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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Oh well come in then. It's just me, Leon, in here." Leon said as he got up, laid his beanie on the table, and opened the door. Leon smiled at Nick,"Come on in, what did you need anyways?" Leon left the door open and threw himself onto his bed, there wasn't much else for him to do aside from sit there. There was a chair and small desk in his room, but he had yet to find a use for them, The nightstand in his room had a old lamp in it along with Leon's beanie, which looked like it had seen some things. Leon straightened himself up a bit and continued,"Better be damn important for waking me up from a nice nap. The injured gotta sleep you know?"

"I am Specimen 24, but I rather you call me Nagato. Specimen 24 is my birth name that the scientist gave me. Why do you like bugging Cicero?" Nagato saw the door open in front of him and saw Leon. "How did you get injured, can't you heal your self?" He questioned Leon confused because he thought all the experiments shared his powers.

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Derrick was sort of lost at the comment, but when he looks outside, he finds away to turn the situation. (Just in case he was speaking of him!) "You mean the architecture of modern American cities? Yes, breath-taking indeed. The way they build here isn't too different than my home country. Maybe some things are simpler here than in other places. Russia, you'd think is nothing but snow and forest. It's mainly big, extravagant things." He laughs at the misconception, smiling when he gets his tea. "I'll be more considerate next time I take you somewhere. How about a movie? After that, we could head back to the hotel." He offers, glancing out the window once more before looking into Orious's captivating violet eyes.

Leon raised an eyebrow at the other stranger who had mentioned something about Leon being able to heal himself. Leon shook his head,"No...I can only turn into animals. I can't heal myself, as much as that would in handy. Why can you If you can you might be able to patch me up!" Leon was finally starting to get hopeful that there might be some hope that he may be able to shift and have fun with it once again. Leon mentally crossed his fingers as he awaited a response from what may be his only hope for a good while. 'Please be a healer, please be a healer, please be a healer, please...' were the same words that were constantly bouncing around in his head as he waited.

"Well Nagato I could care less about your birth name and I bug Cicero cause hes my brother and its easier then you think. Thanks Leon" He said while walking in "So exactly how did you get injured?" He asked the boy on the bed interested to hear this while taking the chair and sitting down 'This should be fun to hear.' He thought while sitting forward in the chair with no emotion what so ever in his face other then his eyes always looking like he wants to fight or attack someone
He just stared at him, for a moment. "I don't think I can heal you, I can heal myself by gathering energy. I have never tried to heal anyone else though and I don't a see a logical reason to heal you. I am sure you will be back to normal soon." Without the need for permission Nagato entered the room and sat on the floor studying the two faces of the other boys. Maybe the only way to study emotion was to force them to feel certain emotions. "I will make you a deal, I will attempt to heal you if you vow to help me." This made logical sense to him since he still needed to find his parents. (Anyone want to be his parent, since he was made in a test tube his parents can be anyone, even two boys :P )

@Cicero @Isune
Wyatt said:
He just stared at him, for a moment. "I don't think I can heal you, I can heal myself by gathering energy. I have never tried to heal anyone else though and I don't a see a logical reason to heal you. I am sure you will be back to normal soon." Without the need for permission Nagato entered the room and sat on the floor studying the two faces of the other boys. Maybe the only way to study emotion was to force them to feel certain emotions. "I will make you a deal, I will attempt to heal you if you vow to help me." This made logical sense to him since he still needed to find his parents. (Anyone want to be his parent, since he was made in a test tube his parents can be anyone, even two boys :P )
@Cicero @Isune
((OOC: I vote Vladimor and Matthew to be his mommy and daddy <3)
Ella blinked and slowly turned her gaze to Shuzo. It took her a moment to process the question and she shook her head. After a moment, she put the knife away since danger seemed to have passed. "I never seem to know what's going on around here" she sighed, wishing things were simpler.
((I third the vote!))

Leon let out a sigh,"So that's a no then?" Leon watched as the stranger entered his room and sat on the ground. When Nick entered and asked what happened Leon rolled up his pantleg to show off his semi-healed cuts,"Your 'brother' stabbed my clean through my leg when I fought back after he started kicking me in the stomach and the chest when I didn't move because I was sleeping. He thought it'd be a good idea to do something like that when I was a wolf, so I retaliated by tearing into his leg which leg to him stabbing me, but he's fine now. I still have damage on me, your brother's perfectly fine and honestly I'm not sure if he thinks he's in the right or the wrong but whatever it may be I want to strangle him!" Leon snapped out of his rage for a moment when the stranger made a proposition to him. Leon thought on it for a moment and nodded,"Let's do it, do you have any leads so far?"

