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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"The plan is Las Vegas. I hate cities of all sorts, but it would be an exceptional place to blend in. Plenty of abnormal occurrences every day to hide our tracks. The question is getting there," he continued, with a pointed look at Cicero that stated no, you cannot steal a van. "We need to find a way of transportation. As Cryx mentioned, public transportation is impossible. It would make it all so much harder to the point that us and many others could end up dead. Not a desirable outcome. That's up first; how we're getting there in the first place. Any ideas?"

"Well, we could use our abilities," Naomi mentioned, looking around. "Cryx could hide us and the van, but not completely; and even if she could, people would still see that something was wrong. We'd need someone to distract people..." she trailed off in thought.

"Without revealing ourselves completely. No killing. Something discreet," Cryx finished for the girl.
"If I could heal up more maybe I could use my shapeshifting powers to carry a few people. The others, I'm not sure what to do." Leon said as he began to scratch his chin, thinking of some kind of plan. The was really no sound plan Leon could come up with, he knew for sure he'd be able to carry a couple of people with him depending on his form, but he wasn't fully healed so he'd be lucky to carry a single person.
"Distracting you say." He said while he sat up and peeked his head over the couch "I like distracting people....i'm annoying enough I can buy you guys enough time." He said "Only if I get more cookies in return." He said smiling like a kid who just got a new toy 'Please say yes please please please.' He pleaded in his head "But no killing will be hard.....can I injure people at least and steal their stuff?" He asked looking sad hoping he can at least hurt someone and rob them
Tabitha was a little taken aback by Vlad's hug, but she hugged him back happily after letting go of Matt's ear. Pulling away, she waved to Derrick before responding to Calvin. "Hmm... I can be a lookout, but that's not exactly distraction..." She crossed her arms and leaned her weight unto one leg, which was a habit she had whenever she was thinking. Matthew, after rubbing his maimed ear, (which had small indents on it from Tabitha's nails) shook his head at everyone's plans. He knew a trip to Las Vegas would at least take them a full twenty-four hours. "I'm with Cicero: Let's steal a van." he said, ignoring the look Tabitha gave him. She loved Cicero (that was obvious, with him being her boyfriend) but never would she have thought anyone else would agree with his plan! Feeling a little conflicted, Tabby just walked over to stand by Cicero, wondering what the majority would say to this idea.

"I can drive... If that's useful at all" Ella said quietly. She wanted to be of use to someone .To Matthew or Vladimor preferably. She didn't know how else she could be helpful though
"I could kill anyone that gets in our way." Mickie said with a psychotic smile "Normally I would advise against that but now I am kind of ok with it to be completely honest." Mickie said to himself
"Killing someone I'm..."He trailed off as he noticed Tab was right next to him he smiled at her trying to be as innocent as possible "and wait Matthew agreed with my plan Matthew...ok is he sick or something or does he think someone else said the idea?" He asked generally confused that out of anyone Matthew agreed with him he looked over at him with his facing asking if he was ok "Well anyone Tab your being the lookout right cause if so good luck i'm sure you'll do great." He said while looking back at Tab smiling "but umm can we steal some cookies along the way I just ran out and I really want cookies." He said sadly really missing his cookies already

"I'm fine." Matthew barked back at Cicero, not understanding why the cat-boy was suddenly looking at him like he was a mental patient. Turning so that his eyes were locked on Calvin, Matt waited patiently to see what the scientist would say. He understood why they couldn't use public transportation, but surely they couldn't just use their abilities in public?

Tabitha looked at the floor when Cicero praised her, a little shy about the amount of confidence he had in her. "Thank you." she mumbled, thankful that for once Matthew wasn't looking over at her with the smug look he seemed to have on his face when he saw the two of them together. He wasn't the kindest person, but he was her friend and she was glad he approved of her and Cicero's relationship. Once the cat-boy mentioned cookies however, she regained her composure, straightening her back and looking up so nobody would notice how shy she was a second ago. "I could steal some with you if you want, but it'll be difficult to do so once we're on the journey." She had traveled before with Matthew, and she knew from experience that everyone was checking their pockets and their wallets every five minutes. If they didn't get what they needed now, it would be a difficult trip.​
"So what i'm hear is were going on a trip soon to steal stuff we need and then the road trip begins right cause if so I will gladly go it seems like fun...but I don't think I can fit everything in to my pockets so i'll leave some stuff here I forgot about"He said while digging into his pocket pulling out some old book with the word Diary on the front cover "Did I steal this or actually use to use it...oh well trash now." He said throwing it to the side and continued digging in his pocket pulling random things out like some yoyo's,pencils,two phones, etc etc. "Anyone want a phone I already stole one and its awesome." He said while he fished it out of his pants pocket and looked at it and started playing a game on it forgetting what he was doing

