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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Calvin, as pissed as he was, kept quiet, knowing now was not the time to violently interrogate their attacker. He followed Matthew, picking up a heavily sleeping Naomi and nudging Cryx awake. They turned into an alleyway.. only for somebody else to find them.

The scientist growled to himself; the headache pounding awake at his sanity and the extremely sore spot on his shoulder was not helping with his mood. He reminded himself to take a look at his shoulder; it might have been just laying on it wrong, but judging from the strange feel when he ran his hand over it, it was probably not that.

Thoughts darted through his mind as he followed the group. Merge.. corrupted soul.. sins.. incompatible.. dangerous..

Calvin thought he had a good idea of what was going on with his shoulder, and he didn't like it one bit.

[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Calvin, as pissed as he was, kept quiet, knowing now was not the time to violently interrogate their attacker. He followed Matthew, picking up a heavily sleeping Naomi and nudging Cryx awake. They turned into an alleyway.. only for somebody else to find them.
The scientist growled to himself; the headache pounding awake at his sanity and the extremely sore spot on his shoulder was not helping with his mood. He reminded himself to take a look at his shoulder; it might have been just laying on it wrong, but judging from the strange feel when he ran his hand over it, it was probably not that.

Thoughts darted through his mind as he followed the group. Merge.. corrupted soul.. sins.. incompatible.. dangerous..

Calvin thought he had a good idea of what was going on with his shoulder, and he didn't like it one bit.


Matthew raised an eyebrow at the girl who asked them to follow. He wasn't too keen on following anyone right now, but she seemed to know Orious, and they were running out of choices with each passing minute. "I hope you're not a serial killer." Matt muttered under his breath, not really expecting the girl to hear. Tabitha heard however, and she nearly dropped Orious out of laughter. She managed to hold on to him however. They had to stop soon however, when Derrick stopped to set Vladimor down. "What is it now?!" Matt asked, his voice full of exasperation, but he dropped his anger once he noted how dazed Derrick looked. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, but he walked over and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "You can keep moving, right? Do you need me to carry him?" Matthew asked quietly, not acting like his usual dickish self. He didn't know what Derrick was thinking. He wasn't a mind reader, but he knew that if the boy couldn't pull himself together, more than just his life would be lost. That didn't mean he hated Derrick of course, but the boy wasn't very helpful to the rest of the group, and Matt doubted he would be anytime soon. Before Derrick answered him, Matt turned his head to look at Calvin. "If you're hurting too, I'll carry you." he joked, seeing how pained the scientist looked right now. Matthew was far from nice, but if they were going to survive he'd need to raise their spirits a little. "Thank God Vladimor can't see this." Matt thought, not knowing what he'd do if the taller male saw him acting the way he was now. He had no doubts Vlad would tease him, but he couldn't dwell on ideas of what Vlad would do. His fantasies and worries got him nowhere.

izabell let out a soft breath and nodded, looking to them with a sad smile. "yes...he's someone very dear to me.." she said with her hands behind her back and hummed softly as she led them to a old looking hotel which had been hidden just perfectly. izabell stopped and opened the door. "it's safer here...i have supplies and plenty of room. stay as long as you need also you may call me izabell." she said and then walked over to the counter and pulled out a first-aid kit or two.
Calvin glanced at Matt and studied him for a moment, shaking his head.

"I'll be fine," he said, but his low and ragged voice betrayed the pain. Not that he would let Matt know that.

Fortunately, Cryx was awake enough to dart forwards and catch Naomi when Calvin fell to his knees with a pained grunt, clutching his shoulder. Liquid that seemed to be blood--but looked more like a dull gray in the little light there--was spilled between between his fingers, and his head bowed as he waited for whatever was happening to stop.

"Rejecting.. took ya long enough.." the scientist remarked with a weak chuckle, shuffling to his feet. The liquid had stopped flowing, and Calvin looked a little less pained, but he kept his hand tightly over his shoulder. He followed along.

