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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ella put away her weapon as Matthew seemed to deem that Ori was no longer a threat to them. She stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do once more. Things had been much simpler before. "What should I do, sir?" she said quietly, looking up at Matthew. She was only really realising now that she hadn't been useful at all to him yet. All she had done was move around as he bid, she hadn't actually been of any use at all. Ella was determined to change that.
Orious stood with a blank expression and nodded."very well..."He murmured quietly and turned following cicreo quickly. "You should try dumping in a body of water. It'll make look like they drowned.." He said kneeling over one of the bodies,taken a arm and bit it sinking in his fangs.
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Cicero was startled when he heard a voice behind him he turned around to see Ori "Ok that sounds like a good idea....so care to help?" Cicero asked confused on how he got here so fast "So were you following me or did you somehow appear out of no where?" He asked the boy infront of him finally calming down and regaining his normal composer while staring at the bodies and trying to think of a way to bring them to the water and how to leave little evident of who did it like finger prints not that it mattered they were already on the run but it made him feel better knowing they couldn't tie any of them to these murderes

"Huh? Oh, you can relax." Matt said, a little puzzled by why Ella was asking him. He was beginning to understand that she was extremely obedient, but he was still completely oblivious to the fact she was specifically targeting Matthew. "What does she get out of it?" he wondered inside his mind, but he say it aloud. She was just another mutant like everyone else here, but her personality (or lack of) definitely stood out from the rest.

Tabitha watched the scene for a few more minutes, before heading upstairs. She had been growing more aggressive ever since she learned about where they were going and how they'd get there. She hated busy streets, but more than that she hated riding in cars. Among her many fears was the fear of being in one of those metal machines for very long. It wasn't a rational fear, but it wasn't like she had a choice in what she feared. Before grabbing Matt's backpack, she looked around for her textbooks and pieces of paper. "These are my only leads..." she thought, looking at them before placing them inside of the backpack and heading downstairs. Hopefully Matt wouldn't ask her what they were for- she wasn't for she could tell him yet.​
(I should mention, most of them have like holes through their body and broken necks and the such, so drowning would be a hard thing to frame)
[QUOTE="King Anthony](I should mention, most of them have like holes through their body and broken necks and the such, so drowning would be a hard thing to frame)

((Plus, experienced soldiers don't just drown. It'd make it more suspicious, even without holes and stuff.))
Ella sighed, clearly disappointed. Relaxing was not what she wanted to do, she had never been very good at it. Still she tried her best and moved to curl up on the couch, imitating what she imagined people did whilst relaxing. Her snake curled around her wrist and she petted it gently, sure that it shared her disappointment. Do they not think I'm useful? I want to be useful. How can I prove myself to him if he won't let me help with anything... Ella thought. Her snake stared back at her and then hissed. He didn't forbid be from helping... I could help. I just don't know what to do.
Ori pulled away from the limb after drinking the blood. "Well it's not hard to track down your scent,you smell like fade." He commented and with that he sighed. "Actually Maybe we should burn the bodies and disfigure them enough for them to be unidentified. Also their clothing and personal items should be removed.."
Matthew sighed. He could see the disappointment in the girl's eyes, and perhaps for a second his sympathetic side took over. He knew what it was like to feel useless: Just an hour ago he was being dragged back to the house by two of his... "friends" after getting his ass kicked. "Go help the two hide the bodies, if you're not uncomfortable doing it. If I'm being honest, I don't trust either of them." He gave the girl a crooked smile that said "I know you're capable." before turning back toward the rest of the people gathered. The devil-child was looking evil as usual, Calvin had yet to look at him, and Vlad was... well, Matt didn't look at Vlad. He didn't want to, not after all the things he'd said to the boy, and how helpless Matt must have looked.

