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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Did I do something wrong? Why is the world so confusing? The scientist really tried hard to keep me and I figured that meeting my parents would undo some of their programing." Nagato stopped talking in his emotionless voice and then looked her in the eyes to try and understand what she was felling with him. "Are you mad at me? Why have you brought me here?" He sat down on the floor waiting for something to happen. Everything was changing for better or for worse, he did not know. He didn't quite understand the difference between right and wrong which was the reason why he was slow to help someone unless he could gain something out of it.

Derrick was pulled from his half-sleep stupor by Calvin's words. When he looks at the syringe, his brow furrows in distrust. Then he looks at his Lord with conflicted eyes, then back again. "I-..." He stands, giving a burdened sigh. Vladimor himself wasn't showing any sign of waking up, so what real choice did he have? The servant didn't feel as if he should take something like this into his own hands. "Go ahead, but if that more harm to his body than good, I will make sure I have every single one of you tracked down and executed in front of me and all his people, no exceptions." Derrick's words were smooth and gentle, but were nothing but rose buses; veiled in thorns. He closes his eyes, stepping aside. There was no need for words like those, but for some reason, this made Derrick feel threatened and scared. These were all dangerous experiments who are running from the cops. Besides Vladimor residing with them, what really is there to trust. "If he's fine, I'll owe you something grand." He'll sit and watch.


Matthew didn't look up at first. He was running his hands along the carpet flooring, pulling out the tiniest strands in the process. When he did look up though, he had the most pathetic look on his face. He wasn't crying, but there was no way to hide the shock or the hurt that was clear as day in his ember brown eyes. "Please tell me it isn't true." he whimpered. At this moment in the boy's life, he didn't care how he was perceived. All he could focus on were the facts that he had a son, and that this meant he had a pretty permanent connection to Vladimor, or at least how permanent a human life was. He knew exactly what the paper said, but he still felt like there had to be a better explanation. Maybe he read the it wrong. He wanted her to tell him that was the truth behind this- that this was just some horrible joke, but he knew he couldn't hope for such a thing. The document had explained the situation as clear as day. "Bring Calvin if you want..." the boy finally mumbled, hanging his head and closing his eyes. At first glance, he almost looked resigned to the facts, but this was far from true. He was simply in shock right now, and willing to do anything to change the past, if he could. He knew the boy didn't deserve this either, but did the boy even feel emotion? He sounded close to, if not completely calm when he said that he was Matt's son. Matthew was on the verge of tears, but he refused to let them fall. He was still an experiment, at the end of the day, and experiments didn't have the right to cry.

Tabitha ran with the boy until they reached the end of the hallway. When they did, she turned and answered his questions. "I'm not mad at you- Matt's not either." she clarified briefly, before trying to figure out what to say. What were the right words. She looked at her hands, before continuing. "Matthew's... well, he has had a difficult past with the other boy you mentioned. If I had to describe them as anything, it'd be star-crossed lovers. You did nothing wrong, but Matt... Well, Matthew struggles with his relationships enough as it is, and you really complicated them." Tabby gave the boy a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand. His facial expressions didn't really change much, but she just figured that was due to his own shock. This was a big deal for most people, after all. "Matt's really not a bad guy, and I'm sure he'll love hanging out with you! Just... give him some time." She sighed, looking down at the ground with a sad expression. Matthew had wanted to leave before because he was afraid of getting attached to people who were going to die, and already his assumption was proving to be true: Vladimor was in a coma, and now Matt learned he had a son with the person he was secretly in love with, knowing they might die... She almost regretted not letting him leave, but she knew it wasn't just her that made him stay. Calvin was responsible too.​
orious stirred awake once more after his sleep only to find izabell standing on the other side of his room sitting on the dresser with her/his legs crossed. "what do you need izzy? i'm not in the mood for games..." he mumbled and got up changing his clothes. izbell sighed. "you're forgetting your place again. if the higher ups find out they'll be mad..."she warned and with that he shrugged her off. "don't worry...just don't tell them..also get your ass out of my room izzy." he groweled and changed his clothes before picking up the shirt derrick had left behind as well as a blanket and hurried off downstairs quietly stopping seeing derrick and calvin.
"You will owe me nothing, and if something happens to him I will fix it. Either I act and he might die, or I do nothing and he does die." Calvin pushed up one of the noble's sleeves, peeling off a band-aid that had been there from when his blood had been drawn and injecting the mixture, pulling the needle away and swabbing the area. He was done in a matter of seconds, cleaning everything up and setting a different band-aid on the area.

