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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: Since

@Trombone Geek ditched, I'm just going to skip that scene. :(

Bic: When Matthew was finished talking to Calvin and trying unsuccessfully to convince him he'd be better off alone, Matt originally planned on heading back downstairs. However, half-way down the stairs he could hear Tabitha speaking to whom he only guessed was Vladimor. He couldn't make out her exact words, but he had no doubts they were discussing him. Carefully and silently he sneaked back upstairs, before locking himself in his room. "God, he won't leave again will he?!" Matt thought, realizing what had happened last time he mistreated the boy. He ran his hands through his hair and just tried to breathe. He needed to be calm about this. "I should apologize." he told himself, but right now he didn't have the courage to. Every time he thought about the boy, his heart started beating faster and he pictured past memories of the boy, from the kind side of him Matt originally saw, to the monstrous version of him that killed two men in front of him. He didn't know what part of the boy was the "real" him, and if he could trust anyone with such opposite personalities.

"I'm good..." Tabitha said slowly, watching the boy with the eyes of a detective. She may not be the brightest, but she knew when somebody was lying to her. "Don't leave!" she suddenly exclaimed, grabbing the boy's arm when she realized what he might do. Her face looked troubled as she spoke her next few sentences. "I know it's difficult to be around Matthew, but I'm sure he really cares about you." She tilted her head as she thought about how the boy acted around Vladimor. Different, that was for sure. "He may not act exceedingly nice, but that's part of his personality..." she reasoned, not really looking at Vlad while she brainstormed about what it is he felt. Finally, she turned back to Vlad with her hypothesis. "He must really like you!" she decided, a smile on her face. "I know he's mean to you, but I think I wasn't entirely wrong when I said that was him playing 'hard to get.'" She didn't let go of Vladimor's arm during her speech. "I know he's stupid at times, and really oblivious, but please take good care of him." Not realizing the irony in that last sentence, she turned to wave at Cicero, excited to tell him about her realization. "Cicero, come over here! You'll never believe what I figured out about Matt!" she said, a perfectly innocent smile on her face as she prepared to tell her best friend's secret. (One even he didn't know about!)​
"Yea ok...I gotta go Ori but you can stay i'll take the blame deal." He said not really waiting for an answer because he wasn't going to take no for an answer anyway he made his way over to Tab "Yea whats up?" He asked Tab not paying any mind to the Ogre right next to him he just smiled and waited if its something about Matthew Cicero will eventually use it as blackmail when he really need help with something and Matt said no 'This will be fun to hear.' He told himself
Ori nodded."never thought of it..." He said with a nod and sighed. Inside he still was deeply annoyed with earlier's events and he tasted something bitter, bitterness reminded him of "home". Not saying a word he merely observed the others.
Once Ella had helped with the clean up of the bodies, she let the other two head back as she sat there in the forest. She exhaled softly and took some of the personal items that she'd take from the bodies out of her pockets, laying them out in front of her. Whilst Ella hadn't killed those men, she felt in part responsible for their deaths. They were real people, not a weapon like her. They had lives and families. They'd be missed. You're good for one thing, Ella. Obeying. Follow your orders like a good little girl and we'll change the world. The familiar words whispered in the back of her mind. She didn't know if she changed the world for the better or for the worse with what she did. It doesn't matter. She reminded herself. I'm a weapon, morality is for people.

Ella moved to the water's edge and dropped the personal items in one at a time, lingering there a while in the cold before she turned her back on them. She walked back to the cabin, not really sure how much time had passed since she had left. She paused just outside. I could go. I could run away right now and no one would stop me. No one would stop her. Ella went back inside.

"I'm not sure Matt will admit it, but don't you think it's odd Matthew's been acting strange whenever Vladimor is around?" Tabitha hinted, hoping Cicero would catch on before she had to say anything. The girl hadn't really cared about Matt's love life until now, but the thought of the boy finally coming out of his isolation suddenly made her really happy. Still, there was one big issue to deal with: Did Vlad love Matthew back? The girl looked over at the male beside her. Already, Vlad had tried to leave because of Matt. "He doesn't hate Matt, does he?" Tabitha thought, feeling a sudden weight in her chest as she imagined the scene in her head...

