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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero couldn't help but smile at the idea "You are an absolute genius lets go." He said grabbing her by the hand and ran into the lab completely ignoring the blanket "Wow so many shiny things.....do you think Calvin would be mad if I took some of this stuff I mean look how cool it looks I want it....pretty sure I have enough space in my pockets." He said while he looked in his pockets and back at the cool machinery and stuff 'Wonder why Calvin always had a blanket covering the lab he didn't want us to see how cool it looks and its really shiny.' He said smiling while he looked at his reflection in some random sciencey thing he found he picked it up and started to throwing it up in the air and catching it then he picked up two more and started juggling "TaDa Cicero the magnificent clown cat juggling most likely the most expensive objects he could fine." He said pretending to be a Circus announcer while laughing

"Hm? Oh, it's fine..." The boy answered, just now looking down at his shirt and neck, which were both blanketed with blood. He also knew his wrists had streaks of blood on them, but he avoided looking at them: If he did, it would only draw more attention to the previous cuts along his arms, and the last thing he wanted was Vlad interrogating him. Matthew, feeling quite agreeable due to his tired state, obediently took off the shirt without much thought, but once it was off he felt more self-conscious than usual. "I shouldn't!" he silently reminded himself, but it didn't really change how he felt. Sure, he had been shirtless this morning, but he wasn't the center of attention then- and he hadn't just been saved. To counter this feeling of nervousness, Matt quickly grabbed the wet cloth and rubbed at the blood along his neck. He bit his lip when he realized he was scraping the cloth against the cut, only making it worse. The scent of blood hit his nose, but he only concentrated on his task. If he showed that he was in pain he'd be treated more kindly than he already has been, and there was no way he was going to rely on this guy- not after acting so shameful in front of him time and time again.

Tabitha covered her mouth when she laughed out of habit. "Not bad, but remember not to take anything too valuable: I'm sure the scientist needs some of these things." Tabitha pretended to be looking at the shiny things with him, but in reality she was looking for files- a specific file. If she didn't find it, she wasn't sure when she'd get the chance to look again.​
"Wait so I can steal stuff from here....Tab your are the best girlfriend ever your letting me steal from the person that's offering us a place to stay your amazing....so what do I want?" the boy asked himself looking around the lab while juggling before getting bored and put the sciencey things back 'Where does Calvin keep the unimportant yet cooling looking stuff?' He asked himself while he opened cabinets and drawers until he found a little saw blade that doctors use to cut open a patience "And I'll be taking this along with some of the scalpels because Calvin doesn't need all of these any way." He told himself while sticking them in his back pocket of his jeans before looking at the larger equipment and he sat down in the chair "Hey wheres the T.V. if he had a tv in here do you know how often I would pretend to be sick just to watch tv....a lot." He said smiling at how comfy the chairs are that or hes just use to sitting or sleeping in stupid places but either way he enjoyed sitting in it and looking at the stuff he stole
Vladimor takes off his own shirt, and besides that there wasn't much on his actual skin. He had asked Derrick to take their shirts and fine the washer to clean them. ("Of course,sir")He put the plain grey sweater on and found himself idle and while Matthew cleaning around his neck, he decided to clean around his unused arm. Vladimor was sure to be gentle in wiping the blood off his skin, paying special caution around the cuts. He notices the older scars, but he doesn't comment. It wasn't his business. "Vegas, eh? Are you legal to drink and gamble?" He asks, trying to put a casualness into the atmosphere.

(Don't know where to jump in so if anyone has a idea of where plz tell me)

Ori Sat up upon a rooftop observing the area quietly crouched down perched on the edge. His yellow-green eyes scanning everything from under his dark hood and gasmask. He wore dark clothing and was unnoticeably heavily layered in weapons underneath his clothes. Ori was ready to strike at the given command.
((OOC:Well since he's government pet, I would suspect that since the 10 men who hasn't come back(due to them being slaughtered) would be sent out to the cabin as some sort of spy? Everyone is getting ready to leave already))

He heard a slight beep and pressed a button on his ear piece. "Yes,understood! I'll head that way immediately,sir." Ori then jumped down and quickly headed in the direction of the cabin using his speed. After a bit then arriving he stopped sniffing the air to take into estimate of how many people he was dealing with here. He exhaled and walked right in."well,well look what I have here?"
Ella looked up at the man that walked inside, having not met everyone in the house yet, she just assumed he was one of them. She wasn't really sure what his question meant. Maybe it was one of those questions that didn't really require an answer as such. Still, she felt like she should answer. "I'm Ella" she told him with a smile.
During the first parts of the commotion, Naomi had disappeared completely, off into the woods.