"You know him better than anyone else. If you report anything strange, let me know immediately, no matter how mad I am or if I'm sleeping." With that, Calvin left, heading back to his room and then going to look for Naomi. He needed to talk to her.

Calvin eventually found Naomi, after a while of wandering; she was leaning into Matthew's doorway. Calvin stepped into the doorway, looking inside to the trembling Matthew.

"Are you okay?" was his first question, but he quickly realized that it wasn't the time for games. Naomi managed to make herself scarce the moment Calvin entered Matt's room. He didn't even ask what was wrong, just sat next to the other boy and pulled him into a hug.

"You can tell me if you want, but you don't have to," he murmured, dropping his usual act.

Perhaps Naomi's previous thoughts on the relationship between her and Calvin were wrong. It wasn't a fatherly instinct that would have kicked in.

Calvin was sensitive in his own right, he was just a lot better at hiding it at times. With his actions towards Matt, Naomi realized that Calvin truly cared; not through a fake relationship made for her own sake, but because he wanted to fix all he had done.

"This makes me wonder if you're not the child of Velveeta Mac n' Cheese and their choice for a one-night stand, 'Crack.' Sheesh, Cal.." she muttered.
"Is this what most two years experience? It is quite confusing and before I got here everything seemed clear and direct." Nagato did not know what he should be feeling, would a normal child feel happy or mad. How would they behave, should he behave like a brat to get attention is this what a normal child would do. "Where is my other father? I would like to see both of them together." He got up and squeezed her hand like a little child would hoping that she would take him to them.


Matthew didn't question it when Calvin pulled him into a hug. He was too confused, too heartbroken to. "You know what's wrong, don't you?" he whimpered. His head was on the other boy's shoulder, his arms wrapped around Calvin just like Calvin's arms were wrapped around him. He cried for what seemed like ages. Before this moment, he felt like he didn't know Calvin well, but now he was sure he understood: Calvin was a kind man, and somebody who would even look out for a total bitch like Matthew, if Matt needed the attention. He knew there were more important matters to discuss. Vladimor was still in a coma, and the group was still running from the police, but for now Matthew let himself be a little bit selfish and have Calvin hold him close. Eventually he stopped crying, but the tears were still on his face. None of this was fair, but it hadn't been fair from the beginning. If somebody was there for Matt, even if it was just for a few moments, Matthew believed he could survive. "Thank you." he mumbled, pulling away just enough to see Calvin's face. He wanted to know what the scientist thought of him, after having seen the boy get emotional time and time again.

"Most two year olds are barely aware of their emotions: Consider yourself special." Tabitha told him, letting the boy take her hand. She led him to the elevator and pushed the button. After a minute, it opened and they got in. She pushed the lobby button, before glancing at him. She wasn't sure how exactly to say it, but she had to. "Your other father... he's asleep. He has been for a few days, and we don't know when he'll wake up. You can handle that, right?" she asked. She would comfort him, but after Matt's breakdown the last thing she wanted was another group member to break out into tears. She hated to even think it, but sometimes she liked the cold side of Matthew better: It was easier to deal with when dangerous events occurred. The door opened and she silently walked over to the couch where Vladimor laid. The sight never ceased to both strike her curiosity and worry her. She had never seen somebody in comatose before, but that didn't mean she ever wanted to again.​
orious approached derrick with a extra blanket and the shirt he left behind. "hey..thought you might need these..it's kinda chilly down here." he said quietly and stood infront of him. "also,again thanks for earlier." he mumured.
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Calvin shrugged. "I have somewhat of an idea, if only through my snooping in the database of those who created you." Calvin gave a sort of half-smile when Matthew looked up at him, nodding in response to his thanks. "Any time you need me, Matthew, you just tell me."

