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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

On the way there Cicero punch Nagato, "I think I don't like him, but if that is the case he is the only person thus far to get me to feel a new emotion which also makes grateful. Awe I am so confused." In a quick second he found the spot. "Here we are this is the place." He quickly found the bag that the files in them and he began to look through them trying to find his own.

(Try to find someone and interact with them, don't wait for someone else.)

Leon stood behind Nagato as he got punched and only rolled his eyes,"Yeah, welcome to my world." Once they made it to the spot Leon relaxed and waited for Nagato to finish up. He smiled as he watched and remarked,"So I guess this makes us friends now huh?" Leon asked with a smile as watched the pile of files grow larger as Nagato continued his search.

standing there mew looked down to cicero with his deep red eyes and his black ears twitching as he tilted his head sniffing,making his way to the other male with a curious look. "my name....it is mew." the cat boy mumured tilting his head and circled him like a animal,his fluffy raven colored tail flicking behind his and swishing as if it followed his movements. mew was quickly walked around him and stopped to poke at cicero's ears curiously. he never seen somebody like himself before...is was a odd... "you are like me??"
It took a while for Nagato to find his file and he didn't respond to Leon right away ", I suppose you can call us that. It would be better to stick together, you know people better than I do." He then began to read his file aloud for Leon to hear.

Specimen 24

November 23

We began the experiment to create life, as of yet we cannot create new genetic information concerning the human structure and had to acquire DNA samples from some of our other experiments. The other experiments have been failures thus far and it was difficult to find worthy dna, in fact we had to make due with what we had. We are hoping to acquire dna from this experiment to make a more suitable species. We used two male samples in order to create this subject and the parents of this experiment are Vladimor King and Matthew Branch Wise...

"If you mean a Neko then yep I also have two brothers that are also nekos so what brought you here?" He asked the blacked hair boy 'To think the scientist had more then three nekos in the program well either way its cool to meet another one and talk to them and learn how their experience as a neko other then having to listen to Ocean or Nick tell their stories which never the less would be BORING to hear.' He said laughing a little
Leon listened attentively as he heard the names being read off,"Matthew....and Vladimor? I know both of them." Leon sighed a little,"I'm not sure you'll like Matthew, but I can assure that Vladimor is a lot better personality wise." Leon had no idea where the two were now, but he was at least happy as to who Nagato was designed after. Then it hit Leon, did Nagato not know what emotions are? It sounded odd, but Leon remember hearing Nagato talk about learning a new emotion. Leon thought about it for a moment before putting a hand on Nagato's shoulder,"Hey do you need to learn what emotions are? I can teach you about them if you want."

"I was born in a test tube for two years and learned what they wanted me to learn. One of things was not emotions, it is easier to control someone that has no emotions. Some how when they had ordered me to attack other experiments I felt sympathy and I ran away. However, that was one of the last times I truly felt an emotion. I love help, but it isn't as easy as you may thing." Nagato put his file in one of his pockets folding it up. "We you want to help me find my parents?"

mew's ears twitched and he tilted his head thinking quickly before answering simply. "they bought me from the Japanese government,i was created outside the program. my mother was even a scientist who volunteered in my creation...i was being transferred over to the new labtory and i took the chance to leave when i got it...i was in the area and i followed the scent of others i saw.."
"I can certainly try to help you with emotions Nagato, just ask," Said Leon "Yeah, I know both of your parents, I'll help you find them. It's the least I can do to help you out." Leon got up and motioned for Nagato to followed,"Both of them have got to be around here somewhere, I know it!"

Sage slowly opened his eyes and got up. He leaned against the hallway wall before he began walking. He walked past leon without glancing at him.
"The Japanese government and your mom was a scientist...that must suck well at least your with other like you right." He said while his tail swayed around his back moving randomly and like it had a brain of its own but Cicero ignored it and smiled at the neko in front of him "Anyways do you want to meet my older brother Nick? He was a very short temper but he shouldn't hurt you." the boy said while walking to the elevator calling it and went in waiting for Mew before clicking the button
"Who was that? Anyways, thank you for the help. I heard somewhere that you should say thank you when someone helps you." Nagato continued to follow Leon hoping that he might find his parents.

Shuzo ran up to Nagato "W-where d-did y-you f-find y-your f-file?" He asked, he wanted to know what was in his. @Wyatt
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mew blinked, his ears perking up and he followed quickly his boot heels clicking on the floor as he headed into the elevator and stood next to cicero. "i guess.."
"Ok then second floor it is." He said excitedly eager to see the look on Nick's face when he sees Mew when they got to the second floor Cicero pretty much ran to his door and opened it "Hey Nick I have someone you will be surprised to see." He said walking into the room to see Nick on his bed reading a book 'Surprised he can read.' He thought to himself while he walked up to him

"What do you want brat and who will I be surpr..." He trailed off when he seen Mew "Is he like us you know a neko?" He whispered to Cicero but managing to keep a straight face
"You say that as if it's actually posionous to you?" He taps the table, taking another sip. "There's a part in every human's body made to filter the iron from blood to prevent it from killing you. Though it must be different from you. I suppose dead blood isn't particularly healthy? And eating something dead on the ground isn't particularily healthy, either. I think of your wording, and just might understand." Derrick frowns at a half empty cup, but won't get a refill. He feels bad enough that his vampiric friend cannot ingest something like this. "Like I said, if you ever need, I'm here. I have the PV disease, so really, a little bit less of blood would be better for me." The pale servant boy leans forward, a cute irresistable smile on his face. "Would you like a meal? We could head back now and you can help yourself to me."

