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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ella took what had been a joke, quite seriously. "Okay, sir" she said. She shook his hand, although it felt weird. She considered joining him but decided against it and stood there awkwardly instead ."Are you okay, sir? It's pretty early..." Ella said
Naomi, despite the earliness, felt like she was ready to confront humanity again. It had taken a lot of thinking and sleep, but she felt a lot better. She heard the other people moving about in different places in the house.

Except, she was grounded. With a sigh, she turned onto her side and willed sleep to speed time up, but it didn't. Huffing in annoyance, Naomi sat up on her bed, leaning against the wall and pulling the covers up around her. "I hate this.." she grumbled, but was happy when she felt Calvin's energy in a single place, with no movement besides the occasional spark of kinetic energy. She smiled; he actually fell asleep, and it was about time. He'd been up all night for the past two or three days, and he really deserved the sleep.

Thinking of Calvin brought her to the mess she'd made the other day, and with an embarrassed grumble she flopped onto her side.

"There's nothing to do!" she groaned unhappily.

Cryx was awoken because of noise. Again. Sighing in self-pity, she gave up getting a full night of sleep and rolled out of bed, switching out of her pajamas and into some clothes, and brushing her hair, and all that fancy stuff. She headed upstairs after wards, pausing to say hi to Naomi on her way out. When she was up there, she didn't try talking to anyone, feeling a tad unwelcome; she sat in one of the kitchen chairs, a random book somehow having found its way to her hands, and read, blocking out the noise of the house with ease.

Tabitha took a step back instinctively, frightened by the male whom a second ago Tabitha could've sworn looked different. He was awake, but started to talk in third person- was this really the guy Tabby had just seen? "H-hello, nice to meet you..." she said slowly in her friendliest voice, though as she spoke she was looking over at Shuzo. It seemed that she wasn't the only one confused: Shuzo looked like he was about to faint!

Matthew didn't know what to say to Vladimor at first. He had been certain the boy would just ignore him for the evening. He wanted to talk to Vlad, but now that he had the chance he didn't know what to say. He didn't need to know however, because the first thing Vladmor said to him was a question. "Are you talking about before or after you returned?" Matt inquired, showing off his own smirk and giving off an aura of confidence he didn't actually have. "I was in bed when you ran off- I think the scientist or Tabby might've put me there... I just remember falling before that." He wasn't sure if Tabitha already told him, but he didn't want Vlad to know he injured himself over the boy. "If you mean after that... I was drunk, so I decided to go to bed." Now he wasn't just stretching the truth but lying. "He didn't smell my breath right?" he secretly wondered, hoping he wouldn't be called out on his lie. Still, he couldn't show his nervousness on his face. To counter this feeling of doom, Matt smiled and answered the girl. Her name was Ella, right? "What do you mean?" he asked, faking amusement, which was an emotion he clearly didn't experience often.​
When Matthew smirks back, he finds hope in their conversation. Vladimor The boy raises a brow at the other. "You drink?" He laughs, shaking his head. "Gross." He jokes as he rolled his eyes, scooting up onto the couch. His body stopped producing as much heat as when he was excessively stressed and he decided to take one of his shirts that were folded on the table and puts it back on. "Also is that what that noise was before I tried to leave? You falling?" By accident, he snickers at the thought.


Ooc: Just a reminder- Matthew forgot to put on a shirt.


Bic: Despite remaining extremely nervous, Matthew found that when the boy sat next to him he could at least fake his confidence. He leaned back against the couch, realizing suddenly how insanely tall Vladimor looked right now, especially with Matt leaning back. Calvin had accidentally laid on top of him earlier, but Vladimor could've been doing that right now and it wouldn't have made a difference. After all, the other boy was practically hovering over Matt. "I don't drink often, but you shouldn't be around me when I do." Matthew warned, but he didn't actually give a reason why to avoid him when he was drunk. That was because he didn't want to give this guy anymore ideas than he already could come up with. For a little while, this all seemed somewhat pleasant, but eventually he had to ask. "How did they convince you to come back?" It was a good question, and Matt needed to know, if only to save some portion of his ever-dwindling sanity.​
With a click of his tongue, Vladimor thinks back to what happened only a few hours ago. "Well," he starts, holding out a finger. "After getting yelled at by Tabitha, " he begins counting off with his fingers, "Getting pulled a knife on by Cicero, and harassed by Calvin to top it off, I guess you guys were sooo fuckin' set on havin' me stay so you wouldn't be responsible for whatever happened to me out there. I would have left regardless, but I do owe you and Calvin one for lettin' me stay in the first place. Now I'm you guy's pet, basically." He leans over resting his elbows on his knees as he looks at the floor, then back up to Matthew.

"Tabitha yelled? What did she say?" Matthew was both shocked by the girl, and angry at her. Didn't she know how dangerous that could've been for her?! That wasn't even the only reason he was angry: She didn't tell him anything, did she? Despite her innocent face, Tabitha was a good manipulator and liar, but already he could think of a few things she didn't need to take out of context to make them look bad. He felt anxious and self-conscious all of a sudden, but after a few minutes any stressed look on his face disappeared. "You are a pet, so don't even think about biting the leash." Matt warned him, a small insecure but happy smile forming on his face. It was a joke, but he half-expected the other boy to backhand him.

