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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: I got knocked out by Nick and Daniel tried to kiss Ella when Shuza knocked at the door, that's all I can remember
(Ella didn't know that and even if she did, she doesn't know Daniel is an experiment yet @mewbot5408 )

Ella looked at Daniel and nodded for him to open the door. She was confident she could deal with anything on the other side. Providing, of course, it didn't tell her to do or stop doing anything.
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Ella didn't miss a beat and stepped forward with the intention of killing the person behind the door. Luckily, she noticed that it was Shuzo in time and stopped. She sighed and pocketed her weapon again. "Shuzo, what are you doing?" Ella asked. Did he follow her up here? Why? To interrupt them?
Shuzo looked at Ella. "U-um w-well I-I w-wasn't s-sure w-where m-my r-room i-is y-yet s-so..." He trailed off, looking at the knife in her hand. @Valkyre
Ooc: So wait... what happened with the Tabby x Cicero thing? Everyone just backed off I imagine? Because that's where my chars were last. X_X I'm tired...

Ooc:Uhh I think Matt still confused and Tab and Cicero are still in the room embarrased and Ocean and Nick saw also but walked away
Ella followed Shuzo's gaze to the knife she was holding, having forgotten it was there. "Sorry" she said and pocketed it again. "Which room number are you? The first number is the floor number and the rest are the room number, I think" she told him. It had worked for her room and Daniel's room.
Daniel opened the door to a young dark headed boy, probably about fifteen, he seemed frightened by Ella's knife. Daniel put his hand on Ella's, lowering her hand and the knife as the boy spoke. "Yeah, i think thats it" Daniel added as Ella explained how to find the room. He wanted to close the door so he could question Ella, her reaction to the knock was strange, Daniel, well he was an experiment but Ella- well, maybe she was too, as there had been a huge amount media attention on the topic recently. Daniel's paranoia started to rise as he examined the boy.
"I didn't want to interrupt your conversation..." He explained in a whisper and looked at derrick for a moment with a light blush.he had a hand on derrick's shoulder and suddenly leaned in giving him a light kiss but pulled away quickly afterwards with a sigh and a sad expression."sorry..I just.."

Matthew didn't give Tabby a chance to explain: There was nothing to explain anyway. Usually, the boy would've raised an eyebrow or shown some indication he was teasing her, but instead he just walked away, cursing something about "teenagers" and "condoms" under his breath. Tabby rolled her eyes. Now that everyone was gone, she could relax a bit more, but she knew it would still take a good hour or so before she could calm herself down again. Once she actually had the courage to face him after a few quiet deep breaths, Tabby gave Cicero a sort of sheepish, "We're guilty but it was fun anyway" smile. "I guess we should, um, stop for today." Tabitha murmured. She was trying to be serious, but that smile kept reappearing on her face no matter how much she had to hide it. She leaned forward just enough to give him a final peck on the lips, as if that was needed to officially declare the end to their romantic day. She got up and quickly put on a shirt, grabbing one for Matt too. Perhaps it was cowardly, but Tabitha found herself half-rushing to the door. She didn't want to face the seriousness of their... make-out session- not yet. It wasn't like it was bad, but it just felt... adult. She was sixteen still, but the fact she was so serious both shocked and scared her a little. She couldn't take about this though: Not yet. Not until they were in a safer place, a safer time in the long history she hoped they'd have together.

Ooc: X_X Not my best post, but romantic I think.​
"The next floor up then... Do you need me to come with you?" Ella asked, not sure why else Shuzo would still be there. Although, now she thought about it, he had seen her have a breakdown in a car park and then go to some strange man's room. Maybe he was trying to protect her. Ella smiled slightly at him. If so, that was sweet, but she didn't feel she needed protecting. Especially since Daniel had pulled away for some reason... That still bothered her. Had she done something wrong?
(Hope im not godmodding to much!)

Daniel's mind raced, Ella had said she was only passing through yet she knew this Shuzo. His heart pounded, had they found him? He quickly snatched at the knife in Ella's hand, ripping it away from her grip, since her guard was down, then he teleported and appeared behind Shuzo, holding the knife to his throat. "Who are you!" He yelled, yet in a strained voice. He felt odd, holding a knife to this young boy, he wasnt one for violence, he usually just ran away when things seemed off.
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"S-sure. I-If i-it's n-not t-too m-much t-trouble." Shuzo said, blushing slightly since he was kind of embarrassed about having to have someone accompany him to his room. It made him feel kind of like a little kid. @Valkyre
"Ok fine if we have too." He said with a fake pout face before smiling after Tab kissed again before disappearing through the door 'Well I guess I have to find Calvin and give him these bottles.' He told himself picking up the bottles and sticking them in his pockets before walking out of the room with a pink tint on his face hoping no one would notice it walking down to the lobby to see a giant hole in the wall he looked to see Ocean at the end of it he walked over to him with his hands in his pockets "Hey Ocean let me guess one of you smart ideas gone wrong?" He asked the boy chuckling a little
Shuzo gasped, and quickly dissapeared into the shadows using his power, now Daniel couldn't see him no matter how hard he looked. @JacobLoL
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Derrick frowns when he's kisses him, his face flushing red, but his chest feeling heavy. "Какие?" He says flustered. "Вы не можете...Просто..." The boy was so out of it in the moment, he found himself back in his native tongue. He hasn't even been kissed before, and somehow, with Vladimor on his mind, he felt guilty. Why? Vladimor wasn't interested in him...He was just a servant. It didn't matter. "Не....Not without my permission. This is violation." For some reason he felt scared and trembled. He looked up with a disapproving stare. Even someone as small and seemingly powerless, he looked (somewhat) threatening.

(Since he's speakin' Russian, here's the translation of those few words: "What? You can't...Just..." "Do not...Not without my permission )

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