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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ella ran with him, the firmness to his grip reassuring her as they ran. From who, she wasn't quite sure. It didn't seem all that important. A shiver ran down Ella's spine as the softly spoken order took hold of her. Her hand dropped his and her feet began to move of their own accord as she ran to the cabin. She didn't look back. She didn't pause or hesitate. All that mattered was obeying and getting inside the cabin. She quickly reached the cabin and pulled open the door, rushing inside. As Ella crossed the threshold, she exhaled with a giddy smile at the rush she got from completing his order. She hadn't realised just how good it felt to obey when she'd been with the scientists. Calm spread over her as she closed the door behind her. She was meant to be here. Matthew had told her to be here.

When Tabitha finally understood what Cicero was saying, Ella had already run into the cabin. "They're more..." Tabby managed to say, pointing a delicate finger toward the general direction. Her knees felt weak- was she going to faint? There weren't hundreds, but at least ten were marching through the woods, half going toward who she could only assume was Matthew. It had to be Matthew, because only he was stupid enough to use himself as bait. "M-matt's leading them away." she whispered, not even sure if the others could hear her. Tears were streaming down her eyes... It was obviously the stress of this moment was getting to her. She collapsed to her knees, covering her ears. She wanted to, but she was too shocked to help anymore than she already had.

Matt's plan worked- well, somewhat. He heard the voices of five people approaching him, but in a distance he could here the sound of others. The boy, despite knowing he couldn't outrun all five of them, wasn't at all panicked. Adrenaline had kicked in, and now his thoughts rushed at with with twice the speed they easily would have. "I need to do better!" he thought. Running a little farther away, he started to laugh. He laughed wildly, not because he was amused or happy but because he was sure the soldiers, cops, or whatever they were could hear him. "After him!" one of them shouted, and almost in unison six of them were chasing after him again. He cursed and kept running. He hoped the others would be able to take care of the four headed their way...​
Dang it that idiot I already called distraction...ok Tab I need you to be the leader get everyone moving to Las Vega were going early." He said while running into the woods to find Matt "AND I PROMISE MATTHEW WILL BE OK WE WILL BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT!" He said running when the cabin was out of site he faced the woods again running into some of the people "Well you guys came to me so nice of you." He said smiling while his tail moved back and fourth like a clock and his ears perked with excitement "I would say ladies first to be a gentlemen....but I only see punching bags that are about to die by this little cat." He said while he charged at one of them stabbing him in the leg making him fall to the ground while Cicero jumped up in a tree while jumping at another one he stabbed him and Cicero got punched in the back he stumbled to the ground before getting up and jumping to another tree losing his knife in the process he grabbed another from his pocket "Look guys I don't have time for this so please do me a favor...AND DIE!" He screamed while jumping on the last two stabbing them in the face he walked up to the guy he stabbed in the leg with an evil sadistic smile the guy was terrified "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU YOU DEMON YOUR A SATAN SPAWN INSIDE OF A HUMAN CAT!"He screamed in horror while Cicero laughed "Well that's not very nice didn't your mother teach you manners when talking to someone that's different?" He asked while cutting the guys arm and the other and his leg he just kept cutting him before leaving him. Cicero suddenly woke up "How long was I asleep more importantly when did I fall asleep? Ok well anyway now I gotta find Matthew but were?" He asked himself picking up his other knife and running into the woods yelling Matthew's name
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Matthew didn't know how it happened, but somehow during all of this chasing he ended up being stuck in a tree, surrounded by the last six men. It was clear by now that they weren't cops, but soldiers: Their camouflage outfits almost blended in with the grass below them. "Come down Matty-boy..." one of the soldiers teased. One of the soldiers had pulled up a picture of him on their device, or at least what vaguely looked like Matthew Wise. He was unconscious and strapped to a bed with smiling doctors standing around him. The caption on it said "A great achievement for Science, but I doubt he feels the same way!" It was clearly supposed to be a joke, but the boy didn't find anything about it funny. In fact, he felt nauseous just at the thought of those people messing with his body, contorting it and giving him a deformity he never wanted. He could hear Cicero calling out to him, but his voice was too hoarse to answer back. First his hands, then his whole body starting shaking. "Somebody help me!" he screamed in his head.

