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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Hey Tab theirs another experiment upstairs i don't know his powers because I kinda tuned him out along with everyone else it was really boring in up there." He said putting his now empty coffee mug on the counter and swinging his feet like a little kid when they can't touch the ground whistling and looking at his feet before taking out one of his knifes and looking at it "Why did they become dull and how?" He muttered to himself before putting it back in his pocket and started walking around the mini lab and at all the expensive looking equipment "Hey Calvin did you know I could juggle." He said picking up some glass bottles and started juggling them again smiling and laughing a little
"And let me guess you don't trust me? Ah but who would trust a strange guy claiming to smelled blood and looking for the delicious source?" He said licking his lips and with that he chuckled removing a knife from his boot and handing it to him then removed his other weapons and tossed them to the floor. " I don't need these. Go ahead and stab me in the leg if you can." He added.
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Ella had picked up one of the knives with the intent of doing exactly that when she realised that it hadn't quite been an order. It was close but hadn't taken a hold on her because it hadn't been directed at her and had been posed slightly as a challenge instead. She hesitated with the knife before pocketing it. A weapon was always useful. She wanted to be useful.
Vladimor growls, "I already told you there was blood elsewhere. Not here. Go."He demands. When he begins removing weapons, he narrows his eyes with a confused look. "Do you want me to? I'm not a big fan of stabbing. I do more like...Constricting? Like a boa?" He shrugs, a wicked smile on his face as he lifts both his fingers from the floor. (Gestures were never necessary, but they added on for the effect, he always thought) as shadow tendril rose from Orious's own shadow, wrapping around his ankles and wrists at the speed of light, and was just there to restrain him, sort of like a warning. "They're stronger than perfect crystalline graphene," He comments, gesturing to the controlled shadows. "Anyways, it's not my intention to fight, just keep my friends here all safe."

Calvin looked up at Cicero, letting his anger show through with a crack of his glasses' lenses. "Why were you in my lab while the curtain was closed, and why are you still in here when Naomi needs to sleep?"

"Cal, it's okay, really.." When the girl tried to sit up, her arms shook with the effort, and she collapsed again with an annoyed huff. "This is stupid."

Cryx was watching the newcomer who claimed to be a man-made vampire of sorts carefully, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw his shadow creep up and around him. Her eyes flickered to Vlad.

So, that's his ability. Huh. She grinned. Looks like they were all freaks, then.

She watched each weapon the 'vampire' threw, wondering if she would be able to pocket any of them for herself, and she rose from her crouching position, crossing her arms.

"Looks like you've got this handled, hun," she said to Vlad, pushing through the doorway. "I'm gonna check on Naomi, then." She ignored any looks she might have gained from her easy dismissal of the situation, and continued downstairs, edging carefully around an angry Calvin and crouching in front of Naomi's current 'bed.'

"How ya feelin', kiddo?"

"Don't call me that, ya jerk.. And like crap, in case ya didn't notice."

With a resigned sigh, knowing that Naomi wasn't as friendly as she seemed, Cryx moved to one of the other chairs in the room and sat there quietly.


"Hmm? Oh okay, I'll check it out. Thanks." Tabitha had been going through all sorts of files, listing off ingredients and people alike in her head. After making sure what she was looking for wasn't there, the girl placed the stack of papers back in the drawer, grabbed her earmuffs, and headed upstairs. When she got there, Vladimor had already restrained the boy. "Hey, is that anyway to treat a guest?!" she scolded, but she didn't actually do anything to stop Vladimor. She knew all too well that any newcomer might pose a threat, but at the same time she felt pity for the new guy: She obviously wasn't paying attention to their bickering earlier and was unaware the guy was a blood-sucking monster.

Matthew couldn't do anything to stop his heart from racing- and it did. His heart started beating faster the second Vladimor started to use his shadows. He didn't say anything to make Vlad stop, but instinctively he took a step back, bumping into the boy's chest. He was a lot more calm than before, but that didn't change the fact he was freaking out. "Get a hold of yourself!" he mentally screamed at himself, and with those words echoing throughout his mind, he stepped forward and knelt down to grab the other weapons off the floor, before steadily walking back to the couch. Putting the knives on the small table, he gently laid back and put a hand on his bare chest to feel how his heart was racing. Was he actually afraid of Vladimor? The thought seemed ridiculous, but plausible at the same time.​
Ori simply smiled amused and didn't fight back. "Like I said I have no need to protect myself...." He said calmly and Sat up. He merely burst into laughter,obviously had enjoyed it in a way. "So that's what you do? Hmm..not very threatening I've played with wayyyyyy worse."
"Welcome." He said still focused on his juggling of the glass cups then he noticed Cryx "Hey when did you get in here?" the boy asked Cryx look at her real fast before looking back at what he was doing "Wait hang on let me guess.....you got here....... a hour ago right?" He asked not really listening anyway he just whistled and stared at the bottles as they flew in the air and back down to his hand and repeated 'Bottle goes up....bottle comes down....Bottle comes up and down." He said in his head and eventually saying it out loud forgetting about everyone in the room
Vladimor bites back with laughter shrugging. "I don't know, I'm not very scary.," He admits, "But I do know how to make this painful. Right now I'm thinking of taking pinpoints of shadow small enough, and going through each part of your body. Starting with your least important organs to your most, I can begin tearing you apart at a molecular level. You'll feel it, I'm sure of it. He says with a soft laugh already moving shadow into his body through skin. "So small you won't feel them crawling inside of your skin until they start."


