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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"I know this might be a rude thing to ask but when did you get here their are too many people that show up in one day its hard to keep track of everyone that joined." He said looking at the ceiling like he could see everyone that joined today alone 'Wow to think that there were this many people out there in the world and possibly more' He thought fully smiling at the thought of sparring some of them for fun
Ella smiled back at him and took his hand in hers, leading him out of the room and towards the stairs. Maybe it was paranoia, but she didn't feel much like a weapon suddenly. She felt more like a toy. It wouldn't be the first time she'd felt like that. But not with anyone as young as Shuzo. She preferred feeling like a weapon. At least that way she felt powerful. Like nothing could stop her when given a direction, an order.
"I just arrived. Wait.. Cicero Quin correct?" She said taking a few bites of the muffin. She glanced at the folder. She remembered reading about one of the Quin's. But wasn't sure which one @Cicero
"Yep the infamous thief and Neko Cicero Quin at your service." He said like a goofy professional he was joking although he would gladly steal anything for anyone as long as they don't tell Nick i'm fine "Wait how do you know my full name?" He asked completely interested to know how this girl knew his last name he was so excited to find out he started rolling around and eventually his hat fell off and his tail was out if he was face paint he would draw whiskers on his face to look even more goofy
The elevator quickly reached the second floor, and the girl hadn't said a word. He stepped out of the elevator and heard a gun shot. "Should I care, should I help them?" He was utterly confused he never knew when he should fight for others, in the old days he had been given commands. He wondered over to the source of the sound and found the same gang members from earlier. He pulled the small sword out from it's spot being attached to his leg. He saw a bleeding boy, "are you okay?" At least Nagato was familiar with pain.
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Silver handed him his file that she grabbed. She had a majority of the files but, was missing around four. She glanced down not wanting to break up the past. @Cicero

Silver jumped up at the gunshot. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her katana. She dashed to the scene. She saw what was happening and knelt next to a boy. She took his pain away (Not healing.) and bent it into her, putting her into a battle rage "Where did they go?! The ones that shot you she demanded. @JacobLoL
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Cicero looked at the file confused on what it was he opened it and laughed a little "Hey knew me so well to bad their dead I wanted to torture them oh well." He said looking at the file to see his picture

Cicero an insane sadistic person when fighting when not fighting a kleptomaniac cat that will act nice to the scientist and will be nice to other experiments and will gladly stand in the way to protect the ones he loves like his little brother Ocean Quin

