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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: I can have Tabitha wake Cicero up, but now I want to challenge you to create a serious character you'd enjoy playing as.

:P I'll add Tabby's post in my next post.​
Ooc:So to contact act Cicero care free nature I have to make a serious version of him pretty much ok fine....but do I want them to be related or not that's my real question

"I don't know. Am I?" They roll their eyes, their face scrunching is dismay when it is poked. Besides this, he wasn't too responsive and seemed just to stare. Maybe with annoyance or stubbornness. Maybe he was bordering on the edge of falling asleep, or some him in some sort of melancholy thought. perhaps he couldn't even read himself.

Derrick shrugs, leaning back against Orious once more, muttering something about 5 more minutes.​

Tabitha laid there for a bit, until she finally heard Cicero's breathing slow. "Hey, are you awake?" she asked, but upon getting no response, she came to her own conclusion. "Hmm... Not answering I see." she said mischievously. She quickly opened her backpack and found what she was looking for: a black marker. Tilting his head back slightly, she quickly got to work.

"How should I know?" Matthew asked him, clearly confused by the boy's question. If he was sober, his response would've been something more sarcastic, but as it was Matt was very much drunk, and worried about a person he cared about. "Here, have this." Matt said, extending his hand to offer Vladimor a cold beer. It wasn't something Matt would usually do, but after just a bottle and a half the boy clearly didn't have the same restraints he usually put on himself. He smiled and looked around the bus while he leaned back against his seat. "So, your father can afford stuff like this?" he inquired, his eyelids mostly open as if he was fully aware even if he was far from it. He seemed curious, but he seriously had no interest in things like this, regardless of what state he was in.​
Cicero woke up feeling something moving across his face he was guessing Tab woke up "Did you sleep well?" He asked while yawning and touching his face trying to guess what was on it "Were you poking my face just now?" He asked Tab confused on why he felt something move across his face
Tabitha nodded to his original question, quite happy with the work she had finished just before Cicero woke up: On his face she drew several different shapes, none of them too bad, except for the words "I'm an idiot" that she put on his forehead. "No, why would you?" Tabby asked, tilting her head, her eyes full of false innocence.

"Right....oh ok anyway how much longer until we get there I really want one of those street lights their really shiny and cool looking." He said looking back at the lights and he keep gliding his hand across his face "Are you sure there's nothing on my face?" He asked competently confused on why it felt like there was something on his face he got so annoyed by he started scratching his whole facing trying to get the feeling off his face
Calvin had, indeed, fallen asleep; Matt just hadn't realized that he'd been asleep since before the boy was drunk. But now, he jerked awake, rolling off of the seat and hitting his head on that damned pole. Why did these things even come with those?! Not that it did anything to wake him up.

The half-awake scientist looked around blearily, standing but not anticipating the movement of the bus, so he almost fell off of the seats again.

This was Calvin when he just woke up: stumbling like a drunk.

"Can't be like them luckies who're awake right away," he grumbled, looking out the window. "I didn't even sleep for that long."

Instead of moving, Calvin leaned back against the seat, mostly oblivious to his surroundings. He gave a tired half-wave to Matt and Vlad, grumbling quiet complaints when he couldn't fall back asleep.
Vladimor grumbles as he sits up, mumbling an 'oh-what-the-hell' swiping up the bottle, halving it in one go. He's gonna need something stronger than this. He's no lightweight, and right now- Drinking is a fun way to forget all your problems. The tall boy stands heading over to the cooler grabbing the bottle that Matthew had tried earlier. ''That's better'' He thinks, drinking maybe a fourth or so of the large bottle, cringing at how strong it was in his mouth. Originally he hated vodka, but Derrick being the headstrong Russian he is(Who knew!?) Got him to drink until he loved it. Vladimor sat down until the buzz began to get to him. He wasn't too much of a wild drunk, especially with his copious amounts of self-control. Maybe something else will help him out. He went over to the sleeping couple. (God damn, Orious, get off my servant!)nudging Derrick from his half-sleep stupor. "Hey, Derrick. What else did you bring in the bag?" He asks, as if Derrick knew he was looking for something specific. And he was. Derrick knew. When Derrick could smell the alcohol in his breath, he could tell what he was getting at. He grabbed his large back from upfront, taking out a small baggy of something and also a bong. Druggie. It takes nearly no time at all for Derrick and Vladimor to be sitting in front of each other on the floor, and them already to spark up .The noble boy smokes weed, and so does his servant. Surprise surprise.