Vladimor heard what was going on, taking his time to analyze most of what was going on until things got more urgent. People running into the house, footsteps that weren't any of theirs. When he heard laughter, Matthew's laughter, there was no way. When he saw Cicero running to the direction of the four, Vladimor quickly runs to follow the familiar sound, hoping to find him. Shadows began to crawl around him, a mass of darkness seeming to devour all light that dared to reflect off of anything near him. It was far from the cabin, he realized, and it hurt him, even more, to see a guy like him risk his life for the rest of the cabin. (Or just Tabitha, perhaps.) Far, far up ahead he seen him. Matthew. Though closer to himself were six other men were there, closer to his own position. 'He's fast...' The boy thinks, picking up his own pace to lessen the distance between the hostilities and himself. "Matthew!" He called, not for the boy's attention, but for the men. Only 3 stopped for him. Half is better than none. He was sure to hurry up as they began to corner Matthew. They all looked aggressive holding guns, all towards him. They told him to no resist. Like hell he wouldn't. "You want me?" He asks with a tone not to be trusted. He seems to have put all his shadows down. (How can you trust that? Everyone has a shadow, of course.) and he puts his hands up in the air in mock surrender. He slowly and cautiously steps towards them. One of them trembled, the other swallowed hard. He wanted the stoic one first. He seemed to put his hands higher in the air, and from the man's shadow, without him aware, it snakes up to his neck, moving in one fast move to snap his neck. The other ones were about to shoot, but shadow's move at the speed of light, deflecting each bullet. Shadow tendrils once more raised from the ground, quickly striking one man through the chest, causing a gaping hole through the man's flesh. His heart was outside of his body and his body falls to the ground. "You're my last opponent.," VLadimor says calmly, taking a step close to the last man who was too frozen in fear to help his comrades. Even now, with his fingers on the trigger, the man was too frightened to shoot. The noble chuckles, letting a more tangle shadow crawl over the man's face, and boy did it warm Vladimor's heart the way he whimpered. The noble steps out of the line of fire before digging two tendrils into each of the man's eye and he shoots wildly, screaming in pain before a shadow in the throat puts him out of his misery. He ran to catch up with Matthew to take on the last 3.
Cicero walked around the woods for but decide going by tree would be easier so he started hoping from tree to tree until he seen Matt in a tree and Vlad killing three of the people that were after them "GOOD JOB OGRE BOY!" He screamed while hoping to the tree Matthew was on he was above Matthew "Hey Matthew I'm guessing you need help well Ogre boy is on his way but for now your stuck with me so you can use this it will help." He said pulling out one of his knifes and handing it to Matt before smiling down at the people "Hey I have a question do you know me or please say you do I wanna see what my scientist friends say about me....you know before they died." He said while smiling like a psycho path down at them "Oh yea your the cat boy....This you?" The guard asked showing him a picture of Cicero with the best describe Cicero could ever find of himself 'Insane cat boy....Scientist or confused on his urge to steal and he is just some stupid person that never listens unless forced' It said "Ohh no fair how come mines so mean? Hey Matthew what did your's say?" He asked the boy looking down at him from the higher limb while pretending to be sad about the statement before he started laughing like a mad man again and smiling sadistically at the guards again "Who wants to play a game....oh how I love playing games hey did you know the scientist liked playing games with us....but those games weren't fair we always got hurt in the end I think its time to see how you guys like it wouldn't you agree Matthew?" He asked laughing
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Ella watched Tabitha collapse and wondered what she was supposed to do with that. "He'll be alright. I'm sure he knows what he's doing" Ella tried to reassure her from where she was stood as she looked out of the window. She could have helped. She'd been taught to fight and kill, since she'd been completely under the scientists's control. But Matthew had wanted her to be here. She didn't question that.

Ooc: Let's just say there were three surrounding Matt then, to clear up my ninjaing!

Bic: Matthew wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as his cat-boy companion. In fact, he nearly dropped the knife Cicero handed to him. He reached out his arm and managed to grab it, but this was only a small victory before the battle. The second he caught it was the second one of the soldiers caught him, dragging the boy down so that the knife was pointed at his throat. "I don't like games psycho cat, but I'll play one just for you." the soldier retorted with an evil smirk on his face. With that he snapped the fingers on his free hand, and the two other soldiers drew their knives, ready to listen to any order. "Put the knives at his wrists." the soldier ordered. Without hesitation the two other men grabbed unto the struggling Matt's arms and pulled up the sleeves, only to reveal wrists with white lines streaked across them. By now the short boy was pissed as all Hell, but the soldiers didn't bat an eye. "Give him a warning!" the one who seemed to be the commander ordered. Matt's whimper, then long list of curses could be heard clearly: Both his wrists had been cut, adding a cut line among the white ones. "Still want to play cat-boy?" the commander asked, grinning to reveal blackened teeth.