@Wyatt @Cicero
"Y-yeah. I-it's pretty c-confusing s-sometimes." Shuzo said to Ella. "I-I'm s-sorry i-if I-I u-upset y-you e-earlier." Shuzo said, blushing a little. @Valkyre
Ella didn't know what to say to that. She was tired. She wanted something familiar. An order. Anything. Perhaps she should just go to bed, maybe she'd feel less dejected in the morning. "It's okay. Did you find your room yet?" she asked, no clue how much time had passed since she'd frozen uselessly. A lot of time could pass like that, she knew from previous experience.
Nagato gave Leon a fake smile, "I have no leads at all, everything we need to know is in my file but it was stolen from the facility." Nagato held up one of his hands attempting to gather energy, red particles flew into his hand forming a small ball of energy and it continued to grow the longer he held his hand up. He got up and walk to Leon placing his hand on his leg, not knowing he was inflicting pain and at the same time he couldn't care since he lack sympathy or any other emotions. (Who has all the files? :P )

"You want to strangle MY brother....your a dead man before you even think about it that's my job to injure my brothers not you." the boy said standing up and getting in Leon's face with one clear emotion rage and his eyes were more noticeably filled with rage then his face his eyes were like fire burning Leon alive "Have you ever heard of super human strength?" He asked Leon moving away from his face and then he heard Nagato talk "One second thought have fun with your friend here but if you ever so dare try to hurt my brother your a fucking dead man." He stated like a complete fact and to him it was Nick could possible kill someone if he hits them just right in the face or chest 'Why do did I protect him he stabbed the man I can't blame him for being mad....dang it this sucks.' He thought while walking back to his room regaining his composer
"N-no, I-I g-got d-distracted b-by t-the g-gunshots. B-But I-I t-think I-I k-know w-where t-to f-find i-it n-now." Shuzo said, looking up at Ella. @Valkyre
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Ella nodded slowly. "So you don't need my help any more? I think I'll go to bed then... I could do with some sleep. It's been a long day" she said and walked past Shuzo. Her expression was dazed but she had a vague direction at least. That made her feel slightly better. She'd even forgotten momentarily about the man that had kissed her that worked here.
Leon listened to Nick's rant and only shook his head. Why did he have to listen to this, why? Leon waited for him to finish before he turned to the stranger and nodded as he saw the red orb and mentally psyched himself up as he held out his leg. What Leon thought might be healing was just excruciating pain. Leon began to yell in pain,"It hurts, it hurts, god damn it get that thing off!" Leon pulled his leg away and held it close to him. It hurt...bad to say the absolute least. There was no way to describe such pain.

@Wyatt @Cicero
Wyatt said:
Ooc: @iiimee Do you mind if Matthew is one of his parents?
Ooc: Wait, does he recognize who his parents are? I suppose since age doesn't matter in regards to your character, Matt can be his child. xD #MamaMatt ...Now Idk where to jump back into the story, but I will in a second.
Ella soon reached her room but as her hand touched the door handle she hesitated, suddenly remembering what had almost happened and what had happened in places like this one before now. It seemed counter-intuitive but Ella suddenly found that she didn't want to be alone. Anyone could join her if she was alone. If she wasn't then at least she knew who might take advantage of her. She looked around, up and down the corridor for any sign of... well, anyone.
Nagato was confused when Leon pulled his leg away, "did it work? Even if it didn't you still agreed to help me and if you want I can try again." as a result of Leon moving his leg the energy that Nagato had acquired was gone, so he rose his hand again and began to acquire more energy incase Leon still wanted Nagato to try and heal him. It was difficult healing others he had discovered maybe this time it would work better. (@iiimee there are files on all of the characters and silver has most of them. It has been decide, Nagato's mummy and daddy are Vladimor and Matthew)

Leon stared at the ball of energy,"I have no idea if that help...I guess we try again..." Leon took a deep breath and held out his leg with a hand over his mouth. The pain last time was unbearable, hopefully this time it won't be that bad and maybe he'll actually be healed up this time. Leon wanted to get better, but was this really worth it?

Matthew was sleeping in the hallway corridor. It was already close to evening and Matt felt this day had been particularly uneventful. All that had happened today was he found out Izabell was a guy, Calvin was an ass, and Vladimor was still in a coma. He took another drink from the soda he had been holding- he hated Dr. Pepper, but with all things considered he didn't mind it nearly as much. He glanced around the hallway: There was barely anyone here, save for Ella. "You okay?" he asked the girl who had been standing there at her door for a while now.


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