Cicero was laughing at the word insane "Yep sounds like me." He said aloud ignoring the girl yelling at someone who was shot he just sat there looking at the file wondering if she had his brother's file but he didn't look out of respect for once
Nagato had followed the man with the gun, the man spotted him and pointed his gun at Nagato. Quick Nagato rose his hand and when the gang member shot at Nagato he was surprised to feel the bullet was in his shoulder. "Excuse me sir are you angry, how does that feel?" The man looked at Nagato with fire and anger in his eyes. Pointing his gun at Nagato once more.
"Ah" Daniel cursed as cupped his ear. Everything seemed happen fast, suddenly there people all around him and yelling, alot of yelling as someone chase the man down the stairs. Suddenly the pain in his ear dissapeared and he could only feel the west blood that was now running down the side of his face. He sat up, groaning "Dis someone just shoot me?" He asked, still dazed from the bullet and confused that the pain had suddenly dissapeared.
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Ella dropped his hand. A gunshot sure made her feel like a weapon again. The knife was already in her hand and she started towards the sound without a second glance at the poor boy that had collapsed beside her. This was what she was for. Not babysitting some kid. I don't have any orders, she realised and stopped in her tracks. If she did anything, it would be murder. She didn't even know who she belonged to, who she was meant to be serving. The group, she told herself. But only Matthew had given her orders and she didn't know where he was.
Nagato had no need to redirect the gun shot this time, and it echoed up the stairs as the bullet grazed past Nagato and up towards the others landing short of the door where the others could see. Nagato walked up to the bleeding man and stuck his finger in the mans bullet hole inflicting tremendous pain on him. "Does that make you fell anger? How does that feel?" The fire in the man's eyes began to fade and he became unconscious as Nagato was inflicting pain on him. Nagato sighed, "why won't anyone tell me how they feel? Do they not want me to learn emotions?"
Ooc: I was referring to the man that shot you I had him shoot himself in the shoulder
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Shuzo heard the gunshot and his eyes widened. He quickly dissapeared into the shadows, and used them to get to where he heard the gunshot. He came out of the shadows and found himself near Nagato. He had shown up just in time to see him stick his finger into the man's wound. "W-why d-did y-you d-do t-that?" He asked quietly before looking at Daniel. @Wyatt @JacobLoL
Not sure what to do, Ella simply stood there with the knife in her hand. Awaiting orders that wouldn't come with glazed over eyes. She knew he could move but she didn't. There was no motivation for her to do anything in that moment and so she didn't do anything at all. They could all be dying. You could save them. Except life and death didn't matter to her, just to whoever pulled the trigger.
Izabell wandered off and went to the front counter and Sat down with a sigh. She decided to tend to any of her guests that came in.
"Oh, hi there." Nagato pulled his figure out of the man's bullet hole and rubbed the blood on the man. "How does that make you feel?" Nagato asked Shuzo, he was nearly finished trying to learn what others felt. It was a waste of his time and it would be better to go back to the scientist to work for them, at least he would have a sense of purpose. But would that be better, it seemed the only two emotions Nagato could feel were confusion and pain. Strangely he considered these to be emotions since he could feel them. He feel to his but and put his head in his hands while he was thinking. "I need help." He said this without thinking, although the others wouldn't understand what he meant by this.
Shuzo was startled by Nagato. "U-Um w-well, I-I a-am a-a b-bit s-scared. W-What d-do y-you m-mean y-you n-need h-help?" He asked after answering his question. @Wyatt
To understand this boy had to know a little about Nagato, "Uh well, I have been trying to learn emotions. I wasn't born the traditional way, scientist gather dna samples from the other experiments and created me in a test tube. I developed in there for two years and I never developed emotions. I was their weapon until something happened. Besides trying to learn emotions I have also been trying to find my parents, I think it will help me learn l-l-lo-ve. I have never seen them in my two years of life." The entire time he spoke it was odd because it was one endless tone withlut sadness, anger or frustration, it was just emotionless. @Ldybug123
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Leon was asleep through most of this. He had grown used to being a heavy sleeper. That was however, until Leon heard knock after knock on the doors. The sound seemed to be getting closer but Leon was still happily asleep. Once the noise started to hit his room however, Leon tossed and turned before letting out a groan and slowly pulling away his beanie before shouting,"What is it?" across his room to whoever was on the other side of the door. Leon was tired, but if someone was knocking at his door clearly the must want something and hopefully weren't just mindlessly doing things to those who were actually trying to get some R&R.

Tamara jolted upright at the gunshots. "Fuck." She instinctively ducked as the members started waving around guns. "Is it too late to apologize?" She started shutting down when she saw the boy that was shot. "This is all my fault. We're all going to die, and it's all my fault." She snapped when she saw the gang leader. "Actually, it's not my fault. It's yours!" With a screech, she launched herself at him and started punching his face. All his fears started playing through around them, the hallway getting darker and darker as the fears got worse and more morbid. She punched him over and over, her hands becoming bloody as his nose broke.
"Wait what someone was actually in the room." Nick said dully and confused he thought him and his brothers were the only three on the second floor 'Well ok guess I can talk to this guy I have nothing better to do' He told himself walking back to the door "Yo its Nick." He said to the guy behind the door clueless to who it was but decide he met some people so they should know his name if not he was just going to leave the person alone and find Ocean or Cicero to pick on
The boy didn't respond to Nagato's story and he didn't feel like fighting any more instead he went back out of the stair way onto the second floor. "Time to find my self a room." He said this as though hearing his own voice would make him feel something. He wondered around looking at doors trying to figure out which ones had someone inside. He stopped when he found a strange man outside a room talking to a door. Nagato thought that he might stay in one of these rooms for some reason although he didn't go in one yet. Instead he walked up the stranger, "hello..." he didn't know what to say besides that, and it was again in his emotionless voice.

Shuzo wondered why Nagato left, but decided to go find Ella. He ran around in the hotel for a few minutes before finding her. "H-hey. D-do y-you k-know w-what's g-going o-on?" He asked,confused. @Valkyre
"Hmm hey i'm Nick and you?" He asked not really caring either way hes must likely going to go back to bed later anyways if he can't find anyone that would be fun to bug or fight but this guy seemed weak and boring to fight and he seems emotionless so bugging him won't be fun either 'How come Cicero and Ocean were the only fun ones to bug?' He asked himself while staring at the guy

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