Ella had been asleep for most of the journey so far, curled up in a ball on the seat. Her eyes had blearily opened some time ago and she'd rubbed the sleep from her eyes, but otherwise hadn't moved. She simply observed the goings on around her. Ella wasn't even sure where they were going but that was okay, she hadn't known where they'd been before. Well, she had a name to her destination. Las Vegas and a vague idea of what that meant, courtesy of the scientists chatting amongst themselves around her as they worked or she carried out some order.
Orious woke up with a stretch yawning and sighed. He looked around a bit dazed then remembered that he was on a party bus. Ori pulled out another vile downing it's continents as well, he blew out a sharp breath. His violet eyes illuminating a deep shade of red. A sharp high pitched screech had hit his mind and he covered his ears,keeping completely quiet even though something was obviously wrong. Many voices begun flooding his mind as Ori covered his ears quietly, his eyes widened and he muttered quietly for the voices to shut up.

( Im up. Also gonna say somebody tried reaching him using the chip they implanted in his body but in the process they're just making him suffer)

Matthew didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't for Vladimor to practically chug the beer, grab Matt's vodka from earlier and wash it down, then walk up to his Derrick and ask for drugs, as if it didn't faze him at all! Matthew watched the two for a bit, so interested in the way the servant and lord interacted that he didn't notice Calvin waking up. "So, you guys are druggies?" Matthew asked, walking carefully over to them in his drunken state, making sure he didn't trip over them. He sat down between the two, the fumes of the drugs hitting him almost immediately. He never tried any of the drugs he sold personally, but right now it was rather tempting... but he didn't dare. He looked at both of them, but his eyes were mostly focused on Vladimor. The taller boy had a sort of prince-like aura about him, even now despite the fact he was practically homeless. "You really are a noble..." Matthew thought aloud, nearly biting his tongue in order to keep his words clear and precise. He was barely aware of what he was doing, but the poor boy had always been self-conscious of his speech no matter what situation he was in. Still, he wasn't aware of much else he was doing, and to prove this further he grabbed the arm of the other boy, observing it with the curiosity of a child.

Tabitha finally couldn't help it and burst out laughing. "H-here..." she said, still trying to control her laughter by the time she took a small mirror out of her backpack to show him what she had done to his face. Her eyes gleamed with a shameless sense of mischief. She was obviously proud of what she had done.​
Cicero took the mirror and started laughing he seen the shapes and the word I'm an idiot on his forehead "Yep I have to say I agree with that." He said looking at the words and smiling "Thank you for such a great gift." He said looking around but something in the back on his mind was bugging him Las Vega he heard someone close to him say it but he can't remember who 'I'M MOVING TO LAS VEGA AND DON'T TRY AND FIND ME!' He heard a voice yell in his head it was so familiar but he never heard it before he quickly tried to forget about the thought "So wanna see how the drawing turned out?" He asked Tab picking up the paper that was on the floor
It didn't take Ella long to realise that a lot of people, her two alphas included, weren't in their right minds anymore. Ella sat up and watched them, wondering why they would addle their bodies and minds like that. She'd come across alcohol and drugs before, of course, she hadn't been confined to a laboratory since she could so easily be controlled no matter where she was if wearing an earpiece. Not that she'd been let out of a handlers sight unless she had a very specific mission to follow. But her handlers had liked to let loose and party from time to time, enjoying anything they pleased and knowing she'd never say a word.
Cicero looked troubled, but Tabitha kept her mouth shut about it. He probably was just a little worn out after fighting and running around all day. "Sure- I'm excited to see how bad you failed." Tabitha teased, but in her mind she wasn't so light-hearted. "Does he know how tired he looks?" Tabitha wondered, holding the picture she drew close to him while she thought and waited for Cicero to show her his drawing.


