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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

izbell tripped and fell flat on her face. she had been carrying a box and the contents had fallen all over the floor which so happened to be a ton of cute little toys and old photograhs. "i'm fine.." she stammered and hurried to pick up everything.
Suddenly, something pushed Lia against the wall beside her. She felt something cold against her throat, and when she could think straight again, she realized it was a girl that had her pinned on the wall with a knife to her throat. The girl had a look of uncertainty and fear, as if she felt she should be threatened, but wasn't. Panicking, she bounced, and appeared behind the girl, taking the knife with her. The girl lost her balance and had to catch herself against the wall. She seemed vaguely familiar. Lia lowered the knife, not seeing her as much of a threat when she wasn't armed. "What the hell?" She was panting from the running and the adrenaline. The girl was shorter than her, though many people were. She had tattoos going up and down her arms and neck, which made her seem more threatening than she probably was. Ik kon haar te nemen (I could take her) She thought as she waited for the girl to say something.

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orious nodded and follows derrick hoping he could be of assistance. "i'll come with and help...like i said i used to live here that also means i worked here.." he put it simply
"A-alright." Shuzo said, going to his room and taking a shower. He had found a washing machine in his room and threw his bloody clothes in. He got out of the shower and put on some spare clothes he had. He then exited his room, his hair still slightly wet and went to go find Ella again. He found her after a few minutes. "H-hey. W-what a-are y-you d-doing?" Google Image Result for http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1WeZkKpXXXXbbXpXXq6xXFXXX6/Anime-Tokyo-Ghoul-Ken-Kaneki-Handsome-Clothes-Boy-Cosplay-Costume-Custom-Made-Halloween-Party-Costumes.jpg (his clothes are the ones on the left) @Valkyre
Cicero and Nick started to help her pick up the stuff that fell "Why do you have these?" The younger cat-boy asked looking at one of the toys debating if he should steal it or not

"That's none of your business." The older brother stated smacking Cicero in the back of the head 'Brat was to know everything doesn't he.' He thought 'But surprisingly hes tougher then he looks....I think I have an idea one how I can find out how he got so strong.' He thought to himself smiling mischievous on the inside while the two brothers handed Izabell the items they picked up even the one Cicero tried to steal....by force of course Nick had to grab it from his pocket

The first thing Tabitha went out to do after informing Matt was to go find Izabell, but Cicero and his brother ended up finding the boy first. Tabby's first reaction was to laugh a little at how easily Nick called Izabell "ma'am". Now that she knew the truth, she found the way Izabell acted especially funny. "What's this?" she asks, picking up one of the photographs.

Matthew nearly cried out in pain when Vladimor grabbed his wrist but he managed not to. The male looked confused, and Matt knew he had every right to be. Still, it was impossible for Matthew to find the right words at this moment: If he opened his mouth, surely he'd let ot a whine due to how delicate his wrists were. Why did Vlad have to grab there, of all places?! Eventually he let go however, and Matt let out an exasperated sigh upon hearing his words. "You'll be okay. I'll explain everything later." he repeated, standing up and quietly waiting for Vlad to do the same. He wouldn't rush the boy: Matthew had so much to explain to him, but he couldn't until Vlad was calm.​
An experiment. Ella realised as the girl disappeared. She stretched out her hand which had been holding the knife, that was the second time someone had disarmed her today. Not something she was exactly used to, but then she'd always been trained to fight and kill humans on demand. They were easy to kill. Ella span around, her hands becoming fists as she turned to face Lia, but she didn't raise them. She could be one of the group. I haven't met everyone yet. She could be with us...

As Shuzo burst into the lobby, she looked over at him. He always seemed to have such terrible timing. "It's okay, Shuzo. She's a weap- she's like us" Ella told Shuzo and relaxed her hands. "Sorry about that... I've been..." Ella started to apologise but didn't know what to say. No one here liked the scientists and saying that she missed them and their orders didn't seem like a smart thing to do. @Cookie8272 @Ldybug123
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Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Matt and Vladimor outside in the cold. He grabbed Sai's hand and dragged him outside to his parents. "Matt, I have a brother. This is Sai, Sai these are my dads Matthew and Vladimor." He felt his pockets trying to find the document. "Matthew do you have my file?" It was oblivious that he was expressing even more emotions.


Sai watched his little brother talk to his parents as he pulled out his own fill looking at it.

Specimen 25

November 23

Although we began Specimen 24, it is in hibernation as we try to prefect Specimen 25. It has been a difficult process and so far we have had no success. We have not altered his dna in a suitable way and he is like his parents Matthew Brown Wise and Orious Xavion. He struggles against our orders and we believe we will have to destroy the experiment although we have learned one important detail...

Lia looked over her shoulder when the boy named Shuzo walked into the lobby. She was taken aback when the girl told him that she was like them. Maakten zijdeel uit van het experiment ook? (Were they part of the experient too?) "Umm, it's alright, I guess." Lia answered when the girl tried to apologize. "Look, it's a long story, but I have no idea where I am, or why I was taken here." She turned to face the boy that had asked what her name was, but didn't answer him. "Can someone tell me where I am?" She tried to speak as clearly as she could, but she didn't expect them to understand her. She knew how thick her accent was, and she has no idea why she hasn't developed an American accent after all this time. Lia felt much more threatened knowing these people could have a power too. She took a small step back, ready to bounce at any sudden movement.
Ella shrugged "I don't know. I haven't asked" she told Shuzo. She realised that she probably should have. "What's your name?" she smiled at Lia as if they'd met a mere moment ago and her attack was as normal as a handshake. Not that Ella had ever shook anyone's hand. That was something people did. Ella wasn't people.

