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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Tabitha's expression changed from childish embarrassment to caution when Nick whispered to her on his way out of the room. If it wasn't for her ability to hear nearly everything, she'd have though she heard him wrong. "Why does he want to talk to me?" she wondered, but she made sure not to let her curiosity be shown on her face. She didn't want to alarm Cicero or Izabell. "I'll talk to you later, okay Izabell? I just remembered I have something I need to deal with." she gave the girl a small smile and quickly went the way Nick had gone, not even looking at Cicero. He'd be angry if he knew Nick even talked to her, so it was best if she said nothing at all.


He could see the disappointment on his little brothers face. Haven his emotions returned to him he was like a child that needed guidance from it mama. He held his brothers hand as Nagato lead him back to Matt rooms.


Nagato tried to turn the nob of the door trying to get in but it seemed to be locked. "Dam it, father's room is locked."


"Allow me brother." Sai then walked through the door and opened it from the other side. Nagato then walked into the room and grabbed the file.
Cicero seen Tab walk off the same way Nick did but thought nothing of it cause that was the way to the room he turned back to Izabell "So do you need help carrying this stuff?" He asked smiling

Nick seen Tab walking up to him "I have a question and I want answers I also have a feeling you have them so tell me when did my brother get strong enough to actually hurt me yet he manages to look weak?" He asked the girl with anger filling his voice he was always the strong one in their family but the fact the Cicero could but him on the ground with a single kick annoyed him and he wanted to know why and when 'I train myself to be strong I work out he doesn't do anything but smile and eat cookies and I never actually seen him do anything active yet he manages to make his kick hurt...' He thought which annoyed him more then he thought about Ocean what if he was strong then him also
Sage looked at Ella questioningly with a raised eyebrow and a cocked of his head. He turned to Shuzo and smiled slightly.
Ooc: @Cicero , does Nick know about the experiments? Is he an experiment? X_X Ugh, I need answers!

Realizing the three may not be the only ones here, Lia asked, "Are there others here?" She saw two people before she came in, but barely acknowledged them. Maybe she could stay at the hotel a couple days. She probably couldn't afford it, though. Lia took a bite out of the doughnut she had stolen forever ago it seemed. She nodded to Sage when he introduced himself, but didn't exactly know how to carry on the conversation further, so she just stuck to her initial question.
Ooc:He is an experiment he was super human strength thats how he crushed Tab's wrist and he guess since Cicero and Ocean are experiments cause he seen Cicero getting tested on so he assumed everyone here is like them
Ella stared blankly back at Sage. It seemed that he wasn't going to be any help after all. She was starting to wonder if anyone would be ever again. If she'd ever find some sense of direction or purpose. A way to ground herself in reality instead of always just being on standby.
Tabitha tried her best not to smile. That was all Nick was worried about? "I don't know, you'll have to ask him." she replied. She wasn't a genius, but she wasn't stupid either. Nick was looking for a way to defeat his other brother, and while she was sure he still could if he really tried, it was fun to see him get worried over his lack of ability. She wasn't a saint who'd never lie, after all. She was still angry at him for breaking her wrist earlier, and she didn't see why she had to tell him anything: Not that she was really sure of why Cicero had become so strong. She assumed it was just because he practiced a lot.

Hylia looked back at Sage, "I mean i saw two people outside and the three of you in here. Ella said to Shuzo, 'She's like us' and I was wondering if there are others here." She stated simply. Ella seemed lost, she probably didn't understand her. Ach ja (Oh Well).
orious nodded. "i don't think vlad likes me at all...hmm. i don't blame the guy, i was a ass when we first met let alone the one person i care about most so happens to be his faithful servant....." he said as he watched derrick then sighed with a smile."i wonder though... if he ordered you to kill me,what would you do? " he suddenly asked,pinning the smaller male to the wall not hurting him but was quiet careful even though he practically forced him. ori lean in with a soft breath,his violet eyes staring and his gaze serious. he needed to clairfy somthing due to earlier's actions. "what would you do..." the thought had weighed on his mind at that moment.
izabell shook her head quickly. "uhhhh....it's just a halloween photo.." she muttered and then looked to tabby. "what is it you need?"
Ella had managed to piece together a little of what was being said, thanks to Sage. Who was, she reminded herself, another experiment and a stranger she met today. Trusting people came far to easily to Ella when she thought they might order her around, not that she exactly had much of a choice in that.

