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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Shuzo remembered he had a sweatshirt. He got it out of his bag and put it on. He put his hands in the pockets and put the hood over his head.
Vladimor growls, snorting out hot breath against the cold air. "On second thought, why doesn't everyone go on one bus. I really wouldn't mind being alone." He spits, slipping his hand out of the grip of Derrick, walking quicker ahead of the group. He was tired of them. Every single one of them, with the exception of Derrick, even though Derrick isn't even one of them. The smaller boy looks concern for Vladimor, frowning when he goes up ahead. "No one has any respect for him, here. " He thinks bitterly, looking around them all. No manners. No modestly. Wild animals. Was that them being experiments? Or was it the more human side of all of them?


Tabitha watched in concern as Vlad ran ahead, but Matthew just kept his head down and kept walking. They'd meet the boy at the bus stop anyway right? As long as he didn't run away again, Matt was sure he was doing his job as protector of the group. "I can't protect anyone." a small voice of doubt crept into his mind, but he ignored it. If anyone wanted to challenge his authority, he'd kick their face in. He hadn't killed, but he's seriously maimed before. He had twisted arms, broke wrists- those things didn't matter to him. Still, the uncertainty of somebody's life, or the certainty of their death... Those were the two things he couldn't stand.

Tabby kept glancing behind her, at both Derrick and even further back, to where Matt was moping again. "I hope they'll both be okay." She wished the best for them silently, but knowing neither would accept her sympathy if she said it aloud, she decided she'd serve her purpose: She was the cheery one in the group, just like Shuzo. "I hope they make some good wine in Las Vegas." Tabitha said, but it was really only a joke- something she said to alarm Cicero. Sometimes, she felt everyone in the group treated her as a child. To counteract this, she decided she'd say things from time to time, simply to make sure those who mattered remembered that she was a capable adult.​
ori watched them and sighed,following a disappointed look on his face. "i don't get it..."he muttered annoyed to himself as he followed along. he then cuaght up to derrick and looked at him curiously. "honestly, why is so mad?"
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"Oh, hey..."Derrick says quietly, looking down the path they were going then over to Shuzo. "Nothing is up, there isn't too much to occur at this point." He says flatly, sighing quietly.

Eventually they reached the busy streets of downtown Louisville, and because the assigned bus stop was within this area, they didn't have much walking to do. The snow had mostly melted in this area, and traffic was just now starting to move forward at a steady rate. Matthew looked around warily: Wherever his eyes went, there seemed to be crowds of well-dressed people. Some wore suits, some wore dresses and skirts, but nobody seemed out of place... except for them. Luckily, Tabitha barely seemed to notice. "This way!" the energetic girl exclaimed, pulling Cicero along and nearly knocking into a few people in her hurry to get to their location. Up ahead, a tall figure was slowly walking. "Vlad, is that you?" Matt wondered silently, but due to the crowds of people it was hard to tell. Still, something about the figure made Matthew certain it was Vladimor. With that in mind, the boy found himself running toward Vladimor. "Hey, wait up!" he called, waving a hand in hopes Vlad would notice him through the crowds and wait for him. "I'm just making sure he doesn't run away." Matt made up an excuse in his mind, but even he knew he just wanted to make sure the other boy was alright- not that he'd ever tell Vladimor that.

Calvin, looking rather annoyed--probably at Naomi--quickly caught up with Matt, shoving a jacket into the boy's hands. "Since you couldn't have asked," he grumbled, walking alongside Matt. "Sorry for our lateness, Satan Jr. decided to smash half of the supplies I need to keep her alive."

Naomi gave a small, meek wave at the mention of what she had done.

"So!" she began, talking to Cryx. "To create the most drama, we place Calvin, Vlad, Matt, and Derrick on one bus. We add Cicero and Tabitha to the mix for annoyance factor.." In a louder voice, Naomi called out an apology to Tab for calling her annoying.
ori tilted his head to look at derrick then exhaled becoming completly quiet as before. he still walked close by but he was utterly silent and became deep in thought. he had that weird bitter taste in his mouth again that stung and somthing echoed in his mind. don't get close to anyone...you'll only regret it,ori...you'll only continue getting hurt that way...your strong and the strong don't need connections..they'll only betray you in the end as what you'll do to them....ori, be a good boy... the voice inside his mind,the voice giving him a massive headache.

Vladimor was far up ahead already, having already gotten on the party bus in front. The bus had a UV light feel and 2 stripper poles (Only normal for party buses.) "Cozy enough..." He says to himself, taking the seat furthest to the back. They had built in coolers in the side that housed bottles of wine, vodka, beer and some others, so that was nice too since none of the would be driving anyways. The shadow-bent boy curls up on the seat, keeping his head down, not really wanting to wait for anyone. Whatever.

Derrick nods in response to Shuzo, looking around to see Orious looking at him. Instead of looking away like he did the first two times, he smiles at him.​
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Derrick nods as they approach the buses, getting on the one that Vladimor was on sitting somewhere up front. Derrick wasn't going to bother him because he understand he was upset.


