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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Leon sighed as he left the room,"asshole" he then turned around and headed back to his own. He opened the door and shook his head at 24,"He's not going to tell me, you're gonna have to ask. Sorry." Leon sat back down on his bed and sighed, this was unbelievable. There were times where Leon wondered what that moron was thinking, it clearly wasn't much because of the way he acts.

Derrick laughs. "I always come to cut my fingers on them, I dislike that. And even with such protection, they're still much to fragile." Derrick spoke almost as if that were a metaphor, looking about to hide his eyes. "Red is a strange color, I'm not too proud of it." Even though this was true, Derrick smiles. "I appreciate that you find me interesting, I think the same of you. Honestly, I'm not very interesting. I'm too quiet and-and much too docile for my own good." The servant takes a sip his tea, reveling in the feeling of the warmth down his throat, humming in content. It was decent for American stuff, but was obviously cheap and wasn't brewed well. It didn't bother him too much.

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"Oh someone has files of us it was pretty funny to see what the scientist had to say about me but i'm still not saying a word of who let me see them." He stated stubbornly 'No matter what you do or who you get to ask me I won't say a word even if you get Tab my lips are sealed." He said smiling 'Wait oh am I suppose to lie or say no to Tab....well dang it' He thought mentally punching himself for being stupid enough to meantioning Tab. When Leon leaved Cicero let out a sigh in relief "Shuzo please don't ask Tab to make me get files please I don't care if you tell Leon but please don't." the boy pleaded to the little boy
Running quickly through the snow filled streets at a unimaginable speed, a feline looking tall male with raven colored hair had stopped in front of the hotel letting out a cold breath. He was covered in fresh blood both his and that of his prior attackers whom now laid dead a bit aways. His ears twitching and he walked forwards the hotel doors entering,his boots clicking on the ground and he touched his red collar scanning his surroundings with his dark red eyes.
Nagato found him after sometime, some how he managed to express genuine emotion or at least what looked like it. "Cicero, please you need to help me. I am trying to find my parents. I have never met them, I told that young boy all about it."

@Cicero @Ldybug123
Shuzo looked at Nagato. "I-is t-this a-about t-the f-files I-I've b-been h-hearing a-about? W-what a-are t-they f-for?" He asked Nagato and Cicero. @Wyatt @Cicero
Jihl pushed Vaidehi into their room before locking the door behind them. "Explain to me exactly what happened in there." She held Vaidehi at arms length to look at her, her tone serious.

Vaidehi sighed "Just a miscommunication nothing serious." She tried to calm Jihl down, patting her hands that were on her shoulders. She looked into Jihl's eyes showing her it was nothing, smiling as she felt the weight of Jihl's hands come off her shoulders. Backing up she unlocked the door and opened it. "I'm going to go watch the others. It will benefit us before we leave."

Jihl nodded and watched her go, following her out but only staying in the hall. She hovered around her door, sitting down as she looked up and down the halls quietly.
"Cool....well to be honest its not really my problem i know sounds like a jerk move but I don't really care only Shuzo knows how to actually make me tell you were the files are but hopefully he won't tell you." He said smiling even if it was fake it was still a smile right 'Dang it I have to make an excuse to leave so they will stop asking me.' He thought while trying to think of an excuse
"Well at the very least could you find mine, I saw you read your own. Mine could change my life. Shuzo if you want to help me you will have him tell me, if not my last option is ro go back and work for the scientists like I was made to do." He placed his left hand on his left leg waiting to see what would happen.

@Cicero @Ldybug123
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick laughs. "I always come to cut my fingers on them, I dislike that. And even with such protection, they're still much to fragile." Derrick spoke almost as if that were a metaphor, looking about to hide his eyes. "Red is a strange color, I'm not too proud of it." Even though this was true, Derrick smiles. "I appreciate that you find me interesting, I think the same of you. Honestly, I'm not very interesting. I'm too quiet and-and much too docile for my own good." The servant takes a sip his tea, reveling in the feeling of the warmth down his throat, humming in content. It was decent for American stuff, but was obviously cheap and wasn't brewed well. It didn't bother him too much.