Tabitha shook her head again and again, covering her ears. She could hear Matt's screaming, but the fact he was so far away was driving her insane. She couldn't get up from where she was on the floor however: She felt like she was glued there... In reality, she was just experiencing extreme shock for the first time.​
Cicero was laughing at all of it he didn't know why but he was "A warning I thought it was suppose to be toward me but fine you win what do you want me to do." He said smiling like a mad man hanging upside down from one of the limbs 'Ok so they have Matt so if I make any sudden moves they will kill him I know this much....so I have to find a way to get the guy to move the knife away from Matthew's throat and then i'm fine.' He told himself while trying to figure out a plan "That's good to know you go get the cat boy." He barked at his companion to his left the guy grabbed Cicero and pulled him off the tree giving Cicero a great idea Cicero landed on his feet making the guard land on his back stunned "You can't blame me i'm half cat its normal for me to land on my feet." He said putting his hands in his pocket waiting for Matthew's next move during this Cicero next left eye contact with the guy holding a knife to Matthew's throat and Cicero had the face of a psychopath smiling at the guy like they were old friends
Vladimor had arrived, looking in shock as he bears witness to the scene, unnoticed by anyone there. There was horror in his eyes when he heard Matthew's screams and he had to do something, because he didn't particularily understand what Cicero was doing. As discreetly as he could sneaked to shadows towards the last to men, and before they could notice it over their knives, the shadows engulfed the blades, crushing them into oblivion. In less than a second, the shadows strap around both men's wrist, cracking them in a swift motion, and he revels in their sudden screams of pain. That's when Vladimor steps forward, snarling with bared teeth. "How fucking dare you." He hisses in a low tone as he looks at the hostiles. Shadows grip their ankles breaking their ankles as well, and more screams and cries ensue. "I do not fucking enjoy scum such as yourself attempting to mutilate my friend." He grows with narrowed eyes, glancing up to Matthew, then over to Cicero.

Cicero's attempt to help Matthew worked- except for the fact that the boy had his throat sliced before he pulled away. It wasn't too deep, but already blood was running down the boy's neck and soaking into his shirt. If only Cicero had waited a second longer, because before Matt could understand what was happening he saw the knives fade from the two remaining men's hands and he heard a loud popping noise that Matt soon realized were their wrists breaking. He stepped back until he was leaning against the tree next to Cicero. "Shadows..." The boy instantly knew who was behind this, but after a moment his realization didn't matter anyway, because Vladimor stepped forward to reveal himself. "This is the first time I've been afraid of him." the boy thought within his head. He knew that Vladimor was only trying to help, but Matthew's heart was beating at four times it's usual speed! Not being able to take it anymore, Matt's legs collapsed beneath him as he desperately covered his ears. Was this how Tabitha felt? The gruesome sound of the men speaking... It was torture to him. During this scene, the third man, who had merely fallen, was now running for his life. Matthew didn't even pay any mind to him. His wrists and neck were bleeding, and in front of him Vlad had become a partial demon: The running man was the least of the traumatized boy's worries.

"Uhhh hey Ogre boy thanks for the help I was wondering when you get here anyway I'm going to get the man running can't leave anyone alive that knows about us right!" He yelled to them while sprinting to the guys killing him and walked back "So any Matthew stand up come one it wasn't that bad....ok you got cut a little I most likely have something for you in my pocket.....yea here just but that around the cut you'll be fine." The boy stated while sitting down returning to his normal self "So I guess we go back and tell the others and we head out to Las Vega right?" He said while cleaning his bloody knife with his shirt and putting back in his pocket and looked at the sky "Have you noticed how nice it is outside?" He asked to no one is particular and mostly so the silence wouldn't creep up on them
In a panic, Vladimor rushes over to the bleeding boy, shadows like bands cover the cuts, adding just enough pressure, preventing any blood from exiting his body. (Such useful things, he was grateful for.) He felt a terrible fear when Matthew drops to the ground and covers his ears. He looked so vulnerable...Vladimor thought as he looked at the wounded Matthew in front of him. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here faster," He says softly, doubting the other could hear behind covered ears. He gently tugs at his shirt, trying to will him to get up. "Come on, it's not safe out here anymore. Are you fine enough to walk on your own?"