"Vlad..." Matthew had agreed to stay at Vladimor's house with the others. It had been weeks since they first step foot in the elegant, pristine hallways, and all the while Matthew was thinking of how to tell him- how to confess his feelings to Vladimor. It was night, and through the windows the full moon could be seen shining down upon them. Matt had waited for everyone else to go to bed, but asked Vlad to stay up with him. The taller male was immediately suspicious, but poor Matthew didn't know how else to get Vlad to stay by his side. "What is it?" Vladimor asked gruffly. Matthew looked up at him and smiled, hopeful this would go perfectly. "I... I love you!" The boy had hesitated, but not because the words wren't true. He only hesitated in hopes to read Vladimor's expression before the words were completely out there. Matthew's heart skipped a beat- would his confession be considered, or would it fall upon deaf ears? He was hopeful, but maybe he shouldn't have been. "I- I'm not like that!" Vladimor barked the words at Matt, crushing all hope the boy had. "I-I'm sor-" Tears were in his eyes, but Vladimor was unrelenting and simply pointed a finger at the door. "Get out!" he yelled. "I never want to see you again!"

And that was the last night they ever saw Matthew...

"I can't let that happen to him!"
Tabby thought, instantly regretting the fact she even told Vladimor. She placed her hands together and looked up at him with an expression that showed off all of her worrying right now. Despite Matthew being older, Tabitha always felt like a big sister to him. "Please don't break his heart!" she begged, ready to throw a fit to get her way if she had to.​
"Really he has I thought it was cause they despised each other...Oh....OH." When Cicero finally got it he couldn't help but snicker a little Matthew liked Ogre boy 'Now the real question does Ogre boy like Matthew.' He thought to himself he was brought back from his thoughts by hearing say something then looked to see she was pleading to Ogre boy not to break Matthew's heart or something he eventually pried Tab off Vlad "Tab look at me.....we can't stop what Ogre boy is going to say to Matthew ok the only thing we can do is help him if Ogre boy says no and if he does say yes we can be happy for them we can't prevent or help these sort of things now that Vlad knows this is his decision to make." He told her while pulling her into a hug encase she tries to prevent Vlad from breaking Matthew's heart 'Everything's going to be ok' He told himself mentally while also preparing to have to deal with loads of drama between Vlad and Matt
Vladimor shook his head, still trying to worm his way out of it. "I'm just leaving earlier than everyone else, we'll still meet up remember?" He says, with a laugh. "He can be mean all he want, I don't care. It won't bother me. Anyways, hard to get? Yeah, I don't think that's the case..." He begins giving a questioning look. "But I still think I want to leave ear-" He was cut off by Tabitha calling for her cat lover. A difference when he's around Matt? Ruder, maybe. He scoffs. Though Tabitha seemed to have gone in deep thought for a moment, and had a quick expression change he tilted his head. It took him a minute (Or 3 or 4) to process what she said and his brow furrows. "Wait do you think I have some sort of romantic inclinati-" He was cut off by Derrick running into the cabin. Where had he been? "Sir! I rented 4 party buses for all of us! It's under my name so you won't have to be worried about them looking for us." He says, grinning. "Fun, right?" Vladimor seemed dumbstruck. "4...party buses?" The servant nods. "Uh, I don't think that many, and we'll take one just the two of us and leave now." Derrick bit, his lip, looking like he had to say something, Vladimor told him to spit it out. "Uhh, it's scheduled? We have to be on the bus by 11 tonight. It's late, but it will make it easier because it'll still be dark that early. The party buses have chauffeurs, too." Vladimor pinches the bridge of his nose. He wanted to leave these people. Whatever. "Okay, then. Let everyone know that we should be finishing up around here." Derrick nods and goes around, notifying everyone who wasn't around to hear.

Ella raised an eyebrow at the discussion about Matthew and Lord Vladimor. She didn't really understand what they meant, having never come across anything but heterosexual relations before. In her mind the two just had an alpha male rivalry going on and the tension wasn't sexual at all. She decided not to contribute to the discussion.