They had been waiting for her. She should have known! The moment she got far enough away, she was surrounded by a lot more men than should have been on something so simple. And the scientists were there, too. It was a nightmare.

Naomi had attacked and killed as many as she could, and injured who she couldn't, leaving long and thin gashes on each man, a result of the weapons she wielded. But, try as she might, it was futile. She was eventually shot with a tranquilizing dart that had an extremely negative effect.

It looked like Calvin had managed to at least change her treatment's formula, because it felt like she was dying. With a soundless scream, the girl collapsed to the ground in what could only be described as a seizure. She was shoved roughly into a cage, and soldiers were beginning to pick the cage up when the cry of an enraged (and rather large) bird sounded out. Seeing as they were in the clearing, the soldiers and the rest made easy targets.

There was Calvin! He swooped down, tearing apart soldiers and scientists alike. Naomi couldn't bear to see this killing side to Calvin, so she ducked her head and shut her eyes tight, and she covered her ears, but the sound of ripping flesh and cries of pain still invaded her mind. Long after the conflict, those sounds would remain.

With a loud grinding sound, the door to Naomi's cage was ripped open, and she was picked up gently, finding Calvin covered in feathers after his shift. She reached up and snatched one, but let go when another seizure attacked. Calvin didn't say anything, just rushed into the house.

All this was probably so familiar to the other residents now; Calvin rushing in with an injured Naomi. It was sickening how often this happened.

When Calvin reached his lab, he didn't even react to the fact that two people, Tabitha and Cicero (Tabitha, of all people!) had invaded. He ignored them, setting Naomi on the ground gently and quickly moving a pillow underneath her head. His hand twitched, like he wanted to throw something in his rage, but he somehow kept calm and began looking around for what he needed. When he found it, a small pill, he had to wait for Naomi's seizures to stop before he could give it to her, which did nothing for his thin patience. When he could, he gave the girl the pill, watching as she fell asleep. She shouldn't have another seizure until she awoke, and hopefully by then Calvin would be finished.

He leaned back against the table in the middle of the lab, one of his hands reaching out to feel and touch the broken restraints, whose metal was twisted and broken, and rather sharp. Calvin almost cut himself, but didn't even flinch.

"Why are you in my lab?" he asked Cicero and Tabitha quietly, more to try and help himself calm down. He didn't sound angry, just a tad annoyed and mostly stressed and tired. He was tired of how--

Don't think of that now, Calvin told himself.

He didn't wait for a response in the end, rising from the table and moving to grab an empty syringe he would need to draw Naomi's blood and find out what was clogging her system, and how. Ignoring the fact that Tabitha and Cicero were right there, he continued on with his work.

(Insert a bunch of specifics I don't know here).

Calvin had finally figured out what was wrong with Naomi, after a few hours of work, and had created the mixture he needed to fix it. He inserted the whole mess into her bloodstream, watching as Naomi woke up, her eyes clear due to the tranquilizer having been destroyed.

Her eyes flickered to him, and she said nothing at first.

"Thanks, Cal..."

Cryx was quick to find the captain of the group who had attacked, and was also quick to pin him to the ground with her sword to his neck.

"Tell me what the hell you're doin' here, sweetheart, before I slit your throat."

"Simply invading, trying to round up as many of you scum as we could. We were mostly targeting your daughter, though." This made Cryx's eyes narrow, and she watched carefully when he pointed in a certain direction.

"How much do ya know about us?"

"Everything," the man stated simply. Cryx slit his throat and moved to where he had pointed, rushing quickly, but turned around with a horrified expression when she saw what had happened.

"Damn it, Calvin.." she muttered, and continued her way back to the house..

Her eyes widened. One of the soldiers had gotten
way too close, so it seemed. She stepped into a patch of light as quietly as she could, and let it warp around her, crouching with her blade at the ready.
"I don't know I guess we got bored don't worry she didn't touch anything to important." He said looking at the injured Naomi "Is she going to be ok?" The boy asked the doctor with concern 'Maybe we should go.' He thought appeared in Cicero's mind "Yea anyway i'm going to get some coffee want any Tab?" He asked the girl opening the blanket enough to walk through "Oh hey random person that just walked in so how did you find this place? and good morning Ella." He said half asleep and not really noticing what the the new guy was wearing was wearing instead he wanted coffee so he made some and got three cups and filled it with the liquid giving the one of them to both people in the room and started drinking his wondering what to do today 'I could always steal some cookies....or just sleep on the roof...' He went over the ideas in his head bored while looking at the ceiling drinking his coffee
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Vladimor turned his attention away from Matthew to eye the new guy walking through the door. With narrowed eyes, he stood up. (He was surprised when he was a couple inches taller. That's a first here.) "I don't like your tone already." He growls, stepping forward. "We've had our share of unfriendly visitors, and we're quite busy so, if you don't mind, I'll need you to state your purpose here, leave, or be handed execution by my hand." The noble crosses his arms, untrusting of this boy. 'Was he an experiment?' Another one of those scientist?' Vladimor bares his teeth defensivly.

