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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Leon did the finishing touches on the wounds and neatly bandaged up Nagato before letting out a sigh of relief,"Of course, we're a group. If one of us goes missing someone's bound to go Nagato up and offered him a chair to sit down on. Leon wanted to know why someone he had just met was already trying to end his own life!

Ella smiled sadly and shook her head. "I'm afraid I am incapable of following that order, sir. It's not in my nature to be able to disobey. Not anymore. Not for a long time now"
Shuzo was covered in Nagato's blood. "I-I'm g-gonna g-go w-wash t-this o-off." He said, walking away. He hoped that no one would notice he was covered in blood, but he crashed into Ella and fell to the ground. @Valkyre
"I didn't try to end my own life, I was looking at my sword when my body gave up from a lack of energy and fell on it. It wouldn't listen to me when I told it to put the knife a way. I would still like to keep my sword though." He said this eyeing the sword that was on the ground.
Ella span around, knife already in hand, ready to attack when she saw Shuzo. Covered in blood. "Shuzo? What happened? Are you hurt?" she asked him, looking where he'd come for for any sign of an assailant.
Leon let out a sigh of relief,"Oh thank god, I'll get your sword right now." He grabbed Nagato's blade and handed it back to him with a slight sigh. Leon was just happy to see that his friend was okay, Leon didn't want to loose anyone in the group just yet. Leon took a seat himself and out of curiosity asked,"So, how'd it go between you and Matthew? Did everything go alright?" Leon felt like he may already know the answer due to Matthew's jerkish demeanor, but he wanted to find out for himself.

Nagato was able to put his sword back into it's sheath before he became unconscious again. He nearly fell out of the chair when he did. (Sorry for my short post atm)
"N-no. N-Nagato w-was i-injured a-and I-I c-carried h-him b-back h-here. I-I c-cleaned h-his w-wound o-off a-and s-so I-I'm c-covered i-in h-his b-blood." Shuzo explained to Ella. @Valkyre
Leon watched as Nagato fell out of his chair and was once again unconscious. Leon did his best to pick up Nagato and managed to put him onto his own back before slowly carrying him to his room back upstairs. Leon put Nagato on the bed and shook his head as he left the room. Nagato would wake up on his own time, no need to sit around and wait for him to do such. If he needed anything, Nagato would be able to find Leon or just shout his name if he truly needed his assistance. Leon wandered about for a bit but eventually went back to the room to check up on Nagato, all seemed fine.

"Who? It doesn't matter. How did he get hurt? Did someone attack him?" Ella asked, the knife still gripped tightly in her hand. She was liking this hotel less and less. They should get out of there and soon. The sooner the better.
"I-I d-don't k-know. I-I f-found h-him i-injured b-but n-no o-one e-else w-was t-there." Shuzo said, trembling when he saw Ella's knife and also because he didn't like the feeling of being covered in blood. @Valkyre

Nagato just laid in bed like a vegetable, he was motionless and it did not appear he felt anything until his face turned into one of sadness and despair.


Sai had been looking for his brother for what seemed like ages, he had lost him when Nagato had escaped the facility. He tracked him to a small town and found what appeared to be blood on the ground. He followed this blood to stream and then it lead inside the town. The blood track grow thinner appearing as though someone carried him. "Dam it, if they had left him here I could have helped him." He then began to sprint and run along the blood track. Finally it lead to a hotel. He made his body ghost like and walk through the door continuing to follow the blood until he came to his brothers room and when he did his brother began to feel emotions. He walk through the door and sat by his brother rubbing his head, he didn't care who was in the room.
Ella nodded. "Okay. It's okay, Shuzo... You get cleaned up and I'll sweep the building" she told him and she was off, down the corridor. She'd find Matthew, find out what was going on. Find out what she should be doing.

Ella moved silently through the halls, knife held tightly as she searched for any threat that she might need to take care of.
Leon came back to the room after a while only to see a random person in Nagato's room, rubbing his head. Leon didn't want to jump to any sort of conclusion so he silently stared at the stranger and slowly walked over,"Do you uh...know Nagato? He said he ran out of energy and fell over on top of his knife. I went ahead and patched him up so he should be fine in a few days. I have no idea when he may wake up though." Leon was ready to shift if need be, but for now he was just looking at the stranger.

Vladimor hastily downs the pain pill with the water that Matthew had provided. He began to sweat as he felt as though his body were over heating. Even with the chill of the air je couldn't stand it. Despite his pain, he forces himself up, taking both shirts off and storms outside into the snow. His breathing was excessivly heavy as he fell to his knees in the cold, as he looks around, more than just confused. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was being on the bus...and some crazy guy...electrocuted him? It was making his head hurt. The tears down his face were frosty, and the snow was numbing his body, but he still felt way too hot. His body was red all over and his body was having trouble regulating it's temperature. "What...the fuck..."He says hoarsley, his voice rough from misuse. What was wrong with him?