Calvin would never admit how confused he was by the ease with which he understood his emotions for Matt, nor how hard it was for him to truly accept it. They were running away, he shouldn't be chasing some stupid romance! That's what his mind said. But his heart said to get some rest for once, let himself relax mentally.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Calvin would somewhat be able to relate, perhaps; he was sort of in the opposite position of Matthew, knowing but finding himself unable to tell. He knew how much of a relief telling--or, in Matthew's case, finding out--would be, yet still refused himself that comfort. Whereas Matthew simply was unable to find out, however, Calvin straight out refused to say anything; selfish, perhaps, but he was truly scared of what might happen when Naomi came to that realization.

It seemed that a large number of their group had trouble with emotions.
Derrick sighs and thanks Calvin when he leaves. He looks at Vladimor's body and wonders how long this will take until he'll actually be able to act once more. He pushes his fingers through tangles of blonde hair, which much to his dismay, fall back into his face. He was startled when Orious showed up, looking at his shirt and blanket. "Oh, thank you very much. I appreciate this gesture." He says, taking his shirt and wearing it once more, along with the blanket which he drapes around his shoulders. "How do you feel?" He asks Orious, picking their bag up from the end of the couch that Vladimor didn't take up. He two fingers on his neck, a hopeful smile on his face when it was much stronger than last time he checked. So far so good. He sits on his knees, turning to Orious looking up at him.

Nagato looked at the motionless body not knowing what had become of him and sat next to him. There were other people around but Nagato had no reason to speak to them rather he looked at his father. "This is him? When will he wake up?" Nagato asked the women once more. He looked Vladimor in his closed eyes and placed his head against his father.
Derrick narrows his eyes, getting back up to address the boy who was too close to Vladimor. "Excuse me, sir." He says bitterly, "I do not believe you should be so close to Lord Vladimor like that. It's much too disrespectful." He takes a step forward, a sort of hostile look in his eyes.

orious had his hands in his pockets and smiled a little for a change."a bit better than before..."he responded as he watched derrick tend to his master. the vampire then noticed the stranger becoming quiet and let derrick do his job.

Matthew felt his heart race at Calvin's offer. He was so close that he could smell the boy's breath. "I- yes." Matthew answered, looking down. Maybe it was just hormones, but the fact they were so close made him a little nervous. He didn't move away however. He frowned for a second, thinking of what to say. It wasn't like he had planned a speech, considering he just figured this out, but he needed to say something. If he didn't, Calvin would leave him, and right now he couldn't be alone. "I'm..." He gulped. "Afraid of being alone, but what scares me more is getting close to somebody." He looked down at his hands which were in his lap. "Do you understand that Calvin? I don't know you very well, but I hope I make sense to you." Tears sprung back into Matt's eyes, but only for a second. He was calming down, now that his thoughts were actually getting out there to someone. His face was a little red due to his embarrassment, but he kept talking. He had to say this now, before anything else happened to them. There was too much chaos in their lives to let this moment die. "Can you-" the tears in his eyes slid down his face again, but no more came. He closed his eyes, expecting to get laughed at. "Can you tell me what you think of me?" This last sentence came out much more quieter than Matt had expected, but he didn't notice. He simply awaited Calvin's answer with the naivety of a boy with his first crush. Calvin wasn't his first crush of course, but he was probably Matthew's second or third, not that Matt wanted to admit he had a crush on anyone. Not now, when his heart was so sensitive and easy to break.

"Leave him alone." Tabby commanded Derrick, before looking at the boy who was practically embracing his unconscious father. "As I said, we don't know when he'll wake up, but when he does I'm sure he'll be very surprised to hear he's a father." Tabitha said happily. She could care less about Derrick's next reaction: Right now was this boy's moment to get used to having a family, and she would never take that away from him.​
Nagato quickly withdrew the short sword that was attached to his leg, one thing that he had learned was that he should defend himself when someone threatened him. He stood in front of the man ready to fight. if Nagato withdrew his long blade the man would be face the wrath that the scientist created, which meant the odds where not in the mans favor.
Tabitha raised her hands as a sign of peace, but quickly stepped between the two of them, facing Nagato. "Hey, hey, he's really not the violent type. Let's just relax okay...?" She was trying to ease the tension, but it was clear from her facial expressions that she was nervous. She didn't want to get stabbed, but she'd be willing to take the risk if she could stop a fight. She pointed toward Vladimor. "He can hear us still, right Derrick?" she said, glancing back at the boy from the corner of her eye. She hoped that maybe that small fact would help the boy restrain himself, in case he wanted to look good in front of his father. Children cared about what their parents thought of them, right? She knew she did when she was young, but that seemed like it was ages ago now.

