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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Lia was surprised when Ella said they were going to Las Vegas. "Do you know where we are now?" She asked, "And why Las Vegas?" She looked at Sage when he asked if Ella could take him to the others. Sure, she wanted to meet them, but he was just so upfront about it. She really wanted to know where she was and how far away she was from home, but she found going to Las Vegas with "people like her" was more compelling than working in a coffee shop in Florida. Wat moeten we doen... (What to do...)
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ori sighes and kissed him on the forehead. "hmmm...i don't fight and i would never want to hurt you. life of a human is fragile,it scares me.." he told derrick with a whisper not quiet getting a proper anwser his eyes darting to look at the others,slowly moving from derrick narrowing his eyes. he stepped back and looked to sai who asked to speak with him. "what ever is it?"he asked simply.
Slowly, Ella felt she was getting used to deciphering what Lia was saying in her thick accent. "I don't know where we are" Ella replied honestly, she was completely lost and in more ways than not knowing what state they were in. "I think the plan was Las Vegas because if someone screws up there, people will think it's an act. Instead of being, well us" she explained. She could see the sense in it, she supposed.

Ella looked at Sage as he asked his question and she nodded. "They're all here, in the hotel somewhere. They all have their own rooms though" she told him "And I don't know whose is whose"
Leon headed down stairs to the first floor and then down to the lobby. He was bored, there was really nothing much for him to do so he merely took a seat at the lobby. Out of complete boredom Leon shifted to a basic parrot and sat atop the desk as he waited for something, anything to happen. The parrot would occasionally stretch his wings and rustle his feathers about.

Nagato approached his father, Vladimor. "Excuse me sir, but I have something to tell you or rather show you." With that he handed him the file stating that Matthew and Vladimor were his fathers. "I am sorry if I hurt you earlier." He looked to the man's servant giving him an evil eye.


"Well sir I would rather speck to you in private but if we must we can do it here." He handed Ori his file to show him that sai was his son, "that over there is my brother, I hope you two don't try to kill each other"

Derrick and Vladimor are in different places :(

Vladimor never went upstairs, but to make it easier, I could say Vladimor went into the room just after they did?
"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Hylia said simply. "Do you think anyone would mind if I came along?" She hoped this wasn't too much to ask, she didn't want to intrude, but these people became more interesting by the second. She finished her doughnut and stood awkwardly in silence. She noticed Sage was blushing at Shuzo and she smiled. Ella looked less lost when Lia spoke, which made her happy. Misschien ben ik steeds beter in deze (Maybe I'm getting better at this) She thought and smiled even more. She started playing with her ring, twisting it around her middle finger, not knowing what else to do, or what to say. She was still worried she had been to direct with her question, if she should have led up to it more, or just asked the question more subtly. It was too late now. Lia pulled all her hair to one side and let it cascade over shoulder, landing halfway between her waist and her knee, then continued to play with her ring. She noticed Sage was now almost hiding behind Ella, and he was still blushing at Shuzo. He was almost as red as a tomato. Lia chuckled silently, hoping no one noticed.
When Cicero made open the door to his room and walked in he was greeted with Nick about to kick him in the stomach but Cicero just jumped over it and gave Nick an uppercut "Nice try Nick but a little too slow." He said grabbing some more cookies and about to leave but Nick grabbed his upper arm squeezing as hard as he could making Cicero scream in pain

"How are you so strong and when did you get that way?" Nick asked squeezing more on Cicero's arm 'He'll tell me if he doesn't I can always break his arm.' Nick thought to himself with rage filling his eyes

"Like hell if i'm telling you the I haven't even told anyone else that I actually trust." Cicero said while he gritted his teeth when the pain increased in his arm it felt like it was about to break 'God dammit I have to find a way out of this....I have to break my arm by jumping over him and kick him in the back.' He thought while he prepared himself to jump over Nick but Nick gripped his arm harder and started twisting making Cicero fall to one knee and yell in complete agony rage started filling him 'He wants to know how I got strong and when heh then no I wouldn't I would much rather show him.'He thought while he spun around on his free hand hearing a loud snap coming from some where in his arm he didn't care rage numbed the pain in his arm while he kicked Nick's feet out from under him making him fall but he still held a tight grip on Cicero's arm causing him to fall

"What the hell is wrong with you did you really think breaking your arm would help you escape?" The older cat boy asked with his voice full of nothing but pure anger and he started getting up when he was up he pulled Cicero up with his broken arm and pushed him against the wall making a dent that keep getting bigger every time Nick punched Cicero in the stomach when he stopped he let Cicero fall to the ground Cicero coughed up blood and Nick left the room smiling "If hes strong then he will be fine...and if hes not then he will die." Nick stated walking down to the lobby smoking his finally cigarette still smiling
Ella wasn't sure what was going on, but the moment a blushing Sage hid behind her, she realised he wasn't in control here. That meant she was meant to be. Which, in turn, meant no one was. The light in Ella's eyes dimmed as she became a little too still. Like she'd been powered down and put on standby mode. It was becoming more and more of a defence mechanism for her just to not participate in the world unless someone told her to. Unless something motivated her to. Ella couldn't find a way to motivate herself.
When Vladimor walked into the room that Derrick had checked out, he was annoyed that there were serveral other people (He was most displeased of the fact that Orious was there.) When one of the boys handed him a sort of file, reading over it with squinted eyes. (Where had he placed his glasses?) When he finishes he laughs loudly, handing the kid the file back. "There was only one time where I didn't use protection! She was under birth control, and she said she didn't miss a cycle once!" He continues his laughter before frowning. "I appreciate the joke, but it's really hard to believe. You look older than me, not to mention nothing like me."