"Way ahead of you on taking their stuff and for disfiguring do you mean like cut their faces cut off limps and stuff like that also what the hell does that mean I smell like fade?" He asked the boy 'Burning the bodies are going to be hard I don't think we have anything that can actually burn them unless I have matches in my pocket.' He thought feeling around in his pocket pulling out one match "Uhh how are we suppose to get the fire start for some reason I didn't think stealing gasoline would be a smart idea." He said laughing at he guessed was is worse joke yet but he still laughed while he started taking everything from the bodies pocket and then found the guy with the captions of them he took the device and stuck in his pocket and then took out two knifes just waiting for the word to start slashing the bodies around them
"I have a little something we can use, and fade is my cat." He said and took out a blade from his side and a strange looking lighter. "Just make the bodies in so bad shape that you can't tell if they were even a person."
Ella wasn't uncomfortable with helping hide the bodies and so jumped up to go and do as she was told. "Yes, sir" she said as she hurried out of the cabin after Cicero and Ori. Ella soon caught up with them. "I've come to help" she told them and looked down at the bodies.
"Ohhh cool if you have a knife just start cutting everyone thats dead around you and make them unrecognized and unhuman... Wait you have a cat?" He asked Ori confused but he started cutting up the peoples faces and started chopping their fingers off and torn the skin off the peoples face and he cut the the skulls and mashed the brain he did this for everyone around him and started stomping on the one of their faces laughing a little then started cutting the main organs and threw them at a tree when he wiped his forehead he just noticed how much blood he had on his hand a shoes and now on the top of his forehead "Guess I got a little carried away." He said smiling
Vladimor thinks on the death of the 5 men he killed today. He thinks on how he laughed, how he didn't even flinch when their bodies fell limp. He thinks about how they blood splattered onto his clothing and skin and how even though he knew it was his mind playing with him, but their blood was so cold. He takes a deep breath, covering his face with his hands for a moment, trying to regain himself. He thinks about why he'd even done it in the first place. To save everyone at the cabin, right? He looks at Matthew from the corner of his eyes. 'You did it for him..." a voice says in his head. Really? Was it really just for this boy?

"Yes,i have a cat. A really cute one with a missing eye. I love that little cat."Ori cut up the bodies tearing them apart and dissecting them destroying them piece by piece quietly. When he was done he sighed licking the blood off his hands and tossed Cicero the lighter and some lighter fluid." This should do.." he licked his hand again with a sigh. Fresh blood would've been better.....
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Matthew tried to ignore him, but it soon became obvious to the boy that Vladimor was staring at him. He could feel the uncomfortable atmosphere that filled the room. "Should I say something?" Matt considered the idea, but he wasn't entirely sure what he could say to the male. Everything had already been said right? Vlad had to know by now how uncomfortable Matt was with the events that occurred today: Matt screaming at him earlier should've been a big enough hint. But Matthew couldn't help but feel like something else had to be said. "I... I'm not sure if we can be friends." Matt finally said, in a voice just loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Standing up before Vlad could say anything else, Matt quickly went over to Calvin and grabbed his hand. "We didn't finish talking before." he said, half-dragging the scientist up the stairs with him.

Calvin's eyes widened just a tad in surprise when Matt suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him, and he stumbled a bit, quickly regaining his footing. He sent a venomous glare to Naomi as she giggled, nearly tripping up the stairs from Matt's forceful pulling.

"Did something happen?" Calvin asked in a quiet tone to keep his words from echoing down the staircase. The scientist would normally be a bit annoyed at being dragged around, but he found he didn't mind.

I'm like some teenage girl meeting a guy for the first time, Calvin thought bitterly, but he focused back on what was happening around him.

When Calvin glared at her, Naomi went from giggling to howling laughter, which made Cryx wander up the basement steps in confusion. Shrugging when she realized it was only Naomi being.. well, Naomi, she caught a glimpse of Calvin disappearing upstairs, tilting her head and wondering what he was doing but dismissing it. She tapped Naomi's shoulder to get her attention.

"You should probably rest, kiddo."

"I don't want to! It's boring."

"It's likely we'll be leaving soon, and we'll need you able to function," Cryx argued, and Naomi huffed in annoyance.