Vladimor clears his throat ready to propose an idea. "Well, transportation isn't going to be too much a problem, obviously. With most of our powers, we'll have the upper hand. Vegas is a full day trip, but just because you guys are special, also with traffic, stopping to eat and other things, I'll say two and a half at most?" He raises a brow. "So we'll just pack for that? Anyways, ever so luckily, I have a house down in Vegas so we're not gonna have to worry about a hotel or anything, alright?"

Derrick taps the floor. "Where are we gonna steal two vans from?" He asks, trying to sort through the ideas of where to get them. A car dealership? Someone's house? Honestly, he'd feel pretty bad....​
"I'm not staying at Vlad the prince-or-whatever's house." Matthew interjected. He didn't care if he had to pay for a hotel- anything would be better than staying in a house with Vladimor and his childhood crush. He turned to Cicero. "Can I go on your stealing trip? All I need is another hundred dollars and I think I'll be able to stay at a decent hotel for at least a week." He ignored Tabby's glare. He didn't know why she was so persistent in her quest to get Vlad and him to get along, but he wasn't entirely sure he wanted them to. If Vlad hated him, it would make his life a lot less complicated. He already planned to talk to the boy later, but what would he say to him... and how long was later? Part of him wanted Vlad to forget completely about the stupid note Matt sent him, but Matt wasn't entirely sure if he'd forget about it.

"Uhhhh....sorry dude that one is up to Tab so good luck." He said laying back down and messing with the other phones seeing if they still even work 'I wonder if I could use this as a gift for Tab and who ever else wants a phone.' He thought to himself smiling at the idea "Oh yea if we are going to Las Vega can I still steal things from people or and please say this won't matter no.....but I most likely won't listen to anyone if they say no stealing."He muttered to himself while working on the phone finally turning it on and adding his number to it and texting it to see if it works when it did he couldn't contain his enjoyment but he tried he was going to give it to Tab when they left the house to steal the stuff they need and he couldn't wait doing the thing he loves most with the person he loves...and Matthew if he tags along "So when are we leaving for Las Vega so we have enough time to steal everything and come back?" He asked anyone who was going to answer him
Ella curled up where she was sat on the floor, listening to what everyone said, not really sure what was going on. She looked up at Matthew, expecting him or Vladimor to take charge and just tell them what they were going to do. This discussion didn't seem to be getting them anywhere and Ella didn't know how, or even if, to contribute.

"I could help, sir..." Ella said quietly. She doubted he could hear her and she wasn't sure yet how exactly she could help. Ella was fairly sure that Matthew was the one that was supposed to make her be useful to him.
Vladmor rolls his eyes. Bitter little boy. "Fine, I won't force anyone to stay. Anyone at all is welcomed to it, it can fit a couple of large families, so I'm sure no one will feel cramped. No need to waste money on an unnecessary hotel." He laughs, feeling sort of bad for anyone who'd sleep in a hotel in vegan. Drukards, people staying up all night. The party that never sleeps. Matthew's loss. Vladimor heard Ella, looking at her as he pushes his fingers through still slightly damp hair. "Have something in mind?" He asks, raising his brows, ready for suggestions in such a lack of organization.


After coming to the conclusion Tabitha was just going to ignore him, Matt decided to take matters into his own hands. "Ella," he said, pointing toward the girl who always seemed so eager for follow Matt around for some reason. "Do you have any experience stealing? I'm going to go now- come along if you want." He didn't know why, but the girl didn't seem to understand what he wanted unless he flat-out said it. Without getting a jacket or anything the boy swung open the door and stepped out into the cold snow-covered forest. He had completely ignored what Vladimor said. After all, he didn't want to fight, or even talk to the boy before their trip. It was still daylight though, which meant it was more than a little odd for him to try to steal anything right now. He didn't care though. If he was about to get caught, he always had a backup plan: A small knife in his pocket, perfect for cutting throats.