When Derrick came over and told her about the party buses, she nodded but didn't move from where she had sat against the wall. She didn't have anything to pack or get ready for leaving.
Matthew walked downstairs to see Cicero hugging Tabitha, Vladimor looking annoyed at Derrick, and Ella acting lost and confused like always. "What happened?" he asked, a little confused by how emotional everyone seemed- everyone except Ella, that was. "Oh, Matt! I just-" she stopped herself from speaking and quickly pulled away from Cicero. She needed to be careful: Already she was tempted to tell Matt that she knew his secret. "I mean, Derrick just ordered us four party buses!" she said, her voice full of fake enthusiasm. Matthew was quick to notice her odd behavior, but he didn't say anything. "I see... Well then, when do the buses arrive Derrick?" Matt asked, turning to face the boy. He didn't trust the boy, but maybe that was partly due to the fact he had trusted Vladimor the first night he arrived, and that turned out to be for the worst. "Four buses... We have roughly eighteen people here, so will there be four-five people within each?" He wasn't complaining, but that few people in one bus seemed pretty ridiculous to him. Still, what bothered him more than anything was the way Tabby was nervously staring at him. "Did you do something wrong?" he asked her, looking at the girl through the corner of her eye. She simply shook her head, but the fact she wasn't speaking only made Matt more suspicious. She wasn't the only one to act like this either... was something wrong?

Gets up noticing Ella and had made his way over tapping her on the shoulder lightly. "You okay?" He asked softly tilting his head.
Cicero finally had enough of all of this "Matthew I need to talk to you so deal with it." He said while he grabbed Matthew's arm and lead him away from the group and eventually outside "Ok I don't care if you hit me stab me or kill me just answer honestly." He said while he took a knife out of his pocket and handed it to Matthew "And I'm not kidding either you can gladly stab me IF you answer honestly ok." He said while he put his hands into his pocket and getting ready to most likely getting stabbed either if Matthew lies or not "Do you like Vlad....and I don't mean as a friend I mean like more then that." He said bracing himself while he starred at the boy keeping his voice and face plain and emotionless but secretly wishing he won't get stabbed
Calvin had left to go downstairs, quietly leaning against the wall near the staircase leading to the second floor. When Tabitha suddenly came to a realization, the scientist turned his head away. "Tch. Should've seen it coming," he muttered to himself, although he continued to listen.

"Four buses is a bit much," Calvin pointed out, but said nothing else, looking at Matt for a moment as he came downstairs. Although, he immediately changed his focus.

"I'm going to get Naomi, then, and make sure she's packed," Calvin said, thankful that his normal stiffness covered up the slightly colder tone to his voice.

"You're like a teenage girl, eh, Calvin?" Cryx's voice hit his ears the moment he got down into the basement.

"Must you pester me, woman?" he growled in return, not willing to put up with this. He ignored anything else she may have said--like how it was 'all so obvious' and 'he shouldn't sit and wait, he might lose the chance'--and entered Naomi's room. The girl had woken up and had finished packing.

"Good, you realized how soon we're leaving. Do whatever you want, but be ready by 10:00." Naomi nodded in response, and Calvin went to his own room to make sure he had everything. Two bags: one for clothes, and one for any supplies he would need.
Ella looked up at Orious, a little surprised that he wanted to talk to her. She supposed she shouldn't be by now. Everyone here was very keen on making conversation. It wasn't one of the skills that the scientists had at all been interested in honing in Ella. Weapons didn't need to talk. "I guess so" Ella shrugged "Are you? Did you feed enough on those bodies?" she asked. She was still curious about what they had done to him.
"Yeah,I think so...is it normally this hectic??" Ori asked as he studied everyone else then noticed derrick and Ori watching him closely from where he was then looked to Ella. "Who is he?" He asked softly with a curious expression had never noticed the male before.
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"Too much? I didn't know how many people were here, and I didn't know if you guys hated small places like those?. I can cancel two?" Derrick asks sheepishly, already pulling out his phone. Vladimor , however, had stepped outside long before Matthew had begun talking to Tabitha. The young boy cringes, the smell of something burnt permeating the air. "Disgusting," He says flatly, stretching as he's met with the cold air. "Maybe if I sit out here long enough, I will get hypothermia and die?" He walks into the snow that was ankle deep. "Maybe I'll take my shirts off for good measure?" He asks himself. He falls down on his knees, just staring at the snow. "If I don't care why do I feel so bad?" He says softly as his fingers crunch against the bitter white. He bites his lip as a tear slips down his cheek, getting lost in the snow. "I just...need to go." He doesn't walk far away from the cabin, but climbs up a nearby tree, just sitting there.

While Derrick was making the call to cut down the number of buses he noticed another member of the cabin(?) looking at him. He looked sort of surprised and turned away quickly, resuming the call. Such a shy one he is.