Naomi's head rose.

"I'll be fine, child."
Cicero looked over at Tab "Do you need help carrying him?" He asked slowing his pace so he was right next to her smiling trying to look not concerned he knew she was strong but he couldn't help but feel he need to help her carry the vampire guy "How close are we to Las Vega?" He asked anyone who listened
Shuzo sat down on the hotel floor. "W-where d-do y-you k-know h-him f-from?" He asked Izabell. "S-sorry i-if I-I'm b-being n-nosy. Y-you d-don't h-have t-to a-answer." He said timidly. @mewbot5408
"I'll do it it's fine," Derrick said sternly when he was addressed by Matthew. Effortlessly, he picks Vladimor up, adjusting him on his back. He was much more than a little capable of handling stuff. Though he was a little less than trusting with yet another new member of this ramshackle group. Even with this being true, he had no other choice and follows this new girl. When they arrive at the hotel, Derrick sets Vladimor down on the couch gently, stroking the taller boys cheek. "Your doctor told you your body is too weak to do anything that will heavily labour your body...I'm so surprised that you survived a simple electrocution but so elated that I'll be the one to die, instead." He tells his unconscious lord softly, running his fingers through his beautiful dark hair, and over the flawless tanned skin. His eyes were once a brilliant shade of blue, but now this ghostly white will continue to pose a problem. Perhaps it was something to do with the experiment, Derrick wondered.


"I'll be fine- He must not eat a lot, because he's light." Tabitha replied to Cicero's question happily, not really paying attention to the pain or discomfort so many of the other group members seemed to be experiencing. She was a girl who was usually a good listener, but with her not having slept until late the night before, her senses weren't the best. Tabitha walked slowly alongside Cicero toward the hotel. She didn't want to admit it but she was being slowed down by the weight of the unconscious blood-drinker. She made it to the hotel safely however, and Ori on the floor next to the couch, seeing that Vladimor had already been placed on it.

Matthew glanced back at Calvin, but he couldn't stop to comfort the scientist. It would've been awkward for him to day anyway: Calvin wasn't the soft type to be comforted anyway. Behind Shuzo, Matt was the second to enter the hotel, save for the girl who was leading them. Matthew didn't know why, but something about the girl seemed... off. "So, was he your lover or something?" Matt asked casually, walking over and inspecting Orious all the while he was talking. He wasn't a doctor, but he was sure the vampire would be fine- maybe a little sore in the morning at worst. Usually Matt wasn't the one to jump to conclusions unless he was jealous or just had a reason to be paranoid, but the way this girl obsessed over Orious certainly wasn't normal. He wasn't even sure he believed she was a girl either. Now that he looked at her more closely, she had a pretty androgynous face, and her voice had sounded a little odd too... "It's not like I can judge either way." Matt reminded himself, but to say the least he was unnerved by his observations.​
"Ok cool." the boy said while they walked to the hotel when he got inside he asked Izabell "Can I have one of these lights?" He asked looking up at the ceiling lights fascinated by how cool they are and how they work 'I really want one of these.....wonder if it will work if I but it in my hand?' He thought to himself staring at the light before having to blink which made him have another thought 'You really are an idiot your not suppose to stare at light....unless you want to go blind.' Said the voice in his head he was getting annoyed the person was close to him he knew that it also sounded like a male....was it an old friend of his Cicero gave up on the thought and sat down and started eating one of his cookies
izabell tended to both of the unconscious guys making sure they were okay and taken care of,humming as she did. "not exactly,i've been with ori since we were kids..he's the only family i ever had..." she explained and sighed after she was done then took a knife and slit her wrist just as ori shivered and woke up with a harsh breath as izabell held her bleeding wrist out for him and he mumured "...izabell..." before insantly taking her wrist and fed. izabell moved close with a sigh petting him on the head before hugging him and kissing his forehead. "there,there...you really shouldn't forget to feed properly. your body gets weak like this..now how will you protect me if your body gets weak like this.." she scolded and that was when ori snapped back to reality and shoved izabell off,running off. "don't touch me!" he snapped
Derrick looks at Izabell, then over to Orious who ran off. He was confused. Was she like a sister or something? He tilts his head but dismisses the thought. He sat down in front of the couch, looking back at Vladimor few seconds. 'When is he going to wake up..." He mutters, pulling his knees to his chest and closes his eyes. It'll feel like an eternity without him.


