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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Derrick laughs quietly, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Let's just say, he never was a fan of Vampire movies!"

"I have a feeling that was my fault...I don't know why but the others have this weird hatred torward me...they don't trust me. But then again I understand, I mean a man appeared by smelling blood and comes looking for the source. Who'd trust that? I'm more a monster than anyone here..." He explained in a annoyed tone. He tasted that bitter again, this time it stung sharply. He didn't usually mind harsh words or brutal action but this bitterness hurt him inside.

"Matthew, get up!"


The boy looked a little confused, waking up on the floor to see an impatient Tabitha glancing down at him. It took the boy a minute to remember all that had happened today, but when he did he was back to his old glaring and defiant self. "We're leaving." Tabitha informed him, tapping her fingernails against her other arm, since they were crossed. Seeing he couldn't find a way to possibly annoy the girl right now more than he already had, Matthew stood up and grabbed the backpack which was at Tabitha's feet. "Which of the buses are we taking?" he asked, but Tabby merely shrugged. The boy sighed. He had been hoping to know ahead of time if he would be going with Vladimor or Calvin, or if it was his choice. He tried to tell himself that he'd rather avoid the two boys, but he knew that wasn't entirely true. Despite having been emotionally damaged throughout his journey so far, Matt always found himself looking for more pain. Tabitha walked out quickly, not checking to see if the boy would follow: She knew he had to, if he wanted to protect her. After a deep breath he followed silently after her, marching with the fervor of a new excited soldier, or perhaps an old commander who knew exactly what he was doing... Oh, how Matt wished he could say he did know, but that knowledge seemed to have been forgotten the day he entered this cabin that he was now leaving for good.​
Shuzo woke up from a nap. He realized that everyone was leaving. He ran and grabbed the bag with his stuff in it before heading out to the buses. He stood next to Matt and Tabitha. @iiimee
Cicero half woke up and locked at his watch and became fully aware that they were suppose to leave today he grabbed his bag and caught up with ever "So you guys didn't leave me behind i'm surprised." He said jokingly "Exactly how long were you guys waiting here?" He whispered to Shuzo knowing the boy wouldn't judge him if Cicero had to guess he looked at his watch....he didn't even know there was a time they were leaving he figured someone would have woken him up he took a cookie out of his pocket and started eating it "Is anyone hungry?" He asked looking around
After a few hours of talking, Derrick had checked the time, announcing that they should all start heading down to the city to get to the buses. "Who's gonna sit on what bus?" Derrick asks, looking at the large group of people leaving. Vladimor seems to asses the groups before speaking. "Okay, assuming we're just going half and half...There's like what, 19 people? You and me are together for sure. Though you seem to have a little friendship going on with vampire-boy and Ella, so I'll assume you'll be with him. Tabitha, Matthew and Cicero are all going to be together, obviously...I'm not so sure about everyone else?" He says, walking with the whole group.


"I'm fine." Tabitha said, not too cheery this time of night. She gave a sincere smile to Cicero however, and walked next to him to hold his hand. Right now they were walking toward the bus stop, but there was still a bit of ground to cover before they actually arrived there. "Oh, here!" Tabby said, just now remembering she had been wearing Cicero's jacket. She stuck it out to him once he finished his cookie to give it back, but it was obvious she was cold. Matthew rolled his eyes at the two: He could care less about love, if it made people turn into idiots like them.

"Wait, I have to be with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum?" Matt asked when Vladimor started deciding who would be going with who. It was only a half-joke when he gave them nicknames: If he had to compare them to any fictional characters, that one fit the bill perfectly. He knew immediately that if Tabitha had any say in it, she'd make both of them share the bus with Vladimor, more out of spite for his harshness to her earlier than anything else. Matthew looked around- Where were Calvin, Naomi, Ella, and Cryx? "They're probably just late." he thought, but he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable when he saw they weren't walking with the rest of the group.​
"You can keep the jacket on Tab and here you go Shuzo." He said reaching into his jacket pulling out a cookie then handing it to Shuzo before taking Tab's hand again and smiling "So how easy to do think it will be to steal from people in Las Vega?" He asked Tab looking at the snow on the ground enjoying the crunch noise it makes when they step on the snow "Wait Ogre boy your assistant actually has other friends then you aren't you scared he might leave you and you'll be all alone?" He teased looking back at Vlad sticking out his tongue acting like a little kid then crouched down really fast to scoop up some snow and started eating it "Its good want some?" He asked offering it to Tab smiling with some now around his mouth and nose
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ori looked around and then looked to vlad and derrick listening to the arrangments of who would be on what bus. he looked down and made sure he had his gear he always had including his weapon staps tied under his clothes and hid like it usually was. he awaited further instruction. upon hearing cicero it made his feel a little fuzzy inside, his words highly amused the vampire who chuckled a little quietly.