"There are others... A lot of others. I travelled here with them, I don't think I've met them all yet" she told them and shrugged.
Nick exhaled "That's not the answer I want I know you have to know why he was strong enough to knock the air out of me just by kicking me once he was never able to do that before so why know..." He said then the pieces began to fit together Cicero was getting stronger to protect her he started laughing "Are really that weak that my brother has to protect you." He said as he laugh grew louder "You know what your right I should ask him....but sadly you know he will lie to me saying I don't know so I have to give him a reason to tell me the truth." He said grinning evilly "Ok thanks that's all I need and don't tell Cicero a thing about any of this." He said while he walked away still laughing

"A Halloween photo can I see Halloween is my favorite holiday." He said excitedly 'What so bad about a photo of Halloween to make both the girls blush....confusing oh well." He thought while he was practically jumping up and down hyper

After he had retrieved the file he lead Sai back to the room where Matt had separated from them. "Matthew I have the file now." He said as he walked into the room forgetting to knock.


Sai walked into the room as well seeing two other strange people. His little brother whispered in his ear, that is Orious, I don't like him. Sai let go of his brothers hand and walked up to Orious. "Excuse me sir, I can I have a word with you?"

@iiimee @King Anthony @mewbot5408
Lia was curious, so she stayed silent and took another bite out of her doughnut. She thought about what Ella had said. There were a lot of others, and they traveled here with her.. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other repeatedly, so it looked like she was swaying, but stopped when she realized that might look weird. She looked from Sage to Ella, trying to decide if she should go back home or stay here.

Matthew rolled his eyes at the two, but didn't comment. He had picked up on their relationship somewhat, but that didn't mean he'd have to be immature and embarrass the two. He wouldn't admit it, but he was glad Derrick found someone. It annoyed him the way Derrick followed after Vladimor, but maybe he'd gotten the wrong impression... Did Derrick really feel nothing close to romance when he was around Vlad? "Why do I care?" Matt thought, but he only let his mind think of the question, not the answer. "Oh, you'll probably need that to explain things to Vlad... Don't be angry if his reaction's similar to what mine was, okay?" Matthew said to Nagato. He looked over at the other boy, who was talking to Orious. Matt was still unsure of who's child he was, but considering they were brothers he guessed they were both related to either him or Vladimor.

Tabitha felt a blush rise to her face when Nick mentioned Cicero protecting her. "Fuck off." she muttered, but she found it much harder to talk when Nick started to laugh. "They're so different..." Tabby observed. Maybe it was just her imagination, but when Cicero laughed he seemed sweet and understanding, with Nick being just the opposite. The way he spoke scared her, and when he ordered her to not tell anyone else she found herself forced to comply. He hadn't said a word, but she already was afraid he'd get violent with her if she didn't. "Okay." she basically whispered, before walking away quietly in the opposite direction he went. Her hands shook slightly, but she just put them in her pockets. She had to be brace: If she wasn't, she'd only worry Cicero. "Izabell, can you follow me?" Tabitha asked, seeing the two were still there. Her voice was faint, but it was so normal for the girl to speak quietly that surely it wouldn't be noticed.​
The words started tumbling out unbidden at Sage's command. Ella wasn't exactly one for keeping secrets. "They broke out together, one of them made me come too. I forget who. There's a lot of them, I haven't met them all. There's Sir Matthew, Lord Vladimor, his servant Derrick, Shuzo here and Orious, he's a vampire, Tabitha... That's less than half. I haven't spoken to many of them, really. They're very loud and excitable. We're travelling to Las Vegas at the moment, just stopping off here but I think we're moving on again soon" Ella said, unable to stop herself.
izabell quickly shook her head quickly and became a little redder when he picked up the photo to look at it. "it's a dirty picture! don't look at it!" she said running to take the photo back but it was too late. she sighed then followed tabby."yes?"
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((OOC: I was afk, and with me being pushed back again, I don't know what the hell Vlad is doing. Maybe sitting on the couch getting himself straight))

Derrick tilts his head in confusion at the question, yelping when he is pushed against the wall. "Uhh, well I-" He felt extremely small and fragile in front of the tall vampire, turning to advert his gaze from his eyes shyly. "Well," He starts, "Vladimor understands my capabilities, and rarely uses me for physical combat, let alone directly killing someone..." He goes silent for a second, still refusing to meet Orious' gaze. "I understand myself that I am no match for almost any of you, so I'd simply say no?" He says with an awkward laugh, seeing two people walk in. The guy he was going to attempt to fight earlier, and another. He raises a brow.

He seen Tab walking back to them and smiled at her then he decided to take sneak the picture and he instantly gave it back "Uhh.... yea you can have this back." He said looking down "Anyways I guess i'll see you guys later i'm tired and I don't have anything else to do." He said returning to his smiling self as he walked to the elevator

When Nick got into his room he planned a trap for Cicero he was going to do the same thing Cicero did to him kick him square in the stomach sure Cicero might go flying but Nick need to know if he was still the strongest brother in the family and this was the only way he could think of doing so "This brat's is going to pay and if he still doesn't tell me how he got that strong I could always get his girlfriend to convince him for me." He said laughing at the idea of Cicero having to choose between his secret of how he got strong or his girlfriend

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