Matthew was close to fainting when he noticed Calvin standing in the room, looking a little standoffish as usual. "Hey..." Matt said in greeting, but his voice was so quiet he wasn't sure the scientist heard him. Right now he was wishing he had some earmuffs like Tabitha. The way Vladimor was acting was so... warped. Was this really the boy who he was friendly to on the first night, then threatened to leave the next day just because he felt uncomfortable? Matt took the end pillow his head was resting on out from under him, instead using it to cover his ears: He was desperate to block out the sound of Vlad's evil laugh, or the screaming that was sure to follow this scene soon.

"That's enough..." Tabitha said quietly, but her next actions were anything but modest. With all the force she could, the girl kicked Vladimor... right between his legs. It was mostly out of concern for Matt than the vampire honestly... Vlad would understand that, right? Just in case, the girl took several steps back so that she wasn't near anyone.​
Ella's eyes widened as Tabitha kicked Vladimor between his legs. Instinctively she pulled out the knife and took a combat ready position before realising that she didn't know who she was fighting for and so felt stupid for doing so. She stayed as she was though, in the hope that someone would tell her what she was supposed to be doing.

Vladimor whimpers. Once? Twice. It took his body a moment to process the entire scene of this girl using excessive force to demolish his nut. On impulse, he'd constrict the shadows, but even though he didn't trust the boy he didn't want to slaughter him because his reflex to getting kicked in the fucking nuts. With a last shuddering whimper he falls to the floor, gently holding his children in his hand, a single tear falling from his eye. His expression was blank, but his eyes sung the song of 33 screaming frogs. "Why..."

One may even say he......
busted a nut.
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Ori smiled widely and stood staring at Vladimir with his violet eyes."oh really now? How fascinating, I enjoy pain." He said and with that he sat down and picked up one of the knives giving it a nice sexy lick making his tongue bleed a little,licking his lips. "So in hence your threats are nothing..."

"You're still not doing anything until you tell us you're story." Tabitha commanded, grabbing one of his knives herself and pointing it at him. She ignored Ella: The girl was such a mess that she didn't even know what side she was on! She wasn't the strongest member by far, but she could certainly give this guy a few bruises to remember her by at least.

Matt opened his eyes to see Vladimor crumpled to the floor with his hands over his... well, you-know-what, and Tabitha pointing a knife at the vampire guy. He glared at his friend, but said nothing. It was a huge risk for her to try to act like a leader, but with Calvin and Ella around he doubted any fatal blows would be dealt. Still, he glanced back at Vladimor. "What the fuck are you doing?" Matt asked the taller boy while he sat up. He knew it was a bit cruel, but he preferred Vlad whimpering over him acting like a demon. He didn't need another Cryx or Naomi within the group.​
After a couple of moments, Vladimore was able to gain himself, the stood up, those still sore. "What, I get wasted as fuck just for trying to keep you all safe???" He walks over to the couch with a huff, looking at Matthew with a sort of annoyed look. "I dunnoo, maybe for being the defense of this group, but no one is logical enough to want to stay safe so, shit I have no idea."

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"Simple, I'm a vampire made by man. I broke out of my room by killing my caretaker by drinking him dry and used his key to get out. All the weapons are ones I stole from the artillery room, I also collected their I'd cards. You can Check my coat. When I was still human I was a professional thief,assassin,and hacker, I took jobs that I could get. The police then got their hands on me during a job and I was taken under custody and caged. They tested on me trying to create a super soilder but a blood starving vampire is what they made.. I was in the area trying to keep to the shadows but I smelled blood. If I smell food I'm gonna investigate. "

He answered with a sigh.
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Matthew tried his best to keep from laughing, but it was difficult when Vladimor looked at him and spoke with such an indignant expression. "You aren't acting awfully tough for somebody that just killed several men." He commented. After saying this however, he immediately wanted to take the words back. The image of the men screaming, and Vlad merely laughing... Cicero had killed a few men too, he was sure, but he didn't directly witness any of those deaths. Matt couldn't help but think back to his days in the facility when he heard those screams: First he heard those screams from himself, then from guards and experiments alike when he escaped, and now those soldiers... The poor boy wasn't sure how to face Vlad, now that he had seen him do something so repulsive and horrible. "I'm sorry- I know you did what you had to." Matt said, but he turned his face away from the other boy's. He wasn't used to all of this death. He wasn't even used to taking care of others, so how could he deal with a guy like this, who was nice one moment and pure evil the next?!