Derrick had a confused looked on his face before he shook his head. "Impossible," He growls out, reaching for the piece of metal attached to his belt. "Implausible! Absolutely absurd!" Seems like he struck a nerve? With a swift movement, the foot long object switches out into a sword, it's carbon steel glinting in the shabby hotel light. "When you're comatose you constantly slip in and out of darkness. What you hear is muffled and barely manageable." He tells her, truthfully. "There's a chance he's completely in the dark. Either way, Lord Vladimor is only 17, and any child he would have produced would be much younger than...this." He points a sword at the boy offensively, barring his teeth. "I'm tired of you filthy lab rats putting your disgusting paws all over him! He deserves better!" It was almost humourous how he denied Vladimor himself as an experiment.

Tabby frowned, clearly hurt by his words, but she kept herself from acting emotional. If she wasn't calm about this, things would only get worse. "I thought you said he heard you before. It's entirely possible right?" She turned around so that she was now facing the more emotional of the two boys: Derrick. "If you let me explain, I will. Just please put down the weapon." She felt minor pain due to the way Derrick was raising his voice, but unless he was flat-out yelling she'd be okay. She looked back behind her again, toward Ori, who had just confiscated the other boy's weapon. They wouldn't fight here, would they? She wasn't just confirmed for them or herself, but for Vladimor, who wasn't able to retreat out of danger in the state he was in.

Calvin nodded in response to Matt's first question. "I do. I won't be dying any time soon," Calvin said, but he didn't promise. He wouldn't admit to the death slowly beginning to creep through his veins, because Matt didn't need to put up with that. Instead, to comfort himself, Calvin dropped his head down to rest it on Matt's shoulder.

The boy's next question caught him off guard.

"What do you think I think?" he replied, a slight grin creeping onto his lips. He reached up with a napkin he had pulled out of a pocket (because logic) and wiped at the tears on Matt's face, laughing a bit.

"Are we all reduced to stammering schoolgirls at the thought of those we love?" he asked, voice filled with amusement.

Thoughts raced through his head, mostly those of a teenager. Okay, his mental maturing hadn't been
that delayed, had it? Most of the thoughts was fairly mindless wondering, like Does he really like me? and Will things ever work out? The main thing that caught his attention was happiness; happiness because of Matt's calming down; happiness because he was actually coming to terms with how he felt for once; happiness because maybe, maybe in the end things would work out.

When he felt a sudden sting on his left wrist, much of his hope dropped off. The stupid pain was back, and with it the discoloration, and the prospect of death. But, Calvin found it easy to force these thoughts aside, and make way for something that was so much better.

He could get through this; he had help: Matthew.
Nagato quickly swiped the blade back from the vampire. "I am afraid you do not understand me. Unless you want to die I would stay put if I were you. And you Derrick put that thing down unless you are your self ready to die." Nagato pulled out his long sword from his back and swung it towards the vampire's neck just stopping short. Nagato forced his energy into the sword and it was as thought he was holding a miniature sun in his hand. "Just to make sure you don't try anything funny." Then his energy began to surround him as well glowing a blow color which indicated that he was making himself faster. "Who would have thought I would be forced to do the scientists' biding by experiments. I think this is what you would call irony."
(ooc: btw challenging orious is about the most stupid thing anyone can do....he doesn't typcially enjoy fighting but be warned that he is one of the most powerful out of all of the characters..)