Of course, Calvin has to be everywhere, so when he saw Vladimor leave he followed. He had a good idea of what the boy was thinking when he saw his shirt lying on the ground.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed from the cold?" he asked, carefully ignoring the fact that the long-haired boy had abandoned his shirt. Calvin, even if he didn't like it admitting it, did care for their group. Maybe a bit too much for some of them.

"You might hate us all, but you did promise to stay until we didn't need you anymore," Calvin continued, almost smirking. "You're not the kind to go back on promises, are you?"
"Yes, it's always this hectic" Ella nodded and pulled a face slightly. She didn't like how chaotic it was. She missed simple order and control in her life. Ella followed Ori's gaze and looked at Derrick too. "That's Lord Vladimor's servant" she told him "I don't think I know his name, actually..." she paused, trying to remember if anyone had said his name. "Darryl maybe?" she said, it sounded vaguely right.
Both Matthew and Tabitha protested, but nonetheless Matt soon found himself dragged outside by the energetic and rash Cicero. He was immediately confused by Cicero's first few sentences- why would he stab him? It became obvious why he would once the cat-boy continued to talk however. He was right: he did want to stab him! "I don't know what you're talking about." Matt said blankly, but his eyes showed that he was a least a little bothered by the accusation. "What has Tabitha been telling them?" he thought angrily, but before he could say anything more to the other boy Vladimor strode outside, walking out into the snow and taking off his shirt. Out of mere instinct, Matt kept his eyes down- unlike Tabitha, he wasn't one to openly stare. It wasn't long before Calvin followed Vlad out however, and Matt used that small distraction to head back inside. Tabitha waved to him, but he only glared at the girl. She lowered her hand and then her head, realizing just how unwelcome she was. She felt guilty and knew Matt had every right to be angry, but part of her still expected the short, seemingly unfeeling boy to forgive her.

Ori patted Ella on head."Ella..I like you. Your a bit odd. Let's be friends okay?" He said with a smile looking to her then looked back to where derrick was again watching him still with interest.
"What an idiot why can't he just say yes." He said to himself while walking back in "Well I really need to learn how to keep my mouth shut....but I won't do you want me to say I thought of it all by myself and you had nothing to do with it?" He asked Tab knowing Matt must have blamed her for him saying that 'Matthew just needs to learn to accept his feelings and quit using hatred to get out of everything in his life' He thought to himself while trying to cheer up Tab
Ella considered what he said for a few moments before nodding, if the others were considered normal, then she was definitely odd. She decided she'd rather be weird than crazy like them. "I've never had a friend before" she told him honestly "What's involved in that?" she asked.
Ooc: @Cicero You realize Matt is right inside with Tab... right? So he can hear whatever Cicero's saying...
Ooc:Uhhh can we make it to were i whispered to her where Matt couldn't hear please
"I repaid my services already." He growled out from up on the tree. Now for some reason he felt aggravated, the cold turning his fingers, lips and the tips of his ears blue. His body was too warm still. Anyways, he hops down, standing in front of Calvin. "I'm providing something right now, I've let you guys treat me like a pet, and I've even killed for you in the few days I've been here." He takes a step closer, his body shaking from the cold. Instead looking angry, like his voice showed, he had tears brimming in his eyes. "What more do you want from me?!" His voice became shaky, and his jaw and lip trembled, urging himself not to cry. "What do I need to give up.." His voice got soft, the next sentence nearly inaudible. "In order for you to leave me alone?"

Derrick ended the call. "Okay, only two buses." He sighs. "That's still expensive..."He mutters under his breath, once more looking over to the two, face flushing in embarrassment when the guy was still looking at him. He sits down against a wall, pulling his knees to his chest, resting his head on his knees.

Calvin rubbed his forehead, shrugging. Did everyone have to have a mental breakdown in front of him?

"I didn't mean for it to sound like that," he muttered awkwardly. Although the boy looked close to crying, Calvin was unsure what to do. He wanted to be left alone, but Calvin knew that would be bad.

"Hugs helped me when I was a kid and upset," Calvin muttered, probably as an excuse for not being a usual dick. "Sorry if they just make you worse, it's all I can think of. Can't have emos running around, can we?" And, albeit a bit awkwardly, Calvin pulled Vlad into a hug.

"Cry if you need to. I might be a jerk, but I won't judge," he said, trying to sound as calming as possible.

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