"Fine, but only because I'm important!" With that, the girl followed Cryx back down to her second room, and, with Cryx watching to make sure she actually slept, Naomi fell asleep.
"Ok." Cicero said while taking the lighter and lighter fluid dumping it on the bodies and lit the fire and gave Ori back his stuff "So what do we do now?" He asked the boy who apparently knows how to hide bodies 'As long as this guy doesn't hurt Tab or anyone else in the group i'm fine with him being with us.' Cicero thought while looking back at the burning bodies and smiling a bit then he remembered the contraption in his pocket he took it out and looked at it "Hey do you think Calvin would know how to work this thing? Oh yea I'm Cicero by the way nice to meet you." He stated putting out his hand and smiled

"S-sorry, I just..." Matthew hesitated, making sure both Cryx and Naomi weren't going to be bothering them before continuing to speak. "I'm not sure I can go with you." Matt said, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness but not spending too much time silent. If he left it at that, the scientist wouldn't listen to everything he had to say. He hadn't had an exact plan when he dragged the scientist along with him: He just figured he could trust the boy not to laugh at him regardless of what he said. After all, Calvin didn't really seem to laugh at anything. "I can meet up with you guys, if you want me to." he added. "I'll take public transportation. I've done it before, and since I'm alone I should be fine." He managed to say all of this casually, but in the back of his mind he was trying to figure out a reason he could give Calvin that didn't make him sound like he was part of some twisted love story. He wasn't, after all... "Trust me!" Matthew quietly commanded, but with every second that passed he was sure the other boy was going to say no.

Tabitha watched as Matt dashed up the stairs, a little shocked. "Um, did I miss something?" she asked Vlad, who seemed to be the only person left in the room. She had just come back downstairs with the backpack she and Matt shared. She set the backpack down and sat next to the boy, who seemed a little lost. She smiled at him. "Anything wrong?" she asked in her quiet voice. She didn't know what Matt and Vlad were to each other, but it was clear the two had a complicated relationship.​
"Orious...You can call me Ori for short.." He said shaking his hand and the exhaled stretching then turned to head off to the cabin." I'm going to report back to the others then I'm going to find a tree to sleep in.."He said in a calm,cold tone though he felt a bit frustrated by how hard it was getting them to trust him. It was all too annoying.
"Ahh come on you might as well sleep inside everyone was like that when we first met each other and for Matthew hes always like that just ignore him." He said while walking back to the cabin when he opened the door he realized his shoes and hands were covered in bloods still so he wiped his hands on his shirt and took his shoes off and wiped it on his pants legs 'Hopefully this is good enough.' He thought putting his shoes back on and got some water for the three of them "Here ya guys go." He said while handing them water bottles and started drinking his own 'This guy can't be that bad he wasn't tried to kill me yet or hurt anyone here don't see why people wouldn't trust him.' He told himself
Vladimor's fingers twitch in the slightest, not knowing what to say in response. Not that it mattered, he left before he had the chance to respond. He stayed looking lost until Tabitha sat next to him. He shakes his head. "No, uh I was just talking to Matt about me leaving earlier than you all, " He lies. Though, now that he thought about it, maybe he should? If he left early, he could go to his indirectly owned house in Vegas, and if he was wise enough, he'd probably be able to avoid all of them until he finds a different place to go to. Maybe Texas? San Antonio was pretty, he heard. Maybe he'd visit the famous Alamo while he was there? "But I'm good." He cleared his mind for the moment so he wouldn't make it obvious that he was hurting. "How about you? You alright?" He asks with a raised brow.

Ori didn't drink his and gave it back with a nervous look."thanks..Um I can't drink this though...due to the testing I was under I'm unable to consume anything but blood. If I do I get really ill..." He said quietly but tried acting polite in his manner of speaking.
"Ok thats fine....wait I got an idea next time we end up killing someone we can put it in a bottle like this so you don't run out of blood encase we haven't kill anyone in day." Cicero said smiling 'Kinda wanna spar this guy he said he was strong I wanna test it....maybe later.' Cicero told himself drinking his water "So what can we do?" He asked to pretty much anyone who would listen

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