Vladimor shrugs. "Nothing of too much importance I guess. It was a really quick scene." He begins running his fingers through his hair again, making sure his hard work from earlier wasn't ruined. When Matthew decided to make such a remark, Vladimor snarled with barred teeth. "I don't bite the leash, Matthew." He said surprisingly calm, a devious glint in his eyes and he grins. "I bite the owner." Vladimor slides his tongue over his top set of teeth in such a feral, predatory way, not once taking his eyes off the other kid.

Ella had fallen silent as she watched Vladimor and Matthew, slightly in awe. They were both so dominant and commanding and in a very different way to the scientists, she was realising. She should have felt uncomfortable in the room with them like this, but she didn't in the slightest. Not wanting to interrupt them but wanting to stay, Ella knelt on the floor, a little way in front of them and just watched. Unaware that her behaviour was more than a little weird.
Matthew's relief was brief. As glad as he was Vladimor didn't seem to know why he had these bruises, he still felt shaken by Vladimor's presence, and this feeling only escalated to flat-out panic when he saw how Vlad responded to his joke. Why hadn't he just kept his mouth shut?! At first all Matt did was stare back at the boy, utterly shocked by his switch in personality. It was just like when they first met a day or so ago: Vlad had acted so kind at first, but when Matt started to tease him the boy took it one step further. It was that one step that he always felt so unwilling to take. "I'm just the dog-sitter." he finally retorted, moving a little more toward the other end of the couch without noticing that Ella was now sitting in front of them. It wasn't much, but right now Matt appreciated whatever distance he could have between himself and this guy. Matt didn't remove his eyes from Vlad however. He knew that if he did, he'd lose the game. No rules or even game was ever mentioned, but it was obvious one was being played here- and there was definitely a prize for the winner somewhere within it.

Cicero became tired of looking around the kitchen and at the guy who went insane "Ok well see ya guys...I sadly have to go and find my knife Calvin threw but before that..." He trailed off while he ran into Leon's room and picked up his knife "Thank you guys for not throwing it way." He said to himself while running back upstairs "I got myself a new knife see." He said showing everyone not knowing who he was impressing he just likes to show off his knifes for some reason "Well bye tell me if you see my knife if your ever walking in the woods." He told them while walking out of the cabin and started searching for his knife he even got the smart idea that it some how landed in a tree so he checked up there resulting in him falling from the tree "Owww...."He muttered while getting up
In only seconds, the switch becomes pronounced once again once he notices Matthew's discomfort. He smiles docilely as he sticks his tongue out at him, feigning a dog's bark. Soon he takes notice to the girl sitting and watching them. He is slightly surprised, and he waves. "Heya, I don't think I've seen you around." He says, raising a brow at her, straightening his posture a little as he greets her.


When the boy's attention was turned, Matthew quickly sat up and strode over to the kitchen. He'd be back, but he needed to... well, he didn't know what he needed to do! He needed to do something though. When he was sure he was out of Vlad and Ella's field of vision, he ran both his hands through his hair, which desperately needed to be cut. Matt couldn't stand being here, not because of Vlad, but because he hated not doing anything! ...Except tease Vlad. He seemed to be doing that quite well, even if he didn't even start doing it on purpose. Suggestive and rude remarks were included in the way Matt spoke, but Vladimor always seemed to take whatever he said and put an intense spin on it. It confused Matthew, because it almost seemed like he was flirting more than teasing, but then he laughed or smiled, taking away the seriousness that Matt felt in the moment. It was most likely one-sided... but what was "it?" Whatever "it" was, "it" was the reason Matthew couldn't sleep at night.

Walking back outside, Matt sat back down on the couch with a seemingly restored confidence. "So Ella, do you know anyone else here?" he asked in a pleasant voice, but while he did so he handed Vladimor a small slip of paper quickly. All it said was "Let's talk later." Matthew knew there were more dire things going on, but he needed to address at least some of the things that have involved the two of them recently. He wouldn't mention the dream though. There were so many more important things right now than... that!​
Ella blinked, coming back to some semblance of reality now that she was required to participate in it again. She shook her head once she had processed his question. "Not really, sir. I spoke briefly to a couple of people yesterday but..." she shrugged. There'd been no connection, no proper interaction. A crying boy who went back to sleep and a girl who had wanted to play a game, but Ella hadn't really understood what she meant by that. "I guess I only really know you" Ella smiled slightly, she felt like she knew him best despite having barely spoken to him and their first interaction being cut very short by his order.
Naomi eventually decided that, since Calvin was asleep, she'd be fine. She brushed her hair again, having already gone about her morning routine, and made her way upstairs, not abandoning her fuzzy, comfortable pajamas. She looked at Ella when she arrived in the living room and immediately knew somewhat of how the woman felt; she could tell how lost she was.

