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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Uh yea I do but we shouldn't talk here." Cicero said walking out of the room and gave Calvin the vials Tab gave them "What are these filled with and what are they?" He asked handing them to Calvin looking confused 'Guess I should have been thinking of a lie...no its fine as long as he doesn't know Tab had them I fine with taking the blame.' He told himself

"Uhh hey Mew I'm Nick....I'm sor...sorry I'm not use to meeting another neko like me and my brothers." He said losing his composer then someone else came in the room that apparently knew Cicero and then they left the room 'Weird...well now i'm stuck with Mew...great and I have no clue what to talk about.' He thought while running his hand through his hair "So what do you wanna talk about?" He ask sitting down on the couch
ori quickly followed derrick,aware of his excitment which only made the vampire a bit amused as he went back with derrick to the hotel. orious nodded. "yeah,i actually used to live here...i know every little secret about the place." he answered and led him through the backside of the hotel and up the stairs to the top floor and down the hall stopping at a hotel room that had no number but instead what looked like sign reading "off limits...not for rent..". ori simply unlocked the door with his key and led derrick inside,flipping on the dim lights revealing a gothic looking room that seemed to look more like a proper living space and seemed to be decorated to ori's tastes. "here we are..." he then sat down on the bed quietly,patting the place next to him.
mew had sat down on the floor and looked down then up then down again before looking directly at nick. "i don't think you don't have a robotic system though...unlike you guys i'm fully equipped with one in my skeletic system and organs. i also rarely feel pain,i could even cut open my arm and show you....it's really odd.." he said trying to start a conversation.
"Uhhh....yea please don't but I guess that's cool if you rarely feel pain could come in handy." Nick said finally going back to his emotionless self 'So he's a human cat robot thing....dang it Cicero I hate you.' He thought to himself while he waited for the cat boy to say something else
Derrick takes a quick moment or two to scan the room. 'This is actually something I'd imagine he'd be accustomed to." He thinks, as he walks over to Orious. A quick thought crossed him that it'd probably more convenient for the both of them if they were facing each other. With that in mind, instead of taking the spot next to him, Derrick moves over to sit in his lap, straddling the vampire. "This is...easier. Sorry for the personal space invasion, but I think you'll be in mine considering your teeth will be inside of my skin." He laughs, but he had a terrible sense of humor. Then another thought came to mind. His shirt was crew necked, meaning it'd probably be more trouble for Orious. With that, he pops off his black 'OBEY' shirt, neatly folding it and setting it aside. Derrick's skin was extremely pale, though there were splashes of red standing out against the white around his shoulders, chest, and cheeks. "Help yourself. If I get dizzy or anything, I'll let you know." He smiles, feeling sort nervous.

mew exhaled. "hmmnnn...okay. uh to be correct i was born a neko due to me being created in japan. my birth mother was a scientist who even offered her own body to her work...when i got a little older is when they started adding extra parts hoping to improve my body's functions to make me "perfect". not long ago i was recently sold off to the american goverment. i took the chance i got to run when the least expected me to,i never even reached the new lab....i'm tired of playing their games. " he explained tothe best he could
"Wow....i'm speechless....and I guess i'm sorry heck if anything I went into the program to help my family have money to raise Cicero and Ocean but I'm guessing our parents got greedy and but them in it too." Nick said remembering when he was going to get tested on they had to put special cuffs on him the covered his whole hands as he was walking he looked at the other experiments getting tested on just to see Cicero getting injected with the same liquid he was injected with only he had a bigger tube and he doesn't have super strength Nick didn't know Cicero or Ocean's power just that they were nekos and that was about it finally Nick snapped back to reality 'Dang it stupid thoughts get out of my head.' He thought to himself replacing the thoughts of the lab with random things that were around him
ori cautiously put his arms around derrick's sides slowly holding him closely and leaned in close to derrick's ear. "this was your choice so don't forget that..." he whispered softly giving him a little nip on the ear before moving his face by his neck,his soft breath probly tickling the human's flesh a little. orious pressed his lips to the side of the jawline kissing it then making his way down half-way as he then gave a nice lick before sinking in his teeth slowly,carefully breaking the flesh and penetrating into his neck. a little blood trickled down and ori's hand cradled the back of derrick's head as he himself made a soft sound closing his eyes as he drank. orious' bite only stung for a second but then it would feel pleasurable somehow..
@Wyatt (You cant go through my charaters bag. Its always on her. Silver has all files, but i will let it slip -_- for now.)

