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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC:Vladimor wakes up, has an asthma attack, and is on the ground curled up and crying and Tabitha is fucking fangirling. What a time to be alive.))


Ooc: Tabitha's more emotional than logical, to put it simply.​
Cicero heard Tab screaming he was pretty sure everyone in the building asleep or not could hear it he walked down the stairs to see Calvin and Matthew "Do you guys know why Tab's screaming?" He asked them confused more then ever and for some reason yawing but ignored it and started eating a cookie thinking that could help

Nick walked almost ran up to Cicero and but him in a headlock making Cicero choke on his cookie for a second and running his other hand through his hair tiredly "Hey brat do me a favor shut your girlfriend up I don't care if you make out with he again just shut her up." Nick said sternly with anger writing all of his face and clear in his voice he was pissed and more then usual this is the second time he was woken up by someone yelling and he was feed up with it and since he couldn't hit a girl it surprise everyone when he says that just because he keep his face emotionless doesn't mean he doesn't have morals he lives by he just hoped Cicero and Ocean at least had decent ones at the lest
(ooc: i know. he's extremly powerful but orious ignores pain too much for his own good. truth is he gets hurt all the time and doesn't feed properly. somtimes to the point where he gets close to death and yet he pretends as if he's fine. ori typcially dislikes fighting so he rarely uses his powers. let alone him being one of the most powerful ones doesn't mean he doesn't suffer at all,he just trys ignoring it and it gets worse)

orious sighed relieved for some reason but the notices the pain vlad was in and rushed over. "crap! hang in there!!" and with that ori began to tend to vlad helping him to the best of his ability.
Nagato quickly gather the shards of his sword, "this is one of the toughest metals on the earth, near indestructible. But when you know how to manipulate it is easy to bend it to your will." He shot his energy into the pieces and they began to glow red hot, which began to burn his hand. He then quickly put the pieces back together reforming the blade. Once the sword was "remade" he put it back into his sheath. He looked at his hands and saw that they were severally burned. "Well this is a burden, I see no point in staying here. My parents seem to have nothing to offer me, maybe life with the scientist was better." He returned his other sword to it's sheath and then used a large portion of his remaining energy to create a diversion, a smoke cloud. Thankfully for him the speed energy was still on him and he away from the hotel. He stopped outside of the town and use the last of his energy to restore his hands back to normal. Why should Nagato return to the scientist, he had lived that life. There was one life that he still hadn't tried. He hadn't tried dying. He took his short sword out and held it in his hand debating.

(Nagato is also quite powerful due to his energy, the more he has the stronger he is. Don't underestimate him)
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Ooc: @Cicero , Matthew went into a different room from Calvin after what happened, but I'll pretend you were just talking to Matt.

xD Also, Nick won't hit a chick now? Wow, for 1. he's much too late for that considering he broke her wrist earlier and 2. that's pretty sexist, lol.

Bic: Matthew just barely managed to hear Tabitha's calls for him when Cicero came to the door of the room he was in to bother him. This immediately pissed Matthew off. Why couldn't everyone just leave him alone?! Nick came forward to mess with Cicero a second later, and while Matt despised the way he talked about Tabitha, he was much too worn out this evening to deal with them. "I'll find that out, if you excuse me gentlemen." Matt said somewhat sarcastically as he brushed past the two brothers. He was quickly making his way toward the elevator, but half-way there Tabitha came running up to him. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding why she ran like her life depended on it. "Wh-" His question "What are you doing?" was answered before the words could fully leave his lips. "Vlad's awake!" she exclaimed, putting her hands on her knees and trying to catch her breath. Usually the girl called Vlad by his full first name, but she was in such a rush she didn't notice that she shortened it. "He is?" Matt asked, but he didn't wait for her answer. He was already running to the elevator, so excited that the other boy was awake again that it wasn't until the elevator doors shut and he pressed the button to go to the lobby that he realized what he was doing. He was... excited over Vladimor? His cheerful face distorted into one of shame as he figured out what that sounded like. "I don't like him!" half of his mind protested with the other, but it was a desperate protest, as if it didn't believe it's own claims. The elevator doors opened, and Matt entered the lobby, quickly striding over to where Vladimor was seeming to have some sort of attack. He raised one eyebrow again, but this time in concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down in front of him and beside Ori to see what was wrong. He wasn't a medical expert, but he wanted to help.​
iiimee said:
Ooc: @Cicero , Matthew went into a different room from Calvin after what happened, but I'll pretend you were just talking to Matt. xD Also, Nick won't hit a chick now? Wow, for 1. he's much too late for that considering he broke her wrist earlier and 2. that's pretty sexist, lol.
Ooc:Sorry its hard for me to remember to be a complete and up most dick to everyone around me and can't show emotions