Tabitha listened quietly to the others, feeling rather calm- until she saw the girl whose name was Izabell slitting her wrist. "What are you-" Tabby's question was answered before she could finish saying it. The girl was willingly giving up her blood?! Tabitha wanted to step in, but after a second she didn't have to: The vampire seemed to have gained control of himself and pushed her away himself. Was that the only reason he pushed her away though? Tabby usually wouldn't second guess his motive for pushing her away. He had already seemed to hate drinking the blood of group members, so the answer seemed obvious. Still, the words he chose made Tabby second guess herself nonetheless. She glanced at Matthew. The boy was touching his wrists but refusing to look at them. "This must be hard for him..." she realized, and for a second she wanted to reach her hand out to touch and comfort the boy, but after what she did she wasn't sure if he'd forgive her. No, he probably wouldn't. Not yet, but it didn't change the fact she wanted to help him. He was needlephobic- he always had been, and after years of being trapped in a facility, it only increased his irrational fear of them. It wasn't just needles, of course- anything that resembled them would surely set him off, even a simple device or method that could be used to draw blood. Finding it useless to dwell on things, Tabitha quickly grabbed the backpack and headed toward the elevator to find a room for the night.

For several minutes, Matt froze, completely stunned by the scene he just witnessed. He didn't care who it involved. He just cared that it involved blood, blood being drawn to be specific. After a while, he finally came out of his trance, but it was obvious that something was bothering him, but he doubted anyone would no what. Only one of them knew about his fear, after all. "Is he okay?" he asked Derrick, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder before kneeling down beside him to look at the unconscious Vladimor. The sight made Matt sick- not because he was disgusted with the taller male, but with himself. He didn't know how, but he was sure he could've stopped this, if only he had been awake enough to get there first. "But then I'd be in his position..." Matthew reminded himself, but the thought didn't bring any comfort to the boy's heart. He was tired, but he had enough rest. If need be, he'd wait with Derrick to see Vladimor's wake up again... He would wake up, right?​
Once the group had stopped at the hotel Zadock waited for people to calm down some before he called out loud enough for the group to hear him "I hope we can be friends anyways when you all are ready to hear my story and share yours just call out and I'll be there. Call me monkey if you need to." The Zadock chuckled and jumped onto a wall and crawled up it out of sight using his powers over attraction and repulsion to keep himself on the wall and he walked slowly towards rafters and the higher floors.
Derrick jumps slightly when his hand comes in contact with his shoulder. "He...I'm almost completely sure he'll be." He says, looking at Vladimor once again. "He's so frail he'd most likely be dead if he weren't one of you...I'm not sure what will happen while he's like this." He says truthfully, looking at the faint rise and fall of his chest. He looked nearly dead. "Lord Vladimor once told me that he heard most of the things I said when he was comatose for nearly 2 weeks. Maybe if you'll talk to him, he'll wanna wake up faster..."

((OOC: Vladimor rn is practically 'awake' right now. His body just isn't responsive since it sort of short-circuited when he got fried...Odd,huh?))
ori had ran off and crouched down quietly in the dark of the back room holding his head. his body trembling immensely and his heart pounded like crazy. " i hate you...i hate you...this is all your fault.."he mumbled to himself,tears sliding down his face. he punched the wall and made a massive hole in it and shook his head,sobbing. "stupid..stupid..."

meanwhile, izabell reached out only to pull her hand back. "ori..." she clutched her wrist to her chest the shook her head with a sad smile. "i'm glad you're alive.." she then turned and sung somthing of a lullaby softly to herself and went off to put up the medic supplies since she had tended to vlad and ori already.