"I- I'm fine!" Matthew half-yelled at the two boys which were looking at him which such concern. He put a hand to his neck, but try as he might the boy couldn't fight Vladimor's shadows. He was still shaking, and had been ever since he had been stuck in that tree in the first place. "I... I'll walk on my own." he stated, but his voice was so quiet and strained that it would be a miracle if either of the two heard him. He stood up rather quickly, and made it a few feet... before collapsing once again. His legs were sore from the way he had been dragged tonight, and his arms and neck clearly sore from the cuts that were on them. He looked at the two of them, only half-understanding what had occurred tonight. Try as he might, he couldn't see anything in the two of them that wasn't human: Even with freakishly strong powers they were just like him. "I'm-" His voice was cut off by him choking on his own tears briefly. "Sorry..." He got up again, but it was clear he wasn't making it all the way to the cabin by himself.

In the cabin, Tabitha had calmed herself down enough to make a cup of chamomile tea. She was relieved to hear Matthew's voice, even if she could hear him sobbing as well. "Poor boy..." she said to herself. She couldn't imagine how he felt right now. After all, he was so independent, but now he was surely ashamed of himself. If only she could tell him that he had nothing to be embarrassed about, but he wouldn't believe her. "Oh, Matthew..." she thought, sipping some of her tea. "What are we going to do with you?"​
"Uhhh...ok we got you Matthew" He said while picking up one of his arms "Ogre boy grab his other one." the boy commanded while he waited he looked at the sky and smiled for once it seemed like everyone and everything was going to be fine he took his phone out of his pocket at texted Tab 'Were all ok but Matthew got cut a little but he's going to survive see you soon.' He sent her while putting his phone back into his pocket 'When we get back i'm going to have to steal more cookies.' He reminded himself
He flinched when he was (Sort of?) yelled at. He watched Matthew get up by himself, and he watch as he fell, shaking his head. "Don't be sorry. Really I got you, don't be stubborn, please. " When Cicero told him to get the other side of Matthew, he did, but making sure he was gentle. Matthew seemed so fragile at the moment. "I should be apologizing. I could of have been quicker about getting to you." He mutters, glancing down on the blood spattered on his shirt, some smeared on his skin. He gives a laboured sigh, glancing at him.


Matthew didn't fight when the two boy's grabbed unto his arms, but when Vlad touched him he immediately looked at the other boy- only to look back at the ground when he noticed how close they were. Matt wasn't sure how to describe what he felt being so close to Vladimor right now... discomfort maybe? The image of what both of them did was still fresh in Matthew's mind, but even with it there Matt found himself unable to feel fear. "I must still have some adrenaline in me..." he silently concluded, but he wasn't entirely sure considering the fact them helping him walk had really turned into them half-dragging him toward the house. His t-shirt that once said "I hate everybody" in red colours was now covered in drying blood, which covered up the "h" in hate. They were almost there... right? He was beginning to grow light-headed, his feet dragging so much more than before. It took a little while more, but eventually his body gave in and he fell towards Vladimor's side, not even feeling himself fall in his half-asleep state.

Tabitha's first reaction to the text was to rush out of the house, but she restrained herself. Instead, she waited at the entrance of the cabin, not even grabbing something to wrap around herself before stepping out into the cold. Her ears were warm thanks to earmuffs, but that was about it. "Cicero?" she called, wrapping her arms around herself as the winter wind blew her hair around her and seemed to bite at whatever bare skin she had exposed. It was freezing, but she was determined to wait for them to return.​
"Were right here." He called back to Tab when they could see the cabin "Matthew fainted or something but he should be fine." He told her trying to reassure her that Matthew is fine "I'll explain it all to you when we get the guy to bed ok babe." He said to Tab as they entered the door and led Matthew to her room "Well knowing Matthew he would want us to forget we ever had to help him so see ya Ogre boy." He said as he left to the room and explained everything to Tab "So what did we miss when we were gone?" He asked her while making coffee so he can having something to warm him up 'Why does it have to be cold even if its fun to play outside when its snowing why can't it snow during the summer then I can be warm and make a snowman and have a snowball fight with everyone.' He said to himself laughing at how stupid that sounded while he poured himself a cup and sat back down at the table leaning back in his chair looking at the ceiling

"I'm not asleep..." Matthew protested weakly upon hearing Cicero's words, but it was clear the boy was far from awake. If he actually was awake, he'd probably have bitten Cicero's ears off by now.