Shock was a poor word to describe how Tabby felt upon hearing the vampire's words. "There's no food here- get lost." was the only thing she could think to say. Still, even as she said it she wasn't too sure it was true. After all, not all of them had superhuman strength- if he was quick enough, he could make a meal out of any of them. Instead of dwelling on that matter though she cast her fear aside and continued to point the knife at him. She wouldn't hesitate to attack if he walked one step closer to them.​
Calvin reached over and gently plucked the knife from Tabitha's hands. "Pointing knives at people only gives them a reason to kill you," he grumbled, not to mention he was generally tired of people pointing knives at others.

"Can you decide whether you're going to leave? I'm tired of people showing up randomly, so if you go away, don't come back." Naomi happened to wander into the room, leaning heavily on a wall for support.

"Wait, wait, wait. Cal's being nice?"

"You say it like I lack the capability, child," he replied, only for Naomi to giggle.

"Seems that way to me!" That made Calvin roll his eyes.

"I only want to get on with what we're doing," he muttered, inspecting the knife's blade out of what could only be described as boredom.. And an attempt to block out Naomi's incessant chattering.

"So, from what I heard earlier, you're like a vampire, right? That's cool. Eat any of us and I'll kill you." Of course, the girl had to threaten the boy. And while it wasn't accompanied by a flash of green in her eyes or a truly snake-like tone, her innocent voice somehow made the message clear enough: she knew she could, and she would.
Ella gripped the knife tighter as she watched the others closely. She decided that unless told otherwise, her job was to protect Matthew. Not because she thought he needed it but because she considered him to be in charge. Protecting the person in charge with her life had often been her assignment, it was one quite easy for her to default to as she did now.
Cicero finally got enough of juggling so he put the glass bottles down and walked upstairs where everyone else is "So what I miss?" He asked sitting on the floor with his tail moving back and forth 'I wonder.....oh can I bug someone....wait I still need cookies later I guess.' He told himself smiling at the idea of finally getting more cookies even if its later then he remembered the dead bodies in the woods so he got up and whispered to Calvin "Do you want me to get rid of the bodies in the woods or at least hide them so no one can find them?" He asked staring at the Ori hoping he didn't find the bodies that that they killed 'Does he already know about them or did he just find the cabin and wanted to say hi?' Load of possibility crossed Cicero mind but he eventually gave up on think all together and just waited for Calvin's response
"Ah, but there's one matter that weighs on my mind....that is I found others. If you don't mind,I could be of assistance....I have no desire to kill any of you it would be a waste of time,your threats also amuse me. Do You think you could kill me if I really did fight back? It would be unwise fighting me, especially when I'm on your side." He responded in a low tone,his eyes glowing as he spoke.
"If you think you can do a good job, then go ahead," Calvin murmured back, his eyes flicking to Ori as he spoke.

Naomi only giggled some more at his response.
"Maybe I can, maybe I can't. I'd honestly not find out, if you're on our side."

Calvin huffed, waiting for the two of them to shut up as he looked to Matt and Vlad. Not necessarily for approval, just to see their thoughts. This man who had appeared truly made a threatening appearance, and if the two made any good arguments the self-proclaimed 'vampire' would be sent away.

"Before you say anything," he began with a pointed look to Matt and Vlad, "this man has found us, and judging from his condition has been in contact with scientists. If we turn him away, he turns us in." Calvin didn't relate that he had done a bit of research (hacking) to find out that they were still using the mako-based mixture he had made, and could tell from the extremely faint ring of green in Ori's eyes that he had been recently treated.

Tabitha glared at Calvin but crossed her arms and stepped back, letting the scientist take over without a word of protest. He wasn't somebody she was as willing to follow as Matt, but he often tried to act like a sort of leader. The fact he was so bossy clearly annoyed her, but she wasn't going to confront him about it. Unlike Matthew, Tabby knew when to shut up. Cicero had walked upstairs, but she barely noticed. Instead, she was listening to what Calvin said. "Recently treated huh?" she thought, watching the vampire closely. Now that she thought about it, her eyes been like his when she first left the facility, but they were a light green anyway so she had barely noticed.

Matthew felt himself tense up at Calvin's words. This guy had recently interacted with the scientists? From this point on, Matt was certain he wouldn't be able to trust the blood-drinking bitch. He claimed he wanted to help them, but already Matt's hand was reaching toward the weapon in his back pocket. His hand rested on it, but he didn't take it out. If he did, he might have started a war he wasn't prepared to fight in. Getting up, he walked slowly but steadily over to the newcomer. "You'll help Cicero clear the bodies." he hissed, but he didn't make a move to touch or do anything remotely hostile to the blood-drinker. Before he walked away, he glared at Calvin however. He knew the scientist didn't have much choice, but it didn't change the fact he was letting a monster of the worst kind travel with them.​
"Ok cool....Matthew come on I need your help with something whether you like it or not." the boy said glancing at Matt then at Calvin "On second thought your choice...see ya." He said while he walked passed Ori he glanced at him wonder if he would be followed by him or not. 'I might want to be quick about hiding the bodies.' He told himself when he as out of the cabin he switched his eyes and ran with his cat speed to the bodies and started wondering where he could hide them

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