The first thing Tabby did when in the empty room of her choosing was set the backpack and her bed and check to see if the shower worked. It did, thank God! She quickly got undressed and stepped into the shower, enjoying the feeling of the cold water against her face. Both she and Matt had a shower before she met the others at a homeless shelter, but it had only been five minutes and... She blushed as she remembered showering in front of other girls. It was weird, but none of them seemed to pay her much mind. Once out of the shower, Tabitha quickly looked through the backpack for a change of clothes- she didn't have much to wear, but Matt had quite a few shirts. "He won't mind if I take this right?" Tabitha wondered, taking the biggest shirt she could find and putting it over herself. It wasn't anything she'd seen Matt wear before: It was a black and white striped t-shirt with a picture of a cat wearing sunglasses right in the middle of it. "Totally not his style..." she said in her head, but she didn't dare say it aloud: She was the only one there with abnormally good hearing, but that didn't mean there wasn't somebody nearby who could hear her. Grabbing her Latin textbooks, a paper, and a pencil again, Tabitha sat on her bed and began to research whatever it was she was researching again. She was tired, but she'd try to stay awake every hour she possibly could.

Matt gave Derrick a skeptical look. "Are you sure he'd want to talk to me?" he asked. "You know him better..." There was no way that sentence wasn't true. Everyday Matthew learned something new about Vladimor, but Derrick already seemed to know everything. He didn't argue anymore with the boy however, and he found himself taking a deep breath, before beginning to talk to the coma-Vladimor. "Hey... I know you can't see, but it's Matthew. You recognize my voice... right?" He paused every few seconds, glancing at Derrick. He wasn't sure what he could and couldn't say in front of the boy who was always looking out with his friend. "I'm sober now, but I guess you're not exactly now right?" Matt joked awkwardly, trying to make his voice sound cheerful. In his head though, he was dreading every minute of this. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to be friendly to the boy after all that happened earlier, but if it was for Vlad's health, Matt knew he had to try anything. "I guess this is what happens when you take too many hits." Again, another lame joke. "I... I think I remember most of what I said, but please don't mind it. I really shouldn't be trusted with alcohol." He smiled, and while he was still nervous he found himself a little more eager to talk to the boy now. Despite how obviously fucked up it was to talk to a only semi-conscious person, his hope that he'd somehow help the boy made him talk more freely and naturally. That, and this was an opportunity for Vladimor to really listen, even if Matt didn't have the nerve to tell him all he really wanted to, thanks to Derrick being around. "Did you know I used to sell drugs? I still probably have some weed in my backpack, but I never took any myself so it's useless to me." This one-sided exchange went on for a while, before Matt turned to Derrick. "Is... this all you want me to do? I still think you're better at this than me." Matt yawned, mimicking the tired sensation he didn't actually feel.​
Ooc:Time to meet cause i'm to impatience

Nick walk along an ally way to find a hotel he walked in and found people but two people stood out to him he walked up to them and but them both in a headlock and smiled a little "Hey brats what have you two been up too?....nothing bad I hope." He said looking around at the group he lost his smile and returned back to his unemotional "Hey.....wait NICK!" He exclaimed excitement filled him as he started smiling at laughing "When did you get here and how?" The boy asked trying to get out of the head lock "Well I was just walked by and decide to get a room." He stated plainly getting out a cigarette and lighter and started smoking
izabell leaned over the counter tilting her head,staring with her blue eyes and smiled. "hmm..i have plenty of rooms,take your pick." she said holding up a room key as she now stood looking up at nick. "you know how it works.." she said with a giggle and winked after handing it to him,turning and heading to the kitchen. "now then, anyone need anything just ask. i'll be in the kitchen" she said humming to herself.
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Ooc:Izabell is a guy right?