Matthew looked at Calvin in surprise. He didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't that the scientist would look out for him. Now that he thought about it however, he realized Calvin had been a lot kinder to him recently... He wasn't sick or something was he? "Thanks." he said, putting the jacket on quickly. For a few seconds, all he did was walk beside Calvin, since Vladimor seemed to have disappeared before he could've caught up with the boy. To say the least, it was awkward, but Matthew didn't complain. "So, do you drink?" Matt asked, getting on the first of the two buses without looking at who was on it. The smell of alcohol hit his nose the second he entered it. Matthew was actually far from a heavy drinker, but if he would be stuck on a bus with the other experiments he knew he'd need some to stay sane- or become just crazy enough to stand them.

Tabby simply gave the girl a thumbs up, not really caring what a twelve year old called her. Still, her words made Tabitha a little curious. "Why would placing Calvin on the bus create drama?" She wanted to ask, but she had enough common sense not to. Matt was already pissed off at her as it were, so the less she knew, the better. It was because of this fact that she disagreed with Naomi on her and Cicero being on Matt's bus: That, and she wanted some time to be with Cicero without Matthew's judgmental eyes upon them. Matthew was unhappy. She knew that, but why did he have to bring that unhappiness with him wherever they went?!​
ori smiled sadly back then looked off and followed onto the bus sitting a seat away from derrick not uttering a word and placed a hand on his forehead. he took a moment then took out a vile and pressed it to his lips swallowing the continents with a sigh and looked down. he then leaned back and looked over to derrick before scooting closer. he still said nothing but he watched the smaller male quietly.
Calvin shook his head at Matt's question. "It doesn't react well with me," he explained, leaving out the fact that everyone else had been treated with the same stuff as him, if modified slightly. He hoped Matt wouldn't catch on.

Calvin realized Vlad was on the bus as well, and with a shrug he took a seat somewhere near the middle.

Naomi and Cryx paused when they reached the two buses.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to be on the same bus as Calvin," Cryx pointed out.

"And I don't want to see that crap," Naomi agreed, looking confused when Cryx paused, turning slowly to look at her.

"What the hell did they inject you with?"

"Not all scientists are like Cal," she muttered in response.
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Derrick sits by Shuzo quietly and glances over to Orious, shyly looking forward. He can tell when he scoots over, he bites his lip and continues to look straight.

Meanwhile, as the noble sits alone on the back of the bus, is still just worrying about the bus still not going. "This is going to be a long trip." He says almost inaudibly. Originally this was going to be a fun idea, but it's really just stressful.​

Matthew followed Calvin's lead, sitting on his left- right in front of a stripper pole. Matt didn't mind though. In fact, he found his seating arrangement pretty funny. "Let's hope the bus doesn't push my forward- that wouldn't be fun to bump into." he commented, before looking for something to drink. To most people, Matt didn't seem like the type, but the boy enjoyed drinking during the day just as much as any other time as long as he had nothing to do. He looked around and soon found a cooler containing several drinks, mostly alcoholic. "Hmm, haven't tried vodka." He said aloud, taking a bottle. He leaned back and took a not-so-hesitant gulp of the liquid. "Eh, who drinks this stuff?!" he exclaimed, looking at the bottle like it was filled with poison. He coughed slightly, clearly not expecting something like that. During this whole time he had been so focused on relaxing that he hadn't even noticed who else was on the bus...

Tabitha took the other bus, but she couldn't help listening to Cryx and Naomi's chat before she got on. "What does she mean?" Once again the girl had made Tabitha curious, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she sat in the front of the bus, too embarrassed to sit anywhere close to the stripper poles. "Ugh, do these buses always smell like this?" she asked. Already the whole place reeked of alcohol.​
"It's much too early to drink. It's about a 27-hour drive, and I'd rather do so when it feels more approptiate." He says simply eyeing at the built in box of ice that held multiple bottles. Vladimor would have said the same. "Is everyone who's on this bus on? I'm sorta anxious to leave." Derrick admits, looking around.

orious leans in close to his ear with a slight smile."am i really that scary? you can atleast look at me right? i promise i don't bite,well not unless you want me to...." he whispered.
Matthew glared at Derrick, who thought it was too early to drink. What did he know? It was him turning his head toward the boy however, that mae him realize Vladimor was on the bus too. This immediately made Matt a little uncomfortable- why hadn't the boy said anything yet? He wanted to ask, but he decided against it and grabbed himself a beer. He took a sip, washing away the taste of the vodka from earlier. This was a lot better, but already Matt could feel the effects of the drink. "No more than half a bottle." he reminded himself, remembering all the chaos that occurred when he drank a whole bottle with Tabitha. The girl hadn't been too drunk, but regardless she managed to drag him around town in a dress... Matt cringed at the memory. Where had she gotten that dress anyway?!

Ooc:Sorry me late no notification

Cicero laughed at the comment Tab made "Rich douches have nothing else to do in their day when their done picking on the poor and making fun of everyone that isn't rich they buy one of these and cruise around town with tons and tons of beer, wine pretty much any sort of alcohol and sometimes even drugs if they new they wouldn't get caught even if they did they can just pay off the police to forget."the boy said looking around the bus trying to find anything that looked interesting to mess with "So much for Ogre boy's so called faithful servant he didn't even get anything cool to mess with." He said finally sitting down next to Tab bored out of his mind 'Why do people find these sort of things fun i'm already bored and we didn't even start moving yet.' Thought the boy bored out of his mind

The blonde blushes, scowling at Orious. "You're teasing me!." He whines, lightly pushing on the vampire's face, his own already hinting red.

Vladimor curls tighter in disgust. 'Repulsive blood-sucker trying to slather his filth onto my friend.' He says rancorously.​
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