"So many new people!" she said with a happy grin, rushing over and sitting in front of Ella. "You seem like the nicer of any of them. What's your name? I'm Naomi. And I'm sorry that everyone here is such a grump, they can't figure out how to have fun for once." The girl was beaming with the chance of making a new friend. Cal was fun and all, but he didn't partake in any of her games. Maybe Ella would.
Ella looked at the whirlwind that was Naomi with wide eyes, she'd never really come across energetic people like her. "My name's Ella... I don't think anyone is being a grump though" Ella said, everyone either seemed too happy, too sad or vaguely normal like the alpha males on the couch. Although even they acted differently to the scientists. She managed a small smile for the girl, feeling awkward again, she looked up at Matthew and Vladimor in the hope of some direction as to ho she was meant to act.

When Ella was distracted, he read the small piece a paper. He smiles with a raised brow, taking a glance over at Matthew. Pushing a thick strand of his hair behind his pierced ears. Talk later? What could they possibly have to talk about? As he crumbles the paper, he can't help but to chuckle. It had almost felt like the first time he went to a public(private, though not homeschool, like he was used to) and he'd passed notes to the girl he'd like. (Man, and Vladimor wish that was Matthew. He and that girl had some fun times together.

He then glances at Naomi, yet another face he hadn't seen. 'Geez, how many people can fit in this house?' He wondered as the said girl began talking to the other girl.​

"Your idea of 'fun' isn't very entertaining, devil-child." Matthew commented, leaning forward as he got more interested in the discussion- only to notice he still hadn't put a shirt on. He didn't care how inappropriate her mind was: The girl was still twelve and should NOT be seeing Matt's chest. (Which btw, isn't too bad for a short guy's. ;P ) "I'll be back." he mumbled, walking upstairs to put something on, though within his thoughts he was trying to remember what clothes he had left. Either he'd need to find a place to wash his clothes, or he'd need to buy new ones soon. Now that he thought about it, the only clothes he had were pretty torn up, but maybe that was because he stole them off of his druggy "friends".

Ooc: Is Calvin in his room or did he pass out in Matt's? >_> Just making sure...​
"Devil child?" he questions, looking over at the girl who seemed a lot younger than the rest. "What does he mean by that?" He asks with a curious look as he walks over to the girls, wanting to get acquainted with them. (In a non-pedophilic sounding way...)


Ooc: K, just making sure.


Bic: Matthew eventually walked back downstairs, rocking a flimsy t-shirt that said "I hate everybody!" in bold red colours. The boy didn't seem to understand why this was funny however, maybe because he never took the time to read the logos of things he didn't think were important. During the time Matt had been gone, it seemed that Vlad had sat closer to the girls, talking to them like they all were part of some stupid fan club- the survival fan club? It sounded like the sort of thing Matt would consider joining. Sitting down next to them with his legs crossed, Matt simply waited to hear what they were talking about. He'd be fine with any sort of mindless chatter, as long as it distracted him enough from the fact he'd be traveling with them soon- not that anyone except him knew that.​
Cicero gave up on finding the knife for tonight anyways "Dang it why knife no appear?" He asked himself confused on were the knife was he walked back to the cabin before deciding to lay down on the ground outside and unzip his jacket "Why did I even have this zipped." He told himself while looking at the sky 'boredom sucks.' He thought to himself while whistling for some reason bored out of his mind he took his new out of his pocket and looked at it the actual blade itself was black while the hilt of it was black with white globs on it like someone just threw pain at it "looks so cool and I don't regret stealing...not like I ever had to begin with." He said glancing at his wrist to see that watch Tab gave him and smiled
"They're all grumps. Especially Cal, he's always 'grr-ing' at everyone. Then there's Matt-" as she spoke, Matt happened to be returning-- "who's just mean, but you two seem nice!" Her gaze flickered to Matt with a mischievous grin; she had timed her response to when he would return, after all.

She looked up at Vlad when he asked why Matt called her the devil-child.
"Because I'm Satan," she replied seriously as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

Calvin woke up, looking at his clock.
7:00.. Hm. Long enough, I guess. He moved about, getting dressed and pulling his hair back into its usual ponytail, and slipped his glasses on, watching in the mirror as his once acid-green eyes became brown again.

With a resigned sigh that came from the fact that Naomi had left her room, Calvin wandered into the living room.

"Do you want to tell me why you've left your room, child?" he asked grouchily, but he knew the answer. Naomi couldn't stand boredom, it reminded her too much of the dullness in the lab. That was the only reason he would let it go.

And, from his voice, it would seem Naomi's description of the scientist was correct; he
was a grump.
Ella was glad that she seemed nice but she disagreed with Naomi about Matthew. She shook her head in order to express that and looked back up at Matthew with a smile. Her gaze returned to Naomi as puzzlement crossed her expression. "I thought Satan was a myth perpetuated by religion to boost church attendance" Ella said, repeating something she's overheard a scientist say once.

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