Ori blinked and pulled down his hood staring at her a bit surprised with ella's greeting. "Ah...I'm orious." He murmured in response and tilted his head eyeing her with his violet eyes glowing. "Um...could you tell me what happened here?" He asked looking around. " I could smell the blood from mile away..." He said looking to the male.
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"That's none of your business, stranger. State. Your. Purpose." He says, voice rougher than usual as he looks as Orious. "I shall not restate your options." Vladimor's dialogue seemed much more formal when he's on such high defense. He glances back at the bloodied cloth from earlier. "As mentioned we are busy. Not a good time at all."

Ella looked over at Lord Valdimor and fell silent, immediately getting the impression that she shouldn't have spoken. As such, she didn't answer Orious's question and bit her lower lip instead. Lately she didn't seem to be getting much right and she was reminded of her embarrassment earlier. And how she had run away from him with Matthew.
"Well if you guys are going to talk or what ever I'm just going to leave the coffee here." He said putting the cups on the table and getting another for Tab and walked back down into the lab "So Calvin what I miss i'm guessing Naomi is feeling better seeing how shes wake." the boy stated drinking his coffee and giving the other cup to Tab before sitting on the counter and looking at the doctory stuff that's in front of him eventually leading to him forgetting were he was he just really liked looking at everything that this lab had to offer a lot of shiny sharp equipment 'He wouldn't mind if I take anymore would he?' He asked himself
Ori removed the mask over his mouth dropping it and smiled widely."my business is simple,kid. If smell blood I find the source...it's much easier feeding off a corpse than a living person. You see I only drink blood, it's what those lab trash did to me and finding the blood I require to survive is a bit hard." He answered licking his lips with a hunger in his eyes which glowed. "And I really rather not bite anyone if You don't mind..."
His gaze softened in only the slightest when he caught on that he was another experiment. "Not a lot of dead blood here. Check around further east, dropped quite a bit of bodies. Fresh, and probably more than enough." He says, trying to get him to leave before he too became their responsibility. . He still felt something was off. It wasn't right that just after there had been someone sent after them was killed that he had came around.

"They made you drink blood?" Ella asked and tilted her head to one side. "Do you have to cut someone and drink it like that?" she asked curiously. She'd heard stories about experiments like him, little tidbits from scientists who didn't care what she heard .It hadn't been as if she could talk to anyone about them.

Ooc: Back online!

Bic: Matthew stood up when the guy mentioned he drank blood. Being partially covered in blood didn't help soothe the boy's nerves. Still, he had to keep a cool head. "We're not very friendly to experiments who walk around casually- I suggest you leave." He kept is voice light and his words simple, but it didn't change the fact Matt already wanted to bite the boy's head off. Vlad may be willing to accept any experiment, but he wasn't.​
Ori shook his head and looked to her narrowing his eyes."not exactly forced...they made me into a beast that drinks blood to live, or a vampire, one created my hands of man themselves. And no I don't always use a knife, my fangs can pierce the flesh just as easily..." He explained crossing his arms.
"You must have some bad dental hygiene." Matthew commented, but he didn't make a move to fight the "vampire". Instead, he walked so that he was right in front of Ori. He wouldn't admit it, but he felt uncomfortable with the idea of Vlad protecting him or anyone else today after what happened. He could still barely walk as it was, so he stood next to Ella- in reality, he was just getting in Vlad's way.


Vladimor shot a glare towards Ella who kept distracting the potential threat to heed his words. When Matt stepped up, however, he thought perhaps she'd understand more. Her curiosities were less important than the safety of the entire group, and right now, Orious was the closest threat. The shadow-bent boy snickers a little at Matthew's remark, but didn't let it disrupt his defensive atmosphere.

(OOC: How mean, has Ori even listened to a word Vladimor has been saying? /.\ )​
Ella fell silent, taking comfort at being by Matthew's side. She swallowed her curiosities, even though in truth she saw no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to feed. He was like them wasn't he? She was here and didn't really even want to be, yet they seemed adamant that Ori shouldn't stay. She supposed it wasn't her place to question them .
iiimee said:
Note: Apparently, Orious only listens to pretty girls... #PoorVlad #PoorMatt

(OOC: Vladimor does make a really pretty girl if he wanted to....)

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