Derrick only hisses at him. Vladimor turns and raises an eye at him, stepping over to him. "Hey, you know them?" He asks Derrick, not really too pleased at their little fail of a joke, while being in their room during him going such a hard day. Derrick nods, glaring at Nagato.

Sage noticed Ella become still and walked in front of her. " Are you ok. " he asked as he looked down at the girl with a almost motherly look in his eye.

He laughed at Vladimor, "do you really think I would make something up like that? I don't even know you, all I know is your name and the fact that you were in a coma. I was made in a test tube and they accelerated my aging so that I would reach a suitable age for them sooner."
Ella blinked as he addressed her, her eyes focussing on him for a moment. "Tell me what to do" is all she said, not answering his question, before reverting to how she'd been a moment ago. Barely there.
Sage sighed , he had no idea what to do . He placed a hand on Ella's head. " Lets go eat. " he said before turning to Lia and Shuzo. " You two can come too. " he said
When Ella's eyes went blank and she stopped moving, Lia didn't know if this was a yes, no or an "I can't answer that". Waarscijnlijk laatstgenoemde (Probably the latter) She thought, but she would tag along with them anyway. The silence was excruciating. She had to say something, but she didn't know what to say. "Ooooookay then..." she said finally, and after a moment Sage asked Ella if she was okay. That's probably what she should have said, but it was too late now. Hylia stopped playing with her ring and started playing with her hair, twisting it and braiding it. She's never been in such an awkward situation before, and honestly, she was a little scared. She started thinking about when she teleported here instead of up the street. Maybe it was just because of how scared she was. Yeah, probably that. But she was scared when Ella pinned her on the wall, too, and she bounced exactly where she wanted to, no problem. When Ella said something, Lia immediately finger combed all of the twists and braids out of her hair and looked at Ella. "What do you mean?" Lia asked, very confused. Was Sage the leader of this entire thing? Then why would he ask about the others? No, it didn't make sense. "Okay." She said and followed Sage.
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Tabitha led Izabell along until she noticed no people were around. When she was sure the coast was clear, she turned to Izabell. "I need your help. I didn't want to Matthew in this though, considering how stressed he is." Tabby explained. She hesitated for a second, before continuing. "We... Not just me and Matt, but all of our group would like for you to provide transportation so we can get to Las Vegas. If you could do that by tomorrow morning, I'd be even more grateful." She wanted to get out of here as fast as she could. Nick scared her beyond belief, and hopefully if they were on the road he'd have less of an opportunity to harm any of them. His life was in danger too, but it didn't mean she had to like him. Almost as soon as she was thinking this, she heard a snapping sound that was eerily familiar to what she heard when her wrist broke... "I have to go! Let's talk later k?" she said, quickly running to where she heard the noise. She didn't have to travel far. Cicero was on the ground of the next floor up, blood dripping from his mouth and unto the floor. She looked around, not sure what to do. Where was a first-aid kit?! She needed something- anything to keep him from dying. "I'll be back, okay Cicero?" she said, before running over to where she last saw Izabell.

"It's not a lie Vlad." Matthew said, his voice tense but clear. He walked up to the taller male to explain. He felt bad for Vladimor, but it didn't mean he'd show that side of him to Vlad. The facts came first, even if Matthew didn't want to face them himself. "They took are DNA and made him. Both of us were unconscious in the facilities at least some of the time, so it was all too easy for them." He ran a hand over his face, before speaking again. "It's not easy for me to admit either, considering the circumstances, but I plan on treating Nagato like any other... friend I have." He then turned to the boy, the look on his face serious, so close to but not quite a glare. "I'm not a father figure. As it is, I'm only eighteen and definitely wasn't considering kids." He wasn't going to mention he was gay to somebody he just met, even if they were technically his son. "Still, if you want to get to know me, I'll gladly answer any questions you have." He gave a small smile. It was tense, just like the rest of his face, but he was trying to best to act sincere and kind to this boy who was figuring out who his parents were.​
Sage walked to the hotel restaurant. He kept his head down the whole walk and only raised to when he sat down and called over the waitress so they could order.
orious merely looked at the paper then looked at sai then looked down at the paper again then looked up. he had a annoyed expression and excepted it so simply. ori was well aquainted with how things worked there."hmmmm.....okay. so the lab decided to use my dna....i can see why. i am one of the more successful projects but honestly it bothers me that they decided it was okay to create you using my dna with matt's...i don't exactly like the guy....." he stated in a cold tone then sighed patting him on the head. he could tell just by the kid's scent he wasn't exactly lying since he smelled a bit like himself let alone the kid's eyes reminded him of his own "welp. whatcha gonna do,kid? i'm not the fatherly type let alone i'm only recently turned 20 and a vampire, also i'm in love with this guy only...i dislike matt" he explained gesturing derrick. "you're more than welcome to stay with me but long as you behave, three strikes and i'm giving you to izabell. he likes kids more than i do!"
"I was made to obey" Ella said without thinking, not quite snapped out of her zoned out state but she seemed slightly more with it than she had a moment ago. Ella blinked. She wasn't sure why his hand was on her head but she made no attempt to move it. "Yes, sir" she said. She wasn't hungry but that didn't matter. She followed him obediently but didn't sit with him. He hadn't told her to.

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