ori shook his head annoyed and defiantly unfazed by the child's threats. "honestly boy, i understand you have no common sense." he said and placed a hand on the weapon grasping it and it shattered into a million pieces. "now, play nice. i don't take lightly to fighting here,this is a safe haven not a battle area! " he stated and with that he shook his head. "now then unlike you i don't go around challenging whoever i feel like annoying..." he muttered his good mood gone then turned to derrick. "let's go get some fresh air...you could use some time to think."
Derrick snarls at the boy's tone, his anger towards him blocking out Tabitha's words. "I'm tired of all of you..." He says lowly, eyeing the boy as he swung for Orious neck. "He's good with sword control, I'm not sure if that's from natural ability or the tests...and with him being an experiment, there's no chance I'll be able to beat him...I'm sorry...Vladimor." Derrick's grip tightens on the hilt of his own sword. He looks over to Vladimor, giving a slow, long breath. "My name is Derrick, and I am a servant to the King household." He said it as if he knew it'd be his last time saying it. "I've expended my usefulness to him anyways." Derrick says quietly, raising his sword-

A sudden outburst of coughing quickly gains Derrick's attention. "Ghh- Derri-" It's Vladimor. He rolls off the couch, and onto his hands and knees, doubled over on the floor. "My...my inhaler?" He whines out pitifully, tears in his eyes as he clutches his chest. There's an incredible amount of wheezing and coughing. Derrick drops his sword without a second thought, digging in the front section of his bag, getting out just what he asked for. With haste, he delivers the inhaler to him. (He debated over bringing the item since it's been so long, but thank god he did.) Derrick's burden was lifted as he watches Vladimor push down on the canister as he watches him breathe in. A little bit of time passes and Vladimor is just laying on the floor, tears sliding down his face. "Why does it hurt so much..." The noble says softly, scratching along his arms, leaving bright red marks in his nail's trail. He curls up so pitifully and holds on so tight, but nothing made it feel better. Derrick couldn't particularly comprehend what was wrong with him, so in fear, he could only watch.


Matthew's eyes had a wide, surprisingly innocent look on them as Calvin wiped his tears away, and mentioned what it was like to love somebody. The boy wasn't a poet, but he understood the romanticized words clear as day. "Love makes you nervous." he thought, all the while staring at the scientist with a sort of surprised, almost expectant look on his face. Did he love Calvin? He had felt like he barely had a grasp on the concept of love before, but now here this man was explaining it to him, clear as day. He felt himself lean in, tilting his head ever so slightly and brushing his lips against the side of the other young man's face. He didn't go farther than that slight touch, which made it unclear if it even counted as a kiss. "Thank you." he said again, in a voice barely above a whisper. There were definitely more romantic things that have been said at a time like this in history, but surprisingly even those small words felt intimate, at least to Matt. Before anything more could be said however, Matthew was getting to his feet and walking out of the door without another word. It wasn't like he wasn't curious what would happen if he stuck around, but Matt needed to sort out his thoughts. He looked for the nearest room that hadn't been rented out and locked himself in there, taking several moments before he even allowed himself to breathe. "What am I doing?" he wondered. His thoughts were going back and forth between every recent event he could think of. Vladimor was in a coma. He nearly just kissed Calvin. His best friend is getting serious with her boyfriend. He and Vladimor had a son, and all the while they were still hiding from the police. In the past he'd have curled up and prepared to let himself die, but Matt didn't feel like he could do that now. He knew he didn't have the luxury of pretending his life didn't matter anymore- not when his was so entangled with the lives of others.

Tabitha watched in astonishment as Vladimor rolls off the bed by himself. The boy had regained consciousness! She was so overjoyed that at first all she did was jump up and down like an idiot- until she remembered the situation her best friend was in. "Matt! Come here!" she screamed, running excitedly toward the elevator, knowing fully well that the boy couldn't hear her since he was up a whole floor. She hurt her own ears screaming, but she didn't care: Matthew finally had the person he had been dying to talk to forever back, and that was all that mattered to her right now. She could barely wait until the elevator opened, and then when it was slowly going up to the next floor. She needed to tell him now, before anything else happened.

Ooc: @mewbot5408 I am okay with your character being extremely good at fighting, but just for fairness in this RP remember they're not invincible k? Like, I don't mind the sword thing at all, I'm just saying let it be POSSIBLE for other characters to defeat yours. Just a reminder, sorry if I'm annoying!​
((OOC:Vladimor wakes up, has an asthma attack, and is on the ground curled up and crying and Tabitha is fucking fangirling. What a time to be alive.))

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