Tabitha watched as her friend leaved, before checking to see what Cicero was doing. She was angry at Matt, but that didn't mean she didn't worry about his safety. "What are you doing?" she thought she'd ask at first, but it was a pointless question: She could see what he was doing. Deciding it was better to leave the already seemingly happy boy alone, she gave him a quick peck on the forehead before looking at Vladimor and Derrick. "I'm worried for my friend." she confessed in an even more soft tone than usual- perhaps out of shame that she had to be concerned over somebody who was older than her. "If you... could tell me if you know what's caused his change in personality lately, I'd be grateful." She worded everything carefully: She had already embarrassed her friend once, and didn't want to do it again. Still, she was awfully curious and hopeful that they knew anything about why he's been so distant one second, and angry the next.​
Ella blushed slightly, feeling silly and useless as he asked her to contribute. Expected her to perhaps. She shook her head and lowered her gaze. "No, my Lord" she said quietly. A moments hesitation and she looked back up at him, thinking of the only other Lord she'd ever known. "What about one of those stretched cars or a helicopter? I mean if we're stealing vehicles anyway... We're going to Las Vegas, it's not like it'd look out of place..." she trailed off, the tips of her ears burning. She should have kept her mouth shut. They were in charge, not her.

As Matthew addressed her and left, Ella took the opportunity to leave before Vladimor could shout at her, or worse, for forgetting her place. She hurried outside after him, since he seemed to want her to come with him. "I can pick locks... I've never stolen a vehicle before though, sir" she told him. It had mostly been breaking and entering, followed by worse.
When Cicero felt what felt like lips touch his forehead he looked up to see Tab taking to Vlad and with Matt know where in sight "Uhhh...Anyways wheres Matthew at and here Tab I want you to have this to my surprise it still works fine and I already add my number in it but now that only leads up to one more person I can give this phone too." He said looking at the other phone he had in his hand with his 'Who can I give this phone too Ogre boy and his friend are out of the picture Leon would must likely through it same with Hunter....that leaves Cryx,Naomi,Calvin,etc etc.' He thought with his mind trailing off "Wait are they stealing and we aren't because I don't think they know to steal cookies for me." He said while looking at where they left "don't forget about the cookies." He silently pleaded to himself before returning to his smiling self and planted himself on the floor and started playing some random game on his phone
Calvin listened to the whole conversation, not pitching much in as he pieced details in his mind. Naomi was quick to apologize for him.

"If he talks, his focus breaks and it's hard to get it back," she explained, watching some of the group leave to go gather stuff. She looked at Calvin, noted that he was still thinking, and stood herself, plopping back onto the couch from her original spot on the floor.

"Well, honeys, I'm gonna go on a quest of my own. I'll be back!" With that, Cryx rose to her feet and left the house.

She immediately took off into the forest, leaving the light around her be because of the noise she didn't bother to cover. When she emerged into the town, she disappeared into an alley for a moment. She walked right out, light bending around and hiding her. She would snatch random things that looked useful from peoples' pockets, and watch as quite a few fights started when someone thought that they had found the pickpocket. She barely restrained a chuckle as she walked silently on the sidewalk.

After walking for a bit, Matthew finally turned to face the girl. "Picking locks is good- we'll need to keep the windows undamaged. Just... follow my lead. Do you think you can do that?" Breathing in some of the cold morning air, he turned back around and continued to walk, not even seeing if she was following. If she turned back now, it was her choice: He couldn't have her freaking out in the middle of the robbery. The trip there was quiet- until Matt noticed Cryx rushing past them. "Hey, wait up!" he yelled since they were still in the middle of the forest. Grabbing Ella's hand, he chased after Cryx, hoping the she-devil of a girl would join in on his plan.

"Oh really? Thanks!" Tabitha found herself unable to contain her happiness at the small gift and for a few minutes she completely forgot her worries. Without really thinking about it, Tabby leaned in again, only this time to give the cat-boy a kiss directly on the lips. It only lasted a second before the girl pulled away from him again, but when she realized what she did her blush practically covered her whole face. "Was that my first kiss?" she thought, glancing at everyone in the room: It was nearly impossible for them to have missed that scene. Without another word, the girl turned and fled upstairs, where she was sure there were no other people. "Stupid, stupid, stupid Tabby!" she scolded herself. She wasn't sure what had gotten into her- it just... happened!