"Not as an addict." Vladimor watches Matthew carefully as he takes an exceptionally long hit, tucking his hair back behind his ear as not to get any hair in his way. (Amazing for someone with asthma!) before passing the bong to Derrick. "I didn't think you actually doubted before, what confirms this now?" He asks, smoke ghosting past him lips as he speaks. He holds the rest for about 15 seconds before letting it go in several circular rings, smaller ones going through the larger ones before letting the remaining smoke out. "What are you doing?" He looked at Matthew with an expression that seemed to care, but at the same time didn't give a fuck.

Derrick took his hit, coughing on his(It doesn't mean you're not experience, just some good weed. Don't laugh.) before holding the rest. He exhaled slowly, taking noticed to Orious, noticing him covering his ears and the pain in his eyes. He goes over quickly, worry in his smoke-reddened eyes, a small cough from the lingering smoke. "Hey, hey! Orious, are you alright?" He asks, not understanding what was going on with him.​
"Hm? Oh, I never doubted but..." Matthew paused for a second, looking around longingly for another beer, as if one would just roll toward him. "I... just hoped I'd be able to be something, but you are something." He looked up at Vladimor with a helpless expression. "You are so much better than me..." Every thing the boy said was slurred: If Tabitha was here, surely she'd have laughed at how easy it was to get him drunk. Matt ignored Vlad's second question, instead turning his focus to back to Vladimor's arm. "I don't understand you..." Matt muttered, half-way between drunken joy and becoming an emotional wreck. He didn't say anything more for a while, but he seemed stressed as he simply kept his hands on the other boy's arm. Finally however, he closed his eyes and laid his head on Vlad's lap, forgetting his normal sense of proprieties and even wrapping the other boy's arm around him! "You and Deer-rick are lovers righttt?" Matthew sighed the words without opening his eyes. There was something sad about the way he spoke, as if he was resigned to the fact that he thought he knew.

Ori's breathing became heavier as he repeated something his hands digging at his ears painfully. The sounds in his head became louder and louder,

hurting him more as he cringed in pain. Something like a strange lump in the back of his neck was visible as he had his head down. The lump was nasty looking the flesh burned and slightly sparking from a what seemed to be a electronic device partially visible due to the damaged flesh which was bleeding and burned,the tissue and skin torn a little exposing this device.
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Ella noticed the lump and moved over to Ori to take a closer look at it. She'd never really been allowed around the other experiments but when they were experimenting with her free-will she'd been chipped at the time. They'd later removed it since it was unnecessary for her. She had only seen the chip when they'd removed it but she could guess it was something the scientists had put in him, although she didn't know what it did.

"Orious? Orious are you okay? It looks like you've shorted a chip out or something..." Ella said quietly to him. She didn't think it particularly strange that he still had it. Maybe he needed it or hadn't known it was there.
OoC: where is the group at so I can get some sort of idea how to jump in.
Drumonkey said:
OoC: where is the group at so I can get some sort of idea how to jump in.
((OOC:You'll have to wait in Las Vegas somewhere, they're all on a party bus right at the moment.))
Drumonkey said:
OoC: where is the group at so I can get some sort of idea how to jump in.
If you want, you can hijack one of the two party buses. There are two- these are the characters in the buses:














It's midnight atm. There's still about a day's travel 'til they reach Las Vegas.
Derrick cautiously eyed the chip in the back of Orious, hesitantly reaching for it. He before he even comes close with the small item, it shocks him and he flinches. "What?" He says softly, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks at Orious then at the chip. "What's this for?" he asks more of himself than anyone. He wasn't sure how to help, and it didn't look safe to take out at the moment.

Vladimor sort of watched the whole scene. He'll handle it himself. The boy had gotten his bong again, taking hit after hit, not really caring about the boy laying down in his lap. "He spoke such harsh words, now this?" He rolls his eyes as he turns to exhale. Though he was sort of bothered by the kid's constant change of emotion, he petted through his hair as he lay there. He pulls a face. He doesn't understand him?! Talk about confusing. "Try again, " Vladimor says pulling a face. "More like childhood friends." He explains, looking at the blonde who seemed to be frantic over the vampire.


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