"I see so Ogre boy is finally awake....hey Tab how much you wanna bet Matthew's gonna say he likes him on accident because of how happy he his." They boy said smiling a little happy to see Matthew in a mood other then mad or depressed 'is it just me or does Matthew only run to someone if he's friends with them....oh well.' He thought instantly not caring or remembering

"Eh....hey brat care to explain?" Nick asked confused while letting go of Cicero To Nick's surprise Cicero actually knew a lot more people then he thought when he got here he only thought his brother would have only know Tab but apparently he was wrong and it was as if Cicero knew what he was thinking cause he turned his head around and stuck out his tongue smiling all Nick could do was giving him the 'your dead face' but Cicero was already facing the other way

"Oh and no I don't want to explain really why don't you go down and find out yourself your more active then me and Ocean so have fun." Cicero stated waving him away

Completely ignoring Nick, Tabby answered Cicero with the brightest of smiles on her face. "I don't think he will, but honestly I hope he does. Matt's so caring about other people that I think he deserves a little TLC." After saying that, Tabitha quickly moved forward to give Cicero a kiss. "Speaking of which, I think somebody else does too..." she said flirtatiously, before stepping several feet back. It was almost cruel, the way she teased him. "Should we go downstairs?" she asked, completely changing the subject just to irritate him.

Matthew barely batted an eye at Orious, but when the blood-drinker gave him the pain pill Matt quickly rushed to the kitchen to get some water for the boy to both wash it down, and just drink. Vladimor had to be thirsty by now! "You can hold it right?" Matt asked him, concern that would usually remain masked was easily heard in his voice. Just a few minutes ago Matthew had been worrying about how life's events were affecting his own life, but now he was only worried about Vlad.​
Ooc:What does TLC mean I don't know this stuff you guys already know i'm stupid

Cicero happy with Tab kissing him but when he was about to kiss her back she moved away and changed the subject which made Cicero slump over in defeat "Ok fine." He finally said a little sad 'Dang it she really like to mess with me doesn't she.' He thought to himself

"Wait what..." said the older boy confused at what just happened but decided to take this time meet new people....even if he hated doing so he was for once in his life getting bored of bugging Cicero and Ocean and had no one else to bug 'Dammit why does having to meet new people have to suck.' He mentally complained
Happy with herself, Tabitha walks over to the elevator and waits for him to follow. Once they enter the elevator however Tabby can't just wait silently. "I really wish we could just sleep in." she complained lazily, but her lazy attitude was only for show. Inside, she was buzzing with energy. Earlier today things had looked pretty bad, but it seemed they were finally looking up this evening. After all, Vladimor was awake, and she knew it wasn't just Matt who depended on him. While in the elevator she briefly rested her head on Cicero's shoulder, but when the doors of it opened to reveal the lobby she quickly put her head up again and walked out, waiting for Cicero to do the same.