Silver jumped when she saw a person going through her bag. She snatched her bag up. "WHAT THE HELL, are you doing in my stuff!?!" Silver glared at the boy. How dare he rummage though her stuff.
Derrick still felt extremely shy about this as each second passes and when he feels Orious' lips against his jaw, he flushes, but thinking it was sort of unnecessary. Maybe a little comforting, but it made all of this feel too much more intimate than it already was. Oops. Derrick didn't know what to expect, (Or maybe he did,) but he flinches when he feels teeth break into his skin. The boy whimpers in pain, but lets the other proceed. He was right, he did take this upon himself. When he finally eased into it, he thought maybe he should do this more often. (That's absurd!) His cheeks remained it's deep red, and he leaned into it more, finding himself enjoying it more. Some time later, he can feel his blood thin out enough to where he thinks would be good enough. "Ori..."He softly, clinging onto him as he shudders out his name (He should watch himself, it nearly came out as a moan.) "Had enough, yet? I'm not saying you have to stop, but, just so you don't get carried away." His half-lidded gaze shifts shyly as he clears his throat.

Calvin took the vials, studying them. "I will need more time with these," he stated. He looked up (from the vials.. Pretty sure he's taller than Cicero..) at the cat-boy, his eyes seeming to bore into the boy's very soul.

"Where did you get these?" It was interrogations that Calvin was good at, so long as they didn't play into his personal emotions. If the boy lied, Calvin would know.

"Don't interrogate the boy, Calvin. He did nothing wrong."

"Don't tell me what to do, woman."

"I just saved your life," she muttered, just loud enough for Calvin to hear. He straightened abruptly in response, one half of a glasses lens clattering to the ground. He approached Cryx, staring down at her.

"I suggest you watch yourself before you do something you regret," he stated lowly, in a dangerous voice. "Something unpleasant might happen." With that, Cicero forgotten, Calvin left to his room, a few feathers painting his trail.

"Uhh thanks Cryx for your help." He said smiling 'When did she get here?' He thought to himself confused on how he didn't notice her but eventually forgot to care "And what was Calvin talking about something unpleasant might happen..."The boy said but the moment the word left his mouth he put the pieces together he knew Calvin hated Cryx but enough to actually hurt her let along hit a girl Calvin will most likely get punched by Cicero next time he sees him but he returned to the point at hand "I'm sorry Cryx is there anything I can do to help you know like steal from Calvin possible hit Calvin or steal anything from anyone or punch anyone?" He asked Cryx
Ooc: Back. Where should I jump in? I'll be on for quite a while, if anyone's nocturnal. Also, did Cicero give Calvin the flasks? Tabby really needs to know what's in them...

Ooc:Yes he did I promise I didn't mess them up with my other set of flask that holds random material and liquids in it I swear
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after a bit orious withdrew,licking the bite to stop any unnessary bleeding with a sharp breath and licked his lips. unable to help himself the vampire ended up pinning down the other male and leaning in giving him a nice kiss before plopping down next to him tiredly closing his eyes. "....thankyou...." he felt as if he shouldn't push it too much,the least thing he wanted was derrick avoiding him.
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"Mam I needed my file to learn who my parents are, I have never met them." Nagato told the vicious women, what did was necessity and he didn't have feelings to care if he had hurt her. "Have you found anyone Leon, or can you take me to them Shuzo?" He was ready to see his fathers.

@Ldybug123 @Isune @LilyannaGaming

Ooc: Since I don't see Ella online, I'll just time-skip a bit k? Sorry if it's inconvenient, but I demand a time-skip to 8pm, so about two hours! Feel free to finish up your scenes within this hour ofc, just join the time-skip as soon as you can.