She blinked as Lia spoke, not understanding a word she had said. "Sorry... Do you speak English?" she asked, not meaning to be in any way rude. @Cookie8272 @Ldybug123
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the photogragh oh so happened to be a picture of izabell dressed in a very showy alice outfit and she sat on the lap of a sexy looking cheshire cat ori who had a smirk on his face. the photo had the words have a sexy halloween written on the frame. izabell quickly took the photo from tabitha. "not that one!!" she was bright pink with embarrassment

A minute was much longer than that, and he waited until he could feel the cold throughout his body, numbing him along side of the pills. He stands up shakily, showing Matthew that he was able to go. Once more he wiped the last of his tears. All that was left in his body was a faint tingle that was suppressed and ready to shoot back into crippling pain. He clears his throat, taking a steady breath as he takes the moment to gain himself. Goddamn was he hungry.

Derrick allows him to follow, unlocking the door with the key. Less than what he was expecting, but mediocre for a city like this. He sets the bad down, rummaging through it. He pulls out a set of clothing for Vladimor, laying them out neatly. He goes to the bathroom, and begins running a hot shower for him, taking along with him his own set of soaps and toiletries. "I recommend you not stay too long in here. Vladimor wouldn't be too pleased with you around, and I don't wish to stress him any further."​
Shuzo took a few steps towards Lia. "W-We're i-in a-a h-hotel. I-I'm n-not s-sure w-what s-state t-though." He assumed Lia had asked where they were. @Valkyre @Cookie8272
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Matthew turned toward the boy who not too long ago told Matt that he was his son. "Brother? Is he by blood?" Matt asked, looking at the boy who already seemed a little more normal than the other one. He ran a hand through his hair, stressed. Life wasn't giving him any breaks. He knew he'd have to things to Vladimor later, but for now he would have to face the boys calmly. "You're file is still in my room, I think. You should go get it." He said this partly because it was true, but also because he wanted to breathe without being hugged, slapped, or whatever his new "son" wanted to do to him. When he first met his father he was rather excited, but it had to be different for this boy who never grew up in a normal environment. As it were, he had barely grown up at all. The date of the document was roughly two years ago, right? Matthew wasn't sure if that or the fact he was a father at all was surprising. It was as if fate was flipping him off. Derrick provided the perfect excuse from him to leave, and Matt took it, following after the two all the way to the hotel room. "I'll stay as long as I need to." Matt argued against the servant's suggestion. He didn't hate Derrick, but Matt couldn't wait for very long. If he had to deal with Vlad's rage or trauma, so be it, but his job as the leader of this group was to make sure Vlad was safe... and he needed to talk to Vladimor about what had happened so far.

Tabitha also blushed, not expecting to see anything close to that. "Erm, sorry." she apologized, taking a step back before remembering why she was here. "Oh, I need to discuss something with you!" she said brightly, completely forgetting the oddly disturbing photo she had just seen.​
Cicero stood there confused along with his brother Nick who decided to just leave before his brother did something stupid but when he passed Tab he whispered to her saying he needed to talk to her then walked off and didn't say another word

"Uhh....what was the picture?" The boy asked confused on why both girls were red then he seen Nick get up and leave 'Well at least he stopped following me about time.' He mentally cheered
"Hylia. My friends get to call me Lia," Als ik had geen (If I had any) She answered, feeling uncomfortable when the girl smiled at her, "Who are you?" Lia wasn't really going to open up to these people until she knew more about them. She relaxed a bit, made herself look more friendly, hoping they would tell her more about this place. When she realized she still had the girl's knife in her hand, she offered it to her, "Sorry about that," Lia mumbled, feeling small despite her height. When another boy came up behind the girl, She took another, bigger step back. She was basically surrounded. She knew she wasn't in Florida anymore, for there was snow on the ground, and she didn't think she could bounce that far. so she just stood there and waited for an answer from someone.
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iiimee said:

room. "I'll stay as long as I need to." Matt argued against the servant's suggestion. He didn't hate Derrick, but Matt couldn't wait for very long. If he had to deal with Vlad's rage or trauma, so be it, but his job as the leader of this group was to make sure Vlad was safe... and he needed to talk to Vladimor about what had happened so far.

((OOC: He was talking to Orious, lol))

((Also I goofed cause I didn't know I got ninja'd up there))
Sage looked at Hylia and smiled slightly at her. " Its nice to meet you Lia , I'm sage. He said before he ran a hand through his hair.
Ella was trying to process what Lia was saying, repeating the syllables over in her head since Shuzo seemed to have understood her. Her gaze snapped to the knife as it was held out to her, she relaxed though as she realised it was a friendly gesture. Ella took the knife back with a smile and pocketed it. Ella was still repeating Lia's first sentence to her when she realised something. The last part, Lia, sounded like a name. Her guess was confirmed a moment later by Sage.

"I'm Ella" she told the girl and then fell silent. Sage was in charge, he would deal with this. She looked at him, silently, awaiting orders.

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