"Wait we can't sleep in....uhh I think I already broke that rule along time ago." He said smiling he jumped a little when he felt Tab's head on his shoulder but soon returned to smiling before the doors open he walked out with a sigh "Oh many time are you going to do that." He asked complaining a little even he couldn't tell if he was messing around or being serious but never the less he ran his hand through his hair and walked out of the elevator

Nick was trying his hardest not to laugh but eventually he couldn't help it any more as the doors open he was laughing "Some girlfriend you got there Cicero a real keeper." He said laughing as he left the elevator that's when Cicero roundhouse kicked him "Yea I know she is." He said to the boy who was hunched over on the floor holding his stomach "You know for someone with super human strength you can't really take a punch then again I did get use to fighting while i'm guessing you relied on your powers to help you." He said while walking away

"That brats a dead man." the older boy said aloud finally getting up and walking with the rest of them
Nagato held the knife in his hand looking at it, debating on taking his life. "It didn't even seemed as though Matt cared about me. What would make Vladimor any different. Why is this such a hard decision. Why is every decision so difficult to make." He felt his are arm becoming weaker, he had used all of the energy in his body and now it was failing him. He tried to move his hand to put the sword back into its sheath but it failed him and remain motionless. He tried move his body but it denied him, it refused to do as it was told. "Dam this pain, what is happening to me." He was falling and what great luck the sword was still underneath him. After a short moment his knife was in between two of his ribs. At long last his body was responding to him as though it did not approve of the pain it was know experiencing. He got up and tried to pull the knife out but it was useless. Not only was he out of energy but know he was now dying. He began to stumble further way from the town and ended up next to a shining spring that was peaceful. "Well I guess this looks like a nice place to die." He fell next to the stream with a bloody path way leading back to the scene of his accident. "Who would even come look for me. My so called parents?" He began to close his eyes, but before he fell unconscious he use the last amount of energy his body had. This allowed him to look back to the hotel, everyone looked happy. Good for them. As his energy let out he released a scream of pain that could be heard back at the hotel. Finally Nagato was unconscious, on the brink of death.
Sage found something to eat and scarred it down like a animal. Once he was finished he began walking to his room easily.
Shuzo heard someone scream outside, and ran out to find the source. He quickly dissapeared into the shadows, and soon found himself at a spring. He saw Nagato laying there, bleeding. He gasped, and picked him up, placing him on his back. He then started running as fast as he could, Nagato's blood spilling onto his clothes. @Wyatt
Ella had tried to sleep alone but nightmares of someone joining her plagued her and so she gave up and wandered the hallways. She paused as she saw Sage, not recognising him as someone she knew. Ella hesitated, wondering if she should go back. @djinnamon
Sage ran a hand through his hair as he walked down the hallway toward his room. He caught sight of Ella and raised a eyebrow when she hesitated. @Valkyre
Ella averted her gaze to the floor and continued down the hallway towards him. She didn't know what she was doing or where she was going but she was hoping he wouldn't stop her. She wrung her wrists as she got closer. Hotels were horrible. Especially when there was no one there to protect her, even if it was often those people who had led to such things happening in the past. @djinnamon
Sage eyes soften when he saw the girl looked kinda scared and against his better judgement he stepped in front of her. " Are you ok." he asked the girl

((I think I should drop this RP. 'Cause it seems that everyone is on when I'm asleep. It sucks, I tried to make it work, but I keep missing things and everything is said and done when I'm not awake. Sorry.))
Ella halted abruptly as he walked in front of her, blocking her path. I should have gone back. Her shoulders sagged as she resigned herself to this. "...yes, sir..." she said quietly and looked up at him through expectant eyes. He hadn't ordered her to do anything yet but Ella's past experiences and with her mind already preoccupied by what usually happened, she'd already accepted it. @djinnamon
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Sage cocked his head as a questioning look etched itself on his face. "Are you sure, you just looked like you were scared of me" he asked
Ella bit her lower lip and shook her head. She had been scared but showing that had never ended well for her. "n-no, sir... Why would I be scared of you?" she asked with a weak smile. She'd heard her voice crack and betray her, so she looked down, bracing herself for the punishment she was convinced was about to come.
Sage looked at the girl sadly before falling into a crouch and looking up at the girls face. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. " He said while smiling comfortingly at the girl. "I'm Sage , what is your name. " He asked

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