Bic: Tabitha tried everything, but no matter what she did, she couldn't straighten her hair. "Damn..." she finally mumbled, setting down the straightener and giving up. It wasn't like her hair was horribly curly, but the girl decided she wanted to try something new. Sadly, that didn't work out the way she planned. In the bedroom she shared was a passed out Matt, who just came back from a cafe he apparently went to with Ella. Tabby didn't dislike the girl, but she couldn't help feel awkward around her when she only seemed to stare at Matt or Vladimor- She used to stare at Vlad, before he went into a coma. "Are you ready?" Tabby called out to him from the bathroom. Matthew only groaned lazily, making her sigh. What did she need to do to get him to actually try to look nice? He was a pretty cute guy even if he didn't smile enough, so why wouldn't he brush his hair before they went to talk to Calvin? It wasn't like they were going anywhere special, but it still didn't hurt to dress up. Lucky for Matthew, his hair was always so soft no matter what condition he kept it in.​
The small group had managed to find Nagato's father Matthew and then the rest of them had gone off to do their own thing. Nagato hadn't said a word to him yet. He was waiting outside of the room Matthew was in, trying to think what to say. He was lost, this was a strategic move on his part to learn more about emotions in a way but he had never had a parent before and it was hard to think that one of his fathers were just a room a way. He walked up and knocked on the door. (I couldn't tell what room you were in, I figured you were in you hotel room)

"Matt, go get the door!" Tabitha ordered the boy, and unwillingly Matthew got up, straightened his hair a bit with his hands, walked over, and open the door to reveal a boy who didn't look more than a few years younger than him. "What do you want?" he asked a little grumpily, but not enough to seem more unwelcoming than usual. He was just tired. After a few seconds, Tabitha walked out of the bathroom with her now perfectly neat but wavy hair. "Hey, are you one of Matt's friends?" she asked, giving a truly sincere smile like the good host she was. Matthew only rolled his eyes. "Ignore her, what do you want?" he asked, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer. He probably came off as impatient, but really he was just the opposite right now. The best time to catch the boy was when he was just waking up in the morning. At least then he didn't have the energy to make his usual cruel remarks of bitchy jokes.

"Are you mad? Anyways if you are Matthew Branch Wise then you should see this because well you are my father." Nagato handed Matt the file on him waiting to see what he said.

Specimen 24

November 23

We began the experiment to create life, as of yet we cannot create new genetic information concerning the human structure and had to acquire DNA samples from some of our other experiments. The other experiments have been failures thus far and it was difficult to find worthy dna, in fact we had to make due with what we had. We are hoping to acquire dna from this experiment to make a more suitable species. We used two male samples in order to create this subject and the parents of this experiment are Vladimor King and Matthew Branch Wise...

Derrick panicked a little when he was pinned down, but he did his best to remember that Orious wouldn't hurt him. He was more than right when Orious kisses him, and he makes a surprised squeal, but otherwise doesn't react to it much. "Permission..."He mutters with a feigned annoyance. The servant boy only sighs, gently stroking Orious' cheek for a moment, before he mutters a quiet 'you're welcome' before he gets up, body trembling from the moment they had and makes his way to the door, giving a last glance at the vampire. He couldn't help but to smile. In all honesty, he wanted to stay there with him for a while, but he hadn't exactly checked on Vladimor in the past few hours. He hurries downstairs and goes through the front to the lobby. On its couch, there still lay an immobile Vladimor. Derrick sighs, going over and kneeling in front of the couch. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long." He says, resting his head on the couch, figuring he could sleep here another night. The staff didn't seem to care much.
ori had fallen asleep quietly,he felt warm and comfortable the faint scent of the servant lingering still and he smiled pleased. he heard derrick's voice still even though knowing he had left the room.

