take care of them and with that he left the room suddenly needing air
'God what is wrong with him?' He loosens his grip on his knife. 'Looks like I'm going to need a new room for now. Well, I'll worry about that later. I need to cool off, I'm way too stressed. Is Tabby ok? I don't know what room she's in so I'll just have to wait until I see Cicero and ask if she's alright. I have to keep an eye on Nick, no telling what he would do. Ugh, he makes me so pissed off. Why'd he have to come here?'
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Sage walked into the hotel lobby at a sluggish pace with his eyes drooping. His hair was sticking to his forehead and his clothes were clinging to his sleek skin because of sweat as he walked up to the counter and got a room.
Nick got in the elevator to the first floor and when he got there he seen some boy "Hey are you new to the group?" He asked not like he cared he just wanted someone to talk too and ruining Cicero and Ocean's life grew boring to him for now at least 'Wait I still need to find Cicero and embarrasses him about the girl...Tab wasn't anyways I have to remember.' He thought while growing a mischievous smile on his face but quickly got rid of it and returned to his dully emotionless face staring at Leon "Anyways you going to use the elevator or something?" He asked Leon bored
Silver had been running for days trying to find others like her. She wanted a place to curl up and rest without killing a person who was after her. She cam across a rundown looking building. She approached the back and slipped towards the front. She identified the building as a rundown hotel. She stared quietly hoping nobody spotted her. She looked at all the kids at front and felt they weren't normal. She slipped in the building unseen. Where she found more of a surprise. People like her everywhere.

(Srry I had to post something, but I have to go now. I will Rp tomorrow.) @iiimee
izabell shook her head and placed a hand over the injury and started singing something and it began to heal in almost a instant. "that should do..doesnt hurt anymore right??"

(btw dont know if i mentioned this but she can also heal wounds long as their not extremely serious just as a few other things, but she has to sing when using her powers)
'alright, I'm done bein pissed. Time to find Cicero and Tabby' He walks into the lobby to find Tabby and Cicero. "Hey there you guys are! Tabby are you okay, I heard 'the freak' broke you wrist? Oh and Cicero, I threatened to stab our brother. Well, you can probably guess why.. ANyways Tabby are you okay?"

Eventually Matt got tired of being beat up by the snow and walked back into the hotel. Immediately he noticed new and old faces: Leon was at the elevator, getting pestered by that Calvin guy, and checking in was a boy who looked like he just came back from either a club or a fighting ring. At first he wanted to just go upstairs, but realizing how many people were going in that direction, he decided against it. He went over to the counter, leaning back a little too dramatically and letting himself hang limp there, until his body slowly dropped to the floor. "I should've ended it when I had the chance." Matt thought to himself, but he wasn't being serious. Instead, he gave a crooked smile: He probably looked like an idiot. "I might as well..." He told himself silently. He didn't know if he was depressed, stressed, happy, or somehow in between, but it didn't matter to him. Right now, only getting warm after going outside mattered.

Tabitha flinched when Izabell touched her. She hadn't expected the girl to touch an injured part of her body. "Hey, do-" The pain slowly disappeared, and soon Tabby was staring dumbfounded at her wrist. It took a second for her to register Izabell's question, but when she did she was excited. "You can heal? That's so cool!" Tabby said, taking both of Izabell's hands in hers and smiling like an idiot. She may be clueless at times, but there wasn't anything hostile in how Tabby acted.​
Zadock had started to wander deserted halls of the hotel that first just to avoid people but then he began to work on his powers and that of course caused him to remember not just his time being experimented on but also his time wandering alone and how during that time his powers had grown during all that time. At first he had been able to shoot light shocks and that pleased the scientists until they wanted more then they turned up the electricity and Zadock had to increase the output of risk getting shocked possibly to death, that is until his powers expanded allowing him to absorb electricity and store it inside himself. The main reason he was thinking about all these dark thoughts was because every time he felt his powers reveal a new facet of themselves he had felt a prickling at the base of his skull sometimes for days or weeks until it happened and ever since he had taken down those two busses he had felt the prickling sensation more intensely than before and was worried about what that would mean for himself and this group he had followed.
izabell blinked with a smile and nodded. "all my powers are connected with my singing, it is why they call me the siren... both a blessing and a curse." she explained and then sighed shrugging. "only, ori thinks my powers are a bit much and that i can be a bit of a selfish boy somtimes.." she said and did in fact say boy instead of girl as clear as day. izabell completely looked,sounded,smelled,acted,and even dressed like the average girl and even was high on the cutesy factor but yet she called herself a boy no mistaking it.
Tabitha blinked, not sure if she heard Izabell right. "You're a... boy?" she asked slowly. She opened her mouth to say something, only to close it again, not sure what to say. It wasn't like the girl was freaked out. She had met a few transgender people in her travels, along with drag queens. Still, she was pretty ashamed of the fact she thought Izabell was a girl until now. "I'm sorry. I just figured you were-" Tabby hesitated, not sure if saying she thought he was a girl until this point would offend him. "You know what, never mind! I was going to say something stupid." she explained, giving a smile she didn't really feel. She was uncomfortable, to put it simply.