"Nagato is my brother all though he doesn't know me." Sai gently slap Nagato to try and wake him up. "Come back to me my sweet little brother." He slapped his brother again and Nagato began to toss and turn in his bed. Sai grabbed his brothers hand and waited for him to wake up.
Lia had just stolen a doughnut from the coffee shop she worked at. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, for she had never broken the law before. She was so hungry, and her only job didn't pay very well. It was easy, she just punched the number into the computer, saying that it was payed for, and didn't put any money into the register. Unfortunately, someone had seen her, and alerted the security guard patrolling the halls outside of the shop. Now she was running, for she didn't want to bounce (what she calls teleporting) until she was out of sight. Stront (Shit) She thought, seeing as the security guard was gaining on her. She sprinted faster and faster, until she was out of the mall and running down the street. The guard chased her until she rounded a corner and bounced, no longer caring who saw her. She only wanted to go further up the street and call a taxi, but something went wrong. She appeared in front of a run down hotel, it looked like. Wat de hel? (What the hell?) She had never been here before, so how did she bounce here? Maybe her power was getting stronger, or maybe she was just losing control of it. Either way, no one was chasing her anymore, so she was happy. Curious, Lia walked up the stairs to the doors of the hotel and opened them. Slowly, she walked inside.

OOC: I hope that was a good jump in. Obviously, Lia still thinks in Dutch, but I will put translations after each thought, so I hope no one minds! >.<
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((OOC: More European characters! Vladimor would be more than happy to converse in a tongue more natural to him..))
Matthew ran after the sick Vladimor. He wouldn't let the boy die out in the cold. "Are you okay?" Matthew asked, but the answer was clear. Matt put a hand on Vlad's back, only to take it off, surprised at all hot it was. He let out a sigh, trying to figure out what to do. If he could get the other boy to survive the hour, he'd hopefully be on his way to recovery. He knelt down in front of Vladimor, hoping to- Well, he didn't know exactly what he was hoping to accomplish. Did he want to comfort the boy? That seemed close enough to the truth. "Look at me." Matt ordered him, lifting the other boy's head so he'd be forced to look at Matt. It wasn't romantic: Matt had no intention of it being that. Vladimor was his teammate, his family right now, so why would the boy have done anything different? "You'll be okay." Matthew told him, flashing a half-smile at the boy. For once, Matt looked sincerely relieved and happy. Whatever the odds were of Vlad surviving, Matt was sure they surpassed them.


He finally woke confused and for some reason he felt happy when he saw Sai. "Who are you?"


"I am your brother, Speci... Call me Sai, I am here to help you." With that his clothing along with his body began to glow blue, it became engulfed in fire. The boy that had been there was now a flame monster.


Nagato instantly felt energy enter his body and he placed a hand on his wound, quickly healing himself. He tore off the bandages and you could see the joy in his eyes. Thanks to his brother he was finally feeling emotions.


He changed his body back to normal and lead Nagato out of the room. "Come brother, I think you should talk to your parents now. After all you can feel emotions now." With that Nagato was leading him through the hotel and into the lobby. They then waited by the elevator for Matt and Vladimor to make an appearance.
Ella had swept the floor she was on and now headed down the stairs to the lobby, where she saw a brown haired girl who didn't exactly look very threatening. Still, Ella didn't lower her knife as she approached her. As far as Ella was concerned, this girl was an intruder. She was a potential threat. The fact that Ella barely knew anyone staying here didn't really register as she approached the girl from the side. She hadn't been noticed yet. Ella grabbed the girl and shoved her up against a wall, the blade resting against her throat, not really aware of the fact that no one was there to give the kill or release order. @Cookie8272
orious watched the two then turned to derrick placing a hand on the human's shoulder. "see..he's alive and well." he whispered his gaze softening as he looked to the two and he smiled.
Cicero walked around bored out of his mind and surprised Nick didn't try to punch him or put his in other head lock after he kicked him in the stomach but for some reason Nick was following him now "Why are you following me Nick its not going to benefit you one bit." Cicero said putting his hands on the back of his head and walked with his eyes closed until he accidentally ran into Izabell "Oh i'm sorry." The boy said sincerely

"That's were your wrong I want to know why when you kicked me it hurt a lot more then it should." The older boy stated with venom coming off each word 'I need to know how he did it it apparently was easy for him to pull off and he must do it often if even his girlfriend wasn't surprised by it...' He thought annoyed until he seen Cicero run into someone "That's what you get when he walk around all smug." He stated crossing his arm's and shaking his head "Are you ok Ma'am?" Nick asked

Vladimor looks at Matthew with pained eyes, holding onto the boy's wrist with his nails digging into his skin. "I...do you understand what I'm feeling...?" He voice is shaky, and it's so pitiful and quiet. "It's..." He closes his eyes. The pain is vading, but slowly. Agonizingly slow..."Everything is really blurry, it's taking me a little for my vision to clear up." He wipes at his eyes, thinking maybe it's just his tears. Mostly. A few more laboured breaths force it's way out of his lungs and he moves to cover his face. "Why..why...Where are we? Where have you all been???" He says aggitated, the cold beginning to do a difference on his skin, cooling the exterior down at least, prviding the noble with some sort of relief to the heat. "I need a minute..." He's able to say more calmly, revmoving his hand from Matthew's wrist, beginning to scratch at his own skin instead.

Derrick watches as Vladimor races out, someone else going after him. Derrick sighs quietly. "More of alive, less of well." Derrick states plainly. "Now that he's awake I'll actually check out a room." He goes over to the front desk, speaking to the receptionist and getting a key. Without another word, he heads up to the room along with their bag to ready the room for Vladimor's use.​

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