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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Tabitha listened to what Cicero said, but she didn't really think it applied to Vladimor- he wasn't like that, was he? "We can always drink a little..." she suggested, but honestly Tabitha wasn't too fond of the idea. Aside from a glass of wine, Tabitha rarely had anything. She was also a little afraid of drinking, after all the horror stories she heard as a child, and from her fellow homeless when she lived on the street. "How about we draw?" she offered, taking some sheets of paper out of her backpack. She needed them for studying, but she could spare a few.

Ooc: Yep, let's say everyone's on! Also, @Trombone Geek , react to Matt plz! ^_^ Also would be fun to have Cicero and Tabitha interact with Cryx, who we haven't really gotten to know.

Derrick's brow furrows as he looks into his lap. "If...you were starving? Like, genuinely need it at the time, I guess I would. Otherwise, I'd like to keep my blood in me..." He tells him. That'd be sorta scary.

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"Drawing...or drinking....."Cicero said pretending to think "That's easy drawing." He said pulling a pencil out of his pocket "So what are we drawing?" Asked the excited boy looking at Tab smiling 'I could draw.....actually what can I draw?' He thought to himself trying to think but came up with nothing that seemed like fun to draw except a knife 'I think I should let her decide so I don't draw that.' He thought waiting to see what he could think of
"honestly i try to stick to corspes and the blood of enemies....even if i was starving i still won't touch you. i'd be more likely to drink my own blood first..." he explained honestly and looked at him with a serious expression.
Calvin chuckled at Matt's reaction to vodka. A lot of people he had known had reacted the same way.

"Just be careful, now. We don't need a drunk you running amok in a dress." His laugh grew a tad louder at the thought of Matthew in a dress.

Cryx looked over at Tabitha. "You like to draw? Huh. Never was very good at it. Are you?" Her curious side took over and she leaned over to watch Tabitha draw, hoping to maybe pick up a bit herself.
Derrick shakes his head with a smile. "I insist. If you're like gonna pass out from starvation, just take a bite. Plus you said you were serious about biting me weren't you?" He says, a small giggle behind his voice as he bites his lip.

ori blushed with a surprised look on his face then turned covering his mouth. "i did didn't i?........" was all he managed to say softly and became a bit redder.
((OOC: Since it's probably also gonna take a little more than 27 hours including gas stops, food stops, traffic, etc (Lets say 35,) At what times will there be time skips.

Cause I don't think all our characters have been gettin sufficient sleep

Or eating

When was the last time anyone went to pee?))
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"Try to draw me." Tabitha advised. She didn't really expect him to draw anything good, but she made sure it sounded like she was challenging him: It would be fun to see him try, if nothing else. Taking one of the sheets of paper and getting a Latin textbook out of the backpack to use as a surface. She didn't show Cicero what she was drawing, but she kept looking back at him and the paper. She was so focused that she nearly jumped out of her seat when Cryx started speaking to her. For a girl with abnormally good hearing, Tabby could really be oblivious! "Oh, I'm not amazing." Tabitha said shyly, but she quickly handed a textbook and sheet of paper to Cryx. "Draw anything you want- we can share once we're done!" Tabitha decided happily, before continuing whatever it was she was drawing.

"How do-" Matt stopped himself from saying "How do you know?" realizing it was just a joke the other boy made. Still, he felt a little paranoid when Calvin started to laugh. "That's not very funny..." Matthew mumbled, crossing his arms and pouting slightly. The boy rarely let loose, but when he was drunk all sorts of emotions could be seen pouring out of the boy. He was only slightly drunk though, so at best he was probably a little more emotional than usual. "So, why are you suddenly helping me?" Matt asked, his speech slurred slightly. He didn't mean why Calvin was helping them, as in the group: Matthew understood that, or at least he thought he knew why. He was wondering why Calvin was being so nice to him lately, as if Matt didn't want to run away and leave everyone behind. Sure, the boy had some basic skills, but there was no reason to treat him the way he did. "Oh, here." he said, remembering he was wearing Calvin's jacket. He took it off and handed it to the boy, making his mind trace back to earlier, when Tabitha had given Cicero his jacket back... "We're not a couple though!" Matthew argued silently with his own memory. Why did it have to make comparisons when there were none?!​
Derrick laughs, poking at Orious' cheek. It wasn't long before he noticed the bus was already in motion. "Oh?" He says, looking out the window, blinking. "This city is so pretty at night..." He comments, in a trance as he watches all the captivating lights pass.

Calvin shrugged. "At first? Satan Jr. bothering the crap out of me. Now? Not a damn clue. I'd say habit, but it hasn't been long enough.." The scientist trailed off, mumbling awkwardly to himself as he tried to come up with a reason.

"Too damn tired for this.." he grumbled. "Um.. logic?" he tried, shrugging again and acepting his jacket back with a quiet word of thanks.