Nagato looked at Shuzo, he hadn't help him so why should he tell him it didn't have any strategic use or did it. "It told me my parents were Matthew and Vladimor. Leon and I are currently looking for them do you know where they are." Nagato could see the struggle Leon was having trying to find his parents maybe Shuzo knew where one of them where.

@Isune @Ldybug123
Shuzo looked at Nagato. "T-They're b-both i-in t-this h-hotel. I-I t-think V-Vladimor i-is i-in a-a c-coma t-though. I-I'll h-help y-you f-find t-them." He said. @Wyatt
mew's ears twitched and he looked at nick tilting his head, his collar jingled and he stepped closer blinking. "greetings...i am mew.." he said simply in a soft voice,his tail swishing side to side curiously.
"You're finished, Naomi. Everything's reacting extremely well." Calvin had tuned out the entire building during the time he had been busy with Naomi's blood work, and nobody had bothered him. The girl grinned happily at the news, but her excitement reached new heights when she heard Calvin's next words.

"The new formula is integrating itself perfectly into your DNA and such. It's stabilizing everything. It seems you'll no longer suffer from that dreaded cough of yours."

"Speaking of dreaded things, Cal, yours hasn't happened in a long time."

"I understand that, child. The trade-off is quite unpleasant." Naomi waited for more to be said, but Calvin refused to go on.

"Be careful, Cal."

"Since when am I not?"

Naomi gave a half-glare in his direction; the scientist met it with calm eyes.

"Do not worry about me."

Naomi nodded and left the room, wandering about and finding several members of the group--and one or two new ones, it seemed--searching for someone. "Who're you guys looking for?"

(We'll pretend that Cicero found out Calvin was busy and just asked Cryx to request Calvin to go to him ._.)


"What do you want?"

Cryx had made her way to Calvin's room--which doubled as his sort of lab--as soon as Naomi had left.

"Cicero wants to see you. Says he has something you need to see."

"What did that idiot find, and why should it be important to me?" Calvin wasn't about to be dragged out of his work for a mere scrape.

"He wouldn't tell me. It seems important, and I suggest you go. And don't forget, Vlad still lies-"

"I'm working on it, woman, and I could do without you interrupting me!"

Cryx frowned, and she felt the venom of anger rising to the forefront of her mind. Calvin was always short-tempered, but this was too much.

"I bet you wouldn't act this way if I was your precious daughter, or your stupid crush."

SMACK! Cryx stumbled back, eyes narrowed warily. "It's not right to hit a woman."

"Well, it's a good thing you're nothing but scum, then!" Calvin seemed ready to leave the room, but before he could, he doubled over in a fit of coughing. Cryx wasn't surprised--Calvin's attacks had been long overdue--and she rushed over to the main kit on his desk.

"Which color?"

"B-Blue.." Cryx nodded, grabbing a blue vial from the kit and one of the syringes. She filled it, and injected the mixture to where Calvin's middle finger tapped. It took a moment, but eventually the coughing slowed and Calvin could breathe again.

Without saying another word, Calvin left to search for Cicero.

Calvin eventually found Cicero, in his room with his brothers and
another cat-person. He ignored them all, approaching Cicero.

"You have something I need to see?"

orious looks down his face becoming a bright pink,swallowing nervously and looked down at his hands in his lap. "...no. i couldn't..are you sure.." he looked up with unsure with a torn look in his eyes and he didn't know what to do. ori didn't like drinking blood even though he needed it and was getting sick at the rate he was going at with this. to make matters even more for him was he craved derrick's blood highly for some reason,he could always smell it and yet it also made ori more afraid of himself. what if he hurt him? if somthing happened to him....ori didn't think he could handle it. the vampire licked his lips. "i guess if you'll let me.."
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For some reason, Derrick was excited about this. He wasn't thinking about the pain, or even just the general feel of getting his blood sucked from his body. He quickly downs the rest of his drink, leaving the money on the table before he grabs Orious' wrist as he did earlier. "Come on, come on!" His says hastily. He wasn't sure why the idea was so enthralling to him, but either way, it couldn't hurt to try new things even if it meant having a vampire drink your blood! "Do you already have a room? It'd feel a little awkward doing something like this in front of everyone else." He admits shyly as if this were some intimate thing.


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