Note: You enjoy nomming on that snow, don't you Cicero?


"I imagine, but there will be more security- Everybody steals in Vegas." Tabitha replied to Cicero's question as they walked. "Wow, is he cold? His hands are freezing!" Tabby thought, but she didn't move her hand away. Instead, she just kept a slightly tighter grip on it, offering what little warmth she could to him. Matthew might glare at them from time to time, but she knew he was just jealous. "I'd rather not." she answered, before scooping down herself to grab some snow. Once she was sure she had formed it into a ball, she jumped in front of him, hitting his face with it. "Sorry, but it was such a good opportunity!" Tabby explained, leaning forward just slightly to kiss his nose, which was probably nearly frozen thanks to her little stunt.
Vladimor crosses his arms with a 'humph!' "Sit one whatever bus you want. I would care if everyone got on one bus and you got on the other by yourself. To make him even more bitter, Cicero had to make such a remark and glares. "Derrick's my faithful servant. He would le...ave...me?" His voice going smaller and quieter in a type of fear of being left. Now that the noble has thought about it, how loyal was Derrick? It's been nearly 3 years since they both saw each other, and they both might have their doubts. "Derrick?" He says, looking at him. "I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave. I'll stay loyal to you and your family until they day I die." He says, holding Vladimor's hand reassuringly. Vladimor gives a small, sad smile, and it makes Derrick wonder. "I'm grateful for you, always." Vladimor says quietly.

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Ooc:What you mean

Cicero smiled and grabbed her and fell into the snow with her laughing "Sorry it was just a great opportunity." He stated back getting up and helping her up "But if they have higher security it just give me more of a reason not to get caught....and all i'm hearing is the higher the security the cooler the prize right?" He said nudging her a little smiling and thinking about the stuff he could steal then he hear "Ohhh so Ogre boy's does have a friend i'm surprised to be honest someone likes to hang out with you....wait are you paying him is that why hes so nice to you." He said laughing while picking up some snow and throwing it at him
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Cicero said:
Ooc:What you mean
Cicero smiled and grabbed her and fell into the snow with her laughing "Sorry it was just a great opportunity." He stated back getting up and helping her up "But if they have higher security it just give me more of a reason not to get caught....and all i'm hearing is the higher the security the cooler the prize right?" He said nudging her a little smiling and thinking about the stuff he could steal then he hear "Ohhh so Ogre boy's the servant I new something wasn't right when they said he was a lord of something." He said laughing a little about how people thought he was a lord
((OOC: I don't quite understand your post? Derrick was the one who said he'd stay loyal, not Vladimor))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: I don't quite understand your post? Derrick was the one who said he'd stay loyal, not Vladimor))

Ok sorry me don't know this stuff CICERO'S STUPID OK WE ALREADY WENT OVER THIS
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: I don't quite understand your post? Derrick was the one who said he'd stay loyal, not Vladimor))

Ooc: You said "Vladimor's my servant." in your earlier post.
orious still stayed quiet and looked up to the sky exhaling his cold breath visible in the air, he looked bewildered as if it had been a while since he's last seen snow. he smiled sadly as if recalling somthing but then looked to cicero snapped out of it. ".....it's my fualt...i think he feels threatened by me.." he said loudly with a annoyed sigh,crossing his arms and looked off with a slight blush.

"You two talk like newlyweds." Matthew said, but he didn't comment on Vladimor's harsh words. If the boy hated him, Matt would just have to deal with it. He trudged ahead of the group, but soon found the strong winter winds were showing resistant. So much resistant in fact, that Matt found himself headed face-first into the snow, which he learned from that experience, was nearly the texture of hard ice. "Fuck!" he yelled loudly, only to remember Tabitha's sensitive ears. Wiping the snow off him in silence, he decided to walk slower, knowing that at the pace he was walking he'd end up near the back of the group eventually. It was shameful in his opinion, that anyone saw him with rosy, frostbitten cheeks and shivering at the rate he was. The only warm item he had was a hoodie, but he kept that in his backpack due to the item needing to be washed. "Shuzo needs some clothes too." he noted, but he knew there was nothing he could do about that now. He just hoped the buses would be warm.

Tabby shrieked as she fell in the snow with her boyfriend landing right on top of her. She laughed and threw some snow at his chest before she was helped up by him. "I knew you'd say that." she declared confidently. "You don't know this, but Matt's quite talkative. He used to go on and on about how cool Las Vegas was before we came here." Tabby earned a glare from the hostile boy, but she didn't care. He was already pissed at her, so why not push him a little bit more?​

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