Cryx's eyes widened as she was handed a book and paper, and a pencil. "I can try," she replied, and started sketching out a bunch of seemingly random lines.
"Ok will do." He said while getting straight to work he keep looking up at Tab and at the paper trying to make sure it was perfect 'I think this is a test to see how much i actually respect her so if I try my hardest then I actually have more of a chance of not screwing up.' He thought while a smile creep on his face but he didn't seem to notice or care "Ok done." He said turning the paper over making sure not to show anyone while he twirled the pencil around his fingers while he looked around the bus trying to notice anything cool or just because he was bored that he was already done he eventually decide to look out the window smiling while the street lights when by making them look like mini explosion stuck in time mid explosion
ori looked up with a chuckle. "it's like that in alot of cities..."he mumured then he tilted his head looking at derrick then looked away. he looks so innocent...does he normally get distracted quickly???........ he thought to himself and then shook his head. get it together,orious you shouldn't let your guard down...but then again, he's not a target....a voice reminded him in his head.

Roughly an hour passed before Tabitha put her pencil back in her backpack. "I finished!" she exclaimed, looking rather pleased with herself but not showing anyone her picture yet. "Are you two almost finished?" she asked, trying to look over their shoulders to see how they were doing. Tabitha had tried her very best on this image, so she hoped they liked it.

Matthew listened closely to what the boy had to say. It wasn't like he expected anything else, but something about Calvin's answer disappointed him. "So, I'm a habit." he mentally noted. He didn't really say much to the scientist for a while, but as the hour dragged on Matthew found himself drinking a little more than he should have- a glass more, to be exact. "Calvin, why's the world so mean to me?" Drunk Matt asked, just loud enough for the whole bus to hear. He was more whining than moping. He hiccuped, before continuing to speak. "Just today- oh, it's midnight. Well, tomorrow I was thrown here and there, and Vladdy-what's-it had to drag me home." he spoke loudly, forgetting Vladimor shared the bus with them. "A-and, then Cee-cee-ro accused me of liking him!" again, the poor boy hiccuped. "But I don't think I know what it is to 'like somebody.'" he said, a little quiet than before but still rather loud. "Do you Calvin?" he asked, looking up at the scientist with the eyes of a lost puppy. He didn't know why he was telling his story to Calvin, but it was good to get it off his chest, even if the boy would regret it when he sobered up.​
Ooc:Lets just say Cryx fell asleep and didn't finish

Cicero looked at Tab "Yea I finished a while ago." He said looking at the street lamps again smiling of how good he did and at how bright the lights are 'Pretty pretty lights I want one so I will steal one when we stop and then the spot will be dark and I will have light to keep me safe' He thought in his head pretending it was a song and started humming it and moving his head back and fourth completely forgetting he was in the bus with other people
Derrick smiles. "I know, but this world is just so wonderful." He mutters, still entranced by the city lights.

After the hour passes, Derrick ended up taking a nap against Orious until he was awakened by the babbling of a drunk Matthew. He doesn't really care to pay him much mind, but with how loud he was talking, it was hard not to. Rubbing tiredly at his muted red(Only by a natural genetic mutation in his family)eyes, yawning.

Vladimor didn't at all seem to care, he ended up laying down over the length of the seats, just watching everything with a dead, half-lidded stare. He did seem kinda dead.

ori had closed eyes and was deep in his subconscious when he felt derrick move and heard matthew's drunken yelling, then vampire let out a soft breath his attention turning to the smaller male next to him. "have a nice nap? you looked tired so i didn't want to bother waking you.." he mumured quietly, pushing some of his dark hair away from his violet eyes.

(gotta go guys, in need of dire sleep. will be on tomarrow :3)

Tabitha, seeing Cryx was asleep, decided not to bother her. She was going to bother Cicero about the drawings, but his humming distracted her from doing so. She merely watched him, then the lights he had mentioned, entranced by their light. "They are beautiful." she said in a quieter tone than usual, placing her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. In her mind, memories of the past few days played like a montage. Many were full of stress, but she only felt happy when she looked back at them, as if she was only seeing clips from different movies. Being next to Cicero proved it was real however, and she was glad it was...

Matthew was going to rant some more to Calvin, but soon learned the boy was asleep. "Of course you don't care..." Matt mumbled, but he didn't stay upset for long. Instead, the boy's curiosity kicked in when he saw Vladimor laying down, looking like he was pretty much dead. "Is he okay?" Matthew wondered, having conveniently forgot how he had hurt the boy today. Without his usual caution Matt walked over to him, his walk rather unsteady due to both his drunkenness and the way the bus moved. "Are you okay?" the drunk boy asked, sitting in the seat next to him and- without really thinking about his actions- poked the male who was now laying down on the side of his face. There was no hostility in Matt's eyes, despite this incredibly rude action. Instead, he had an oblivious look about him, as if the cruel way he acted when sober wasn't his default.​
Cicero put his arm around Tab's shoulder smiling thinking she was asleep and continued to hum his fake song that he thought of before becoming bored again he looked back at the lights and gave a small chuckle about how beautiful the lights look and eventually falling asleep dropping the drawing he drew to the ground with his dream of cookies and street lights he was happy in his life for once
Ooc: So basically, the only people awake are Derrick, Vlad, and Matt? Interesting... I mean, Tabitha is TECHNICALLY awake but if Cicero's not awake she doesn't care to be since he's the only person to talk to... God. X_X THIS IS WHY YOU NEED SECOND CHARACTERS CICERO!

So do you want me to make another character or you can just wake Cicero up he only went to sleep because he thought Tab was asleep

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