"He'll be angry at you later, you know that right?" Tabitha asked as they left the room, not-so-unintentionally closing the door behind her. She walked downstairs with him quietly, but in her mind the girl was scanning Cicero for any injuries. "You didn't miss much- I just made some tea." Tabitha explained, grabbing her half-full cold cup of tea off the table and dumping it out in the sink while they spoke. Her cheek's were still a bright pink from having went outside to wait for them, but Tabitha either didn't notice or didn't care. "I don't know how you could stand being out there- it's cold in here!" Tabitha said, hugging herself to support her claim. It was only about 5:00pm right now, but already it was getting dark.​
Vladimor holds the weak boy up, just picking him up completely and taking him inside to set him down on the couch. He places his hand on his cheek, stroking across the cold skin with his thumb. "You should rest a while before we go. Do you need anything? Are you done packing, or do you want me to help you out?" He asks, a concerned look on his face. He cringes when he looks at the blood smudged on his arms and soaking his shirt. I should clean him up, Vlad thought.

"Hehe yea I guess I didn't really notice until I actually came inside and here so you don't freeze to death." He said taking off his jacket and giving it to her 'How long was she outside....guess I can never know oh well I trust she would have came back inside if she was really cold.' He told himself smiling "So what do you wanna now knowing that me,Matthew,and Ogre boy are safe?" He asked Tab smiling and thinking of what they could do and think of an idea to steal the vans if they wanted to get to Las Vega

Matthew flinched at the taller boy's touch, first when he picked Matt up and then when he touched the boy's cheek. Even in his tired state, he could feel embarrassed! "I'm fine- I only have a backpack with me." he explained tiredly, not mentioning the fact that he shared it with Tabitha. He had enough to do without Vladimor pitying him, but just from looking at the taller male Matt had a sneaking suspicion that was exactly what the boy was doing! Still, Matt didn't dare bring it up. If he did, the other boy was sure to make a fuss over him. "I meant to talk to you earlier..." Matt said aloud. His eyes widened. He had only meant to think it, but now that it was out there he had to say something, but what?! "I..." Matthew face showed his shame as he tried to get his tired brain to organize his thoughts. "I... I like you!" he blurted out, but then he realized that took on an entirely different meaning than what he intended to say. "Um, I mean... I- I'm not mad at you. Let's be..." He tried to think of the right word desperately. Friends? No... Maybe acquaintances? They were closer than that- they had to be after the time they spent together. "Dammit, forget I said anything!" the boy cursed, running a hand through his hair and accidentally leaning back against Vlad instead of the couch in exasperation.

"I don't kn-" Tabitha's words were interrupted by Matt's speech. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed Cicero's hand. "Let's talk away from the others okay?" she asked, pulling him downstairs so that they could speak without being disturbed. "Now, what is your plan?" the girl asked, her light green eyes looking at him with a mixture of emotions. The strongest emotion that could be seen in her eyes was affection, but following it was worry and annoyance. This week had been rough for all of them to say the least.​
"Well we can always go on another date or just talk a walk in the woods." the boy said while trying to think of other ideas that would be fun for Tab 'What else can we do...' He thought his mind trailing off when he looked into her eyes "Is something wrong Tab?" He asked confused if he did something wrong or if shes just worried about Matthew either way he would be glad to help in anyway possible
"Nothing, I'm fine." Tabitha reassured him, but it was clear just from the way she looked that something was amiss. She took off her earmuffs before continuing to speak. "If you want... We can explore the lab." She pointed a delicate finger toward the rows upon rows of machines that were hidden under a blanket. She knew she shouldn't, but the usually quiet girl was in a trouble-making mood... plus she needed to find something.

"Friends you say? I wouldn't mind that." He laughs quietly, amused by how hard it was for Matthew to communicate. "Anyways, would you like a different shirt, maybe?You should clean up a little. I need to as well, before it starts to stain." He calls for Derrick, who rushes upstairs from the basement floor, ready to recieve order. Vladimor just requested 2 shirts, one for him and Matthew, and a damp cloth. The poor servant boy was concerned of the blood, but said nothing but a quick "Yessir" before scurrying off, returning with what was asked. "Can you take your shirt off for me, Matthew, if that won't be too much of an invasion on your privacy?"


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