"hmm..I like roses,they remind me of myself in a way..."He nodded quietly and then tilted his head to look at derrick."It's not so bad, I mean seriously at least your not having to worry about hurting people you care about....I mean I'd give anything to get to be human again if only for one day. I hate this body,this constant need to drink blood. I'd rather starve to death and poison myself from drinking from corpses before drinking from others.."He stated even truthfully telling derrick that the blood of a corpse was like swallowing poison since in truth it was rotten and made him terribly weak.it was obvious Orious has been trying to reject his own nature the whole time and he had been hiding the fact he was suffering from his choices even if he wouldn't admit it which thoroughly explained izabell always offering Ori her blood and him refusing it. Orious was actually sick and possibly dying.

(Explanation to Ori's suffering and actions)
Vaidehi made her way downstairs walking around the lobby watching the others quietly. She folded her hands behind her back, playing with her gloves. They were a bit too big for her, slumping around her wrists as she constantly tried to push them up to her elbows.

Jihl grew uneasy which was expected. Standing up, she decided to walk downstairs to find Vaidehi. Opting for the stairs instead of the elevator. She crossed her arms across her chest tightly as she walked uncomfortable in her surroundings. The things Cicero had told them seemed too good to be true, but for Vaidehi's sake she would stay here. The girl needed something stable in her life, who was she to tell her no.
Leon followed shortly behind and watched part of the confrontation unfold. Leon merely stood behind 24, not wanting to say a word but merely stood with his arms crossed. Leon had a favor to fulfill and he was going to do it once he was told where to go. Besides, Leon didn't want to loose 24, he wasn't used to this hotel yet and still needed to memorize the layout.
Nagato got tired trying to get answers from Cicero, and thought crossed his mind. Where is his file now? Maybe it is where he was reading it, why don't I check there. Hum... maybe it would be fun to torture Cicero some, his brother is asleep. "NICK WAKE UP!" Nagato yelled, he then sent a small unnoticeable source of energy to shock Nick. Lastly Nagato slammed the door. He saw Leon and grabbed his hand. "We should get out of here."

@Cicero @Isune
Leon quickly ran behind 24 as they rounded a corner. Leon finally slowed down and looked t 24,"What's your name anyways? You already know mine, I'm sure you heard it while me and Nick were talking." Once Leon felt like he had ran far enough he slowed down and awaited 24's answer. Leon was starting to think that he had made a new friend.

Nick nearly fell out of the bed by someone yelling "WHAT WHO THE HELL DID THAT!?"He yelled looking around to see Cicero and Shuzo in the room he was giving them the dead eye "So you guys think its funny was it you?" He asked making his way to them pointing at Cicero "Or was it you?" He said looking at Shuzo

"Nick back off it was it us it was the Nagato guy that just left the room because I didn't want to tell him about something he wanted so get lost and punch him instead I for once ain't going to stop you." Cicero said grabbing Shuzo's hand and headed toward the door "Shuzo trust me he acts tuff but he won't hurt you guys only me and Ocean you guys have nothing to worry about ok." He told Shuzo trying to reassure him while smiling
"My birth name is Specimen 24, but the scientist gave me that name. I call my self Nagato." He held knees and tried to catch his breath after all the running. "I think I know where the files are, if we do find them please don't read any. It could be hurtful. There may be things that ruin others lives." He then began to lead Leon where he had seen the Cicero kid read his own file.

ooc: okay so mew just entered the hotel,izebell is sitting at the desk and napping,and orious is out with derrick.....somebody plz respond to me... i feel a little left out :c)
Leon nodded,"Of course, I'm not heartless Nagato. I don't even want to look at my own to be honest. I already know all my information. Like the fact I can transform into animals. Like this." And just like that, Leon shifted into a small dog and let out a tiny bark before shifting back to his normal form and smiling as he continued to follow behind Nagato.

(yes!! anyone is fine,i just really really wanna rp and ori is preoccpied by his "date" while i have two free charas)
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Ooc:The infamous Cicero is here to help

Cicero walked down to the lobby but seen Nagato and Leon on the way down so as he passed Nagato he punched him in the side as hard as he could and continued to walk smiling when he got to the lobby he seen someone on the desk "Uhh hello." The boy said walking up the person confused on when the person got here"Who are you exactly I'm Cicero nice to meet you." He said smiling and returning to his happy self

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