Ooc: Tabitha x Cicero forever?​
Cicero faced turn red while he followed Tab's gaze at everyone in the room he smiled and waved then ran up the stairs after Tab when he got up he couldn't help but laugh a little while he pulled Tab into a hug "I didn't get to thank you for the kiss so thanks." He said while he planted a small kiss of her forehead and smiled "I guess Matthew and Ella beat us to stealing stuff but want to go anyways it could be fun." He offered while he put his hat on he got from his pocket and put his hand back into his pocket and ran his hand on the hilt of his knife seeing if he still had it encase they need to fight anyone
"I can do that, sir" Ella nodded with a smile. Following the lead of others was what she was good at. Her eyes widened as he grabbed her hand and she ran with him, not entirely sure what was going on. He was in control though, and that was what mattered. She liked the way he was with her, even if he wasn't actually controlling her. He was firm. Direct. He seemed to know what he wanted and how to do it. It made Ella feel a lot more comfortable. She smiled as they ran. She was in very good shape and kept up easily with him, after all, she had been a weapon.
Cryx slid to a stop, turning to face Matt.

"Need somethin', hun? It'll be a bit hard for ya to join with me, since I have a whole different kind of stealth." She smiled at him, crossing her arms. "But, since you decided to chase after me, maybe I will help you. Maybe." Her smile became a grin. "Maybe we could have a competition. You and Ella against me, to see who gets the most!"

A rustling and a firm, official-sounding "Who's there?!" sounded out, and Cryx turned towards the sound.

"Back to the cabin, now," she whisper-hissed, stepping into a patch of light and warping it so she was completely hidden. She slid her shortsword from its sheathe, ready to kill the man should need be.
Vladimor was about to claim that Ella's idea wasn't all to bad, and maybe even see if they could use a part bus- That is until she left. He was going to respond to Tabitha. She was already doing something else. Derrick had already brought stuff for himself, so he didn't particularly need to pack. The unfitting of the title, 'royal' went over to the table where he had put his shirts, putting them both on, and all his piercings. While his hair was still damp, he decided to put it into one big braid so it wouldn't have the appearance of being wet still. He takes glace at Derrick, who'd seem just to sit there idly, a dismal look on his face. Vladimor wasn't good with anyone's feeling. That's why he had trouble, so he found it best to leave him alone. He guessed he could go sit outside for a while everyone was still about, getting ready for everything. So he did. Though for some reason, as he sat down looking at the soft snow, he couldn't help but to feel anxious. In all truth, he wanted to go back home, but that was so far away. The cold air began to create crystalline structures in his still wet hair, adding a soft white to his hair, making for a nice effect. Vladimor didn't think there was anything he should be doing at the moment and just huffs. Useless as always.


Matthew didn't know how long he ran for, all he knew was that he tightened his grip on Ella's hand and started to run. He didn't say a word to her: The official-sounding voice said it all. Luckily, there were no actually paths so the man couldn't just run directly at them. It did slow Matt down slightly however, but hopefully the man would think they were just deer. A while past, and he could still hear the man's footsteps. If they headed to the cabin now, would they be found out? "Go inside!" he ordered quietly to Ella, pointing a finger towards the direction of the cabin. He was sure Cryx could take care of one, but if there were others he'd need to lead them away from here.

Tabitha closed her eyes when he hugged and kissed her. Even if it was brief, the moment was precious to her. She wouldn't be distracted that easily however. "Sure, we can go-" In the distance, she could hear an unfamiliar man's voice. As if on instinct, she ran down to the living room, so quickly she didn't even notice she had walked down the stairs. "Somebody's in the woods!" she hissed toward the others, but her eyes were mostly focused on Vladimor. The boy looked so focused- was he okay? A very small piece of her wanted to know, but the rest of her was concentrated on the sound of four figures running, three of which she remembered to be Matt, Ella, and Cryx. "Don't get killed..." she warned them in her mind, even if she knew they couldn't hear her. None of them were mind-readers after all.​
When Cicero heard that he grabbed two of his sharpness knifes out of his pockets and opened the door slightly to try and find someone he used his cat eyes but eventually gave up "Tab where are they can you point me in a direction of where you heard there voice." He called down closing the door and locking it not knowing if it would help but he still held his guard up ready to attack and any moment he was to concentrated on the door he didn't even notice when he tail got out of his jacket or when his ears some how managed to lose his hat off of his head he was all to ready to attack anyone that was outside if they decide to come inside the cabin his plan was simple to him stab the guy until he stopped moving quick and easy he kept telling himself sadly to him this wasn't the first time he killed someone he actually killed someone older then him and much taller he remembered tasting blood in his mouth and his bloody knife and hands like it was yesterday but he didn't want to relive that day encase he looses himself again and started killing everyone he would have to run in the woods until he stops having his insane thought hes got from killing someone he only had it once and he went crazy killing his whole group he was traveling with and he doesn't plan on doing that again

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