Cicero eventually left the small group of people while he sighed in relief seeing Tab's wrist isn't broken anymore "What can I do know?" He asked himself while just randomly sat down somewhere and started sharpening his knives again while quietly humming a random song that he got stuck in his head Cicero eventually got bored and took his phone out and played his favorite game he didn't know people got mad at it Flappy Bird was a fun game he enjoyed playing it when he was bored
izabell shook his head with a slight giggle. "yeah,i'm a boy...it's fine actually,i was raised like this..they even gave me a girl name. i don't hate it either, i wouldn't be wearing this dress if i did." he assured her and brushed down his dress gently with a smile. it was indeed his favorite one.
Leon nodded,"Yeah, I came in with the group." Leon was kinda zoned out at the moment. When the stranger mentioned using the elevator Leon quickly snapped out of his trance,"Uh yeah, I need to find out where I'm staying at or whatever." Leon then walked inside of the elevator with a slight limp and looked at all of the buttons. 'first floor, lobby, second floor...where do I go?' Leon scratched his head at the thought, he had no idea what floor to go to. Leon turned to the stranger and said with a slight smile,"Say, you wouldn't happen to know where I'm going would you. I barely got here today and you see, I'm kinda lost. It would be greatly appreciated. Leon then suddenly realized that he had yet to introduce himself as he once again addressed the stranger,"Name's Leon by the way, pleasure to meet you."

Derrick shrugs, looking around outside. It was kinda early. "How about going out for coffee? Or tea?" He giggles, pulling him along the streets to look for a shop for them to hang out in. "If they catch you, I'll be in trouble too for abetting a criminal." He mentions, "Though if it came to that, I could just say that I bought you from the facility as property or such." When he found a coffee shop, he lets go of Orious' hand, deciding he'll follow on his own. The red eyed boy finds a booth, sitting down and waits for someone to serving. "I've only been here in America for so little time. This is all interesting to me," The boy admits, laughter flowing in his voice.

"I'm Nick and pretty much the rooms are on the first and second floor just go to one and say its your. Anyways see ya Leon also if you see my brat brother Cicero tell me will ya." He said waving backwards

Ooc:Sorry for short line

Ooc: I keep getting confused by the fact people make a difference between the first floor and the lobby. A lobby is just the place where you check in and stuff, so isn't that the first floor? Also, I just realized Leon and Calvin would love to be around each other because they both hate Cicero.


Bic: "Whatever you like to do." Tabby replied to the cross-dresser, shrugging. It didn't harm anyone, and it was kind of cute, so what was the harm in doing it?

Matthew finally got bored of acting like a lazy bum in the lobby and decided to go see where Tabitha was. "Excuse me." he said quietly to the two other people in the elevator, stepping in just before it closed. He didn't look at either of them, acting like the antisocial criminal he was. He clicked the button for the second floor. The metal box's movement was so familiar to Matt that he soon found himself closing his eyes and humming along with the demented and off-beat elevator music.​
(reminder ori doesn't eat human food nor drink...he can do other things though like smoking or somthing)

orious followed suit quietly looking around. "ah sounds like a plan because that actually has been done before..." he said though he was sure they wouldn't mess with him since he was well known among the government along with his true rank and position. ori simply smiled and sat down in the booth across from him. "hmmm...yeah i guess it would be. ahhh.. but it's not to bad,just alot of things have happened. it's nice to relax every so often. " he said and looked out to the window.

izabell nodded. "yeah. i guess so."
Derrick orders a simple cup of herbal tea, looking at Orious. "You don't want anything?" He asks as the waitress already leaves. He looks at the black haired male, resting his chin on his fist. A vampire, huh? At the moment, Derrick hadn't even felt as if he were among a bunch of powered experiments. Instead, he thought they were normal people who were just stronger. Later on, thinking about such a thing will begin to weigh heavy on him. Why are they labeled as such bad people? Orious isn't bad, he thinks.

Jihl threw Vaidehi inside the hotel soon following in after her. She picked her up and pressed her back against the wall, her breath heavy as she felt Vaidehi shaking in her arms. Jihl held her close, peering out of the window, the fog she created dispersing leaving a bunch of confused cops in the middle of the street with their guns pointed at each other like idiots.

This caused Vaidehi to laugh uncontrollably, Jihl placing a hand over Vaidehi's mouth to quiet her as a small smirk appeared on her lips. Vaidehi tapped on Jihl's hand, a signal to let her go, before Jihl dropped her on the ground. "Sis there's people in here." Vaidehi whispered turning to point at the others, her eyes wide.

Jihl cursed under her breath as she grabbed Vaidehi's hand, not very certain on where she could run, with the cops outside and these people in front of her chances weren't looking so good. Her eyes were narrowed, her smirk turning into a deep frown as she went into a defensive stance.
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