Nick took the key and grab Cicero and Ocean "Guess you two are bunking with me." He said looking at the two boys "But i'm hungry can we eat first?" Cicero asked him looking at where the girl disappeared too almost drooling at the thought of food "Why do you want food do you like that girl or something?" He boy asked not really caring whether he could be heard by anyone else "WHAT NO I THOUGHT IT I WAS THE STUPID ONE YET HERE YOU ARE SAYING THAT!" Cicero yelled embarrassed especially if anyone heard him say that

Vladimor, while technically conscious, mentally laughs at Matthew. He sounds so stupid he'd think. Behind his laughing would be a lot of pain. For some reason there was a heavy pain on his chest and he couldn't think to why. The shadow-bent felt anxious and frustrated that he couldn't move or see. Goddammit, he was fighting to wake up! This sucked!!

Derrick nods, seeming to be falling asleep as he looks at Vladimor. "I..do talk to him. I don't always think he enjoys hearing my voice." He laughs sheepishly. "Plus I think it always ends up the same way into some sort of lecture..." He shrugs, easing his way down to the floor, sort of giving up on being awake for the most part. Well, then.​

Matthew looked at the three boys who were being obnoxiously loud. "Can you two keep it down?!" he said, more ordering them than asking. Matthew had been playing it cool all day, but it was clear from the circles under the boy's eyes that he still hadn't gotten enough sleep, save for the hour or two he spent napping before the journey. He stretched, enjoying the feeling of how his shoulders and legs popped. He didn't really care if there was a newcomer, but if he was associated with Cicero Matthew doubted he'd enjoy his company. After feeling confident that he scolded the boy and his friend, (or whatever he was to Cicero) Matthew turned to listen to what Derrick said, who barely seemed awake. "Why wouldn't he enjoy your voice?" Matt asked, not really expecting an answer. Even though he was struggling to fight it, Matt could feel his body slowly relax and give in to the sensation of sleep. "Vlad, you better not mess with me if I'm in a coma, for well- all tomorrow..." The boy mumbled, laying down on the floor and closing his eyes. He didn't entirely mean it as a joke: If Vlad tried anything when he woke up, Matt would kill him. Still, he wasn't paranoid over it and in his tired state he found himself not caring. Matthew, like so many of the experiments, lived life day after day- he was just better at doing so than most.

Sometime during Tabitha's tired attempts at studying she found herself curling up on the bed, enjoying the warmth of the sheets that she was too lazy to get under. "Will I wake up?" she wondered with a smile on her face. Death was still a very real possibility for her and the other experiments, but somehow Tabby had gotten over that fact. Whenever she thought about it, she just teased the idea in her head. "We'll lay here for years or for hours..." she hummed the song she knew so well in her head. It was by Hozier, an artist she had grown addicted to after her escape. The lyrics of his songs were often sad, but maybe that was why the music appealed to her so much. "Come at me death!" she whispered quiet and playfully to the ceiling of her room. She kicked a leg up, as if the "death" she talked about was a real person. This kick however, was her spending her last bit of energy, and soon after she fell asleep.​
(technically yes,but nobody can tell at all without stripping him down to the nude...it's one of those things. so it's best people think he's a girl.)

izabell wandered off to the kitchen and put on some tea. she began to sing softly now she was alone. "....i listen and wait fover and however it's beautiful. your hands,eyes,and smile are my treasure...some things are harder to forget. i wish there was a solution. i turn and spread my broken wings and go drifting in the wind...i fly far across the ocean wind...higher,and higher... " her voice carried beautifully and sadly. she finished her song and exhaled deeply,turning and poured a cup of tea then pulled out some cakes.
"I guess that would be fine, but Nick stay as far away as possible. You always blow your smoke in my face whenever you smoke a cigarette. Also you always are mean to Cicero and me. I don't even know if you're my real brother because you disappeared and never talked to me."

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