Both Matthew and Tabitha's eyes widened when they heard the what the boy said. Matthew was his father?! It wasn't possible: Matthew was only eighteen, and this guy looked like he was nearly his age! His first reaction was to half-take, half-snatch the paper from the boy's hands. This had to be a prank. The document looked official however, and when Matt read what was on it he nearly fainted. As it were, he set the document down with trembling hands and sat down on the floor, not sure what to think. "Vla- Vladimor, huh?" was all he said. His hands weren't the only part of him shaking anymore. He put his hands to his shoulders, as if cold, but really it was just to stop them from shaking. When he finally did stop shaking, he looked up at the boy. He hadn't noticed it before, but the boy had some similarities to both him and Vladimor. "What... did they do to me?" he said quietly, traumatized beyond belief. He wasn't sure what he could tell the boy. Did he feel the need for parents like most humans, or did him being raised in a lab make him different? He remembered how excited he was to meet his father for the first time, and how disappointed he had been when he learned his father was just an insane and uncaring druggy. He didn't know if the boy wanted him to act like this was a touching moment or not, and if he did was sorry to disappoint, but for Matthew it was far from it. All this time he had been stuck between running from or to Vlad, and now he was learning that decision was made for him before he escaped: They had a son!

Tabitha frowned, not sure why Matt was so upset. This guy was just pranking him, right? She picked up the document and read it once, then twice. By the third time, she knew there could be no mistake: Matthew was the father of whoever this boy was. "Follow me." she said quickly, grabbing the boy's arm and leading him outside. She needed to both explain things to the boy, and give poor Matt some space. He already looked like he was about to have a heart attack, and she knew their presence there would only cause him to get worse. He needed to face the boy when he was ready.​
Calvin had, while Derrick was gone, drawn Vlad's blood, seeing as the boy had needed help and only God knew how long it would take for Derrick to return to his master. Now, the scientist had come out of his room and headed down into the lobby, approaching Derrick with a syringe filled with simple grey-blue liquid, a small first-aid kit in the other hand.

"I can help him now," he stated, only a hint of impatience tinting his voice. He had to finish up tests on the flasks Cicero had given to him.

Speaking of Cicero, Calvin was sure he had figured out that mess. The formulas the boy had given Calvin were strictly classified, and happened to be matched with Matthew's profile specifically. They would normally be unclassified, free-to-use (within the labs), but there was just that one strain that fine-tune Matthew's hearing in a specific way, and then influenced the boy's vocal chords through muscle memory once he learned how to control it. That was why he could mimic voices, down to even the vibrations, to a point.

Calvin had gone off topic in his thoughts, and jumped back. Basically, Tabitha wanted to know what the heck had happened to Matthew, and if it was reversible; cat-boy wouldn't have the motivation nor skill to pick these up.

(Enough of this stuff that I hope sounds science-y enough for a freshman imitating a full-blown scientist person.
:D )

Naomi had wandered about the hotel for a few hours, occasionally finding something to occupy, but nothing interested her truly. During the search for Matt, the girl had brushed by Calvin's room to hear Cryx and him arguing. Or, specifically, one line:

I bet you wouldn't act this way if I was your precious daughter..

Naomi frowned. There weren't any other children here, and she wasn't exactly stupid. She knew what Cryx was saying, and who she was referencing, but she refused to believe it after..


While Calvin had become sort of a father figure despite.. those times long ago, him being her
actual father made it all the worse. To the minds of most, this is how it would look: Your father betrayed you when you were just born, and perhaps before; and they experimented on you. Now, they take on their role, which one could say was instinct.

Which side outdoes the first? The bad, obviously. Naomi didn't want to see it that way, but that was how it was.

There he was now, talking to Derrick next to the still unconscious Vladimor. She couldn't confront him yet, she knew that. So she continued her wandering, eventually coming back to the hallway where many of their rooms seemed to be. Tabitha, with a boy Naomi barely recognized from earlier--the search for Matt, perhaps?--was rushing out of Matt's room. Naomi peeked in.

"Mini-Satan wants to know if you're okay," she began, "and if she should drag Cal over here for you," It was an attempt to lighten the mood; and despite Matt's views of her, Naomi's efforts were honest. She truly didn't want him to feel hurt, because usually that affected Cal's mood as well.

Oh, how much
cheesier could that get?
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